Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1456: Portal in Blood


King Daluo was in the distance, watching the Daluo dynasty that he had managed with great difficulty, but now it had become a deep pit, with no roots left behind, and he was sluggish for a long time.

After the Devouring Demon swallowed the Royal City of Daluo, he dived directly into the void and headed for a distance. When passing by, he would swallow all the demons or creatures he encountered!

Even the magic lion that Mu Qing had previously tamed didn't show any mercy. He swallowed it in one bite, then swallowed it in his stomach and digested it in a few swallows.


"Unexpectedly, even the Devourer has rebelled."

Mo Xu Zhizun snorted coldly, but didn't pay attention.

Although the Devourer is now devouring the creatures and cities on the planet of Moro, the top priority is to solve Mu Qing first.

He didn't have any care, even after he couldn't feel Mu Qing's specific breath, he was more cautious.

The effect of the wanted order is still very effective.

In the past, most of Mu Qing's opponents died of underestimating the enemy.

But since the Three Realms hyped up the wanted order, everyone knew that Mu Qing, the Supreme Star of the Sky, was the original Hunyuan Realm and now the lord of the Star Realm, and belonged to the Black Realm.

The black world is extremely mysterious, and Mo Xu Zhizun knew that he had tempted the black world before, and his third brother Mono Zhizun went there, but he never came back.

Therefore, the Supreme Master of Mo Xu knew that this black world was very mysterious and would not underestimate Mu Qing.


In an instant, Mu Qing raised his hand and slammed his fist, his figure shifted, and countless stars gathered on his arm, and his speed was reaching the extreme, appearing behind Mo Xu Zhizun, with the powerful power of the star **** body, making a punch. Boom, the stars are shining!

Mu Qing's strength is now not comparable to those of the weak supreme, his strength is completely beyond the same level, especially after practicing the Star God Body, his body is getting stronger and stronger.

Previously, he relied on his aura to smash the emperor. Similarly, with the power of his body and body, he could kill the supreme powerhouse.

Mo Xu Zhizun naturally reacted at an extremely fast speed, and countless bone spurs on the White Bone Avenue pierced through, trying to penetrate Mu Qing's body.

However, he suddenly found that Mu Qing disappeared again.

When he reappeared, Mu Qing had already come behind him, with blond hair and silver eyes, and a golden arrogance skyrocketing!

The power of destruction was wrapped around the arm, and at the same time, the Milky Way burst out, the star **** body blessed, and a destructive dragon fist hit the Moxu Supreme.

It is useless for Rao Mo Xu to be cautious. He fought Mu Qing for the first time. He didn't know that when Mu Qing entered the form of destiny, his breath was completely unable to capture and perceive.

In particular, he reacted as quickly as possible, using the power of the White Bone Avenue to condense a bone shield behind his back, but everything was useless.

The power of destruction is a very special power in Mu Qing.

This destructive force destroyed everything, and immediately destroyed the bone shield, smashed into a blast, and slammed Mo Xu's body with a destructive aura.

Mu Qing didn't talk nonsense like that, because he knew that this was the Demon Realm. He wanted to disguise and slowly search for the whereabouts of the Chaos King and Slaughter Supreme. However, when he was forced into helplessness, Xingkong Shu suddenly changed his identity, which forced him to reveal his identity.

Now he can only end the battle as soon as possible, so as not to be detected by the other supreme of the demon world, and then be surrounded.

The Avenue of Stars behind Mu Qing rushed straight into the third heaven, continuously drawing energy for him.

But Mu Qing's energy consumption is so huge that the Avenue of Stars is a bit weak, because he has urged the star **** body to the extreme!

The roar of the dragon condensed by the power of destruction directly penetrated the body of Mo Xu Supreme.


Naturally, Mo Xu supreme would not sit and wait for death, the White Bone Avenue urged, and the violent White Bone Demon Qi surged in, resisting the power of destruction.

"How can it be!"

"What kind of power is this?!"

Mo Xu Zhizun was shocked quickly, and said in amazement: "Why can't my white bones and devilish energy be resisted? This force actually contains the aura of destruction, as if to destroy everything!"

To be honest, he had seen the overbearing demon energy of the Demon Ancestor, but he still felt that he was still inferior to this destructive power.

A big hole was penetrated through Mo Xu's body, blood flowed crazily, and the power of destruction escaped in his body, but he was somewhat difficult to stop.

"too slow!"

When Mu Qing fought for the first time, he found that Mo Xu Zhizun was just a phantom chart, not as powerful as Holy Six.

I saw him come to Mo Xu Zhizun's side again in an instant, punch after punch, and the galaxy exploded. Every punch was as bright as a star and used to the extreme. The starry sky avenue behind him was every moment. Moment is supplying energy for Mu Qing.

To mobilize the star **** body, it consumes too much!

But Mu Qing doesn't care about the consumption, because he must solve the battle as quickly as possible, absolutely can't delay!

Therefore, Mu Qing got close to Mo Xu Zhizun, and the star **** body galaxy burst out with starlight dazzling, punch after punch, like stars hitting Mo Xu Zhizun.

Mu Qing's eyes were murderous, and he planned to abruptly kill Mo Xu Zhizun!

The Avenue of Stars is much more stalwart than the Avenue of White Bone, and it is almost infinite, drawing energy from all over the universe and pouring it into Mu Qing.

With every punch, it hit Mo Xu Zhizun, sealing all his retreat paths to death!

Mo Xu Zhizun was extremely shocked. He didn't expect Mu Qing to be so powerful, and he didn't even have the power to fight back for a while!


He quickly urged the Bone Avenue, and at the same time took out his supreme weapon, which was a long bone knife.

But it doesn’t help. You must know that Mu Qing’s body is also based on the supreme weapon, once again fused with the singularity of the starry sky, the cultivated star **** body, with a fierce punch, the river of stars flows, giving the bone knife of the supreme Mo Xu It was broken abruptly.


Mo Xu Zhizun was implicated, coughing up blood with his mouth open, and his breath fell again and again.

"Suffer! Dragon Fist broke out!"

Mu Qing once again condensed the power of destruction, his heart stopped drinking, and the power of terrifying destruction once again wrapped around his arm, condensing into a giant dragon, making a sound of earth-shaking whistling, passing through!


Affected by the power of destruction, the entire Moro star was crumbling, the earth shattered, the tsunami was raging, and the magma erupted!

There are storms everywhere, a doomsday scene!

It can be said that the planet Moro is definitely reinforced, and an ordinary planet would not be as huge as the planet Moro.

If it was an ordinary planet, it would be exploded by Mu Qing's punch, but this Moro planet, Mu Qing and Mo Xu Zhizun had fought for a long time, and they still hadn't exploded. It was already very shocking.

"Damn it!"

"What is the strength of this guy!"

"Completely comparable to the Supreme Five Heavens, right?!"

Mo Xu Supreme’s eyelids jumped wildly, and he retreated steadily. This time, Mu Qing’s dragon fist did not evade, because Mu Qing’s speed was too fast. The star **** body coupled with the fourth-order destiny form made him unable to evade. Hit.


Most of his body was directly blasted off, and at the same time the road of white bones behind it began to shake, and cracks appeared one after another, as if to shatter.

The power of destruction is quite terrifying!

Of course, even if Mu Qing had the support of the Avenue of Stars, there was no way to continue to exert destructive power.

He had discovered before that the power of destruction was another power in his body that would recover on its own, but it could not be supplied by the Avenue of Stars like other energies.

Otherwise, he would have taken advantage of his Star Avenue to give his opponent a hundred and eighty punches of Destruction Dragon Fist.

At this time, Mu Qing took the victory and pursued, and Mo Xu Zhizun retreated madly, and then shouted, "Blood Sea Heaven Gate!"

In an instant, a sea of ​​blood was set off behind the White Bone Avenue. Above this sea of ​​blood, there was a door that gradually opened, and a terrifying breath came from inside.

"Blood God save me!"

Mo Xu supreme roared.

In an instant, a **** light rushed out of the portal and fell on Mo Xu Supreme.

The severely wounded Mo Xu Supreme recovered his injuries in an instant, and at the same time, it was a **** light that directly shattered Mu Qing's starlight and bombarded Mu Qing's body.

Rao couldn't resist Mu Qing's speed. He was hit, like being hit hard, flying across almost half of the planet, hitting a volcano.


The volcano erupted, Mu Qingxing's divine body was dim, there was a blood hole in his abdomen, and he suffered serious injuries.

There is even a weird and cruel force wandering in Mu Qing's body, as if to refine all of Mu Qing's power! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1456 Blood Portal), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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