Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1639: Slaying the Holy One

"Holy One, who are those guys?"

"If it weren't for Holy Two, Holy Three and they desperately blocked it, I'm afraid we would be killed!"

Two figures walked into this large space.

The two seem to be looking around, but it is clear that their minds are elsewhere.

Both of them were injured. One of them was seriously injured. Although the other was not seriously injured, it was definitely not much better.

It is the Holy One who is walking ahead!

The supreme Nine Heavenly Powerhouse in the Holy Realm was created by evil gods using the Holy Spirit universe crystallization. He was born with the power characteristics of the origin of the universe, and to a certain extent, he was more powerful than his ordinary counterparts.

However, now Shengyi is quite embarrassed, there are several wounds on his body, and his face is gloomy.

Behind it is a severely injured Supreme Five Heaven.

"Undoubtedly, there should be some kind of huge change in it now. Those five people don't know where they came from. The strength is extremely terrifying, and any one of them can kill the Supreme Eighth Heaven of the same level!"

Saint One gritted their teeth, and the many powerful men in their holy world encountered an extinction disaster just now, and almost the entire army was wiped out!

Holy Two, Holy Three, etc., have all fallen!

The strength of the Supreme Eighth Heaven, coupled with the crimson power of the Holy Spirit's origin, their strength is much stronger than that of the same rank.

But when faced with those people, there was no resistance at all!

Fallen one after another!

Had it not been for the last Shengyi used the method the last evil **** gave him, I am afraid he would also fall on the spot.

As for the saint realm powerhouse around him, he was lucky at best.

"Holy One, what should we do next? Why don't we leave this place?"

The Holy Realm Supreme Fifth Heaven spoke again, a little frightened.

He thinks that if he continues to stay here, he will almost certainly die!

"Shut up! Fool!"

Shengyi roared almost like a roar.

The saint realm powerhouse shrank his neck angrily, and did not dare to speak any more.

Shengyi frowned and felt a terrible headache. The guy next to him had been buzzing in his ears like a fly, which was very annoying.

If it weren't for the injury, I didn't bother to waste energy.

Shengyi wanted to slap the annoying guy around him directly!

At this time, the two people carefully looked at the surrounding situation.

Soon, Shengyi's brow furrowed deeper, and a look of vigilance appeared in his eyes.

"Is anyone here?" Shengyi guessed in his heart, but he was not sure.

In his impression, in addition to the passages that resemble blood vessels, there is also this kind of large space that he encounters from time to time.

And in this kind of large space, there will be some palm-sized hearts, but this large space does not have it right now.

This shows that it is very likely that someone has been here!

Shengyi looked around vigilantly, but he couldn't find Mu Qing.

Mu Qing was in the Scarlet Domination Hall. Under his control, the Scarlet Domination Hall turned into particles and landed quietly on the corner beside him.

I can't detect it at all!

Not to mention, the blood worms around came up and attacked the holy one and the strong man in the holy world.

They don't want to be like Mu Qing, who can refine the heart of blood, nor can they activate the power of the heart of blood with peculiar means like the nirvana supreme.

Therefore, they will be attacked by blood worms and special blood worms along the way!

"Damn it!"

"This group of things again!"

Shengyi was full of disgust and disgusted.

Next to him, the seriously injured Supreme Fifth Heaven screamed, and there was an inexplicable blood hole on his head with a palm-sized blood worm on it.

Special blood worms are very special.

Ordinary blood worms, perhaps the powerhouse of the Supreme Five Heavens, are not afraid at all.

But the special blood worms are different. They are creatures that live in the non-existent realm. Once they leave the non-existent realm, they will face death, but before death, enough special blood worms can attack.

On the contrary, the attack of the special blood worm may not be so deadly, but it has the ability to break through the defense absolutely.

Therefore, even if it is as strong as the Holy One, it will be injured when facing a special blood worm.

As for the severely injured Supreme Five Heavenly Saint Realm powerhouse, faced with the attack of a few special blood worms, he couldn't stand it.

In the end, his corpse was drowned by a group of blood worms and fell completely!

Shengyi didn't mean to extend a helping hand at all, but was alert to the attacks of special blood worms around him.

It's been a while since I came into the sacred tree space, and Shengyi has more or less understood some things.

The number of special blood worms in a certain place is limited.

As long as these special blood worms are dead, no other special blood worms will appear!

Therefore, Shengyi passively bears the attack of the special bloodworm, and no matter how strong the defense he displays, he will be broken.

But at any rate, he is also a supreme Nine Heavenly Powerhouse, so naturally he is not so easy to be killed.

This injury can only be regarded as a minor injury to him, and what he has to say is mainly that the attack of the special blood worm is too annoying.

Gradually, the special blood worms have died, and Shengyi breathed a sigh of relief.

He killed all the blood worms, and then ignored the image, covered in blood, and sat down directly, recovering from his injuries.

And everything that happened was under Mu Qing's nose.

In the Scarlet Domination Hall, Mu Qing naturally knew everything about the outside world.

He also heard the conversation between Shengyi and his subordinates.

"I met five people? So, this group of holy realm guys have also met the blood demon squad."

"And it's not the three Gorefiend teams I met earlier."

Mu Qing murmured while touching his chin.

Seeing this scene, Mu Qing understood how miserable the other forces met when they encountered the Gorefiend squad.

Originally there were a lot of powerful players in the holy world, and even they had encountered them before. The Supreme Nirvana also said that the holy one had some hole cards in his hand, and it was not easy to make a move.

As a result, I didn't expect that now that we met again, only the Saint One was left with the Saint Realm powerhouse and his group.

The others were killed by the Gorefiend team.

Mu Qing doesn't know how many Gorefiend teams are, but there are definitely a lot of them.

According to the news from Shengyikou, it was certain that it was not the Gorefiend squad that Mu Qing had encountered before.

In the teams of Mie Quan and Mie Heng, one of the two-horned Gorefiend was killed by Mu Qing, and the team became a four-person team instead of a five-person team.

As for the later Mishang squad, it has become a two-person squad because of the fight with another Gorefiend squad.

It can be seen that the Gorefiend squad that Saint One they encountered should be a brand new Gorefiend squad.

"This guy is recovering..."

Mu Qing was observing Shengyi in the Scarlet Domination Hall, and a cold light suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Holy One's hole card means must have been used up!

There is no doubt about this, otherwise it would be impossible for him to escape from the hands of the Gorefiend squad.

In this operation, most forces have prepared powerful hole cards to fight.

It's a pity that this method can't help the blood demons.

The gap between the two sides is too big!

No one could have imagined that there would be a family of blood demons.

On the contrary, the nirvana supreme, prepared a means to save his life, of course, in his eyes, the main thing is that everyone's strength is enough.

The only people in the Black Realm who could escape unharmed in front of the Gorefiend squad.

Mu Qing believed that Shengyi escaped, but also suffered serious injuries. This may be an opportunity!

Shengyi concentrated on taking care of his injuries, first being hit by the royal blood demon, and then aggravated by special blood worms.

Although the opponent is the Supreme Nine Heavens, in Mu Qing's view, the opponent is also about the same strength as the Double Horned Gorefiend.

Considering the crimson power that the opponent has, it is stronger than the Double Horned Gorefiend at the top of the sky.

Mu Qing believes that now is a good time to kill the opponent!

Anyway, Mu Qing and the Holy Realm will only be enemies, not friends.

"To blame, blame yourself for being too unlucky, just hitting me."

Mu Qing said lightly, there was endless chill in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, wisps of silver-white light bloomed on Mu Qing's body, which was already urging the ability of the Starry Sky Book to forcibly elevate the Destiny Sutra to the realm of Dacheng.

Mu Qing has entered the realm of profound and profound, the realm of ancient gods!

The final stage of the form of destiny, the realm of ancient gods!

And the characteristic of a tube is that the breath is not noticed by anyone!

Mu Qing appeared behind Shengyi in an instant, and the fire knife in his hand had already emerged.

The Sun Sutra of the Dacheng realm, Mu Qing has his own sentiment, condensing the fire of the sun and becoming the fire knife in his hand.

It can be said that people who practice the Sun Sutra may have reached the realm of Dacheng as well, but although the strength is the same, the form it manifests is different.

The shape varies from person to person. In Mu Qing's hands, the Sun Sutra of Dacheng Realm can be said to be a long and narrow fire knife, bathed in flames.

In the hands of others, it may be a fire sword, a musket, or it may turn into a sun arm or sun's eye!

Although the way of presentation is different, the power is completely the same.

At this moment, Mu Qing used one of the two major moves of the Dacheng Realm Taiyang Jing.

All gone!

In an instant, the fire of the sun melted the space, and the place collapsed, directly from the surface space, suddenly into the endless void.

Immediately afterwards, a wave of millions of feet of fire rolled up, completely enveloping the Holy One.


"who is it!"

Sheng roared in a mouthful, his eyes were red, his skin was burned, and the fire of the sun was burning his body and soul!

He never expected that he would be attacked as soon as he began to recover from his injuries!

The point is, this sneak attack, just like those special bloodworms, there is no warning at all, and no breath is noticed!

Quite weird!

But the power of the sneak attackers is extremely terrifying, the fire of the sun is rolling, and the fire waves formed are rolling in.

This terrifying power made him not help but think of the five weird powerhouses that his party had previously encountered.

"Could it be that those five people came here?"

A trace of horror appeared on Shengyi's face.

But he was not a person who was waiting to die. He immediately exploded with the power of his whole body, and even burned his life decisively, trying to escape.

He didn't want to fight.

"It's too late, Holy One."

A faint voice came, and Mu Qing appeared beside Shengyi.

"It's you!"

Shengyi's pupils shrank violently. He couldn't believe it. He didn't expect that the person who shot him was actually Mu Qing!

"Impossible! You can't have such power!"

Shengyi was roaring and roaring, but his movements were also very fast, gathering all the crimson power, and blasting towards Mu Qing.

Mu Qing's face was still calm, the invisible ripples spread around him, and everything around him stagnated!

I saw Mu Qing flashed again and appeared behind Shengyi.

"Fen Zhan!"

The huge half-moon flame slash was released almost against the back of Shengyi!

That terrifying temperature, oppressive power of the sun, terrifying slash!

The invisible ripples gathered again, not even a second, but it was enough for Mu Qing.

Shengyi's full punch failed, and at the same time he felt the breath passing from behind, as well as the incomparable temperature of terror!

He didn't understand how Mu Qing came behind him, but he was very clear.

I'm about to fall...

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