Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1455: Devourer appears

"Huh! Toast and not eat fine wine!"

"Kill me!"

Seeing that Mu Qing hadn't responded for most of the day, King Daluo's face sank, and with a big wave of his hand, he directly moved the surrounding emperors forward.

"I'm sorry."

Among this group of great emperors, there were two high-ranking emperor pinnacles who had previously received Mu Qing's two high-level sacred stone veins, and the two were regarded as confidants under the hands of King Daluo.

Although I was verbally apologizing, there was a cold glow in the depths of my eyes, he shot without mercy, and directly took out the artifact to kill Mu Qing in an attempt to kill with one blow!

Now not only the lord of the ten king cities are watching, but also the Supreme Lord of Moxu!

Such a good performance opportunity cannot be missed.

As for the Aman Demon repair in front of him, is it dead or alive to care about them?


Mu Qing didn't hide his strength anymore. The Milky Way on his body opened up, and he stepped out suddenly, shaking the mountain in an instant. The two high-ranking emperors in front of him were directly shattered and their souls collapsed.

At the same time, there were more than a dozen powerful emperors who surrounded Mu Qing, all of them were touched by the Milky Way blooming on Mu Qing, and their bodies burst into pieces.

Clouds of blood mist bloomed like flowers, and the Emperor fell in an instant!

Then, they fell into a dead silence. Everyone stared at Mu Qing. They couldn't imagine that the other party was just a high-ranking emperor. Why would such a terrifying strength suddenly erupt and kill ten in a flash? Several great emperors and two high-ranking emperors peak.

"It's the treasure!"

"This Aman Demon repairer has obtained the most precious treasure, so he has such a powerful strength!"

The people around shouted one after another, all thinking that Mu Qing could have such strength, relying on that treasure.

"Shut up!"

At this time, King Daluo gave a sudden drink, his face very gloomy.

He has realized that something is wrong, the guy in front of him is definitely not Aman Demon repair!

Supreme Mo Xu frowned. He stared at Mu Qing and said solemnly: "Who is your Excellency? Why do you want to come to the planet Moro?"

"Don't you know that this is the territory of the Demon Realm?"

Although he still didn't know what the starry sky book was just now, he guessed that it might be Mu Qing's supreme weapon.

After Mu Qing shot, Mo Xu Zhizun could see that Mu Qing was also a supreme powerhouse.

Although there are magic repairs everywhere in the Demon Realm, it is impossible to completely sever the contact with the outside world, and there will often be outside powerhouses coming in to conduct some cooperation or transactions.

Mo Xu Supreme's aura broke out, and the world suddenly changed color, and the terrible coercion that belonged to the Supreme directly crushed Mu Qing.

However, Mu Qing's expression remained unchanged. He cultivated the Star God Body, and he could completely keep his face unchanged in the face of this kind of power.

And now, he didn't seem to have any need to pretend, so he waved his hand gently and brushed his face to remove the pretense.

He looked at Mo Xu Zhizun, and he also wanted to see what was on the other party's body that caught the attention of Xingkong Shu.

If Mu Qing can get it, maybe Star Book will brew the next magical power!

After all, just a star **** body made Mu Qing very powerful, and another supreme magical power would definitely increase his strength again.

"Mu Qing?"

After seeing Mu Qing's real face, Mo Xu Zhizun's expression was slightly startled.

He naturally knows Mu Qing. After all, the wanted order issued by the Three Realms has spread throughout the entire universe. As long as the creatures above the Divine Emperor realm, most of them know this master of the Starry Sky Realm who has provoked the Three Realms and belongs to the Black Realm. The starry sky is supreme!

Suddenly Mo Xu's figure moved, and he came to the opposite side of Mu Qing in an instant, and the road behind him appeared, with white bones everywhere, very similar to that of the Demon Ancestor.


Mu Qing looked at Mo Xu Zhizun with some surprise, and found that the other party's aura was not regarded as an ordinary Supreme Four Heaven, but a little stronger.

Supreme Mo Xu is also looking at Mu Qing. In order to prevent Mu Qing from escaping, he exudes a breath, and the invisible aura directly locks Mu Qing, and at the same time the demon aura spreads around, almost blocking the entire planet of Moro. .

He remembers that Mu Qing's wanted order can be exchanged for several top-level sacred stone veins, which is a huge sum of money for them who are already supreme!

"Why did you suddenly come to the Demon Realm, then pretend to hide on our planet Moro?"

Mo Xu Zhizun looked at Mu Qing with great interest, the evil spirit around him gradually became stronger, and he approached Mu Qing step by step.

"Come and take a tour."

Mu Qing said casually.

Of course, it is impossible for Mo Xu Supreme to believe Mu Qing's nonsense. You must know that the Three Realms has issued a wanted order against Mu Qing. If there is no secret, Mu Qing will definitely not come to the Devil Realm.

"Huh!" Mo Xu Zhizun's face was gloomy, and he sneered: "It doesn't matter if I don't want to say it, it doesn't matter if I capture you back, no! Capture you to the Demon Ancestor Hall, then let the Demon Ancestor personally perform magical powers on your soul. , Deprive you of your memory directly, it will be clear what you want to do."

"And the secrets in your body will also be stripped away by us!"

Mo Xu Zhizun gave a grinning grin, and he rushed out suddenly, the white bone road behind him trembled, a bone spear emerged in his hand, and then surrounded by demonic energy, he threw it towards Mu Qing.


Mu Qing just wanted to resist, but halfway through, Mo Xu Supreme's bone spear hit a dark shadow, and the void was distorted. A giant beast screamed and fell out, his body stained with blood.

"Damn it! Who is fighting here?!"

The giant beast let out a painful cry, turned his head and took out the bone spear that pierced his waist, then looked at Mo Xu Zhizun, and then at Mu Qing who was not far away.

The two looked at each other for a long time.

It was supposed to be the battle between Mu Qing and Mo Xu Zhizun, but a giant beast rushed out halfway and interrupted the battle.

The key is that this behemoth that suddenly appeared, Mu Qing and Mo Xu Zhizun are very familiar.

"Evil Devourer?"

Mo Xu Zhizun was slightly surprised, he didn't understand why Devourer appeared here.

The Devourer is a monster created by the Demon Ancestor. There were originally six monsters, but now only the Devourer is left.

The original mission of the Devouring Demon was to **** the Demon Dao and shelter those weaker Demon Cultivators.

Later, the demon ancestor said that he could give them freedom, but in fact it didn't mean that.

"No! Why are you still wise!"

Supreme Mo Xu soon discovered something was wrong, his status was actually much higher than Devour Demon.

He also knew something about Devouring Demon.

The Demon Ancestor believed that the Devourer had his own ideas, so he wiped out the Spiritual Wisdom of the Devourer, made it a puppet, and helped it break through to the supreme realm and become the guardian beast of the Demon Realm.

As a result, when I look at it now, Devouring Demon still possesses his own wisdom, this is not right!

At this moment, the Devourer was recovering from the injury after being pierced by the bone spear, glanced at Mo Xu Zhizun, and then flashed and appeared next to Mu Qing.

Both sides are acquaintances, but it decisively chooses to be on Mu Qing's side.

"what happened?"

Mu Qing frowned and looked at Devourer.

Didn't this guy return to the Demon Ancestor's side?

How now, it seems that there is an enmity with Mo Xu Zhizun?

In other words... Is it an enemy to the Devil?

"Don't say it, I'm fooled, that **** demon ancestor, just wants to wipe out my spiritual wisdom. Fortunately, I have great skill in devouring demons. I hide most of my spiritual wisdom in advance and pretend for a long time. The puppet, when the **** demon ancestor slackened and escaped, I didn't expect to hit you and fight."

The Devourer explained to Mu Qing that he did not use the sound transmission technique, and everyone present heard it clearly.

When Mo Xu Zhizun heard the words, his eyelids twitched, and the Devouring Demon directly called the demon ancestor a shit, which is simply bold.

Devouring Demon Silk didn't care, it was already supreme now, and it was the Demon Ancestor who helped it get promoted.

But it has been born with self-consciousness, but it doesn't have the slightest affection for the demon ancestor who wants to erase its wisdom.

"By the way, why are you here?"

Devourer looked at Mu Qing curiously.

Mu Qing gave a light cough and said, "Come here to find someone."

He looked at Mo Xu Zhizun, his face gradually dignified, and said: "First solve this guy."

"You fight first, I'll restore my strength, and come over to help you later."

The Devourer looked at Mo Xu Zhizun, suddenly opened a big mouth that covered the sky and covered the sun, swallowing Daluo King City like a black hole, swallowing it all in one bite! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this reading (Chapter 1455 Devourer appears), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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