Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1629: Successfully attacked!

"Damn, people in this universe can run away like this!"

The two-horned gorefiend with a particularly strong royal breath cursed in a low voice.

First, the nirvana supreme and the others escaped, and now Mu Qing escaped, or escaped under their noses!

This is simply a shame to their blood demons!

"The enchantment set by the captain, even the Supreme Nine Heavens, will take more than half a day to succeed. How did those guys do it?"

The double-horned gorefiend frowned, puzzled.

The other three double-horned blood demons were also puzzled, and even the battle in front of them became unattractive.

After a while, all the powerhouses of the Yaozu were killed.

In the endless void, only Mie Quan was still fighting the Purple Dragon Demon King.

Not enough, it should be said that it is fighting with the Sword of Flesh, because the current state of the Purple Dragon Demon King is not optimistic, and it is almost completely controlled by the Sword of Flesh.

As for the Purple Dragon Demon King himself, he had completely lost his original appearance. He was assimilated into flesh and blood all over his body, and his whole person lost himself in the chattering of the evil god.

There is no doubt that the power of the evil god, the sword of flesh and blood, is already comparable to the strength of Destroying Power, and the two have to fight back and forth.

Annihilation has completely displayed its first stage of liberation, kamikaze killing!

This is a domain-like ability, with a blue gust of wind covering every corner of the endless void.

At the same time, the ontological style of Destruction can appear anywhere in the kamikaze realm!

This is much more powerful than their clan's **** step, and he also has a terrifying power. The blue sword light cuts down and kills everything!

That's the case, Destroying Power couldn't help but get the Sword of Flesh, but it still had a certain upper hand!

"Interesting! Unexpectedly, you guy can actually have a fighting power comparable to mine!"

Mie Quan couldn't attack for a long time, but his face was full of joy. He became more and more excited, and his desire to fight was thoroughly aroused.

"No, you are already in a certain state. This ghost is fighting me, and this is just a part of that guy's power. If you can fight this ghost..."

Mianquan laughed wildly, this time the trial of the tree universe made him feel anticipation and excitement.

Their blood demons have never been afraid of opponents stronger than their own, and even knowing that the opponent's strength is stronger than their own, will rush forward without hesitation.

In other words, they are generally so reckless!

"Look forward to the day we meet!"

Mie Quan laughed and roared. This sentence was obviously addressed to the Sword of Flesh.

The cosmic trial of the sacred tree is more than just attracting the powerhouses of other universes into the sacred tree space and honed their various blood demon teams.

When the heart of the sacred tree was captured by a certain Gorefiend team, the trial was over.

Then, in that Gorefiend team, all the double-horned Gorefiends will be given power and transformed into a royal family!

At the same time, the leader of the Gorefiend squad who captured the heart of the tree will get all the power of the heart of the tree and be given the name of the gods!

That captain will transform into an existence above the royal family!

Every time the sacred tree universe tries, one will be born, unless the heart of the sacred tree is taken away by a strong person outside the blood demon clan.

The heart of blood, basically only the creatures of the blood demon clan or some special physiques can play a role, but the heart of the sacred tree is different, and it has great benefits for the creatures of any race.

It's just that the benefits are even greater for the Gorefiend clan, after all, it can be transformed into the existence of the royal clan.

Extinguishing power is exactly looking forward to it at this moment, he sees the sword of blood and flesh is just a part of the power.

He intends to do his best to seize the heart of the sacred tree, to conquer the current universe, and to find the whereabouts of the sword of flesh and blood, fight, and then kill it!

"It seems that the captain still needs a lot of time to end the battle."

Everyone next to them was surprised. After these few trials of the sacred tree, it was the first time that they encountered an opponent who could compete with their captain.

"Since the captain is so happy, I hope he won't blame us when he finds a set of people later."

A double-horned blood demon spoke.

After solving the other supreme powerhouses of the Yaozu, they also probed the surrounding situation, but they still couldn't find Mu Qing's figure.

This shows that Mu Qing has really escaped from their captain's enchantment!

This is unbelievable!


Suddenly, the double-horned blood demon with the strongest royal aura was stunned, and found that a huge starry snake appeared in front of him.

"this is!"

His eyes widened.

There is no doubt that this is the strange snake that appeared when Mu Qing just disappeared!

"I knew, that guy just used some means to hide in the barrier!"

A sneer appeared on the double-horned Gorefiend's face, he reached out and grabbed the snake in the starry sky.

He has even seen Mu Qing's figure emerge from the huge mouth of the snake in the starry sky.

"Time paused..."

The invisible ripples spread out in an instant, and everything around them came to a halt.

When Mu Qing was in the field of non-existence, as long as he spent enough time to perceive the outside world, then he would be able to know everything about the outside world, and no one in the outside world would be able to find him!

Unless it is the strongest of the Supreme Ten Heavens!

At this moment, Mu Qing had already focused on this royal family's strong double-horned gorefiend, and the moment he appeared, he drew out the power of the two realms in his body!

Excluding the power of the first starry sky that was initially exhausted, Mu Qing currently only has the power of the two starry sky left in his body.


Time is running out, Mu Qing decisively exploded with all his strength, the Sun Sutra, Chaos Sutra, and Destiny Sutra, three powers simultaneously bombarded the two-horned Gorefiend!

Although the two-horned Gorefiend is powerful, it is impossible to stand differently and be beaten without being injured.

In the case of time suspension, he has no way to defend!

Therefore, even Mu Qing can achieve a certain effect even if he uses the dominating scriptures of the Xiaocheng realm.

And Mu Qing has not forgotten that his power of destruction can cause very effective injuries to the blood demons!

A strong destructive power enveloped his arms, and a ferocious black-red dragon roared out.

This time, it pierced directly through the chest of this double-horned blood demon!

But this is not enough!

Mu Qing noticed that the life state of this pair of horned blood demons was still quite stable, and these were just minor injuries to him.

Before achieving the royal family, the royal blood in the heart of even the blood had limited improvement to them.

But no matter what, there is still some improvement. At least this double-horned blood demon is much more vigorous than the double-horned blood demon named Kui that Mu Qing had encountered before!


"Evil nerve!"

In an instant, an evil **** with hundreds of thousands of feet appeared behind Mu Qing, black and red light bloomed, fangs fierce.

The abilities of the Starry Sky Book can be switched to at any time. After all, for the Starry Sky Book, with the ability to activate, only need to turn one page to turn Mu Qing's original Dacheng Realm Destiny Sutra into Dacheng Realm Evil. nerve!

And because of the special nature of the Destiny Sutra, this led to Mu Qing's operation, which would not have any effect on the time suspension.

After all, the energy of the Starry Sky Force of the two realms has been exhausted, and time has been suspended. Even if Mu Qing's Destiny Scripture falls back to the Xiaocheng realm, it will not allow time to start flowing again.

Next, is the real highlight!

Mu Qing’s Demon God of Destruction draws a steady stream of destructive power. When he opens his fangs, a terrifying beam of destruction bursts out of his mouth!

The destruction beam with a diameter of a thousand meters slammed the double-horned blood demon severely.

The previous Kui was killed by this move!

However, at the moment this two-horned Gorefi who is about to transform into a royal family has not been directly annihilated.

The invisible ripples arose and began to gather.

Two seconds passed.

The huge change made this Gorefiend squad feel astonished. Even as the captain of Destroyer, they stopped fighting with the Sword of Flesh and looked at Mu Qing in shock.

He knew that Mu Qing had suddenly disappeared before, but he was in a fierce battle and didn't want to control Mu Qing.

Extinction just wants to enjoy the battle!

But when he was fighting with the Sword of Flesh, Mu Qing suddenly appeared.

Appearing at the same time, there is also a huge and incomparable evil **** of destruction!


Mie Quan yelled, and the double-horned blood demon who was stared at by Mu Qing was named Mu.

He wanted to confirm the situation of the wood, and at the same time, from the Destroying Cthulhu, he felt a breath similar to the sword of flesh and blood in front of him.

Especially the destruction beam, even he felt a palpitation!

And the response to the extinction was a scream!

Mu's body was hit by the frontal bombardment of the destruction beam, but it was not annihilated, but it was already riddled with holes, and there was a lot of destructive power in his body that was destroying his vitality.

I have to say that he is about to transform into a royal family, his strength is weakly improved, but his vitality is exceptionally tenacious.

However, in this case, it was also hit hard.

"Boy! I'm going to kill you!"

Mu's mouth let out a hysterical roar, he was extremely angry at the moment!

He was attacked by a villain unexpectedly, and he was hit hard as a result!

The anger engulfed his sanity, he roared, rushing towards Mu Qing with a godly step.

"Stop! Wood!"

Mie Quan also yelled, he wanted to calm Mu.

However, Mu Qing had already anticipated this situation.

At this time, the abilities of Xingkongshu had disappeared, and the evil nerves of the Dacheng realm had also returned to the Xiaocheng realm.

The huge evil **** of destruction suddenly turned into a phantom, appearing behind Mu Qing.

Facing Mu's attack, Mu Qing sneered and waved his big hand. A huge scarlet palace appeared, and it was suppressed fiercely!

Scarlet dominates the hall!

Of course, the Scarlet Domination Hall had long since lost its power, and for Mu Qing, it was just a storage device with almost unlimited space.

However, the Scarlet Domination Palace can directly earn it no matter who the target is!

Mu suddenly disappeared from the eyes of everyone, and he was seriously injured and was taken into the Scarlet Domination Hall.

At the same time, Scarlet Domination Hall shrank to the size of a palm and fell into Mu Qing's hands.

Mu Qing is confident, with the strength of the double-horned blood demon, there is no way to break the Scarlet Domination Hall and escape.

"Stop me!"

At this time, the other double-horned blood demons quickly surrounded him.

Mu Qing smiled at them, took out the teleporter, and pressed the button. The whole person was enveloped in the blue mist vortex and disappeared in place. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 1629 Sneak Attack!) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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