Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1402: The poison of desert scorpions

"Desert Scorpion? Sand Scorpion King?"

Mu Qing frowned.

So what Sand Scorpion King actually has the strength of the Supreme Five Heavens, this is completely beyond the range that Mu Qing can resist.

"Ordinary desert scorpions are like sand crocodiles, scattered throughout the sandy desert, but this sand island is different. Its leader, the sand scorpion king, is a rare beast with intelligence, so it brings a lot of deserts. The scorpion occupied the sand island, which is considered to be one of the few places in the Underworld Demon Realm that would not move on a tribal basis."

The Red Demon explained that his face was slightly solemn.

"It's better for us to take a detour. It will be very troublesome to get the King Sand Scorpion." The Red Demon gave his own advice.

Mu Qing nodded, even in the outside world, he is not necessarily an opponent of the Supreme Fifth Heaven, let alone in this Underworld Demon Realm.

The Crimson Demon is very familiar with this place. They are actually quite far away from Nasha Island. Looking from a distance with the naked eye, they can only see the fuzzy outline of a Sand Island.


Just at this time!

The sand around the Crimson Demon was loosened, and a pitch-black pliers cut it fiercely, and a terrifying demon spirit escaped away, almost cutting the Crimson Demon into two pieces!

Mu Qing's pupils contracted, even he did not notice the sudden attack.

Yu Guang skimmed away, it was a huge desert scorpion, which emerged from the ground. Judging from the demon qi escaping from the body, it was at least able to possess the strength of the Supreme Double Heaven!


The red demon's body was snipped by the pliers of this desert scorpion, and a large amount of blood burst out.

But Mu Qing quickly noticed that it was wrong, and the red demon's body fell to the ground, turning into **** rays, and the **** light rushed to the distance and reunited into the body of the red demon.

Carrying the banner, the red demon wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Recently, following Mu Qing, dealing with monsters is very easy, he has relaxed his vigilance a little, almost succeeded by the desert scorpion.

Seeing that the red demon was okay, Mu Qing turned his gaze on the desert scorpion in front of him.

This giant desert scorpion looks like a pipa. Its surface is dark and crusty like armor. Its body is clearly divided into sections. Its abdomen is yellowish-brown, and its back is densely covered with granular protrusions. The tail has barbed stingers. It shone with a purple-black halo.

Seeing that he failed in a single blow, the desert scorpion drilled out of the ground, shook the huge pliers, and smashed it at Mu Qing.

Mu Qing burst into flames instantly, the pale golden flames rushed, and at the same time the power of the starry sky demon **** blessed, Destroying Dragon Fist directly blasted over.

Although in this Underworld Demon Realm, all means except the form of fate have been suppressed a bit severely, and the consumption is also very huge.

But now the opponent is a supreme double heaven monster race, Mu Qing must use all his strength to deal with it.

I saw the power of destruction condensed into a giant dragon on Mu Qing's arm, directly crushing away with an astonishing aura.


The space of the Underworld Demon Realm was shattered, and a big hole was opened, but this did not lead to the outside world, but was completely dark.

Mu Qing fisted against the giant pincers of the desert scorpion, and suddenly a terrifying force exploded!

The violent air waves set off countless sands, like a sandstorm!

Mu Qing suffered a sharp pain in his arm, and quickly took it back. There were tiny blood holes in his fist, glowing with purple brilliance.

Immediately afterwards, a sense of weakness surged into my heart!

It's poison!

On the pliers of the desert scorpion, while colliding with Mu Qing, dense thorns grew out of them, containing highly poisonous.

Fortunately, Mu Qing's destructive power destroyed a lot of fine thorns and was not affected much.

But the poison remained in Mu Qing's body, destroying Mu Qing's body at a terrifying speed.

Mu Qing immediately launched the Undead Realm, and his body quickly recovered, but now he has no time to care about the poison in his body.

I saw that the other party was uncomfortable, a crisp sound spread, and a scream, that huge pliers was completely destroyed by the Destroying Dragon!

Green blood flows all over the place!

"How did this desert scorpion get close?"

Mu Qing had some lingering fears, but he didn't notice it at such a close distance at the beginning.

If it wasn't for the red demon that the other party attacked first, but instead attacked Mu Qing, then Mu Qing would probably be more fierce than good!

Fortunately, the Red Demon had the means to escape, so he survived.

"This is the characteristic of all monsters in the Underworld Demon Realm. They inherit part of the ability of the invisible monster. In terms of hiding their breath, they can be seamless!"

The Red Demon seemed to see Mu Qing's doubts in the distance, and hurriedly shouted.

"Why didn't you say it earlier!"

The corner of Mu Qing's mouth twitched, and he suddenly shouted in a low voice.

Such an important matter, I didn't tell him in advance!

Mu Qing waited, staring at the surroundings.

Just after that blow, the desert scorpion got a pain and went back into the ground. No trace of it has been seen so far.

However, Mu Qing carefully perceives the surroundings and was vigilant for a long time, but never saw the desert scorpions appear again.

"What's the matter?" Mu Qing frowned.

At this moment, he was vigilant around him while using his strength to expel the poisonous scorpion in his body.

The Crimson Demon also felt very weird. He came to Mu Qing and asked in doubt: "Does that desert scorpion feel that it is not your opponent, so it ran away?"

In this situation, even the Crimson Demon, who has lived here for years without knowing how many years, can't help feeling strange.

You know, the monster races inside are very cruel, but they have never escaped.

"Could it be another rare monster beast with intelligence?"

The Red Demon couldn't help but guess.

If it is, then their luck is too good, right?

"Go first!"

Mu Qing whispered, and the Red Demon left here.

Under the leadership of the Red Demon, the two of them circumvented Shadao far away and rushed towards another settlement of the Red Demon.

And along the way, the previous desert scorpion never appeared again, which made Mu Qing feel confused, but since the opponent did not appear, he was also happy.

Perhaps it was because he really felt fear for him. After all, under the blessing of the power of the starry sky demon god, Mu Qing displayed the destructive power, no matter what creature it was, he would have fear in his heart.

Soon, the two came to a certain residence of the Red Demon again.

Mu Qing immediately started to get rid of the poisonous scorpions in his body.

This poison is very tenacious, but not very powerful. After Mu Qing spent a while, he finally got rid of the poisonous scorpion.

"Fortunately, you were only stabbed by the fine thorns on the desert scorpions. If you stabbed with the scorpion venom from their tails, it would probably ulcerate your body and soul in an instant."

The Red Demon said with some fear.

Mu Qing glanced at the sky outside. It was the time he took to get rid of the poison in his body and ushered in the night again.

Mu Qing did not practice this time, but communicated with the Avenue of Stars, trying to restore the consumed strength as much as possible. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Collection\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1402 The poison of desert scorpions), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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