Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1633: Dominate the news of descendants and others

The strength of the double-horned blood demon is equivalent to the supreme eighth heaven who has cultivated the master-level scriptures to the realm of Dacheng.

And the strength of the royal blood demons is to be comparable to the supreme Nine Heavens of the master-level scripture Dacheng realm!

Mu Qing relied on the Starry Sky Book to directly elevate the Sun Sutra to the realm of Dacheng forever, and at the same time his realm also reached the Supreme Eighth Heaven.

It happens to be equal to the strength of the Double Horned Gorefiend!

Of course, when it comes to fighting, Mu Qing will naturally have a big win.

It can even be said that before the Double Horned Gorefiend can't solve the time-defying method, it is definitely not Mu Qing's opponent.

Because Mu Qing relied on the ability of the Star Book, which was equivalent to two practitioners' master-level scriptures in the Dacheng realm, especially when there was time to suspend this ability.

It is precisely with this level of strength that Mu Qing has no fear, the ordinary Supreme Nine Heavens, he can now contend, even kill!

The group of powerful men in the holy world in front of him, in Mu Qing's view, is just the holy one. Other people, including the holy eighth heavens such as the holy two and the holy third, are not enough!

Although they are all Supreme Eighth Heavens, the Ten Saints are all created by evil gods relying on the cosmic crystallization of the Holy Spirit.

Each of the Ten Saints has the power of crimson, and the strength is stronger than the ordinary supreme, but it is only stronger.

A supreme eighth heaven who has cultivated dominance-level scriptures to the realm of Xiaocheng can beat them.

Not to mention that the strength is comparable to the double-horned blood demon, and even more powerful Mu Qing.

Shengyi hesitated, his gaze fell on the supreme nirvana, and then he looked at Mu Qing.

Earlier, even though the Supreme Nirvana did not fear them, he still hesitated.

Now, Shengyi clearly perceives that after seeing the appearance of Mu Qing, the supreme nirvana has great confidence.

"let's go!"

Shengyi gave a cold snort, and then led everyone away.

After watching the Shengyi and the others leave, the nirvana supreme led Mu Qing and the others to the other direction.

"Don't shoot them?"

Mu Qing looked at the Supreme Nirvana in surprise.

It was a good opportunity just now to weaken the overall strength of the holy world. Once the holy first-class supreme all fell, there would be no strong man in the holy world except the evil gods.

Nirvana Supreme shook his head and said: "We have played against each other briefly before, and I can be sure that Saint One has a hole card and really wants to fight, even if we will win, we will have to pay a certain price!"

Mu Qing nodded. The major forces that can come in basically come with some means of pressing the bottom of the box.

I don't have any confidence, I really dare not come in!

Just like the powerhouse of the demon clan, the bottom pressing method of the Purple Dragon Demon King is naturally to summon the sword of flesh and blood.

And their team's method of pressing the bottom of the box is the core mark of the secret enchantment of the nirvana!

Compared with other forces, their methods of pressing the bottom of the box are nothing special, but the most important thing is to be able to survive!

As soon as the thought moves, the mark is triggered and then leaves.

It's just that these methods of pressing the bottom of the box were originally prepared by all parties to deal with the final moment and compete for the heart of the sacred tree.

Unfortunately, there is an accident now!

A group of powerful blood demon squads appeared in the inner space of the sacred tree, and there were still a lot of them!

Once encountered, it is basically a bad luck.

Especially in each team, there is a royal blood demon, that is comparable to the supreme Nine Heavens of the master-level scriptures!

Among the many forces entering the sacred tree space, who can resist?

Everyone in the monster race will be completely wiped out if they encounter it!

"Stop it for now."

Suddenly, the nirvana paused, he sat down cross-legged and took out various materials from his storage space.

He explained: "I usually just refine some gadgets like space teleporters, but I didn't expect it to be so easy to use in this sacred tree space."

In fact, he didn't have much inventory, so he temporarily began to refine the space teleporter.

It can be seen that the nirvana supreme urges the black gold hammer in his hand, this offensive tenth-class artifact, is also his powerful tool for refining the artifact!

During the period, the Supreme Nirvana condensed countless messy and profound symbols, and he was dizzy when he looked at it.

Mu Qing had also been observing for a long time beside him, but he couldn't see any Mingtang, the method of exterminating the supreme refining device was obviously a secret method of his own creation.

After a long time, the Supreme Master of Ninety passed the teleporters to everyone.

Three per person.

The supreme nirvana looked solemn, and said: "This is the last material in my body refined, only these, after using up, if there is still a crisis, I can only trigger the imprint and return to the secret enchantment."

"One more thing is, don't look at the two successful escapes with the teleporter in the previous two times, but there is absolutely no chance of luck. I think the blood demons can't restrain themselves!"

The face of the supreme nirvana became serious.

He said solemnly: "The Blood Demon Clan, how many blood demon squads have appeared in the sacred tree space so far is still uncertain, but even if they are in a competitive relationship, they are likely to have news circulating with each other.

Maybe, the next time you meet the Gorefiend team, the opponent will use the means of restraining the teleporter, so when you detect something wrong, you should act first and use the teleporter to get out!

Of course, I am more inclined to directly trigger the imprint to escape when you encounter a crisis. "

Jixizhizhixin stood up, and after seeing everyone nodding, a smile appeared on his face.

"However, we can relax a bit and treat this mission as an exercise. After all, I have enough confidence to be sure that the sacred tree space can't intercept the imprint of the secret enchantment."

"We can leave anytime!"

"As for the mission this time, I thought about the current situation. It should almost be changed. The original mission was to control the heart of the sacred tree, but now I will change the mission without authorization.

The mission was changed to investigate the blood demons! "

The nirvana supreme said lightly.

Originally, the goals of all forces were placed on the heart of the sacred tree.

Because according to the situation of Tianqing Universe, the heart of the **** tree is of great benefit to the Supreme Tenth Heaven.

The idea of ​​the black world is to control the heart of the sacred tree in order to control the entire ancient blood demon tree, so as to become a right-hand man of the black world.

Once successful, he is definitely a powerful helper of the Supreme Ten Heaven!

But now it seems that they want to control the heart of the sacred tree, which is a bit unrealistic.

The things that the Black Realm had prepared to control the heart of the sacred tree have basically been declared scrapped and have no use for it.

Because according to Mu Qing's use of the goddess of mind, from the memory of the two-horned blood demon named Kui, they learned that the so-called ancient blood demon tree is actually just a seed of the real old blood demon tree. The real name is Sacred tree.

It is a tool for the ancient Gorefiend tree to invade other universes and cultivate the Gorefiend clan!

They want to control the heart of the sacred tree, so as to control the entire huge sacred tree. How easy is it to say?

The original idea was pretty good, but after learning the truth, the Nirvana Supreme immediately thought that this action was undesirable.

After all, the sacred tree is a seed of the ancient blood demon tree, and the real ancient tree of the blood demon is the body that swallows and refines the entire universe and wanders in the multiverse!

The existence of that kind of horror, a movement of mind, I am afraid that the sacred tree can get rid of its control.

Therefore, the original plan is absolutely impossible!

Their next goal is to investigate the situation and reality of the blood demons.

At the same time, if they have the ability to capture the heart of the sacred tree, then try to capture it as much as possible. After all, the rest of them can't directly refine the heart of blood like Mu Qing did.

In the sacred tree space, the only thing that is good for other people is the core of the sacred tree, the heart of the sacred tree!

Once obtained, even if it is only refining part of the power, the Supreme Nirvana does not need to refine the last tenth-class artifact, and can be promoted to the Supreme Tenth Heaven on the spot.

Correspondingly, if the Supreme Nine Heavens of other forces obtain a part of the heart of the sacred tree, they can also break through to the Supreme Ten Heavens after refining!

This shows how precious the heart of the sacred tree is.

Even for the Gorefiend clan, the heart of the sacred tree is more against the sky, allowing the royal family to transform into a protoss and master the second stage of liberation ability.

You know, the royal blood demons are comparable to the supreme Nine Heavens whose dominance-level scriptures have reached the realm of Dacheng!

Then the blood demon of the **** race, I am afraid it is the supreme tenth heaven comparable to the realm of Dacheng!

Mu Qing didn't get too much news from Kui's memory. After all, Kui was not very valued by Mie Heng, and he didn't even know what existed above the royal family.

Perhaps, he could learn more about the blood demons from Mu, but Mu Qing used the power of destruction to obliterate Mu's soul in order to obtain royal blood.

This also caused him to be unable to perform sensational thoughts and check his memories.

At this time, after everyone remembered the words of the supreme nirvana, they moved on.

The space of the sacred tree is too large, after all, the entire sacred tree has absorbed a galaxy and rooted in it.

Therefore, the sacred tree space is no smaller than an entire galaxy, not to mention that they cannot use long-distance space crossings in the sacred tree space.

Various means have been restricted and can only move forward slowly.

On the way, everyone encountered some corpses.

"Help! Those guys are terrifying!"

A supreme fifth heaven madly stood up from a pile of corpses, no matter which force Mu Qing and others came from, he was just full of horror.

Mu Qing frowned, and was able to scare a supreme into this look. Could it be that the evil spirits of the monster race still have a living?

Mu Qing and Ji Mie Zhizun looked at each other.

Immediately afterwards, the supreme nirvana teleported to the back of the opponent, and the power of the supreme nine-layer sky sprayed out, controlling the opponent.

Mu Qing took the shot, using the mind to explore the other party's memory.

Suddenly, various fragmented and messy memory images rushed toward his face, and Mu Qing suddenly understood what was going on with this guy's current state.

It turned out that this guy's soul was broken into pieces, so he went crazy!

In the battle, he hid in the distance, so he escaped, but his soul was shattered and he could not live long in fact.

Mu Qing's eyes condensed.

He quickly saw some familiar figures.

Day clear!

That group of ruling descendants!

They met with a team of the Gorefiend! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1633 Dominating the Descendants and others) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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