Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1628: Sword of Flesh


Mie Quan looked at the dragon of flesh and blood roaring at him with interest.

He raised the divine sword in his hand, and the blue light on it was shining.

"In order to pay tribute to your fighting for consuming your life, I can tell you my abilities.

The great supreme tree gave me the ability of the Azure God Tianfeng, and after transforming into the royal clan, my ability has improved a lot. I hope you can support me until I perform the first stage of liberation. "

As he spoke, the dragon of flesh and blood had roared in front of him, and opened his mouth full of fangs.

And the next moment, Xie Quan stepped forward, as if actively going into the mouth of the Flesh Dragon.

But at this moment, a touch of blue light emerged, like a violent wind bursting, and the entire dragon of flesh and blood turned into fragments!

The pupils of the Purple Dragon Demon King shrank violently, because he could not capture the figure of Xie Quan!

Obviously, after he sacrificed his life, his strength has been greatly improved, why is it still the same as before, unable to see the figure of Xie Quan?

The gap between the two sides is too big!

Suddenly, the voice of extinction came from behind.

"I forgot to tell you, the speed of my clan's **** step will exceed the limit after cultivation, and at the same time, it will match my ability, Azure God Tianfeng!

After the combination of the two, the speed of my magic steps will be several times faster, and at the same time, my body shape is like the wind, which is hard to be noticed. "

The pupils of the Purple Dragon Demon King suddenly shrank, and his face was full of horror. He didn't know when the Extinction Power came behind him!

"Unfortunately, according to your strength, you can actually capture the traces of my actions, but after I cooperated with Qingshen Tianfeng, the traces disappeared."

As Mie Quan explained, he waved the divine sword in his hand, the huge sword light from top to bottom, to completely kill the Purple Dragon Demon King!

Although it was hard to meet a stronger opponent, Exigency did not show mercy, or that he did not use the ability of the first stage of liberation, he was already merciful.


The terrifying cyan sword light was tearing everything apart, and there was a gust of wind in the entire endless void.


Then came the screams of the Purple Dragon Demon King!

But soon, a smile appeared on Xie Quan's face.

In his perception, the Purple Dragon Demon King was not dead!

Later, Mie Quan looked towards the other party, but found that behind the Purple Dragon Demon King, a huge strange sword appeared!

This sword is made of flesh and blood, and there is a pale evil eyeball on it. Everywhere in this sword of flesh and blood is weird!

"Unexpectedly, you still have something to do!"

Mie Quan seemed to see a surprise, with a smile on his face.

Afterwards, his face became weird, and from the sword of flesh and blood, he felt a trace of heart palpitations!

Obviously, that can threaten his existence!

"Interestingly, this thing doesn't seem to belong to you, but is given to you by someone who cultivates the dominance-level scriptures to the perfect state."

Mie Quan's face was obviously solemn.

Although he did not know the origin of the sword of flesh and blood, he clearly felt that the sword of flesh and blood was extraordinary.

When it comes to the consummation state of the dominating scriptures, even he has to pay attention to it!

Although this sword of flesh and blood could not raise the dominance level of the Purple Dragon Demon King to the level of Consummation, at the very least, it could allow the Purple Dragon Demon King to have the strength to compete with him!


The Purple Dragon Demon King's throat let out a low growl, his eyes were red as he watched the appearance of the sword of flesh and blood!

In his heart, he didn't feel any gratitude for the help of this sword of flesh and blood at all.

Because the Purple Dragon Demon King deeply understands the consequences!

As far as he knows, the three evil gods are basically in a deep sleep state. Except for the Scarlet King, the head of the three evil gods, that is, the Scarlet Lord, who sometimes wakes up, the Flesh Sword and the Evil Eye Giant are all sleeping for a long time. in.

And this sword of flesh and blood appeared because the evil nerve power in the Purple Dragon Demon King sensed that the life of the Purple Dragon Demon King was in danger, so he took the initiative to appear to help him.

Other monster races don't have this kind of protection!

However, the Purple Dragon Demon King does not call this behavior protection!

Because the sword of flesh and blood and the evil eye giant are in a deep sleep state.

The phantom of the sword of flesh and blood in the body of the Purple Dragon Demon King transformed into substance, possessing the posture of a true evil god, and helped him withstand the attack of extinction.

This also means that the evil god, the sword of flesh and blood, has temporarily awakened because of him!

The price is everything on him!

Once the battle between the Sword of Flesh and Destruction ends, even if they are victorious, the Sword of Flesh will take away everything from the Purple Dragon Demon King, leaving almost no strength and vitality!

Even if you don't die, you will become a useless person!

The face of the Purple Dragon Demon King was extremely ugly, and the appearance of the sword of flesh and blood already meant that his fate was destined to be gloomy.

Therefore, the Purple Dragon Demon King is full of anger towards the destruction of power!

"I want you to die!"

The Purple Dragon Demon King roared, his body suddenly swelled dozens of times, the original human form had transformed into the appearance of a dragon, and purple dragon scales appeared all over his body.

At the same time, a pair of dragon horns grew on the top of the head, and a dragon tail appeared behind it.

The Purple Dragon Demon King stretched out his claws and grabbed the sword of flesh and blood!

In an instant, the power of the coming evil **** assimilated him, the horns on the top of his head became blood red, the scales on his body turned into flesh and blood, and the tail behind it turned into smooth tentacles!

From the original state of a majestic real dragon, it became an ugly monster!

But in exchange, it was incomparable power, and the strength of the Purple Dragon Demon King increased crazily, and it was already comparable to the supreme Nine Heavens in the master-level scripture great realm.

This also means that he can contend with the power of extinction!

Even Mu Qing in the distance looked at the Purple Dragon Demon King with surprise, but he didn't expect the other party to have such methods.

"It seems that you should be careful when you meet the monsters in the future. After all, their evil nerves are given by the evil **** himself. I am afraid that the ultimate method can summon the power of the evil **** to fight!"

Mu Qing secretly said in his heart, from the sword of flesh and blood, he felt waves of pressure.

At the same time, just looking at it, endless chattering will appear in the ear, which makes people feel uneasy.


At this time, the Purple Dragon Demon King clung to the sword of flesh and blood, and stood down fiercely, and the light of blood appeared throughout the sky.

Mie Quan showed a look of surprise, and immediately launched a magical step, cooperated with the Qingshen Tianfeng, and avoided at an astonishing speed.

Compared with the dragon of flesh and blood before, the Purple Dragon Demon King who now holds the sword of flesh and blood already possesses the ability to injure him, so he chose to avoid it!

However, the Purple Dragon Demon King seemed to have been able to see his trail, raised his hand and immediately cut it down towards another place.


Endless scarlet light blooms!

At the same time, a burst of blood spattered!

Mie Quan was guarded by a violent cyan hurricane, resisting the power of scarlet, with a look of surprise on his face, he touched his chest.

There is a hideous wound there!

he is hurt!

"That sword of flesh and blood, sees through the traces of my actions!"

Mie Quan squinted his eyes and landed on the sword of flesh and blood in the hands of the Purple Dragon Demon King.

He can be sure that it is almost impossible to notice after using his own magic steps and cooperating with the blue **** Tianfeng.

Even the Purple Dragon Demon King is in this state now!

However, under the guidance of the weird sword of flesh and blood in his hand, the Purple Dragon Demon King easily found his position and attacked.

The current situation is not so much his battle with the Purple Dragon Demon King, as it is his battle with the Sword of Flesh!


Mie Quan took a closer look, and suddenly found that blood vessels grew on the hilt of the sword of flesh and blood, which pierced into the arms of the Purple Dragon Demon King.

At this moment, the Sword of Flesh is already controlling the Purple Dragon Demon King for battle!


The corner of Mie Quan's mouth was slightly raised, his blood boiled, and he couldn't help but let out a long roar, and then the divine sword in his hand burst into endless blue light.

"The first stage of liberation, kamikaze killing!"

The cyan gust of wind, centered on the extinction of power, screamed towards the surroundings frantically.

At the same time, the aura on Mie Quan's body increased several times, and his figure appeared in every corner of the blue violent wind.


At the same time, the two-horned blood demons who fought with the supreme monsters in the distance turned their attention away.

In fact, they are not so much fighting as they are warming up.

While they readily dealt with the attacks from the Yaozu supreme, they watched the battle on the extermination side.

"The Purple Dragon Demon King, I originally thought he was not good, but now it seems that his strength is higher than that of mine, and he actually forced the captain to perform the first stage of liberation."

The two-horned blood demon with the strongest royal aura couldn't help but speak.

"Unfortunately, the Purple Dragon Demon King belongs to the captain."

The two-horned blood demon next to him shook his head. He also wanted to fight the Purple Dragon Demon King, even if he was seriously injured.


Suddenly, the double-horned blood demon with the strongest royal aura noticed some problems on Mu Qing's side.

He looked at Mu Qing fiercely, and shouted angrily: "Asshole! What do you want to do!"

A weird smile appeared on Mu Qing's face, and then a star snake wrapped around him and swallowed him!

When the double-horned blood demon appeared strange on Mu Qing's side, it was the first time that the supreme powerhouse who had left the demon clan rushed, but it turned out to be empty.

Mu Qing has entered the field of nonexistence!

Just under their noses, disappeared!

No matter how strong their strength is, even if they destroy power, they cannot break the endless void and enter the realm of non-existence.

"Damn it! Let that guy escape!"

The other three double-horned blood demons were also extremely angry. A Supreme Eighth Heaven escaped under their noses. What a shame it is!

They wanted to inform the extermination of the news. Obviously, the extermination who was fighting in fierce battle did not intend to pay attention to them.

The extinction of power has entered the battle, ignore other things, fight with one heart!

"Wait until the captain finishes the battle, I'll wait until I'm ready to be punished!"

The horned blood demon said with a cold face.

He didn't care, because he was the one who fancy the extinction of power, and at most he was blamed for a few words, but the other three were really punished.


At this time, there is no realm.

Mu Qing took a deep breath and felt the outside world again.

He came in to make people outside think he had escaped!

In fact, his goal is to use the non-existent domain and time suspension to sneak attack on the two-horned blood demon with the strongest blood of the royal family! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1628 The Sword of Flesh), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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