Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1393: Yaoyan Supreme shot

"Where are the others in your demon world?"

Mu Qing was a little surprised and looked at the demon lord.

Right now, there is only one Demon Lord, and none of the other Demon Realm powerhouses.

The demon master smiled and said: "The Demon Dao army of the Demon Realm will attack the Tianchen Realm when the time is right, and we naturally don't need to be on the frontal battlefield."

"Our task is to beheaded. Just kill the Holy Seven, Holy Eight, and Holy Nine of the Tianchen Realm first!"

The demon master told Mu Qing and others that it was not time for real action.

You have to wait until the moment when the Demon Dao army strikes, that time is the time to actually do it.

"This enchantment was arranged by the Demon Ancestor. No one will notice our existence. We need to wait patiently. When my Demon Dao army makes a surprise attack, we will go to the Heaven Realm as fast as possible!

The devil said solemnly.

He was originally under the command of the evil god, but after the return of the demon ancestor, he even went to the holy realm to take him back.

Now that he turned his head back to deal with the Tianchen Realm under the evil god's command, he did not show any mercy.

Hearing the words of the demon lord, Mu Qing nodded.

With the barrier specially set by this Demon Ancestor, their aura would not be noticed at all.

Although Mu Qing's destiny form can guarantee that he will not be discovered, since the Demon World has made preparations, he does not need to make another move.

Everyone waited in this enchantment. In fact, they didn't wait long. On the third day, the eyes of the demon lord flashed with brilliance.

"The action has begun!"

"let's go!"

The demon master took out a small knife, about the size of a palm, but it was engraved with dense texture, exuding a strong devilish energy.

"This is the magic weapon given to me by the Demon Ancestor. As long as you use this magic weapon, you can use the power of this enchantment to instantly teleport me to the center of the Tianchen Realm."

"Assassinate those three Ten Saints directly from the inside!"

The killing intent in the eyes of the demon lord was fleeting.

He held the magic knife in one hand and slashed it directly in the palm of the other hand. The blood poured into the knife as if being sucked away, and the blood instantly filled the dense texture.

Immediately afterwards, the magic weapon knife trembled, a force of power instantly absorbed the entire enchantment, and at the same time a magic light shrouded everyone.

Mu Qing, King Primal Chaos and Supreme Slaughter looked at each other, then put them down and let the magic light cover themselves.

They realized that these magic lights were not lethal, they were only used for spatial transmission.

However, at this moment, a great avenue that opened to the sky appeared far away from the boundary!

The terrifying demon spirit suddenly fell, suppressing Mu Qing and others.

The devil's face was terrified, he found that the magic knife in his hand was trembling crazily, and cracks appeared.


The four people present coughed up blood one after another, and were unable to move because of the horrifying secular demons suppressed.

They looked over there, and saw that the road was burning with turquoise demon fire, which was extremely turbulent.

I don't know how high it is!

I don't know how big it is!

"The demon flame supreme... the avenue?!"

The demon's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe it.

Conquering the Tianchen realm is not a big deal for the demon, demons, and holy realms.

Although the Demon Realm had long guessed that someone from the Demon Realm would make trouble at that time, at most it was just to disgust them, and the plan would not cause much problem.

But now, the demon master did not expect that the supreme powerhouse in the demon world, the demon flame supreme, would actually do it himself!

The opponent is obviously far away in the demon world, but he crosses the boundary to release the avenue and suppress them!

Mu Qing and others were also shocked.

"Is this the supreme power of the Supreme Tenth Heaven?"

Mu Qing whispered in a low voice, he suddenly exploded, his body covered with pale golden arrogance, but it was still difficult to resist this terrifying and astonishing demon.

He looked at the Demon Fire Avenue without any shackles. Not only did he break through the Nine Heavens, he could even extend infinitely. The pressure that escaped made everyone horrified!

At this moment, the demon master finally understood why the demon ancestor would let him win and hire Mu Qing and others with the reward of a top-notch divine stone ore vein.

Perhaps the Demon Ancestor would have guessed that Yaoyan Supreme would make a move!

"Are you trying to be an enemy of my demon world?"

At this time, another infinitely long avenue appeared outside the boundary, and the gloomy demonic energy swept away like a gust of wind and rain.

Immediately afterwards, countless bones and skeletons crawled out of the avenue, wailing harshly and howling terribly.

This is the avenue of the demon ancestor!

Devil Bone Avenue!

Along with the deep voice of the Demon Ancestor, a skeleton appeared.

The huge skeletal phantom is as huge as a avenue, holding a bone knife, and slashing fiercely towards the distant demon fire avenue.

Demon Bone Heavenly Lord!

This is the well-known magical power of Mozu.

At the same time, the demon spirit on the demon fire avenue was spreading around like a vast ocean, and a dragon roared out along with the sound of dragon chants.

With the demon ancestor attacking the Demon Flame Supreme, the pressure on Mu Qing and others plummeted, and freedom was restored.

Mu Qing looked at Yaohuo Avenue, somewhat curious.

The body of Yaoyan Supreme is a dragon?

But soon, one after another giant dragons rushed out of the Demon Fire Avenue, a total of nine!

Mu Qing's pupils shrank slightly, and the body of this Monster Flame Supreme was a little weird!

It's a nine-headed dragon!

A huge body, with nine ferocious dragon heads, a pair of big wings are born on the back, and endless flames are burning among the wings!

The nine-headed dragon spewed a terrifying demon fire against the devil bone Tianzun.

"Now, let's withdraw!"

The demon master suddenly gave a low cry, stimulating the power of the magic knife.

Suddenly, a magic light enveloped everyone, tearing apart the space, and teleporting away.

After all, this is the handwriting of the demon ancestor, carrying the four supreme to cross-border transmission, and it will not produce any aura.

But at this moment!

A head of the nine-headed dragon species suddenly turned his head and let out a hideous laugh.

"How could I make you wishful!"


This dragon head sprayed a demon light, traversing it, and directly penetrated the magic knife in the hand of the demon master.

At the same time, the demon light exploded and enveloped everyone present.

Turns out to be the power of space teleportation!

The expressions of Mu Qing, King Primal Chaos and others were shocked. This Demon Yan Supreme was obviously unkind. If he asked the other party to send them to some other place, would it be worth it?

However, it is clear that the powerhouses of the Supreme Ten Heavens are not something that Mu Qing can contend with. They can only watch as they are swallowed by the cyan demon light, and are sent away one by one.

"Where did you teleport them to?"

Devil Bone Tianzun's bone knife severely slashed on the nine-headed dragon, and the devil ancestor was questioning!


It can be seen that a huge gap appeared on the body of the nine-headed dragon.

But Yaoyan Supreme didn't seem to care at all, and the gap in his body recovered in a blink of an eye.

The abnormal physique of the monster race is vividly reflected in him!

"Hahaha! Who knows!" All the nine dragon heads of Yaoyan Supreme raised up and laughed loudly, "As long as I can disgust you, I will feel at ease!" The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Domination txt download address: The starry sky dominates mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, You can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1393 Demon Yan Zhizun shot), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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