Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1631: Golden light group, Dacheng's Sun Sutra!

In the non-existent realm, a blood-red palace is suspended.

Mu Qing has entered the Scarlet Domination Hall.

After the Starry Sky Book erased all the marks on the Scarlet Domination Hall, Mu Qing has become its sole owner.

Originally, in Mu Qing's view, Scarlet Domination Hall was a carry-on residence or an infinite storage space.

Entering the Scarlet Domination Hall, with a wave of your hand, the Scarlet Domination Hall can create countless independent spaces.

Mu Qing came to one of the independent spaces, and there was nothingness inside.

In fact, in this independent space, there was a small world and some wild beasts, and the world was full of energy.

However, everything was destroyed by the guy inside, and everything was shattered, leaving nothing but pitch black.

However, the Scarlet Domination Hall was created by the Scarlet Domination!

Strictly speaking, this can be regarded as a holy artifact of dominance!

Scarlet dominates the palace, but that pair of horned blood demons can't break it.

In the independent space in front of him, the two-horned blood demon named Mu kept roaring, releasing powerful attacks.

But everything around him became nothingness, and nothing could destroy him.

And he still has no way to escape from this independent space. It is impossible to break free with brute force!

Mu Qing touched his chin and looked at the scene in front of him.

He suddenly realized that the purpose of Scarlet Domination Hall might be more than just a storage space.

Can it be a prison?

After all, the Scarlet Domination Hall, which is equivalent to dominating the sacred artifacts, created an independent space, and it is estimated that even the Supreme Tenth Heaven would not be able to break open for a while.

"The vitality of the blood demons is indeed much stronger than imagined, and the wounds healed so quickly!"

Mu Qing observed the double-horned gorefiend in the independent space, a trace of surprise appeared in his eyes.

It took him three days to recover his own wear and tear. Looking back, the injuries of the two-horned blood demons had improved a lot.

You know, at that time, Mu Qing used the evil nerves of the Dacheng realm, and used the destructive beam to hit the opponent abruptly.

The power of destruction also restrained the powerful vitality of the blood demons to a certain extent, but even so, this guy recovered a lot in just three days.

I'm about to get out of the seriously injured state soon!

At the very least, when Mu Qing threw it into the Scarlet Domination Hall, he was seriously injured and dying.

"If it is allowed to recover, I am afraid that its strength will have to be improved a bit!"

Mu Qing's eyes condensed, this blood demon clan is really too terrifying, even if it has such a tenacious vitality, it will improve even after it recovers from the wound healed.

This racial trait is indeed against the sky!

Mu Qing took a deep breath and immediately took a step into the independent space in front of him.

"Die to me!"

The double-horned Gorefiend was very irritable, and when he noticed Mu Qing's appearance, he punched Mu Qing towards Mu Qing.

The invisible ripples spread.

Mu Qing immediately took advantage of the ability of the Star Book to pause time!

"Switch, evil nerve!"

Behind Mu Qing, a huge evil **** of destruction emerged, and immediately accumulated the power of destruction.

His path of destruction has a certain restraint on the blood demons, and the evil **** of destruction, which is condensed from the evil nerves of cultivation, has the ability to enhance the power of destruction.

This time, Mu Qing did not release a beam of destruction.

Because of this destruction beam, even the double-horned blood demons in their heyday could not resist, not to mention the current state, which would wipe out this guy's body if he was not careful!

Of course, the premise is that the time is suspended.

There is no time to pause, even if Mu Qing casts a beam of destruction, these two-horned blood demons can resist it!

Mu Qing's face was solemn, and the evil **** of destruction behind him gathered the majestic power of destruction into Mu Qing's palm.

He cautiously put his hand out and landed on the opponent's body. His goal is to obtain the royal blood on the opponent's body. Naturally, he can't let the power of destruction directly destroy the opponent's body.

Countless destructive powers, under the control of Mu Qing, penetrated into the body of this pair of horned blood demons, destroying any energy in his body at an astonishing speed.

After one second passed, Mu Qing accurately found the opponent's soul, and then the power of destruction erupted!

The soul of the Double Horned Gorefiend is annihilated at this moment!

The invisible ripples closed, and time began to flow again.

Mu Qing breathed a long sigh of relief, it was over!

He grabbed the opponent's body and left this fragmented independent space.

In the main hall space of Scarlet Domination Hall.

Mu Qing sat cross-legged, and in front of him was the corpse of the double-horned Gorefiend.

After using the power of destruction to destroy his soul, the remaining body can still retain a certain amount of vitality in a short period of time.

Mu Qing urged the Sun Sutra, and the sun's fire appeared in his palm, burning blazingly.

Under his control, the power of the five realms of the starry sky in his body surged, and the fire of the sun became more intense, and the temperature was extremely high, covering this double-horned blood demon.

It took a full day for the body of this pair of horned gorefiends to gradually melt!


At the critical moment, Mu Qing presented the Starry Sky Book, a mysterious and mighty power book, suspended over the corpse of the two-horned Gorefiend.

According to normal methods, it is obviously impossible to obtain royal blood.

The dead two-horned Gorefiend corpse can be refined by means, but if you want to get the royal blood in its body, you still have to rely on the power of the star book.

Five days passed.

Mu Qing always urges the power of the Sun Sutra.

In the end, what appeared in front of Mu Qing was six drops of golden blood.

"Six drops of royal blood are extremely pure!"

An excitement appeared in Mu Qing's eyes, and he quickly swallowed the six drops of royal blood and began to refine.

After this time, he also discovered one thing, that is, the royal blood obtained by refining the Double Horned Gorefiend will be lost!

Judging from the breath he perceives, this pair of horned blood demons should have swallowed eight or nine blood hearts.

But after Mu Qing's refining, he obtained only six drops of pure royal blood.

Obviously, a part of it was lost during refining, and it was not possible to get all the royal blood.

Even so, Mu Qing is still very satisfied.

This royal blood is quite obvious to him, and it is more real than any treasure of heaven and earth!

He cultivated the cosmic body, even if the universe was promoted to the maturity stage, the precious celestial materials and earth treasures that were born, the effect was somewhat weak.

Only this royal blood has a remarkable effect!

Mu Qing sat down and began to practice, refining and absorbing these six drops of royal blood.

The place he was in was a non-existent realm, and it was inside the Scarlet Domination Hall, which was very safe.


As drops of royal blood merged into the starry sky book, a wave of majestic energy was fed back.

Mu Qing's cosmic body has been greatly improved, and the distance is even further, only a slight difference!

"It's still two drops of royal blood from the power of the six realms starry sky!"

Mu Qing took a deep breath, he had a very obvious perception!

"By the way, what has changed in the Starry Sky Book?"

Mu Qing immediately sacrificed the Starry Sky Book, and the vast starry sky book appeared in front of him and opened it.

"this is?!"

A mysterious and mysterious feeling surged into my heart.

He clearly captured that there is a special power in the Starry Sky Book!

Immediately afterwards, a golden light burst from the starry sky book and fell into Mu Qing's hands.

This is a golden ball of light, the size of a palm, just floating.

Mu Qing can feel the mysterious power contained in it, very special!

It was a power he never felt.

"Is this the power born after the Starry Sky Book absorbs the blood of those royal families?"

Mu Qing was a little surprised, he quickly tried refining, maybe he could take this opportunity to open up the power of the sixth realm in one fell swoop!

However, what made Mu Qing a little disappointed was that this golden light group didn't seem to be used to refine and enhance strength.

He refining for a full day, the golden light group is intact, just staying in his body so quietly.

Mu Qing was a little helpless, took out the golden light ball from his body, looked at it for a long time, and then felt it for a long time, without receiving any information.

"Could it be that this thing is for the Starry Sky Book?"

Mu Qing glanced at the starry sky book again and put the golden light ball on it.


This time I finally got a response!

The golden light ball suddenly penetrated into the first page, which is the page where the cosmic body is recorded.

Mu Qing stared closely, sensing the changes in his body at any time.

However, after a while, the golden ball of light spit out from the first page, the starry sky book trembled, and then there was no movement.


The corner of Mu Qing's mouth twitched slightly. He thought he had found the correct method for the golden light group, but in the end nothing happened.

After thinking about it, he set his sights on the second page again.

The second page of the starry sky book is a door, the door of the starry sky!

However, with Mu Qing's deepening of the development of the world's snake ability, now there is an extra starry sky snake on the starry sky gate, hovering over there.

Mu Qing threw the golden light ball in, as before, the second page swallowed the golden light ball in.

After a while, the golden ball of light was spit out!

Mu Qing stroked his chin, thinking.

"Is the method wrong, or is the golden light group ineffective for both?"

Mu Qing frowned.

He plans to try again, after all, this is the only way the golden light group can interact.

So, he threw the golden light cluster on the third page, which is above the Sun Sutra,


The third page swallowed the golden light ball, and this time a different picture appeared!

Waves of ripples emerged, and at the same time a dazzling golden light spread from the third page.

This page is the Sun Sutra, and every word on it has bloomed with dazzling golden light!

Mu Qing was stunned for a moment, and immediately felt that the third page in front of him produced a vortex, which involved him, and his consciousness came to a special space, surrounded by golden suns!

Countless insights and experiences exploded in my mind.

At this moment, it seems that hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and it seems like a moment!

Mu Qing's consciousness returned to his body, he looked at the third page in front of him in astonishment, and the dazzling golden light gradually dimmed.

After a while, a look of shock appeared on Mu Qing's face.

He hurriedly activated the Sun Sutra. The difference from the previous one was that this time he activated the Sun Sutra not because his body was shining with the light of the sun, but the sun and fire gathered in his hands.

Formed a fire knife!

Mu Qing's pupils suddenly contracted.

His Sun Sutra, unexpectedly reached the realm of Dacheng at this time! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Collection\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1631 Golden Light Group, Dacheng Sun Sutra!), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf ! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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