Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1618: Destroy Cthulhu

"it's useless."

Seeing that Mu Qing seemed to be trying to resist the red lines on his body, the Double Horned Gorefiend sneered.

He was very disdainful, but did not continue to attack, but panted slightly, his face was pale.

Obviously, performing the so-called first stage of liberation cost him a lot!

However, the battle is over!

The two-horned gorefiend looked at Mu Qing sarcastically, and even took the initiative to explain: "The great supreme tree has given me such abilities, and even me, I can barely display the first stage of liberation!"

"Yeyou Chihuo is my ability, and Chigui Yexing is the power of the first stage of liberation!"

"Give up struggling! To blame, blame yourself. I just know that running away angers me, otherwise I won't use this trick. You know, the speed of the red ghost night walk is dozens of times faster than the **** step!"

The double-horned blood demon grinned, "Your weird escape method can escape before I use my magic steps to attack you, but the speed of the red ghost night travel can dare to attack you before you escape!"

"And my red ghost night walk, as the first stage of Yeyou Red Fire's liberation force, the ability is a curse!"

"The scarlet curse will crawl all over your body, from the outside to the inside, until the curse penetrates into your soul, it will be completely triggered and you will die!"

He raised the big knife in his hand, pointed at Mu Qing, and mocked: "Now you should have ten seconds to defeat me... No! You killed me!

After ten seconds, the red curse will take effect, unless you kill me within these ten seconds, but judging from your previous performance, I am afraid you no longer have the courage to attack me, humble bug! "

It is conceivable that Mu Qing used the snake of the starry sky to avoid the attack of the double-horned gorefiend, making the other party feel very angry.

What the Double-horned Gorefiend wanted was a fight, but he didn't expect Mu Qing to escape most of the time!

Therefore, the Double Horned Gorefiend was angry and did not choose other means, but instead planned to use the first stage liberation ability that he had not yet fully mastered to deal with Mu Qing.

Even if he consumes too much because of this, he still chose to use Red Ghost Night Walk!

The Double Horned Gorefiend wants Mu Qing to die in torture!

As for whether Mu Qing could kill himself within ten seconds, the Double Horned Gorefiend had never considered such a thing at all.

"Ten seconds..." Mu Qing took a deep breath, then frowned slightly.

Upon seeing this, the Double Horned Gorefiend laughed, "Do you feel it?"

"The Scarlet Curse is not as simple as letting you die! It will torture you crazily. Every second, the endless pain will increase a hundredfold!"

Mu Qing frowned, her face a little unnatural.

He did feel the pain, all kinds of pain!

From the soul, from the body, from the pain in various ways!

Loneliness, gloom, burning, cold, acupuncture, insect bites...

Countless pain swept through Mu Qing's body, but it was still within Mu Qing's tolerance.

"It seems that you can only get rid of you." Mu Qing took a deep breath, facing the threat of the scarlet curse, he still remained calm, because he still has the last hole card yet to show!

On the opposite side, the Double Horned Gorefiend seemed to have heard the best joke in the world, and couldn't help laughing.


The Double Horned Gorefiend just wanted to taunt Mu Qing with a few words, but with Mu Qing's words, the invisible ripples spread, and everything around him came to a halt!

"Time paused..."

Not only Mu Qing's side, the endless void in the extreme distance, the battlefield of other people stopped.

Mu Qing looked around and found that the situation was not optimistic.

Not only on his side, but other people are very difficult to confront with the blood demons!

Xian Muran and Ponton were covered in blood, and their opponents were also blood demons with two horns, and their faces were full of contemptuous smiles.

Gai Linxuan used the Chaos Sutra, and Mutuo used the Sun Sutra, but the two of them were still not opponents of the double-horned Gorefiend, even worse than Mu Qing, lacking arms and legs, and had already suffered heavy injuries!

The two opponents are two-headed and double-horned blood demons, the same as Mu Qing's opponent.

Only the supreme who dominates the realm of scripture can contend!

On the side of the Nirvana Supreme, it seems that there is not much disadvantage, but it still suffers a lot of injuries, and the triangle blood demon wearing gilt armor, with a smile at the corner of his mouth, holding a spear, fighting spirit.

There is no doubt that if there is no accident, they must be defeated, and the end will be death!

Mu Qing didn't waste time, he only had two seconds!

Suddenly appeared in front of the double-horned blood demon, Mu Qing also entered the ancient **** realm of the fifth-order destiny form at the same time.


There was a roar in Mu Qing's throat, and the phantom of the evil **** appeared behind him, and at the same time his own road of destruction appeared and burned!

Burn your own vitality directly and increase your strength!

He has only this chance, so he must succeed.

From the previous battle, Mu Qing also discovered that the power of destruction seems to be able to cause effective damage to the two-horned gorefiend.

At the same time, the evil nerve is the power that can bless the power of destruction, making the power of destruction more powerful.

The black and red destructive power condensed into a giant dragon wrapped in his hand, and slammed the double-horned blood demon's chest with a fierce punch!

At the same time, the Cthulhu phantom opened its fangs, and a stronger force of destruction was gathered in his mouth.

This is Mu Qing's life-saving vitality, the power that he has promoted!

"Switch, evil nerve!"

The power of the starry sky in Mu Qing's body kept pouring out. When he was fighting the double-horned gorefiend before, he didn't use his full strength. He has been dealing with the starry sky snake, saving a lot of power.

Now, all the energy in the body has exploded!

The Starry Sky Book flipped to the page of Evil Nerves, but Mu Qing did not notice at this moment that the bronze color of the page of the Destiny Sutra had become a bit more.

Evil, cruel, and weird!

And the unparalleled power of destruction!

The evil nerves of the Dacheng realm gave Mu Qing a very evil power. Various evil **** patterns appeared on his body, and his eyes became red.

Mu Qing's body is transforming towards the evil god!

But the transformation was stopped right from the beginning. The Cosmic Eucharist and the Starry Sky Book have strong resistance to the weirdness of evil nerves.

And behind Mu Qing, there is an evil **** of hundreds of thousands of meters, which has been solidified, showing a terrifying face and evil fangs!

However, the other face behind the evil god, even the evil nerves of the Dacheng realm, could not be revealed.

Mu Qing's Cthulhu is a bit weird, with a look on the front and a look on the back, but the look on the back has never appeared.


The invisible ripples gathered, and the time for two seconds was up!

Time starts to flow again!

Everyone in the endless void did not realize what had happened, and the fierce battle continued.

No one noticed, everyone lost two seconds of time!

Only Mu Qing's opponent was the Gorefiend with his head and feet.

With a look of horror on his face, he looked at Mu Qing in front of him.

"what happened……"


The two-horned Gorefiend coughed up blood fiercely. He looked at his chest in disbelief, which had been penetrated by the ferocious black and red dragon.

He didn't understand what happened, he was taunting Mu Qing, but suddenly Mu Qing appeared in front of him and injured himself!

And that power of destruction began to flow through his body, madly destroying the powerful vitality of their blood demons.

"Impossible! Your speed is definitely not so fast! Ahem..."

The two-horned gorefiend coughed up blood repeatedly, and he roared hysterically.

All this seemed incredible, the Double Horned Blood Demon had never thought that Mu Qing could attack him in close quarters.

Because he showed his magic steps, he was faster than Mu Qing!

"It's over, your defeat is because of your arrogance and carelessness."

Mu Qing said lightly, but his face was also quite hideous.

The red curse on his body broke out, and every second, the pain would increase hundreds of times, even Mu Qing couldn't hold it back a bit, endless pain swept his mind!

Enduring the pain, Mu Qing let out a low growl in his throat.

"Dragon Fist! Outbreak!"


The terrifying power of destruction exploded from the double-horned gorefiend!

The dazzling black and red light blooms in the endless void, like a planet explosion, and waves of destruction spread out.

But the Double Horned Gorefiend is still alive!

"Too underestimated our Gorefiend! Even if you have that weird power to restrain our tenacious vitality, don't forget the gap between us!"

The figure of the two-horned Gorefiend roared in the light of destruction.

He was covered in wounds, and the power of destruction was constantly running around in his body, destroying everything!

The double-horned Gorefiend has a strong recovery ability, because their clan has amazing vitality, which was bestowed by the great supreme tree, and when it was about to die, this vitality burst out all at once.

"I said it! It's over!"

Mu Qing roared, he exhausted the last trace of strength.

The two-horned Gorefiend grinned, "You have exhausted all your power! But you still haven't killed me!"

"As a reward for your severe damage to me, I will eat your flesh and blood one bite at a time!"

The two-horned blood demon stepped on a **** step and appeared beside Mu Qing in the blink of an eye.

And at this moment, Mu Qing was still panting, gritting his teeth, and enduring the endless pain brought to him by the red curse!

The two-horned Gorefiend looked very angry, because he looked down on Mu Qing's previous escape behavior, and displayed the first stage of liberation ability that he had not yet fully mastered, and the red ghost night walks to solve the battle.

But it was the double-horned blood demon who hadn't mastered this ability, forcing it to exert a greater loss on him, and unable to control the red curse.

If you really master the ability of this first stage of liberation, then the Double Horned Gorefiend can do whatever he wants, and you can make Mu Qing suffer for as long as you want. If you want Mu Qing to die, the Scarlet Curse will erupt directly, causing Mu Qing to die!

"Sure enough, you will come to me!"

A smile appeared on Mu Qing's painful face.

The two-horned Gorefiend's hideous face stagnated, and the big knife he was about to swing in his hand was knocked into the air by a black and red light.

He stared blankly in front of him, and a huge and boundless evil **** emerged!

Destroy Cthulhu!

The evil **** of hundreds of thousands of meters had completely hidden before, but the two-horned gorefiend in the rage didn't notice that there was nothing wrong with it.

In his opinion, Mu Qing used all the means to inflict serious injuries on himself, and the final result would be that he was severely injured. He swung down the big knife in his hand and killed Mu Qing!

However, Mu Qing's real attack is still behind!

In the fangs of the Destroying Cthulhu, endless black and red rays of light gathered.

next moment!

The terrifying beam of destruction, like a huge pillar to the sky, hit the double-horned gorefiend severely! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1618 Destroy Cthulhu), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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