Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1401: Sand island


Mu Qing flashed directly and rushed to the distance.

He galloped at low altitude, as if a light golden beam of light flashed by.

Mu Qing didn't dare to fly high. Once he was attacked by the sandstorm, it would be difficult for him to escape from under the hands of this supreme quadruple sand crocodile.

"Damn it, this monster beast even pretends!"

Mu Qing gritted his teeth. He thought that these monsters were cruel and lacking intellect. Who knew that the supreme sand crocodile in the beginning was a disguise.

The opponent's true strength has reached the Supreme Four Heavens!

With the strength being controlled by the invisible demon, Mu Qing is not an opponent either.

The only solution now is to escape!

The Red Demon's escape method is also quite amazing, unexpectedly faster than Mu Qing's speed.

Fortunately, although the strength of that sand crocodile was great, but the speed was not very good, Mu Qing and the red demon quickly got out of the opponent's attack range.

After throwing away the sand crocodile of the supreme quadruple heaven, the red demon gave a wry smile and said: "This is a common thing. Although most of the monster races created by the underworld demon have no intelligence, it is inevitable that one will appear. Two finished products, these few monster races have a certain amount of intelligence and know the ability to disguise to carry out sneak attacks."

The Red Demon didn't make much fuss, obviously he had encountered this situation many times.

What made him bitter was that this time running away consumed a lot of his own demon power. During this period of time, Mu Qing killed the body of the demon beast and recovered some, but now it was all consumed all at once.

"In this Underworld Demon Realm, are there other demon races besides sand crocodiles?"

After it was almost safe, Mu Qing couldn't help but asked curiously.

The red demon pondered for a moment and replied, "It's not that it's not. The entire Underworld Demon Realm is not just a terrain like sand and desert. Of course, I have been here most of the time for so many years."

"In addition to sand crocodiles, there are desert scorpions and desert centipedes, and in addition to sandy deserts, there is also a sea of ​​monsters. There are various monster sea beasts in it, and their strength will be even more terrifying."

Mu Qing frowned, it seemed a bit difficult to find King of Chaos and Supreme Slaughter here.

Don't think that the Underworld Demon Realm was transformed from a planet, but in fact, the space inside was much larger than he had imagined.

The method of expanding the space, basically as long as the powerhouse above the **** emperor can.

Not to mention the supreme powerhouse above the extreme emperor, a huge space can be created with a wave of hands.


The two continued to move on the sandy desert. According to the proposal of the Red Demon, they should stay as far away from the area as possible.

"To be honest, I think that most of your two friends have suffered accidents. In this, even the supreme, as long as there is no special means, they can't survive."

"Unless like you..."

The Red Demon couldn't help but speak.

In his opinion, Mu Qing's idea of ​​looking for the Primordial Chaos King and Slaughter Supreme was a bit whimsical. The environment of the Underworld Demon Realm was so bad.

Had it not been for Mu Qing's special means, the previous battles would have exhausted his body's energy.

"You look down on them too much."

Mu Qing smiled and said nothing.

The King of Primal Chaos was also a powerful person in the Supreme Sixth Heaven, and it wouldn't be so easy to get into trouble.

Soon, the sky dimmed again.

Since meeting the sand crocodile of the supreme quadruple heaven, the two have never encountered other monster races.

The Crimson Demon took Mu Qing, and before the sky was completely dark, he found a settlement that the Crimson Demon had built.

Mu Qing was very stunned. It was difficult to use the power of the soul to perceive the surroundings in this sandy desert. The Red Demon was able to find the dwelling place he had previously built so accurately, it was indeed amazing.

He even wondered how many settlements the Red Demon had built in this sandy desert?

After a while, the Demon Realm of the Underworld Emperor was completely plunged into darkness.

The invisible demon qi became violent again, and Mu Qing in the darkness could keenly feel the tingling pain from his skin. The surrounding invisible demon qi was like fine needles, about to pierce his body.

In fact, it was relatively safe in this Scarlet Demon's residence.

The locations chosen by the Red Demon are generally rarely seen by monsters passing by. At the same time, don’t think the settlements built by the Red Demon are very simple. In fact, they seem to be built of special stones, which can resist the invisible violent violent to a certain extent. Demon.

Earlier, Mu Qing discovered that the stone house in this residential area was marked with a special pattern, which should be the handwriting of the Red Demon.

While taking advantage of the violent period of invisible monster energy, Mu Qing once again entered the cultivation state.

Although the power of Qi Luck extracted from these invisible monster auras is very scarce, it can be a little bit more, and Mu Qing can't do other things now.

As Mu Qing slowly refines these violent invisible evil spirits, his heart is also vigilant.

Be wary of the weirdness that appeared the night before!

The night before, Mu Qing felt that something was watching him secretly, causing him to have a trace of palpitations.

But soon the feeling disappeared.

"Is it really my illusion?"

Until the sky gradually brightened, Mu Qing frowned and opened his eyes suspiciously.

This night, nothing happened, and at the same time the weirdness I felt before did not appear again.

But will he have an illusion if he is a supreme person?

"Perhaps when the previous residence was spotted by a monster, that's why this happened."

Mu Qing touched his chin, thinking secretly in his heart.

"You... seem to have a breakthrough?"

The Scarlet Demon looked at Mu Qing and couldn't help being a little surprised.

When Mu Qing heard this, he was taken aback.

"Why do you say this? It's not long before I broke through to the Supreme Double Heaven, and haven't touched the Supreme Triple Heaven so quickly?"

"is it?"

The Scarlet Demon was also a little confused. He glanced at Mu Qing again, and then smiled awkwardly: "Maybe I was wrong, right?"

"Our Crimson Demon clan has a relatively tasteless talent. Who is about to break through, you can tell at a glance."

The Red Demon shook his head, "But this talent can't be said to be completely accurate. Sometimes there will be errors. After all, it is just a premonition. Just now I saw that you are about to break through. So, my premonition is wrong. ."

Hearing Chi Yao's explanation, Mu Qing nodded and didn't take it seriously.

You know, his distance breakthrough is quite violent.

What's more, in this Underworld Demon Realm, it is almost impossible to cultivate on the Avenue of Stars.

The only possible breakthrough is the destiny form.

However, the third-order destiny form, if you want to break through to the fourth-order, the force of air transport is massive.

Even if Mu Qing refined the invisible demon energy for a year here, he would not necessarily be able to break through the form of destiny.

"It's coming to Sand Island."

The two set off again, and after a long time, the Red Demon suddenly mentioned.

"Where is Sand Island?" Mu Qing looked at the Red Demon, only the Red Demon was most familiar with.

The red demon's face condensed, and he replied, "Sand Island is a gathering place for desert scorpions!"

"Among them is the Supreme Five Heavenly Sand Scorpion King!" The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: https://www. starry sky dominates the full text reading address: read/147180/Star Domination txt download address: The starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 1401 Sand Island) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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