Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1632: Yu Sacred Team


Mu Qing held the long and narrow fire knife in his hand, and he could feel the terrifying power contained in it.

Especially at this moment, all the insights and understandings that have emerged in his mind, which had just arrived at an obscure place for the Sun Sutra, have now all been mastered!

Mu Qing was shocked, and it took a long time before he came back to his senses.

The ability of Star Book is too much!

It was more terrifying than he thought.

He thought that the original ability of the Star Book to temporarily improve the dominance level scripture realm was already very abnormal, but he did not expect that it would have such effects!

That golden light cluster, placed on the page of the Sun Sutra for it to absorb, directly promoted Mu Qing's Sun Sutra from the state of Xiaocheng to the state of Dacheng!

You know, even if there is a chaos temple, Mu Qing doesn't know how many years it will take to cultivate the Sun Sutra to the realm of Dacheng.

This is still in the case of a certain increase in the Chaos Temple plus the Starry Sky Book itself!

Others don't have a starry sky book, and they want to cultivate the master-level scriptures to the realm of Dacheng.

The Xiaocheng realm may also rely on physical fitness, as well as its own efforts and talents, to cultivate the dominant-level scriptures to the Xiaocheng realm in a short time, just like Mutuo and Gai Linxuan.

But the realm of Dacheng is definitely not so easy to reach!

Although Mu Qing said that he was the most proficient in the Sun Sutra among the many dominator-level scriptures, in fact, he was still a long way from the Dacheng realm.

Nowadays, Xingkong Shu almost uses the power like a divine enlightenment to improve Mu Qing's realm. This is not temporary, but permanent!

"If the Sun Sutra was created by me, and my cultivation level reaches the Supreme Tenth Heaven, then at this moment, I am already qualified to attack the master."

Mu Qing lowered his mind, perceiving the regular orb in his mind.

That is the key to breaking through dominance. Only by reaching the Supreme Tenth Heaven, then creating one's own dominance level scriptures and reaching Dacheng can they be qualified to attack.

This is also the reason why the master-level scriptures of the Dacheng realm are so difficult to achieve, after all, it involves the impact of the master realm!

"Since my Sun Sutra has reached the realm of Dacheng, then..."

Mu Qing looked at Xingkongshu again.

The abilities of the Star Book will forcibly raise the realm of dominating scriptures to a level for a certain period of time!

Is he still able to use this ability now in the realm of his Sun Jing Dacheng?

Mu Qing was quite curious, so he didn't leave the non-existent realm to find the nirvana and others, but waited until the starry sky book ability recovered, and then used it again!

Target Sun Sutra!

Suddenly, a terrifying sun fire broke out from Mu Qing's body, and the golden red flame burned the non-existent realm.

The surface of Mu Qing's body was bathed in the fire of the sun, forming a golden flame coat.

The fire knife in his hand also burst into a more terrifying heat wave.

At the same time, Mu Qing mastered the power of the Sun Sutra of Consummation!

Mu Qing slowly raised the fire knife in his hand and swung it horizontally to the side.

The endless scorching sun's power was condensed on the tip of the knife, and along with Mu Qing's swing, a million-meter-long horizontal crack appeared, followed by a terrifying explosion of the sun's fire.

The heat wave swept away in waves, and the flames that were countless times stronger than the Dacheng realm produced a fierce roar in an instant.

One of the abilities of the Sun Sutra of Consummation.

Burning Sun Blade!

The power of the endless scorching sun gathered on the tip of the knife, releasing a terrifying temperature to the extreme, and even the non-existent field was torn apart into a long and narrow crack.

Immediately afterwards, the fire of the sun burst out in an instant, causing an explosion!

With a short slash, Mu Qing felt that the power of the Five Realms in his body had been consumed by half!

This level of consumption is comparable to the time suspension.

Mu Qing let out a long sigh, before he recovered, the raging fire coat on his body turned into wisps of sparks and scattered.

After a while of dizziness, Mu Qing came back to his senses.

"Ten seconds."

After stunned, Mu Qing spit out two words.

A surprise appeared on his face. He didn't expect that the abilities of the Star Book would also have an effect on the master-level scriptures of the Dacheng realm!

It's just that, although the power of the Sun Sutra, which is forcibly promoted to the perfect state, is extremely terrifying, it consumes too much.

With just one move, half of the energy in Mu Qing's body was consumed!

Of course, this is mainly because Mu Qing's own cultivation level is too low, and he forcibly uses the solar meridian of the Consummation Realm, so there is such an astonishing consumption.

After all, the Sun Sutra of the Consummation Realm can basically be mastered only by a master!

At the same time, in the current Starry Sky Book, Mu Qing forcibly promoted to the realm of Dacheng, there will be no sequelae, and there will be no weakness in the body.

But it is different to raise the Sun Sutra of the Dacheng Realm to the Consummation Realm.

The time is only ten seconds, and only enough for Mu Qing to perform a trick!

And after the end, there will be a period of dizziness!

Mu Qing had some speculations about this. The original Starry Sky Book forcibly raised the realm of Dominant-level Scriptures because he wanted to act as a sequelae, or the Starry Sky Book had actually helped to offset some of the sequelae.

After that, Mu Qing received some blood heart, blood of the royal family of the Gorefiend family, which had certain benefits for the Starry Sky Book. After absorbing it, not only did it feed back a part of the power improvement to Mu Qing, but also made the Starry Sky Book itself stronger.

After becoming stronger, the Starry Sky Book has been able to help Mu Qing resist all the sequelae, so Mu Qing will not enter a state of weakness.

But the state of Consummation is different. The Starry Sky Book in its current state cannot help Mu Qing withstand all the sequelae, so he still has to bear part of it!

"No matter what, this is a huge benefit for me. The Sun Sutra of Consummation will become my hole card means!"

"At the same time, under normal circumstances, I can use two master-level scriptures of the Dacheng realm at the same time!"

Mu Qing touched his chin and whispered in a low voice.

Originally, he used the time pause first, and then quickly switched the dominator-level scriptures.

But now, he can use the Sun Sutra of the Dacheng Realm to deal with others, and he can directly borrow the power of the Star Book to make the Destiny Sutra reach the Dacheng Realm and release the time pause.

This is more unexpected than the previous fighting method, and it will not waste time!

He can suspend time and use it at critical moments!

"But...what the **** is going on with this Destiny Sutra?"

Mu Qing looked at the starry sky book floating in front of him.

Under his control, the Starry Sky Book flipped to the page of the Destiny Sutra, the fourth page!

Mu Qing frowned and looked at the Destiny Sutra, only to see a touch of bronze in the corner of the fourth page!

He can be sure that there was absolutely none before!

But I don't know when, a touch of bronze appeared in the corner of the fourth page.

This made Mu Qing a little surprised, and at the same time he didn't know what was going on, he didn't know if it was good or bad.

Mu Qing researched for a long time, but couldn't find out what was going on with this bronze color, so he put away the Starry Sky Book in desperation.

He once again recovered the energy consumed in his body, and then he sensed the outside world, the star snake appeared, swallowed him, and left the non-existent realm!

It's been a while since we were separated from the Supreme Master and the others, but fortunately, the Supreme Lord gave him a lot of teleporters in the shape of a long handle.

When using this teleporter, Mu Qing again sighed with the astonishment of the means by which the supreme nirvana was destroyed.

In this sacred tree space, even the powerhouses of that group of blood demons may not be able to cross the space long distances. This is a restriction for everyone!

However, Nirvana can do it easily, just use this teleporter!

The teleporter has two activation modes, one is to randomly teleport to a nearby space coordinate, and the second is to teleport to a certain range, to the person holding the Qi Luck Orb.

When Mu Qing left in front of the team that destroyed the power, he used the first activation mode, sending randomly.

After all, there was no time for him to send it regularly.

It's safe for the time being. Mu Qing took a moment to lock the position of the Qi Luck Orb of the Supreme Nirvana, and then press the button of the teleporter.

The azure blue mist vortex enveloped him and disappeared in place.


Mu Qing walked out of the azure blue mist, he looked around, but was stunned.

It was true that he was teleporting to the Nirvana Supreme, but now, the Nirvana Supreme and others seemed to have encountered another force.

A team in front of you, from the holy world!

"What's going on over there in the demon world?" When the Master of Silence saw Mu Qing's arrival, the voice transmission asked.

"The rest of the monster clan powerhouses have already fallen. The Purple Dragon Demon King is not sure, but one thing is certain is that even if the Purple Dragon Demon King is immortal, it is a serious injury. It is no longer a concern."

Mu Qing Chuanyin replied.

It was a critical moment at that time, Mu Qing only noticed that the strong monsters of the Demon Race were killed by the Double Horned Gorefiend, and did not pay much attention to the battle between the Purple Dragon Demon King and the Destruction.

Mu Qing's eyes fell on the group of people in front of him.

As soon as he arrived, he found that the Supreme Nirvana and the powerhouses of the holy world were in a stalemate here.

The headed person is a young man with crimson markings on the corners of his eyes and a smile on his face. He looks gentle, but there is a breath of horror on his body!

Holy One!

The strength of the Supreme Nine Heavens!

At the same time, behind the Holy One, there are three Supreme Eight Heavenly Powerhouses.

Holy Two, Holy Three, Holy Four!

When Mu Qing saw this, a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

He originally thought that the cultivation level of the ten saints was fixed, but he did not expect that the holy third and the fourth were actually promoted to the supreme eighth heaven.

Originally these two guys, one is the Supreme Seventh Heaven and the other is the Supreme Sixth Heaven!

"Boy! There are fewer people on your side than us. Are you sure you want to fight us?"

With a smile at the corner of Ji Mianzhi's mouth, he shouted at Sheng Yi.

In the Holy Realm, there are quite a lot of people around the Supreme Fifth Heaven. Except for the first class, there are more than 20 Supreme Powers.

However, the top combat power is one of the Supreme Nine Heavens and three of the Supreme Eight Heavens.

On the contrary, here in the Black Realm, there is one Supreme Nine Heaven, four Supreme Eight Heavens, and one Supreme Seven Heaven.

They need one more Supreme Eighth Heaven, this person is still Mu Qing!

The Supreme Nirvana knows that with Mu Qing's strength, it can be said to be able to deal with the ordinary Supreme Eighth Layer, even the Ten Saints created by the evil gods!

Mu Qing looked at the group of powerful saints, with a smile on his face as well.

He was eager to try. If both parties acted, he could take the opportunity to kill Holy Two, Holy Three, and Holy Four, and then cooperate with Nirvana Supreme to kill Holy One by the way.

The current Mu Qing's strength has skyrocketed in a short period of time, especially after the Sun Meridian reaches Dacheng!

His strength is completely equal to that of the Double Horned Gorefiend! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1632 Encountering the Holy Realm Team), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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