Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1622: Supreme Eighth Heaven

Mu Qing and others, with a heavy heart, slowly moved towards the position of the heart of the sacred tree.

Ying Xuantian and his party are estimated to be more and less fortunate, and have not received any response to the news until now.

"Oh, I should have contacted Ying Xuantian before entering the sacred tree, and asked him to leave a mark on the core of the secret barrier, so that he would not encounter any accidents."

Ji Mie Zhizun felt a little regretful. He put away the Qi Luck Pearl and thought in his heart that Ying Xuantian had already fallen.

Eighty percent encountered a blood demon squad and was killed!

You must know that Ying Xuantian is a powerful person in the Supreme Nine Heavens, and for the Black Realm, it is a powerful combat power. The fall of the opponent is definitely a huge loss.

Everyone was speechless all the way, seizing the opportunity to restore their own state.

Mu Qing also learned from the crowd the chance of their Qi Luck Pearl's recovery status.

Except for Mu Qing and Nirvana, there are three opportunities to instantly recover. Xian Muran and Gai Linxuan have two remaining, and Ponton has one. As for Mutuo, there is no one left. Up.

"Instant restoring state is the power of Qi Yunzhu through the long river of time. When you forcibly reverse time and restore your state to its heyday, these times are very precious. I think it is better for you to stop wasting times."

Mu Qing said with a solemn expression.

He spoke more euphemistically, even when Xian Muran and others faced the Double Horned Gorefiend, they used an opportunity, which he thought was a bit of a waste.

Because it is obvious that the difference between the strengths of the two sides is too large, even if Xian Muran uses three more chances to instantly restore his state, it is impossible to be the opponent of the Double Horned Gorefiend!

Mu Qing urged everyone to use those three opportunities again when there was no retreat.

Everyone nodded and understood what Mu Qing meant. After all, they all had a retreat, triggered the mark, and instantly returned to the secret enchantment. Strictly speaking, the next step will be an exciting adventure, but no Life crisis!

After a few hours, everyone didn't know how long the Scarlet Channel had been walking, and finally saw a large space.

Surrounded by flesh-and-blood walls, in this huge space, there are many blood worms, quietly staying inside, seeming to be resting or waiting for the arrival of the invaders.

However, there is a heart container in the hands of the Nirvana, so these bloodworms have no reaction to them.

Even as long as the heart container is there, they will kill all these blood worms, and there will be no resistance.

Mu Qing knew that there were many special blood worms in the non-existent realm here, but the special blood worms, like these blood worms, would not attack them.

"Heart of Blood!"

Mu Qing's eyes lit up and saw a heart of blood surrounded by many blood worms.

But everyone did not go one step further!

They hadn't forgotten that the first blood demon squad, disguised as ordinary blood worms, suddenly attacked them.

Supreme Nirvana threw out a big axe, and saw the big axe galloping away automatically, slashing towards the blood worms.


Every blood worm was killed, but everyone was watching very vigilantly, for fear that suddenly a blood worm turned into a double-horned blood demon and attacked them.

In the face of the massacre, the blood worm did not respond.

The heart container in the hands of the nirvana ensures that they will never be attacked by blood worms.

Mu Qing guessed that the blood heart should contain the bloodline power of the Gorefiend clan, so that it would not be attacked by the blood worm.

After all, bloodworms should be regarded as cannon fodder soldiers or slaves of the Gorefiend clan!

Until all the blood worms were killed, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, there is no appearance of the Gorefiend team!

Mu Qing strode forward and grabbed the blood heart.

"Are you going to refine it?" the supreme nirvana asked curiously.

According to Mu Qing's memory from the double-horned blood demon soul, the blood heart is a reward specially prepared by the blood demon ancient tree for the blood demon clan.

Of course, it is mainly aimed at the Double Horned Gorefiend.

The reward of the royal family is the heart of the sacred tree!

"Yes, I have a special method, maybe I can refine the heart of blood and get some benefits." Mu Qing nodded.

However, we still have to try to see if we can succeed.

Mu Qing took a deep breath, took the heart of blood, and sat down cross-legged.

The power of the starry sky enveloped the heart of blood and absorbed it into the body. The vast starry sky of the four worlds suppressed the heart of blood together, clusters of sparks shrouded and began to refine.

The effect was unexpectedly smooth, and soon the heart of blood was refined into a piece of blood.

Mu Qing perceives carefully and finds that this blood is golden all over, somewhat similar to the breath of the double-horned blood demon, but more like the breath of the blood demon king!

This should be the bloodline power that can help the double-horned blood demons to ascend to the royal family. It is of great benefit to the double-horned blood demons, but for the royal family, it can only be regarded as superfluous.

Mu Qing wondered whether he wanted to swallow this blood for refining, but soon he discovered that something changed in his body.

The starry sky book appeared!

At the same time, the Starry Sky Book came to this blood, and the pages of the Starry Sky Book opened, revealing the first page.

The first page is the cosmic Eucharist. At this moment, the blood obtained after the heart of refining blood trembles slightly, as if being dragged, it penetrates into the first page of the starry sky book!

Originally, the first page was the Star God Body. After Mu Qing had cultivated the Star God Body to Consummation, it transformed into a cosmic Eucharist.

The blood melted into the first page, and then a strong force was fed back, flowing through Mu Qing's body.


A rush of starry sky power spread, sweeping around like a wave layer by layer.

Mu Qing's strength has reached a certain level of improvement, and his breath has also become stronger.

A yoke appeared, but Mu Qing urged the Sun Sutra, turned into the Sun Sutra, and melted the shackles directly!

Supreme Eight Heaven!

After the breakthrough, the four-world starry sky in Mu Qing's body began to expand and became the five-world starry sky!

The power of the stars of the five realms gathered together. At this moment, after Mu Qing refined the heart of blood, he succeeded in raising the cosmic sacred body to an intermediate level.

His strength has improved a lot, but Mu Qing contrasted in his heart and couldn't help but shook his head.

It's still some distance away from the Double Horned Gorefiend!

The cultivation realm of the double-horned blood demon is the Supreme Eight Heaven, but the real combat power is equivalent to the Supreme Eight Heaven who has cultivated the master-level scriptures to the Dacheng realm!

Mu Qing is now also the Supreme Eighth Heaven, with the blessing of the middle-level cosmic body, and the master-level scriptures of the four-door Xiaocheng realm.

But there is still some gap from the Double Horned Gorefiend.

Of course, Mu Qing is now confident that he can contend with the double-horned blood demon again!

"However, the harvest is quite big!"

A hint of joy appeared on Mu Qing's face.

Not only the improvement of cultivation level, but also the convenient improvement of the Starry Sky Book!

Just a moment ago, the Starry Sky Book sent a message, letting Mu Qing know that if he urges the Starry Sky Book's ability to raise the dominance level scriptures to a level, the sequelae will be less serious!

In other words, what Mu Qing absorbed was the power fed back from the Starry Sky Book, and the real effect of that blood was to give the Starry Sky Book a certain benefit.

Mu Qing's ability to use the Starry Sky Book again, the weak state of the sequelae, will ease a lot.

"Unexpectedly, the effect of the heart of blood on me is so obvious!" Mu Qing was ecstatic.

If there are more blood hearts, he may be able to quickly increase his strength in a short period of time, reaching the point where he can compete with the double-horned blood demons!

At this time, Mu Qing's attention fell on the starry sky book intentionally or unintentionally.

In his perception, the Starry Sky Book seems to be stronger!

I don't know if it was his illusion...

"You can really refine the heart of blood?!"

Each of Jijiezhizun and others opened their eyes wide and looked at Mu Qing in shock.

Earlier, Mu Qing told them that the heart of blood is a benefit specially prepared by the ancient blood devil tree for the blood demon clan, and it is useless for people from other races to get it.

Topping the sky is like Nimie Supreme, using a certain method, with the help of the heart of blood, to prevent them from being attacked by blood worms.

"Good fellow, aren't you pretending to be a strong man from the Gorefiend clan?" The Supreme Nirvana exaggerated and joked.

"I don't want to be a tauren." Mu Qing curled his lips.

The royal family of the Gorefiend clan looks similar to humans, except that they are much taller.

But the Double Horned Gorefiend is undoubtedly much ugly.

To Mu Qing, it was absolutely ugly. The double-horned Gorefiend had vellus hair all over his body, his face was like a beast, and his head had double horns.

It looks like a tauren!

Even if the double-horned Gorefiend is very strong, to Mu Qing, this is a group of ugly tauren!

"If there are enough blood hearts, I think...I can improve quickly, maybe it's possible to break through to the Supreme Nine Heavens!"

Mu Qing's face was delighted.

He cultivates the cosmic body, and the slower he improves as he goes to the back.

But he didn't expect that just a trace of the blood of the blood demon king would give him such an improvement!

Mu Qing's eyes were fiery, if he could catch that Mie Heng and refine the opponent, wouldn't he get more royal blood?

Regrettably, he is not the opponent of Mie Heng, and it is even currently estimated to be a bit hanged in the battle with the Double Horned Gorefiend.

"It seems that when you enter the sacred tree this time, you will get the most benefits." Nirvana Supreme sighed.

Others of them came here to suffer, but it was Mu Qing who could get a lot of benefits.

According to the screen given by Mingxuan, there are many hearts of blood.

"Quick! Let's move faster and look for more blood hearts!" The Supreme Nirvana said hastily.

Of course he was on Mu Qing's side. The higher Mu Qing's strength, the stronger their overall strength.

A few days later, Mu Qing and others found a large space again.

However, it is obvious that people have already patronized here!

There were blood worm corpses everywhere on the ground, and the blood ran into rivers.

"Ying Xuantian!"

Supreme Nimbling glanced at the ground and found one of the corpses, his pupils contracted. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1622 Supreme Eight Heaven), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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