Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1617: Akaoni nocturnal

The power of the evil nerves surpassed Mu Qing's imagination. At the very least, after the phantom was defeated for a long time, the phantom of the evil **** cooperated with the power of destroying the avenue to exert a powerful attack.

"The dominance-level scriptures of the Xiaocheng realm, logically speaking, shouldn't have this kind of power."

The double-horned blood demon's face was cold, and he wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth.

They have terrible strength, and they are born with incomparable strength, which is bestowed on them by the great supreme tree.

The supreme blessing has given them amazing strength and vitality. With their physique, the more they fight, the stronger and the faster they improve!

The terrifying vitality allows them to face a severely wounded and dying state without being killed. They can recover quickly, and even after the wound is healed, their own strength will be stronger!

Just like this, their clan doesn't need to practice any dominator-level scriptures at all, because their birth, the power blessed by the great supreme tree, gives them the power to surpass the dominator-level scriptures.

However, in the face of the evil nerve attack that Mu Qing had just urged, he was suddenly horrified to discover that the force of destruction was even more terrifying than he had imagined.

Faintly, it seemed to restrain his huge vitality!

There was a fierce light in the double-horned Gorefiend's eyes, and he took a strange step.


Mu Qing's heart was shocked.

The speed of the double-horned blood demon is very difficult, it seems to be a special magical power or secret method, which makes its speed fast to the extreme.

Even if Mu Qing used the snake of the starry sky to move at the first time, he would still be slower!

Mu Qing is quite cautious to deal with such opponents who are stronger than him and faster than him, but fortunately he also has certain means.

From the beginning of the battle to the present, Mu Qing has not borrowed the power of the Star Book!

Because Mu Qing knows the strength of the opponent, it is probably equivalent to the Supreme Eighth Heaven who dominates the Scripture Dacheng realm.

With Mu Qing's current strength, even if he borrowed the Starry Sky Book to raise one of the dominance-level scriptures to the realm of Dacheng, it was probably just a close match.

And even if Mu Qing's energy is boundless, but the master-level scriptures that have been used for a long time in the Dacheng realm can not hold it. It is estimated that it will consume energy soon, and even fall into the sequelae of forcibly borrowing the starry sky book to improve the realm.

Once you become weak, you will become fish on the chopping board and be slaughtered.

Therefore, Mu Qing must guarantee that he will use the ability of the Star Book by surprise!

It is possible to defeat this pair of horned blood demons, or even kill them!

Mu Qing has been looking for opportunities, of course the Double Horned Gorefiend didn't want to give Mu Qing any chance.

The two-horned Gorefiend is full of enthusiasm. He hysterically attacked Mu Qing, which is simply a fighting frenzy.

"Are you only going to escape!"

"Humble bug!"

The two-horned gorefiend couldn't help it, and roared.

He is getting angry!

This should have been a happy fight!

In the fierce fighting, as a blood demon clan, he will gain more powerful strength and improve himself.

This is their cosmic trial!

Trials arranged by the great supreme tree, groups of five, go to various universes to fight!

In the killing, you may die, but after you survive, you can quickly increase your strength.

As a blood demon clan, no one is afraid of death. Every one of them is eager to fight, eager for the kind of fight where life hangs by a thread!

After every fierce battle is over, the blood demons will greatly increase their strength.

Waiting for this moment, he has been waiting for a long time!

Because of the first three universe trials, their opponents were all weak, and they didn't even need the captain to take action. Anyone could be crushed.

But this time it was different.

This fourth cosmic trial gave him a huge surprise!

The moment when he met Mu Qing, the Double Horned Gorefiend vowed that he was definitely in luck this time!

Having experienced three cosmic trials, he was very clear about the concept of the four master-level scriptures of fellow initiates.

The powerhouses of other universes, those supreme heavenly arrogances, have cultivated a dominance-level scripture even when they have reached the top of the sky. It is already a thank God to be able to reach the realm of Xiaocheng.

However, those supreme Tianjiao, even if they have cultivated the dominion-level scriptures to the Xiaocheng realm, they are not the opponents of the blood demons, and any double-horned blood demons can easily kill them!

However, the four master-level scriptures, and all have reached the level of Xiaocheng, even the two-horned blood demons who have always been disdainful of the master-level scriptures have to admit that Mu Qing is definitely among all the foreigners he has seen. , The most enchanting.

Not to mention how much energy it takes to cultivate the four dominator-level scriptures at the same time, Mu Qing has been using the four dominator-level scriptures at the same time to fight until now, just the huge consumption, others may not be able to support it!

The more you realize Mu Qing's extraordinaryness, the more the Double Horned Gorefiend wants to fight Mu Qing happily, and then cut off the opponent's head in the fight!

As a result, so far, more of Mu Qing's actions have been evasive. The weird star snake, even the double-horned gorefiend, can do nothing.

Every time he lifted the sword and cut it off, Mu Qing first used the means of dominating scripture to stop him for a while, then he was swallowed by the snake of the starry sky and disappeared in place.

Even with the increase in the number of fights, Mu Qing has been able to use the Star Snake to avoid the attacks of the Double Horned Gorefiend.

This made the Double-horned Gorefiend extremely uncomfortable, as if the same punch on cotton, it was very uncomfortable in his heart.

The double-horned gorefiend attacked Mu Qing while cursing.

In his eyes, people who don't fight head-on, no matter how strong they are, they belong to the cowardly and lowly weak!

Mu Qing turned a blind eye to the scolding of the double-horned Gorefiend, and he was definitely not the opponent of the double-horned Gorefiend in the frontal fight, and his speed alone was a grade.

"Do you really think I can't help you?"

The Double Horned Gorefiend snorted coldly, and he suddenly stopped, standing in the endless void.

Immediately afterwards, a terrible flame appeared on his body, it was Yeyou Chihuo!

Mu Qing deliberately avoided this blue flame when the double-horned Gorefiend displayed it earlier, telling him instinctively that once he was hit by the Yeyou Red Fire, it would make himself very headache.

Watching the double-horned gorefiend stop, he was obviously accumulating power. Although Mu Qing had been using the starry snake to avoid it before, it was impossible for him to watch the double-horned gorefiend accumulate power.

Appearing behind the double-horned Gorefiend in a flash, Mu Qing punched out, the day turned across the sky, and at the same time he patted a palm, and the chaotic light penetrated.

Immediately afterwards, he raised his hand and pointed, and the river roared violently for a long time!

In the end the Cthulhu phantom appeared, and the ferocious fangs opened, and the power of the Destruction Avenue condensed a black and red light ball on the Cthulhu phantom's mouth, and immediately blasted with a beam of destruction!

Almost in an instant, Mu Qing urged the four dominator-level scriptures to the extreme, and displayed four methods at the same time!

This is already his way to bring the Xiaocheng realm dominance level scriptures into full play. When the ordinary supreme eighth-layer heaven encounters, he will definitely be killed in seconds.

But unfortunately, the Double-horned Gorefiend is not an ordinary Supreme Eighth Heaven, and he accumulates strength quite quickly, his anger is wide, and he raises his hand and swings his big sword in a blink of an eye.

Above, the endless Yeyou Red Fire is already burning!


The first to bear the brunt of the power of the Sun Sutra and the Chaos Sutra, the scorching sun was burned through by the blue flame, and the chaotic light was extinguished.

This night's red fire was quite terrifying, accompanied by the sword of the double-horned blood demon swung down, and the blue light of the sword ran across the endless void!

Time Changhe was easily cut off, and the destruction beam was also hit by a knife light halfway, and exploded suddenly.

In the end, the blue blade light slashed across the evil spirit phantom and blasted it away.

Mu Qing had already used the snake in the starry sky and disappeared.

The next moment, Mu Qing appeared in the distance with a trace of palpitations on his face.

After the double-horned Gorefiend had accumulated power, it could easily defeat all his power!

Mu Qing is quite aware of the true strength of the double-horned blood demon, and only by displaying the master-level scriptures of the Dacheng realm can he contend with it.

It is no wonder that the double-horned blood demon has a lofty and arrogant attitude, because the opponent's own strength is equivalent to a cultivator at the master level of the scriptures, and he himself has not practiced the master level of scriptures.

"Humble bug! I hate people who can only escape..."

The Double-horned Gorefiend was extremely angry, and he drank in a cold voice, and at the same time wisps of night red fire appeared in the big knife in his hand.

It seems that this terrible blue flame is the power of his big sword!

"The great supreme tree gives us every blood demon companion tool, and in the supreme blessings, it also allows me to obtain the power that transcends everything and is enough to destroy the universe!"

"Yeyou Chihuo, for my ability!"

"And your previous behavior of avoiding constantly made me feel sick and angry. Then I will let you see, I am waiting for the true power of the blood demons!"

The double-horned Gorefiend's face was gloomy, and the sword in his hand was trembling. You could see the Yeyou Red Fire above it transforming into strands of blue, followed by a wave of terrifying power transmitted from the sword.

Mu Qing's face changed slightly, he realized that the other party should perform some kind of trick!

Immediately, a snake in the starry sky entangled Mu Qing and opened his mouth wide to swallow Mu Qing.

But in this short breath, the double-horned blood demon swung the big knife in his hand.

"Yeyou Chihuo, the first stage of liberation!"

"Red Ghost Night Walk!!"

The double-horned Gorefiend made a roar, and he swung the knife, countless Ye You red fire emerged in the endless void, and at the same time turned into a blue ghost with red eyes at an astonishing speed.

At the same time, a chill rushed to Mu Qing's heart. The so-called red ghost was faster than the double-horned gorefiend. Seeing the snake in the starry sky had swallowed most of his body, but the blue ghost and **** The weird form, biting on his calf!


The red light burst out from the eyes of the blue ghosts and gods, and the bite force directly bite Mu Qing's calf into pieces!

In a flash, Mu Qing used the snake in the starry sky to appear far away.

But Mu Qing's face was a bit ugly, and he looked down at his right leg.

The lower leg was gnawed to pieces, but the strange lines of red color spread from the right leg.

Mu Qing subconsciously urged the force of the starry sky to resist, but this had no effect at all. The red lines had spread to his whole body in just a few seconds.

The cosmic body was covered with a layer of red lines, and even Mu Qing's face was covered, making Mu Qing a bit hideous! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1617 Chi Ghost Night Walk), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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