Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1395: Underworld Demon Realm

"Hey! Guy over there, come here!"

"That's a monster sand crocodile. The strength is very powerful. Even if there is no intelligence, the adult body still has the supreme strength!"

A hurried voice came from a distance.

Mu Qing cast the seal of the Emperor of Heaven, fisted the predator flying, looking towards the direction of the sound.

On the sandy soil in the distance, a thin man, leaning on a red flag with a slightly nervous expression, looked left and right.

"There are still people here?"

Mu Qing was surprised at the bottom of his heart, but the so-called monster sand crocodiles in the population directly culled them again in the next moment.


A fishy smell came, and the sand crocodile was extremely fast, like a flash of yellow light, fleeting.

Mu Qing's strength was suppressed in his eyes, and his reaction speed could not keep up with this sand crocodile, and he was directly bitten in the thigh.


A sharp pain struck, and the sharp suppression of the sand crocodile directly penetrated the body of Mu Qing's supreme weapon, and blood suddenly splashed out, as if he was about to bite his thigh!

"This guy's attack is extraordinary!"

Mu Qing was shocked in his heart. He punched the sand crocodile's head with a fist, but the result was a bang, sparks splashed all over, except for Mu Qing's fist hurting, the sand crocodile had nothing to do.

This is quite a weird thing. With Mu Qing's current strength, he punched it down, not to mention that a planet would explode!

However, this sand crocodile not only did nothing, but even canceled out the power on his fist.

It seemed that Mu Qing's punch didn't use any power.

"This monster clan's sand crocodile is naturally rough and thick!" The thin man in the distance stepped towards Mu Qing carrying the red flag.

After a few flashes, the other party had already come to Mu Qing's side, and at the same time gently shook the red flag in his hand.

The sand crocodile gnawed Mu Qing's thigh, and at the same time twisted his body, intending to turn around in the sand.

Death rolls!

However, the red flag came down with red light, but it was like a piece of huge weight, slamming on the head of the sand crocodile fiercely.


The sand crocodile roared, his head cracked, his eyes were almost bursting out, and he quickly let go of his mouth.

Mu Qing exploded directly, and a pale golden arrogance rose to the sky.

Although even his Avenue of Stars was suppressed here, in fact, the suppression of the form of destiny and the supernatural power of luck was not too great.

"Yin and Yang turn away!"

Mu Qing directly used the supernatural power of Qi Luck, the real dragon of Yin and Yang roared in an instant, strangling the sand crocodile of this monster race.

The thin man next to him was startled, his eyes flickered, and he took a few steps back.


The twenty-meter body of the sand crocodile is huge to Mu Qing, but in front of so many yin and yang true dragons, it looks extremely small.

But this sand crocodile is quite fierce. Relying on its thick skin and hard carrying the attack of the Yin-Yang true dragon, its claws ripped out and crushed a dozen true Yin-Yang dragons.

Then it was culled again, gnawing a real Yin-Yang dragon in one bite, quite fierce!

"I can't do it, I can't cure a supreme double heaven monster race!"

Mu Qing's eyes flickered fiercely, and he raised his hand and hit the sand crocodile's body.

The sand crocodile screamed and flew away.

The energy gathered in Mu Qing's palm and directly turned into a beam of light to blast towards the sand crocodile.

This time, the sand crocodile finally showed some obvious injuries, the tail was directly shattered, and the blood flowed like rain.

"It's terrible consumption!"

Mu Qing was surprised again, but found that when he was attacking, the energy in his body was consumed at an alarming level.

Even if he stops, the energy is still being consumed.

It seems that there is something in the world, absorbing his energy!

"This is the Nether Emperor Demon Realm! It is a huge secret created by the Nether Emperor Demon of the Demon Race. There is an invisible demon energy here, which will eat away the power of all creatures until it is completely dry. Divine soul, until the existence is erased!"

The thin man carrying the red flag on the side saw Mu Qing's expression and immediately understood what Mu Qing was surprised by, so he immediately returned to the road.

"Underworld Demon Realm?"

Mu Qing frowned slightly, he had never heard of such a place.

The Demon Flame Supreme created the Demon Realm in such a short period of time, did he make such things?

It is also said that this Underworld Demon Realm has always existed, but it was in a hidden state before, and the Demon Flame Supreme only activated it?

The thin man on the side explained again: "My name is the Scarlet Demon. I have been imprisoned by the Underworld Demon for an unknown number of years. I originally remembered the number of years, but after hundreds of thousands of years, I have completely forgotten how many years I have been here... "

"In the past universe, the monster race was powerful, and its ruler was the Emperor Demon. The title of the Emperor Demon was only the powerhouse of the Supreme Nine Heavens."

At this time, Mu Qing discovered that this guy named Red Demon still had some red scales on his body, but it was very hidden. If he didn't look carefully, he thought it was a human race.

"Underworld Demon?"

Mu Qing whispered, wondering who this guy is?

Another hidden powerhouse in the Yaozu?


At this time, the sand crocodile was once again wrapped up by the real dragons of Yin and Yang and strangling.

The terrifying power of yin and yang hit the sand crocodile, no matter how thick its skin is, it can't stand it!

Upon seeing this, Mu Qing cut the Immortal Dadao into a knife, and cut it straight down!


The power of the Immortal Knife is not covered, even with the powerful defensive power of the sand crocodile, it can easily penetrate and severely cut it into two!

The sand crocodile's carcass fell in half and fell on the ground.

At this time, Mu Qing put away the Avenue of Immortality, his face suddenly turned pale, and he panted quickly.

"What's the matter, the energy consumption in the body has suddenly increased?!"

The red demon on the side quickly explained: "This Underworld emperor demon world is full of invisible demon energy. The more intense the battle, the more energy will be consumed. Therefore, it is best to run away directly when encountering an enemy here, otherwise once you are entangled. If you are unlucky, you will even be consumed directly!"

"That's it."

Mu Qing nodded, his condition gradually improved. Although the Avenue of Stars was suppressed, as a perfect avenue, it could still communicate with all parts of the universe, drawing some energy and providing it to Mu Qing.

Although he couldn't use his supernatural powers unscrupulously like the previous battle, as long as Mu Qing restrained him, his energy would still not be too scarce.

The harsh environment of the Underworld Demon Realm was not too serious for Mu Qing.

Suddenly, Mu Qing realized a problem, looked at the red demon, and asked: "Since energy is consumed every moment here, why haven't you been consumed by that invisible demon energy?"

Before this red demon ran over, although it was only a short shot, Mu Qing could keenly feel that the opponent's strength should be around the Supreme Triple Heaven.

Coupled with what the other party said, I don't know how many years I have been here, so I changed to another person, and even the soul was eaten away.

The red demon chuckled lightly, pointed to the red banner he was carrying, and explained again: "This is my supreme weapon, which can turn all the demon powers for my own use. I hunt down some demon races and refine their corpses. Come to restore your strength."

"For so many years, I am the only one living in this Underworld Demon Realm, precisely because my supreme weapon is special!" Starry Sky Dominate the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: https :// Domination txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot. com/down/147180.htmlStars dominate mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1395) You can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support ! (

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