Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1390: Nothing in the demon world

A group of demons trembled, carrying the black python together, breaking through the air and leaving the demon realm.

This group of guys were almost scared, and they came over arrogantly, but didn't expect that Mu Qing was not afraid of their demon world at all, and directly nearly killed the demon dragon supreme!

Mu Qing's eyes were cold, watching the group of monsters leave, then he flashed and appeared next to Tu Lao's soul.

Xinrui and Emperor Xingfeng had already helped Tu Lao to stabilize his spirit state in advance.

"Fortunately, the situation is not too bad, Tu Lao's spirit state is basically stable, and it will only take a while to recover."

Xinrui checked carefully and breathed a sigh of relief.

Mu Qing frowned, and then condensed a mass of indestructible power into the soul of Tu Lao.

The indestructible power of the supreme powerhouse has a restoring effect on the soul.

"Afterwards, using some immortal treasures, it should be able to speed up the recovery speed."

Mu Qing whispered, he brought back many immortal treasures from the mountain of immortality, which also contained a large amount of immortal power, which had a significant effect on the recovery of the soul.

Looking back at the moon that had been messed up by the battle, he shook his head helplessly.

Mu Qing had already tried his best to restrain his strength, and took the initiative to defeat his energy aftermath.

But it still caused some impact!

Mu Qing finally understood why the instinctive consciousness of the universe would aim at the Supreme, creating a nine-way shackle, and even have a murderous intent on the Supreme Tenth Heaven.

Such a strong man fights in the universe, but it will really threaten the universe.

"Unfortunately, Hunyuan Realm has not recovered yet."

Mu Qing frowned slightly. Judging from his control of the Hunyuan Realm, it would take about a month before the Hunyuan Realm's damage could heal.

At that time, Mu Qing would be able to use the power of the Hunyuan World again.

Of course, it is said to use the power of the Hunyuan Realm, but in fact, it is not very helpful.

The only useful ability is to create a temporary dimensional space during the battle to envelop your opponent and yourself!

In this way, you don't need to worry about the safety of Demon Realm and other people, you can let go of your hands and feet to fight.

That dimensional space is just like outside the world, and the Supreme Fight will not cause much impact.

Unless it is a powerful person like the Supreme Nine Heavens or even Ten Heavens, then it's another matter.

"But the power of Chaos Origin... why hasn't it been restored?"

Mu Qing frowned more and more, the starry singularity in his mind was trembling, communicating with the entire Hunyuan realm.

He knew everything about Hunyuan World!

However, the Chaos Origin Power of the Hunyuan World has never been restored.

Originally, Mu Qing relied on the authority of the Primordial Realm to steal some of the power of the Primordial Chaos from the universe to use, but now it is completely impossible!

"Is it because the universe discovered that the Primordial Realm was completely controlled by me? So it took away the power of the chaos origin?"

Mu Qing guessed.

Or is it to perceive that the Supreme Tenth Heavenly Power has returned from the multiverse, intending to take back the power of the chaotic origin and target those supreme powers?

Mu Qing rubbed his head with a headache. It seems that the instinct consciousness of the universe is also an enemy!

If he does not become strong and maintains this state, then the cosmic instinct may not be directed against him, because there is no threat.

It makes sense for the universe instinct to lay down nine shackles for all supreme.

As long as the nine chains are not completely opened, there is no threat to the universe!

But once it reaches the Supreme Nine Heavens and breaks the last yoke, the cosmic instinct will definitely be able to detect it and prepare the means to target it.

However, Mu Qing's opponent was a supreme powerhouse like the evil god.

What's more, he seems to have offended even the Demon Realm now. If he doesn't become stronger, he won't be able to save his life!

"You can only go one step at a time!"

Mu Qing sighed.

He ordered Luo Dao and others to repair the damage on the moon, and then return to his practice place.

I'm afraid there will be news about the Demon Realm's affairs in a short period of time, and what kind of attitude Demon Yan Supreme will be able to know at that time.

Three days later, the moon, the place of practice.

"Sure enough, it still doesn't work?"

Mu Qing was pale blond, wrapped in pale golden arrogance, touching his chin and groaning.

He is trying to control other worlds!

In the ten realms of the universe, there are two realms closest to the Hunyuan realm.

One is Xufeng Realm, and the other is Tianchen Realm.

Mu Qing's current air luck is completely sufficient, and his destiny form has reached the third stage.

Of course, even Mu Qing himself didn't know how many orders the destiny form had.

Perhaps as long as the force of luck is enough, the form of destiny can be continuously improved!

It stands to reason that with Mu Qing's current third-order destiny's power of luck, it is more than enough to control a realm again.

Mu Qing even guessed that when he controls all realms of the universe, then the entire universe will be controlled by him, and he also needs to worry about the cosmic instincts.

However, after Mu Qing tried, he found that controlling the second realm was not as simple as he thought.

He tried to cover the entire Void Wind Realm with the power of Qi Luck, but there was no movement and he couldn't control this realm.

Originally, Mu Qing thought it was something special in the Void Wind Realm, so he changed the Tianchen Realm and tried again, but the result was the same!

This shows that if you want to control a realm again, you can't do it with enough luck.

"Is it possible that I have to occupy the Tianchen Realm before I can control it?"

The corner of Mu Qing's mouth twitched slightly.

Now the Tianchen Realm is a realm of the Holy Kingdom, even if he goes to **** it, it won't be long before he will be snatched back by the evil gods.

In the end, Mu Qing could only give up.

"Mu Qing! There is news!"

At this time, Emperor Xingfeng came across the sky and found Mu Qing.

Only Tu Lao, Xin Rui, and Xingfeng Great Emperor could enter and leave Mu Qing's training place at will.

"The news from the demon world?"

Mu Qing's expression suddenly became solemn, he almost killed the Supreme of the Demon Realm, it is possible that the Supreme Demon Yan himself came to ask for an explanation!

The Great Emperor Xingfeng shook his head when he heard this.

"It's not about the Demon Realm. For some reason, the Demon Realm doesn't seem to care about it at all. There is no movement."

"The news I'm talking about is about the Holy Nine and Holy Eight that you let us pay attention to."

The Great Emperor Star Phoenix paused and continued: "As you think, after Saint Eighth and Saint Nine fall, the Saint Kingdom has sent many people to the Void Wind Realm to investigate the matter, but the evil **** has never been there. Using the cosmic crystals to once again create the Supreme Powerful to fill the vacancy of the Ten Saints."

"Sure enough!"

Mu Qing's eyes flickered, just as he had guessed!

There are limits to the crystallization of the universe. Of course, the specific limits are unclear.

However, it is almost certain that after the cosmic crystallization has created the ten saints, it will no longer be possible to create the supreme powerhouse.

Said to be the ten saints, but now there are only seven!

"Lord of the domain, see you from the demon world!"

At this time, outside the place of cultivation, Luo Daozhong was a little anxious, and came with a piece of news. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1390 Nothing at Demon World), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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