Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1638: Need for improvement

"Now I should be able to unscrupulously display the solar meridian of Dacheng realm."

Mu Qing let out a long breath.

At this moment, I only feel that there is almost endless energy in my body!

Even if the time is suspended and the power of the stars of the two circles is taken out, he can still have the power of the stars of the four circles to squander.

It’s easy to maintain the power of the Sun Jing Dacheng realm to explode!

"Still failed to condense the golden light cluster."

Mu Qing touched his chin.

The golden light group he wanted most still failed to condense.

"There is also the ability of the world snake."

In the next period of time, Mu Qing moved forward while studying the world's snake abilities.

The result is obvious, even though Mu Qing has gained the ability of the world snake, he is not the world snake itself, let alone the ancient sacred beasts of the Tianqing universe, it is not easy to master this ability.

Mu Qing spent his mind and wanted to delve into it, but for him, the ability of the world snake is too mysterious, and it takes a lot of effort to even understand.

He can clearly feel that the power that belongs to the world snake is hidden in his body and merges with his own universal body.

But when he wanted to know more about it, that power seemed incredibly obscure and incomprehensible!

Mu Qing had no choice but to put the target on top of the golden light group.

Of course, it is also possible that the golden light group could not help him understand the power of the world snake.

"I hope I can find more Blood Hearts, but there is only the last teleporter left on my body. Once I meet the Gorefiend Squad again, after using it, there will be no way to escape next time."

Mu Qing frowned slightly.

If it doesn't work, you can only use the mark of the secret enchantment or hide in the tortoise shell of the Scarlet Domination Hall.

Mu Qing shook his head, not thinking about it for the time being, and then walked to the left passage.

The passages in the sacred tree space, like countless blood vessels, are intricate and complicated. Basically, you will encounter a lot of forks when you walk a distance.

Mu Qing didn't think too much, every time he encountered a fork, he would take the leftmost passage.

Anyway, according to the news from the memory of the Nirvana Supreme and the Double Horned Gorefiend, as long as you go all the way, you will definitely go to the location of the heart of the sacred tree.

At best, it is bad luck and will take some detours.

Soon, Mu Qing encountered a large space.

His face was full of vigilance, and he did not rush to see how many blood hearts there were, but to see if there were any blood demon squads or other people inside.

There are no outsiders this time, and in this large space, there are five full blood hearts floating!

After repeated confirmation, a touch of joy appeared in Mu Qing's eyes.

Earn blood this time!

Mu Qing hurriedly stepped forward and seized the five blood hearts.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Qing took out the Scarlet Domination Hall, and under his control, it shrank into particles.

Mu Qing entered the Scarlet Domination Hall and quickly began to refine the five blood hearts.

This place is guarded by blood worms, but Mu Qing, who has refined the blood heart, is regarded by the blood worms as a blood demon of the same kind or even a higher level, and has not attacked.

Therefore, Mu Qing won't have any obstacles in obtaining the heart of blood.

Scarlet Domination Hall is the best place for Mu Qing to refine the heart of blood!

Under his control, the Scarlet Domination Hall turned into a particle size, plus its own characteristics, even the royal blood demons would be difficult to find.

Even if it is discovered, there is nothing left.

Mu Qing refining the heart of blood in the Scarlet Domination Hall is quite safe!

The entire process of refining is already quite familiar. Under the power of the rolling starry sky, five drops of royal blood were extracted and then absorbed by the starry sky book.

Xingkongshu shuddered slightly, and a surging force was fed back into Mu Qing's body.

Mu Qing's body shook, and his aura improved a bit.

Then, he smiled bitterly and said, "It seems that it is not so easy to open up the power of the seventh realm."

Now he got five blood hearts at one time, but the power he gained made Mu Qing feel like a drop in the bucket.

Originally, Mu Qing could clearly estimate how many drops of royal blood are still left to be promoted.

Now it is impossible to estimate, the distance from the power of the seventh realm starry sky is far away!

The efficacy of royal blood is many times weaker!

Mu Qing sighed, and sure enough, the more the Universe Eucharist cultivated to the back, the harder it was to improve.

In his vision, the last cosmic Eucharist will be very difficult to ascend.

The limit should be the power of the stars in the ten worlds!

And the ten world starry sky is equivalent to the level of an entire universe!

Mu Qing even doubted that reaching the ten starry sky meant that he had the power to dominate?

The drastic attenuation of royal blood's effect made Mu Qing feel a little disappointed.

However, in the starry sky book, a golden light cluster was spit out.

Mu Qing quickly opened the Starry Sky Book, intending to continue to study this golden light cluster.

Last time, just a golden light group helped him to elevate the Sun Sutra to the realm of Dacheng!

He wants to try this time, can the golden light group have an effect on the world's snake ability?

Even if it doesn't work, he can try to see if he can improve his other dominance-level scriptures to the realm of Dacheng.

Turning to the first page of the Starry Sky Book, Mu Qing was stunned.

Before he tried to use the golden light group, he got a hint of information!

This message was transmitted to him by Xingkongshu, and in the midst of it, he knew something when he glanced at it!

The first page, the cosmic Eucharist!

One hundred golden light groups are needed!

This was the inexplicable message that appeared in Mu Qing's mind when he saw the first page of the Starry Sky Book. Obviously, this was what the Starry Sky Book told him.

There was no such ability before, and it seemed that Xingkong Shu also grew while absorbing the blood of the royal family!

Just like Mu Qing's ability to stimulate the Starry Sky Book at the beginning, temporarily upgrading to the Dacheng realm still needs to bear the sequelae of a strong weak state.

With the absorption of royal blood, this sequelae disappeared!

Obviously, the blood of the royal family has promoted the starry sky book, becoming stronger, and able to resist the weak state for Mu Qing.

"Xingkong Book, is it related to the blood demon clan?"

Mu Qing couldn't help but guess that it was obvious that Star Book had gained some improvement after absorbing the power of the royal family's blood, and even showed new abilities.

Including the function of directly elevating his master-level scriptures to the realm of Dacheng!

Of course, it could also be something that Mu Qing had encountered before, which was not seen by Xingkong Shu. Only the royal blood got the grade, which was attracted by the picky Xingkong Book.

"It's just that one hundred golden light groups are too difficult, right?"

Mu Qing felt a bit exaggerated. He estimated that only five or six blood hearts could condense a golden light cluster.

With a hundred golden light clusters, wouldn't he be looking for a full five or six hundred hearts of blood?

Where does this make him look for?

I am afraid that the heart of blood in the entire sacred tree space is captured, and so many golden light clusters can't be condensed, right?

Mu Qing reluctantly narrowed his gaze, and it seemed that the promotion of this cosmic body was hopeless in a short time.

One hundred golden light groups, when will he collect them?

Immediately, Mu Qing looked at the second page.

The second page is the Star Gate, and the world's snake power is also injected into it.

The picture above is a starry sky portal with a giant snake hovering.

The moment Mu Qing looked at the second page, a message emerged in his mind.

Five golden light groups!

Mu Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, only five golden light groups are needed, which is not completely hopeless."

Mu Qing was a little grateful. It seemed that the improvement of World Snake's abilities was not too difficult for Xingkong Shu.

Compared with the cosmic Eucharist, the improvement of the world's snake ability is fairly easy.

However, five golden light groups could not be obtained in a short time.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Qing looked at the third page, that was the Sun Sutra!

But this time, no news emerged in Mu Qing's mind.

"Is it because my current strength is not enough? Or is it that the ability of Star Book hasn't improved to that level?"

Mu Qing glanced at the third page in surprise.

On the first two pages, the golden light clusters that are clearly needed are given, indicating that they can be promoted, but the third page does not give any information.

It seemed that with Mu Qing's current state, even if there were enough golden light clusters, he couldn't raise the Dacheng realm's sun meridian to the perfect realm.

Mu Qing closed his eyes and looked at the fourth page.

The fourth page is the Destiny Sutra, Mu Qing is now in the state of Xiaocheng.

Just when his eyes fell on the fourth page, information emerged in his mind.

Fifty golden light groups!

Mu Qing's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe the information received in his mind.

"Isn't it?"

"In the past, to upgrade the Sun Sutra to the Dacheng realm, only one golden light group was enough. How come it is the turn of the Destiny Sutra, but it needs fifty golden light groups?"

Mu Qing couldn't believe that the amount needed had already reached half of the cosmic body.

He quickly turned to the next two pages.

The fifth page is the Chaos Sutra, and the sixth page is the evil nerve.

Both are ten golden light groups!

Mu Qing breathed a sigh of relief. Although they all needed more golden light clusters than the Sun Sutra, they were not as exaggerated as the Destiny Sutra.

Mu Qing pondered, so it seems that the Destiny Sutra is the most special?

Think about it carefully, it's true, after all, the power involved in the Destiny Sutra is the power of time!

This can be said to be a taboo-like power, and it is fair to say that you need more golden light groups to improve.

Mu Qing didn't care too much. After all, relying on the abilities of the Star Book, he could also forcibly raise the Destiny Sutra to the Dacheng realm, and use the time pause.

Even if there were enough golden light clusters, Mu Qing would let go of the Destiny Sutra.

"The easiest thing to improve right now is the ability of the World Snake. At present, there is still hope to gather five golden light groups. I hope to improve the ability of the World Snake afterwards. Don't let me down!"

Mu Qing took a deep breath.

He is not very demanding. After the promotion, he only needs to be able to enter and exit areas that do not exist at any time.

At the same time, Mu Qing more or less understood the number of golden light clusters required by the Starry Sky Book based on his own situation.

Among the many master-level scriptures that he has practiced, he is the most familiar with and understanding of the Sun Sutra, so he only needs a golden light group.

As for the Destiny Sutra, Chaos Sutra, and Evil Nerves, they obviously don’t have that in-depth understanding, and their understanding is not deep enough. Therefore, if you want to improve, you need ten golden light clusters. As the Destiny Sutra involves time, it is the most special. group.

"Continue looking for the heart of blood!"

Mu Qing made up his mind and was just about to leave the Scarlet Domination Hall, but he was in a halt.

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