Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1627: Flesh Dragon

"Boy! The group of guys who just ran away are your companions, right?

They abandon you so decisively, maybe there is endless anger in their hearts?

bring it on! Kill me, kill me, no! Just kill any of us and let you go, even if we are willing to help you throw away those companions! "

A double-horned blood demon approached Mu Qing, with a malicious smile on his face.

Mu Qing glanced at him, calmed down, thought about it, grinned, and said: "I just broke through to the Supreme Eighth Heaven. It's far not as good as the guys on the opposite side. You can find the guys on the opposite side to fight first."

He pointed to everyone in the Demon Realm not far away.

"Cut, coward!"

When the double-horned blood demon heard the words, a trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes.

In the eyes of their militant gorefiends, any behavior that does not accept frontal combat or escape is a weak person!

However, it is true that as Mu Qing said, the group of Monster Race is obviously more powerful.

He ignored Mu Qing either, but looked expectantly at the group of Demon Race.

The aura revealed on Mu Qing's surface really just broke through to the Supreme Eighth Heaven.

But that group of strong monsters is different.

In addition to the Supreme Eighth Heaven who was killed by Mu Qing, there were still three Supreme Eighth Heaven demons.

These three monster races all sacrificed their lives to gain power, their strength soared, and they were only one step away from the Supreme Nine Heavens.

Coupled with the real-life Supreme Nine Heavenly Powerhouse, the Purple Dragon Demon King, immediately became the target of attention of this Gorefiend squad!

Of course, they did not completely abandon Mu Qing, because they used the teleporter to leave, causing them to be quite angry.

There were two double-horned gorefiends, but they still divided a part of their attention to Mu Qing, worried that Mu Qing would also use that weird means to escape from the enchantment they arranged.

Mu Qing was also aware of this, but he ignored it and sat in the endless void with his eyes closed.

In the eyes of the blood demons, this was like a weak person who gave up struggling, like a lamb to be slaughtered, suddenly lost interest!

"That guy, I'm afraid we were scared. Forget it, wait until the current group of people are resolved, and then kill the little guy."

A double-horned blood demon curled his lips and said.

Their clan likes **** battles, there is no resistance at all, and those who let them kill will not make them feel refreshed.

Some even disliked to kill such cowards!

"I can feel the breath of the dominance-level scriptures from you, the supreme nine-layer heaven of the dominion-level scriptures in the Xiaocheng realm is not bad."

Mie Quan did not pay attention to Mu Qing at all, but went straight to the front of the Purple Dragon Demon King.

He grinned, wearing golden armor, a divine sword appeared in his hand, pointing directly at the Purple Dragon Demon King.

The horrible momentum is coming!

"Hurry up, there are only three Supreme Eighth Heavens, there will be no fights when it's late!"

The remaining four double-horned gorefiends took action one after another, after all, next to the Purple Dragon Demon King, there were only three supreme eight-layered demon races.

After sacrificing his life and improving his strength, the Supreme Eighth Heaven Demon Race can still meet the requirements of the Gorefiend family who desires for opponents.

After all, in the previous trials of the Divine Tree Universe, the opponents they encountered were too weak, and now suddenly a slightly stronger opponent appeared, and each of them was very excited.

Even the blood demon headed by the royal family intends to take action!

But at this moment, facing this five-person Gorefiend squad, the face of the Purple Dragon Demon King was slightly dazed, and he didn't know what was going on.

All originally planned to retreat, but suddenly five people came.

Immediately after that, the Supreme Master and the others fled, and the Purple Dragon Demon King was sure that the Supreme Master and the others must know the identities of these five guys.

But in any case, after being locked in by the terrifying aura, the Purple Dragon Demon King knew in his heart that he could only escape by contending with it and even killing his opponent.

He could clearly perceive the existence of enchantments around him. Obviously, when he was contending with the Supreme Nirvana, he had already secretly arranged it!

"Damn it!"

The Purple Dragon Demon King gritted his teeth, he had too many accidents today!

First, the winning situation was easily solved by Mu Qing, and now a group of quite terrifying guys came to somehow, and they wanted to fight with them!

The Purple Dragon Demon King had a sullen face, and the extinction in front of him put a lot of pressure on him.

He glanced at Mu Qing not far away, and hurriedly shouted: "Your Excellency, don't ignore that guy, the man named Mu Qing has just killed one of our supreme eighth heavenly powerhouses instantly!"

Since the opponent is so eager to fight, then he will also pull Mu Qing into it, and then he will find a way to escape.

However, upon hearing his words, Mie Quan was unmoved.

"I think that the guy named Mu Qing should have been in contact with other teams of our clan before, so he understands the desire of our blood demons to fight. I can also see that his methods are not weak..."

Mie Quan's face was indifferent, and he said: "However, he was ranked last by me, because I need him to find the group of escaped guys."

As the royal family of the Gorefiend, destroying power is not a fool.

At the very beginning, Mu Qing asked them to find the people of the Demon Race, which already showed that Mu Qing had some understanding of their blood demons.

Mie Quan suddenly realized that Mu Qing must have been in contact with the Gorefiend squad, and being able to escape from a Gorefiend squad is enough to explain their ability!

Therefore, Mie Quan did not intend to kill Mu Qing first, but planned to kill the Purple Dragon Demon King and his party, and then grab Mu Qing to find the Nirvana Supreme and others who had escaped from their enchantment.

At that time, kill them all in one go!

Excitement appeared in the eyes of Mie Quan!

The desire for the strong, after experiencing the first three trials of the sacred tree universe that faced the weak, the opponent encountered this time was obviously much stronger, but he would not let any strong one go!

"Come on! Fight!"

Mie Quan smiled grimly, stepped on a **** step, and appeared in front of the Purple Dragon Demon King in the blink of an eye with the **** sword in his hand.

A cyan lightning flashed by, followed by a snorting sound, an arm tossed away, and fell into the depths of the endless void.

Severe pain swept through his body, and the Purple Dragon Demon King drew away frantically, his face full of shock.

I didn't expect that the speed of extinction could be so fast!

He has no chance to react at all!

Mie Quan frowned, a little dissatisfied, "Is this your true strength? Too weak, come up with some real skills!"

The Purple Dragon Demon King gritted his teeth and looked at the destruction of power with hatred.

"Just now, they talked about the blood demons? Are these terrifying guys in front of me all blood demons?"

The Purple Dragon Demon King was shocked. When he entered the ancient tree of the blood demon, he naturally learned about the blood demon from the mouth of the scarlet king.

Even, he knew that the identity of the Scarlet King was the Scarlet Ruler of Tianqing Universe!

The Scarlet Ruler knew quite well about the Old Tree of the Blood Demon, and by the way, the news of the Blood Demon also informed them.

Although the strength is strong, there is no danger, and the Demon Flame Supreme will come to support afterwards.

This is the original words of Scarlet Domination!

But now, the face of the Purple Dragon Demon King is ashen!

Where is this strong, but not dangerous?

A little carelessness, he might fall on the spot!

Also, it was said that the demon flame supreme would come to support, but in the end there was no personal shadow!

At this moment, the Purple Dragon Demon King frantically complained about Demon Flame Supreme, anyway, now the leader of their demon world has become the Scarlet King.

Of course, even though he was complaining in his heart, the Purple Dragon Demon King knew from the bottom of his heart that some changes must have taken place after they entered here, causing the news to fail to pass, and the Supreme Ten Heavenly Powers outside could not enter.

Because he clearly remembered that in the beginning, it was possible to send messages outside.

At a certain moment, it suddenly stopped!

And all the changes must be related to the blood demons in front of them!

"It seems that we have to use the hole cards."

Masses of flesh and blood grew from the arms of the Purple Dragon Demon King, and the broken arm recovered in the blink of an eye.

He looked at Mie Quan, with scarlet light flashing in his eyes.

The extinction is that he holds the divine sword and waits quietly. He can feel that the Purple Dragon Demon King is gradually getting stronger, and his aura has become weird.

"Very good! Keep getting stronger to make me feel more happy!" Mie Quan laughed.

At this time, a phantom appeared behind the Purple Dragon Demon King.

It was a sword of flesh and blood, and like other monsters supreme, he was also given the power of evil nerves by the evil **** of the sword of flesh and blood.

But in comparison, he got more!


The Purple Dragon Demon King slowly spit out two words!

This is a method he didn't want to use, because the sacrifice consumes his own vitality!

But in the current situation, in the face of the powerful extinction of power, he can only sacrifice his life.

In an instant, most of his vitality was emptied, and even the extinction of power as an opponent could be clearly felt.

"Sacrifice most of your lives in exchange for strength? Good! I admire you! Much better than those guys who escaped with weird means!"

Mie Quan's eyes lit up and he exclaimed that he was very satisfied with the Purple Dragon Demon King.

On the contrary, it belittles the nirvana and others.

The Purple Dragon Demon King cursed in his heart, if he could choose, he also wanted to run away and become a coward, instead of staying here and consuming his life to fight!

However, this group of blood demons seems to be a group of lunatics, even more mad than their cultivating evil nerves!

The means of consuming life and improving strength is actually a noble behavior in the eyes of this group of blood demons!

Mie Quan did not move, his eyes looked expectant, and he wanted to wait for the Purple Dragon Demon King to attack him first.

Obviously, the Purple Dragon Demon King would not let go of this opportunity, gritted his teeth, countless scarlet lights condensed, and a huge purple real dragon roared out and slew towards extinction.

At the same time, the purple real dragon was transformed under the power of a layer of scarlet light.

The purple scales gradually appeared blood red, and at the same time, smooth tentacles grew near the dragon's head.

Those purple scales have transformed into flesh and blood!

Evil, cruel, fierce!

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