Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1394: Weird desert

"here it is?"

After being teleported away by the power of Yaoyan Supreme, Mu Qing suddenly found him in a starry sky.

Mu Qing frowned.

According to the original plan, they should be teleported to the Tianchen Realm, but now, it is still unknown which realm he is in.

But what is certain is that this world is not the Tianchen world!

Even Mu Qing felt a sense of depression from all around.

"The King of Chaos and the Supreme Slaughter are gone. Have they been teleported to other places?"

Mu Qing frowned.

Although he released these powerhouses from Domination Road, in fact, apart from Jianxin Supreme, the others had no intention of repaying Mu Qing at all.

Mu Qing can be sure that Yaoyan Supreme is unpredictable and will never send them to a safe place for no reason!

There must be danger here!

Afterwards, Mu Qing looked around and finally found a star.

"I'm in the demon world?"

Mu Qing frowned suddenly.

When he discovered this planet, he entered directly, but as soon as he entered this planet, he saw the endless desert.

At the same time, a strong demonic air rushed towards his face.

When he felt this evil spirit, Mu Qing suddenly understood what this place was.

Demon world!

Mu Qing entered the third-order destiny form, his aura was completely hidden, and he planned to inquire about the situation first.

If it is really the demon world, it would be difficult to handle!

It didn't take long for the Demon Realm to be established, but in fact, with the supreme powerhouse, the Demon Flame Supreme, it was simply too easy to transform the Demon Realm.

There are also supreme powerhouses under the demon flame supreme, and since the beginning of the establishment of the demon world, the demon race of the entire universe has returned, and the cohesion is amazing.

However, as soon as Mu Qing landed, three predators suddenly rushed out of the sand on the soles of his feet!

These three predators are extremely ferocious, yellow-brown, with extremely sharp fangs, opening their blood basins and gnawing towards Mu Qing.

It doesn't seem to have much wisdom, and his eyes are red, but he exudes an aura that is comparable to that of a semi-superior!

Mu Qing was also taken aback. He was still able to start these three big crocodiles in the form of fate, indicating that these three big crocodiles had very keen perception.

"court death!"

Of course, Mu Qing naturally couldn't be bluffed by these three half-supreme monster races, his face sank, and suddenly he let out a low cry.

He reached out with his big hand, the immortal dragon roared in his palm, and the majesty of the emperor was rolled out in an instant.

The immortal dragon derived from the immortal avenue is quite terrifying. This is a weapon for the successful transformation of the perfect avenue. It is displayed together with the seal of the Emperor of Heaven. Its power is amazing!


The three predatory crocodiles were directly squeezed by the seal of the Emperor of Heaven, screaming, and the flesh was spattered. Then the immortal dragon circled, opened its mouth, and swallowed it directly into the abdomen, and refined it with immortal power. Turn into nothingness!

Mu Qing took back the Avenue of Immortality, and there was no wave in the ancient well, as if nothing had happened.

If anyone sees this scene, I am afraid it will be shocked.

Existence at the level of Semi-Supreme, no matter where it is placed in the universe, is the supreme status.

Unfortunately, in front of Mu Qing, it was as fragile as paper.

Mu Qing continued to move forward. Needless to say, these monster races are definitely enemies.

He wanted to see if he could find one or two demon races and grab them to torture them about the specific situation.

At this moment, the planet vibrated, and a terrifying storm blew in.

This sandstorm immediately enveloped Mu Qing, accompanied by a series of terrifying demonic air, blowing on Mu Qing's body.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Mu Qing's body was cast with supreme tools, so naturally he would not be afraid. Those demon qi blew on Mu Qing's body, shooting out sparks, but Mu Qing himself didn't feel it at all.

"What the **** is this place?"

Mu Qing frowned again.

He always felt a little strange.

As soon as he landed on this planet, he encountered the three-headed demon race comparable to the semi-sovereign, and then encountered this sandstorm, with a series of monster attacks inside, which was also comparable to the semi-sovereign.

"Now in this world, half supreme is so common?"

Mu Qing was quite surprised.

Every semi-sovereign person is extremely likely to break through to the existence of the supreme powerhouse, why did this demon world meet it casually?

Or is this a trap that Yaoyan Supreme had already prepared?

Mu Qing maintained a high degree of vigilance.

He raised his hand and showed nothing, an invisible barrier appeared in front of him, instantly resisting all the demon attacks in front of him.

"The attack level of the sandstorm is rapidly increasing?!"

Mu Qing quickly realized something was wrong.

The demon attack contained in the sandstorm was originally at most comparable to a semi-prime level attack.

But now, these demon attacks are getting stronger and stronger, even reaching the level of the Supreme One Heaven!

Mu Qing felt a little bad, he had a hint of retreat, so he rose into the sky, planning to leave this star.

But at this time!


An immense force was crushed down, even if Mu Qing had reached the Supreme Double Heaven, he was coughed up blood by this demon power.


The invisible barrier formed by the sky shattered in an instant!

Mu Qing was suppressed and returned to the ground.


Mu Qing vomited the blood in his mouth, wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked up.

The sandstorm has disappeared, and what he sees is still a desert!

"Sure enough, there is a problem!"

Mu Qing took a deep breath, his face heavy.

As soon as he entered this planet, he didn't notice anything unusual, but when he wanted to leave this planet, that terrifying demon power directly suppressed him, and beat him up and down.

Obviously, this is the trap of Yaoyan Supreme.

Fortunately, that force only shook Mu Qing away, without hurting Mu Qing.

"What the **** is this place?"

Mu Qing looked around, but after he discovered that this place had far surpassed his strength, he did not dare to step out at will.

"Look at what's on this planet first..."

Mu Qing whispered, then released his starry will.

The fluctuation of the will of the stars swept through, but soon encountered obstacles.

Logically speaking, with Mu Qing's volatility in the starry sky, the entire planet can be enveloped in an instant, even a star field composed of dozens of planets can be enveloped in an instant.

But soon, he found something wrong.

A force of Mourning was suppressing his power, including his own strength, being gradually suppressed!


Mu Qing frowned, the starry sky avenue directly skyrocketed behind him, and wisps of starry sky energy gathered around him.

Obviously, compared with the past, now he has gathered very little energy after launching Avenue of Stars.

Even the power of the Avenue of Stars has been restrained!


Suddenly, the sand beside Mu Qing shattered, and a yellow-brown crocodile culled over, but this time it brought Mu Qing a hint of crisis.

This big crocodile is more than 20 meters long, and its breath has reached the Supreme Double Heaven! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Collection\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1394 Weird Desert), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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