Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1637: The power of the six starry sky!

Mu Qing's injuries gradually healed.

Fortunately, the power of the black mist on the blood heart is not too strong, and Mu Qing took a moment to solve it.

But this time the incident gave him a wake-up call.

Time suspension does not mean that he is invincible.

Just like this time, Meishang hides power in the heart of blood.

The black mist power on the blood heart is indeed in a state of time suspend, but the power still exists.

If you don't touch it, nothing will happen, but Mu Qing leaned forward on his own, which also caused a trick in the time when the time was suspended!

Time suspension can indeed bring everything to a halt, but the dangers inherent in some powers will not be eliminated, not to mention that Mu Qing took the initiative to touch them.

"Unfortunately, in the end only got a heart of blood."

Mu Qing sighed.

All the five blood hearts contained the power of black mist. Mu Qing wanted to break open. It was easy for Mu Qing to spur the Sun Sutra of the Dacheng realm, and he could crack the black mist power with two strikes.

But the time pause is only two seconds in total, and Mu Qing can only get a heart of blood at most.

If he hesitated for a while, he might be directly bombarded and killed by the royal blood demon.

"Next time, I will encounter these blood demon squads, I am afraid it will not be that simple."

Mu Qing frowned.

At that time, in the field of non-existence, he heard all the content Mie Shang said, but he didn't expect that these blood demon squads were really connected!

Moreover, based on some of the methods shown by Mu Qing, Mie Shang and others have already speculated certain conjectures.

The facts are also the same as they speculated, it takes a little time for Mu Qing's Star Snake to enter the realm of nonexistence.

Another point is that Mu Qing can't move long distances in the non-existent realm now!

There is a range!

When he entered the realm of non-existence, he found that the space inside had turned into a liquid state, and his actions would be greatly hindered.

Of course, to a certain extent, Mu Qing's strength is still not enough. If he has the supreme tenth-tier cultivation level, or if he has a deeper understanding of the world's snake ability, he can freely shuttle in the field of nonexistence.

"Maybe it's the same as the Supreme Nirvana said, those Gorefiend squads will try to prevent us from escaping."

Mu Qing was a little melancholy, the strength of the Blood Demon Squad was too strong, and it was really difficult to deal with once encountered.

The many forces entering the sacred tree space, I am afraid that only the ruling descendants and a group of people are completely fearless.

After all, the dominion-level scriptures have not been popularized in the Chaos Universe, and most of the powerhouses of the Supreme Nine Heavens have never practiced, and the strength gap is huge.

Mu Qing and others couldn't help a Gorefiend squad.

With Mu Qing's strength, it would be possible to solve a double-horned blood demon, but if it drags on for a long time, the others will be defeated by the double-horned blood demon.

And if it takes time to pause and quickly solve a double-horned blood demon, then it will also completely lose its hole cards against the royal blood demon.

Even if Mu Qing solves all the double-horned blood demons and joins forces with others to fight against the royal blood demons, it is not necessarily an opponent!

Mu Qing saw the power of the royal blood demons with his own eyes. Whether it was the extinction of power or the extinction before, the methods were terrifying!

Under the first stage of liberation ability, the royal blood demons are completely comparable to the supreme Nine Heavens of the master-level scripture Dacheng realm.

And if the second-stage liberation ability is displayed, then it is completely capable of killing the supreme Nineth Heaven, who is the master of the master-level scripture!

Both the Kamikaze Wuying of Destroying Power and the Black Skeleton Sword of Deshang possessing terrifying power, completely beyond the scope of the Supreme Nine Heavens!

That is the power of the Supreme Ten Heaven!

And Mu Qing guessed that the second-stage liberation ability of the royal blood demons might correspond to the consummation of the master-level scriptures!

"If I can ascend to the Supreme Nine Heavens, and cooperate with the Sun Sutra of the Dacheng realm, it should be able to compete with the royal blood demon, unless the royal blood demon displays the second stage of liberation ability."

Mu Qing said to himself.

But his cosmic body, wanting to improve itself is slow and requires a huge amount of energy.

And he just broke through to the Supreme Eighth Layer, not so easy to break through.

"There is only one teleporter left, and the same goes for them."

"If we encounter the blood demon squad or the descendants of the ruler, I am afraid we will have to trigger the imprint obediently and send it back to the secret enchantment."

Mu Qing frowned.

For the Nirvana Supreme and others, there is no burden, they stayed just to investigate the details of the blood demons.

After all, the situation has changed dramatically, and the original plan obviously cannot be carried out anymore.

The nirvana and others are really in danger, and they run out of teleporters, there is no good choice, directly using the power of the secret enchantment to exit the sacred tree space, there will be no life danger.

But Mu Qing is not reconciled!

His cosmic Eucharist wants to improve, with some difficulties.

Only rely on yourself to find opportunities!

Nowadays, even if the Chaos Universe has entered a mature stage, the heavenly materials and earthly treasures that can improve his cosmic body are still rare!

Not so easy to find!

In addition, I am afraid that only the dominating hall and the current trial of the **** tree can find the benefits of improving Mu Qing.

At the very least, the blood of the royal blood of the Gorefiend clan, after being absorbed and refined by the Star Book, the feedback power can make Mu Qing's cosmic sacred body steadily improve.

Therefore, Mu Qing was not reconciled and did not want to leave like this!

In a short period of time, he wanted to rise to the point of contending with the royal blood demons. Obviously, it was somewhat impossible.

Then once you encounter it, you can only escape!

Mu Qing thought about his life-saving methods.

World Snake Ability, Qi Luck Orb three instant recovery states, a teleporter, and Crimson Domination Hall.

The teleporter was limited, and Mu Qing only had the last one left, and it would be gone after using it again.

The Qi Luck Pearl's ability to instantly restore its state three times, although it is said to be against the sky, it is useless once it encounters the royal blood demon.

After all, he couldn't beat it at all in his heyday, even if he gave Mu Qing three chances, what good was it?

Shouldn't be an opponent, still not an opponent.

So this method can also be ruled out.

The rest is World Snake Ability and Scarlet Domination Hall.

The reason why Scarlet Domination Hall is listed is that after being purified by the power of the Starry Sky Book, it is completely under the control of Mu Qing.

And the Scarlet Domination Hall created by the Scarlet Dominator is, in a sense, a holy artifact of Domination!

Even the powerhouse of the Supreme Tenth Heaven couldn't break it, so naturally they couldn't get in.

Therefore, for Mu Qing, Scarlet Domination Palace is also a life-saving trump card.

He can use the Scarlet Domination Hall as a turtle shell, and he is shrouded in it. It takes a lot of time and effort for the Supreme Ten Heavens to kill him before it is possible to break the Scarlet Domination Hall.

However, that also meant that Mu Qinghui had been trapped in the Scarlet Domination Hall.

After experiencing the cosmic catastrophe and the power purification of the Star Book, most of the powers of the Scarlet Domination Hall are gone.

Therefore, Mu Qing couldn't control the Scarlet Domination Hall to break through the void and escape.

At best, it's a shelter!

In Mu Qing's eyes, Scarlet Dominating the Palace was the last resort.

"The last thing left is the ability of the world snake."

Mu Qing took a deep breath.

At the same time, the world snake ability is also the most potential ability at present, and Mu Qing is very optimistic.

The World Snake left the root of its ability on Mu Qing's starry sky gate.

You know, at first, Mu Qing had seen the shuttle ability of the world snake, and he could even go for a long time.

And the world snake ability that Mu Qing can master is just a piece of fur.

The door of the starry sky at the beginning, to the snake of the starry sky.

It's an advanced level!

Although the original starry sky gate possessed the ability of the world snake, Mu Qing didn't develop it deeply enough.

It wasn't until earlier that Mu Qing had a deeper understanding of this ability, and the image of the Star Gate changed into a snake in the starry sky, which showed that Mu Qing had really touched the ability of the snake in the world.

But even so, if Mu Qing wants to enter the realm of nonexistence, it still takes three minutes to perceive it.

Moreover, being in the realm of non-existence, he struggled to move, and it was very inconvenient to act.

Mu Qing thought, if he could cultivate the world snake's abilities to a deeper level, then he might be able to freely enter and exit the non-existent realm, and even only act in the non-existent realm!

In this way, no one can threaten him except the Supreme Ten Heaven!

It's just that Mu Qing is still confused about World Snake's ability, and how to improve it is still unclear.

The only shortcut and way he currently thinks of is to rely on the Star Book!

The golden light group of the starry sky book!

A golden light cluster condensed from the Starry Sky Book last time, which lifted Mu Qing's Sun Sutra to a golden light cluster.

Maybe, the golden light group can improve Mu Qing's understanding of the world's snake abilities!

Although I tried it last time, it failed.

But Mu Qing still intends to continue trying. He is quite curious about the golden light clusters condensed from the Starry Sky Book!

Maybe the number of golden light clusters is not enough?

Mu Qing wanted to deeply explore the capabilities of the Star Book.

At present, he still has too little news, and it is not clear how much energy can be absorbed to make the starry sky book give birth to the golden light cluster.

It is also unknown whether the golden light group can enhance the abilities of the cosmic body and the world snake.

"At the moment, let's talk about the refining of this blood heart first!"

Mu Qing shook his head, cast aside the distracting thoughts, and set his eyes on the blood heart in his hand.

In order to seize this heart of blood, he was risking quite a lot of danger.

However, he is only a short distance from the promotion of the Universe Eucharist, and a blood heart should be enough!

The power of the starry sky on Mu Qing's body surged, covering the heart of blood.

Under his refining, a drop of royal blood appeared and was absorbed and swallowed by the Star Book!

Immediately afterwards, a burst of energy came back, sweeping Mu Qing's body!

Mu Qing only felt a sense of comfort all over his body, as if he was unburdened, relaxed and comfortable.


Immediately afterwards, the power of the violent starry sky swept all around, and Mu Qing's whole person seemed to turn into a dazzling star!

In his body, the power of the starry sky split at an astonishing speed.

A huge amount of energy was born!

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