Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1640: Kiyodo

The half-moon slash that burned with terrible flames swept across the endless void, and the terrifying temperature almost distorted the surrounding void.

Holy One's body was cut in half, and his soul was burned to death.

In the end, the remaining two halves were also burned into nothingness by the fire of the sun.

"Sure enough, after the Sun Sutra is Dacheng, I will use the abilities of the Star Book to raise the Destiny Sutra to Dacheng state. The two work together, and it is much smoother than before."

Mu Qing was quite satisfied with the power created by the combination of the Sun Sutra and the Destiny Sutra.

Previously, he had to urge the time to pause first, but now, he can do whatever he wants to, in the interval of the attack, suddenly come to the time pause.

In such a fight, no matter what the opponent is, they can't stand it!

Mu Qing reached out, grabbed the hearts of blood from the wisps of sun fire, and threw them into the Scarlet Domination Hall.

As his Sun Sutra completely reached the realm of Dacheng, his control of the sun's fire became more and more profound.

Under his control, although the sun's fire burned the body and soul of Holy One, in the process, Mu Qing discovered the breath of royal blood, so he wrapped these blood hearts with wisps of sun fire.

A total of six blood hearts were found in the storage space of the Holy One, and they were not damaged under Mu Qing's deliberate control.

"The heart of blood has no effect on Shengyi, but in Shengyi's eyes, he probably regarded the heart of blood as a good thing, so he kept it with him."

Mu Qing guessed in a low voice.

The blood heart basically benefits the blood demons and Mu Qing from it.

However, people from all forces, if they encounter the heart of blood, they will basically subconsciously think that it is a good thing.

Shengyi's collection of the heart of blood was justified.

After all, I don't know what the blood heart is, but I can take it out and let the supreme tenth heaven evil **** see what the blood heart is.

It's a pity that all this is cheap to Mu Qing.

Mu Qing drilled back into the Scarlet Domination Hall again, refining six blood hearts.

With the power feedback from the Starry Sky Book, the cosmic Eucharist has a slight improvement, but it is still far from the power of the Seven Realms Starry Sky.

On the surface of the starry sky book, two golden light clusters emerged, which turned into two golden light spots after a while.

After refining the six blood hearts, the Starry Sky Book once again condensed a golden light cluster.

And the golden light group that Mu Qing is temporarily not applicable will turn into golden light spots, imprinted on the surface of the starry sky book.

"Two golden light groups, five golden light groups promoted by World Snake's ability, three short!"

Mu Qing touched his chin. In fact, it seems that the five golden light groups are quite fast.

Subsequently, Mu Qing waited for a while in the Scarlet Domination Hall.

He wanted to see if he could just sit back and wait as before!

Unfortunately, no one has come here since Holy One.

In desperation, Mu Qing walked out of the Scarlet Domination Hall.

"Basically everyone in the demon world is dead, and so is the demon world, and now the last strong man in the holy world is also dead in my hands."

"The real enemy is the group of people who dominate the descendants and the Gorefiend squad."

Mu Qing put away the Scarlet Domination Hall, and moved forward while thinking.

It was heard that people from the ancient immortal world had also come in, but Mu Qing did not meet him.

Most of the other forces were wiped out. For Mu Qing, the blood demon squad and the descendants of the ruler needed to worry most.

Especially that group of ruling descendants, the three ruling descendants of the Supreme Nine Heavens, plus the White Wolf of the Supreme Ten Heavens, four full of fighting power comparable to the royal blood demons, are undoubtedly the strongest in the space of the **** tree. One party!

Although the blood demon clan is terrible, the sacred tree space is just a trial for the blood demon clan. Each blood demon team has a total of five people. The royal blood demon is the captain, and the remaining four are double-horned blood demon. .

In contrast, the Gorefiend team is still inferior to the group of people who dominate the descendants. After all, the people who dominate the descendants are all collective actions.

Of course, in Mu Qing's view, dominating the descendants and a group of people is an existence that attracts firepower.

"The previous news from Na Mie Shang's mouth can basically confirm that there will also be alliances between the Gorefiend teams and communicate with each other."

"And the strength to dominate the descendants and the group is strong enough, for the blood demons who are eager to fight, it is undoubtedly the best goal!"

Mu Qing's eyes were bright.

That's right!

The Descendants of the Domination team attracted the attention of all the Gorefiend squads, so the probability of him meeting the Gorefiend squad was much smaller.


Three months have passed since the opening of the sacred tree space and all forces entered the sacred tree space!

In the space of the sacred tree, there was still no powerhouse of the Supreme Ten Heavens.

For three full months, the supreme tenth heaven from the outside world could not break the space of the sacred tree!

This shows how powerful the blood demon ancient tree's body is, and it has undoubtedly reached the dominance level.

Even, the ancient blood demon tree is completely through the absorption of refining power, which makes Mu Qing also realize that the dominance level scriptures may not be the only way to dominate the realm!

"None of them are okay, but Xian Muran and Ponton have already returned to the secret enchantment through their marks."

Mu Qing put away the Qi Luck Pearl, he had just contacted the Supreme Nirvana.

Although this period of time has passed, he hasn't encountered Ninety-Sovereign and others again, but he is not in a hurry, after all, Qi Luck Pearl can make the two parties contact each other.

However, because of the space of the sacred tree, Mu Qing and Ji Mie Zhi Zun had no way to use Qi Luck Pearl to contact the outside world.

Nirvana Supreme and others helped Mu Qing collect some blood hearts, but they also met the Gorefiend team again and used the last teleporter one after another.

Next, even if it is the Supreme Nirvana, if you encounter the Gorefiend squad, I am afraid that only the trigger mark will escape.

After all, there are Linxuan and Mu Tuo next to Nirvana Supreme, and the three of them are not opponents of a Gorefiend team.

According to the meaning of the supreme nirvana, it is to let Mu Qing teleport over and take away the heart of blood.

But the teleporter in Mu Qing's hand has also been used up!

He met the Gorefiend squad before!

"During this period, I collected a total of eleven blood hearts, condensing two golden light clusters, and now only the last golden light cluster remains."

A hint of joy appeared on Mu Qing's face.

The news from the Supreme Nirvana said that he had collected seven blood hearts for him.

Based on this period of time, Mu Qing has almost estimated that about five or six blood hearts can condense a golden light cluster.

Seven hearts of blood will surely be able to gather the last golden light ball!

At that time, Mu Qing will be able to promote his World Snake ability through the Starry Sky Book!

It's just that what makes Mu Qing feel a little embarrassed now is that he doesn't know the location of the nirvana supreme.

The teleporters are all used up, and there is no way to directly teleport to them through the contact of the Qi Luck Pearl.

In the sacred tree space, such complicated passages, at first glance, almost every blood vessel-like passage is exactly the same.

In this case, it is impossible to agree on a place to gather.

Mu Qing sighed, it was clear in his heart that most of the heart of blood collected by Nirvana Supreme could not be obtained.

"Let's continue looking for the heart of blood!"

Mu Qing shook his head and moved on.

Not long after going out, Mu Qing's footsteps suddenly stopped.

He felt that there was a strong aura in front of him, in the fierce battle!

The battlefield is located in the endless void, and there is no large space here. Obviously, two groups of people met at the fork of the blood vessel channel, and the battle was about to start.

Mu Qing hesitated, and then immediately entered the form of destiny, planning to go to investigate the situation.

To be honest, his actions are quite dangerous.

Because the teleporter has been used up, one of the safest means of escape is missing.

However, Mu Qing was only short of a golden light ball now, he thought, to see if he could get some benefits.

Mu Qing did not immediately use the ability of the Star Book to raise the Destiny Sutra to the realm of Dacheng, but only entered the fourth stage of the Destiny Form.

These four stages also have the characteristics of complete concealment of the aura, which can be regarded as Mu Qing's confidence. He just observes from a distance and will not be discovered.

Even Mu Qing had a headache at this moment about Scarlet's ability to dominate the palace.

Secretly, the Scarlet Domination Hall can be under his control, but it can be large or small, and it is also a good way to conceal the figure, but the Scarlet Domination Hall can't move!

Mu Qing could only approach quietly, sensing the non-existent field at the same time, intending to run away at any time.

However, when he came to the endless void, the two sides of the battle within it surprised him.

In his expectation, the two sides of the battle are highly likely to be two Gorefiend teams, or the battle between the Gorefiend teams and the descendants of the master.

As a result, I didn't expect that one of them turned out to be someone I knew!

Mu Qing saw Lei Punishment, and also saw the figure of a child, but the child's strength was a bit terrifying, and his body was bathed in blue light. He raised his hand and knocked off the three double-horned Gorefiends!

With such strength, Rao Mu Qing couldn't help being stunned.

Opposite, there was a blood demon team, not the ones I had seen before, it was a complete five-person blood demon team.

The headed royal blood demon drags a mountain in his hands, haunting heavy power.

Under his urging, the huge mountain covering the sky and the sun smashed against the child fiercely.

But the child wrapped in blue light stretched out his white tender little hand and waved it lightly. In an instant, the dazzling divine light exploded, abruptly holding the huge mountain peak.

"Who is that?!"

Mu Qing frowned slightly, the child was a mysterious strong man who had never seen him before.

But there is no doubt that the strength of the opponent has reached the supreme tenth heaven!

In this sacred tree space, Mu Qing saw the Supreme Ten Heavenly Power for the first time!

However, this strong man is quite unfamiliar.

Mu Qing originally thought he was a hidden powerhouse in the ancient immortal world, but Lei Chai was full of anger, not against the blood demon squad in the distance, but against the child!

"Qingtong! So it's you!"

"Everything is pretending to be you! You killed the old gentleman too!"

Lei Ping roared.

The child, known as Qingtong, showed a cold face, and his body was full of blue light, and he resisted the Gorefiend squad alone.

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