Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1623: Imperius curse, the evil **** appears

I saw the corpses of blood worms on the ground in a large space.

But in addition, there is also a corpse with magic repairs.

Among them, Ying Xuantian's corpse was also among them, with a hideous face, and he died violently!

The Supreme Nirvana hurried forward, and Mu Qing followed.

"Unexpectedly, they still encountered an accident, but I don't know who they encountered."

"Is it the blood demon clan?"

The Supreme Nirvana frowned.

"I don't think it's not, it's an evil nerve!" Mu Qing's face changed slightly, and he found the traces on Ying Xuantian's corpse, which were traces of an evil nerve.

"Evil nerve?"

Jixizhizun looked suspicious and looked at Mu Qing.

Mu Qing's face was heavy, and he said, "The contemplation that I used before is the ability from the evil nerve, and this evil nerve was obtained by me with the help of the leader."

"Normally, the evil nerves are only used by the Scarlet Ruler!"

This is definitely not good news!

"Scarlet ruler? Didn't all the masters of the Tianqing universe die? You mean someone got the inheritance of the scarlet ruler, and then did something for Xuantian?"

The supreme nirvana guessed.

Mu Qing shook his head. The Scarlet Ruler was not dead. He knew that the Scarlet Ruler had seized the Killing Supreme, and his whereabouts were unknown.

Unexpectedly, in this sacred tree, I met!

"Wait! What is Ying Xuantian's mission?" Mu Qing seemed to think of something, and quickly asked towards the Supreme Nirvana.

"Investigate! The members of the black world we were hiding in the demon world were all obliterated, and no news was passed back. At the same time, we noticed some problems in the demon world.

Ying Xuantian accepted the task of investigating the demon world. This operation is precisely what Ying Xuantian intends to carry out. Incidentally, he also wants to help us to control the heart of the ancient tree. "

Said the nirvana supreme, and then he looked at Mu Qing, "You mean...the people of the demon world killed Ying Xuantian?"

"Here is the corpse of the monster race!"

Suddenly, Xian Muran shouted.

At the same time, Ponton, Gai Linxuan, and Mu Tuo all discovered the bodies of some monsters.

Of course, there are relatively few Yaozu corpses, only a few.

"There is a problem in the demon world... evil nerves... the corpse of the monster clan..."

Mu Qing took a deep breath, the answer was obvious.

At this time, he recalled that the Demon Realm seemed to have had problems before, and then suddenly attacked the Ancient Immortal Realm.

I'm afraid that's the time!

"The Demon Realm, it is estimated that the Scarlet Ruler has already taken control! The powerhouses of the Demon Race have also cultivated evil nerves!"

Mu Qing said solemnly.

Ying Xuantian went to investigate the people in the Demon Realm, but the Purple Dragon Demon King in the Demon Realm was probably already in the small realm of the evil nerves. Relying on the weirdness of the evil nerves was enough to kill Ying Xuantian.

After all, Ying Xuantian had just broken through to the Supreme Nine Heavens, and could not be the opponent of the Purple Dragon Demon King who had cultivated the dominance-level scriptures!

"Damn it!"

Nirvana Supreme hit the ground with a punch, unexpectedly, Ying Xuantian didn't encounter the blood demon clan, but was killed by someone from the demon world.

The fall of the Supreme Nine Heavens was a considerable loss to the Black Realm.

"If you meet those guys from the demon world, don't hesitate, just do it!"

Silence Supreme shouted in a low voice.

Everyone nodded their heads, they died in the hands of people in the demon world, and they couldn't assume that nothing happened.

"Can you compete with the Purple Dragon Demon King now?"

At this time, the supreme nirvana asked Mu Qing in a low voice.

Mu Qing hesitated, then nodded, "I can contend, even if the other party is careless, I can kill him!"

Mu Qing now has the Supreme Eighth Heaven, and his strength has improved a lot.

The Cosmic Eucharist has also reached the middle level.

By comparing with the double-horned blood demon, Mu Qing believed that he was similar to the Purple Dragon Demon King.

The strength of the double-horned blood demon is equivalent to the supreme eighth heaven's master-level scripture great realm!

And the Purple Dragon Demon King, if there is no accident, is the supreme Nineth Heaven's Dominant Scripture Xiaocheng Realm!

Although one is the Supreme Eighth Heaven and the other is the Nine Heaven, the master-level scriptures of the Dacheng realm are much more terrifying.

Mu Qing thought that he was currently at the same level as the Purple Dragon Demon King, perhaps a little bit worse.

But Mu Qing also has his own methods. The Star Book can force him to reach the realm of Dacheng. It is estimated that no one can think of this method. Therefore, if the Purple Dragon Demon King is not careful, it is estimated that he will be killed by Mu Qing.

Just like the double-horned blood demon, because of his carelessness and not knowing Mu Qing's methods, he ruined his life under the suspension of time.

"and many more!"

Mu Qing's pupils shrank slightly, and he thought of a key question.

If the Purple Dragon Demon King also cultivated the evil nerves to the Xiaocheng state, then there is no doubt that I should have learned both the Imperius Curse and the Mindful Mind.

If the Purple Dragon Demon King casts his mind to the dying Ying Xuantian, then it is very likely that the Purple Dragon Demon King will learn many secrets of the dark world, and even know that Mu Qing is carrying the "Dacheng Realm" dominator-level scripture!

After all, Mu Qingcheng became the core of the black world, but he had revealed the power of the Dacheng realm dominating level scriptures.

Maybe the Purple Dragon Demon King would not be careless, but when confronted with him, he would be more cautious!

Nirvana Supreme didn't know what Mu Qing was thinking, he said viciously: "Next time I meet those guys from the Demon Realm, I will stop the Purple Dragon Demon King, you go slaughter the other guys!"

The problem of Nirvana before, I just want to know how Mu Qing's current strength compares with that of the Supreme Nine Heavens.

After all, before that, Mu Qing was able to kill that pair of horned gorefiends, which was enough to verify how powerful Mu Qing was.

Now that he knew the definite answer from Mu Qing, the face of the nirvana supreme showed a smirk.

To meet the guy in the Demon Realm to death, he stopped the Purple Dragon Demon King, leaving the group of demon clan guys, who is Mu Qing's opponent?

What's more, they also have Mutuo and Gai Linxuan. In the eyes of Nirvana Supreme, even if the people in the Demon Realm gain evil nerves, they cannot be their opponents!

Mu Qing nodded, "No problem."

The crowd dealt with Ying Xuantian's body and took it away.

Mu Qing found two full blood hearts!

These two blood hearts existed in this large space. People from the demon world had come to fight Ying Xuantian before.

However, the people in the demon world did not take away the blood heart. Obviously, to them, the blood heart was useless, or they did not know the effect of the blood heart at all!

Mu Qing showed a hint of joy. Everyone in the inner space of the sacred tree, except for the blood demons, is estimated to be the only one who can use the heart of blood to improve their strength.

Sitting cross-legged, Mu Qing began to refine two blood hearts.

Soon, only two drops of blood of the Blood Demon King were left in Mu Qing's body, which was then absorbed by the Star Book.

A huge force of feedback is integrated into Mu Qing's universe sacred body.

Although there is an improvement, there is obviously no way to directly increase to the level of the six starry sky.

However, there was still a burst of ecstasy on Mu Qing's face.

The sequelae caused by the ability of Star Book is completely eliminated!

This also means that Mu Qing will upgrade the dominance-level scriptures to the Dacheng state, and will not enter a weak state after the end.

Of course, after using the abilities of the Star Book, you still have to wait a long time before you can use it next time.

"Probably need eight drops of royal blood before I can rise to the power of the six realms starry sky!"

Mu Qing stroked his chin, calculating.

He had already discovered from the very beginning that the heart of blood was actually a drop of pure blood from the royal blood of the Gorefiend family.

At this time, there was a panic of footsteps not far away.

Everyone's eyes looked a little surprised.

Found that it was a magic repair!

However, this demon cultivator was low in strength, was the supreme Sixth Heaven Demon cultivator, with a look of horror, walking towards everyone.

"Are you... Ying Xuantian's subordinate?"

Seeing the visitor, the supreme nirvana thought for a while, and remembered that this demon cultivator was one of Xuantian's henchmen.

"My lord! Run away, the powerhouse of the demon clan...cough cough!"

The demon cultivator ran up to the supreme nirvana, said something quickly, and then coughed up blood suddenly.

"The powerhouses of the monster race? Where are they?!" Hearing the words, the supreme nirvana condensed his eyes and hurriedly stepped forward to help the demon cultivator.

At the critical moment, a hint of joy flashed deep in Mo Xiu's eyes.

But unfortunately, Mu Qing's speed was faster, and a chaotic light came from across the sky, shattering his head!


A phantom of the evil **** emerged, it was a giant with eyeballs!

The eyelids trembled, and his heart jumped, and he quickly reacted. The black gold hammer in his hand appeared, rising in the wind, and directly hit the evil eye giant with a hammer.

He suddenly understood that Mu Qing might have seen some clues!

Mu Qing did the same, and now the Five Realms Starry Sky is blessed, and his strength is much stronger, and he also used evil nerves, destroying the evil spirit behind him.

A terrifying beam of destruction penetrated the past and hit the evil eye giant.

In addition, the supreme nirvana made a decisive decisive action, urging all the power of the black gold hammer, and erupted a blow from the supreme tenth heaven.

This evil-eyed giant was mostly destroyed, and the original roar turned into a howl.

After all, this is just a ghost!

"This Cthulhu phantom seems to be one of Scarlet Dominator's subordinates, so that person is still alive?"

Mu Qing frowned.

He remembered that Scarlet Ruler had two confidantes, both of whom had been transformed into evil gods, both of them were Supreme Tenth Heaven.

One is a giant with eyeballs, a giant with evil eyes.

One is a sword made of flesh and blood, a sword of flesh and blood!

"The evil **** will never die, but whenever there is a believer, we will all be resurrected!"

The evil-eyed giant laughed, and then smashed it abruptly under the black gold hammer of the supreme nirvana!

"Which Demon Cultivator was just now?" The Master of Silence looked at Mu Qing.

Mu Qing calmly responded: "A kind of evil nerve ability, Imperius Curse!

The person who has been cast the Imperius Curse will be controlled, and the demon cultivation just now is controlled by the Imperius Curse, and at the same time there is a kind of heretical power hidden in him. "

Afterwards, Mu Qing frowned, he was thinking about what the evil-eyed giant said just now.

The Cthulhu will not die, as long as there is a believer, the Cthulhu will be resurrected! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1623 Imperius Curse, Cthulhu appears), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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