Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1641: Save people

"what's going on?"

Mu Qing concealed his figure behind him, and after a while, he felt extremely astonished.

First, a mysterious strong man with the appearance of a child appeared, fighting against the Gorefiend squad alone.

The key is an entire Gorefiend team, and there is nothing to do with him. This child named Qingtong looks only seven or eight years old, but his strength may have reached the supreme tenth heaven!

It's not even an ordinary supreme tenth heaven!

In Mu Qing's view, the strength of the royal blood demon was already comparable to an ordinary supreme tenth heaven powerhouse.

The royal blood demon itself is the Supreme Nine Heavens, and the powerful power given to them by the ancient blood demon tree makes their strength completely comparable to the master level of the scriptures.

The Supreme Nine Heavens plus the Dominant-level Scripture Dacheng Realm, this strength is completely comparable to the ordinary Supreme Ten Heavens.

The ordinary supreme tenth heaven, Mu Qing thought about it in his mind, thinking that it was the demon flame supreme, the evil god.

Demon ancestors, Mingxuan, Heavenly Emperor, Jianxin Supreme, and others must have their strengths above the tenth heaven of ordinary Supreme.

At the very least, these people can defeat the royal blood demons.

And if you switch to Yaoyan Supreme and Evil God, it is estimated that they will be evenly matched.

Of course, now Mu Qing is not sure about the strength of Yaoyan Supreme and the evil god.

On the surface, Yaoyan Supreme and Evil God are indeed ordinary Supreme Tenth Heavens, not as good as other Supreme Tenth Heavens such as Demon Ancestor and Jianxin Supreme.

However, since it became clear that the Scarlet Ruler was hidden in the Monster Race, Mu Qing believed that the Monster Flame Supreme would probably also cultivate evil nerves.

However, if you have cultivated the dominion-level scriptures and reached the Xiaocheng state, the strength of the demon flame supreme may suddenly rise from ordinary to strong.

The Supreme Ten Heaven, who is in the Xiaocheng realm dominating the scriptures, has been able to easily defeat the royal blood demons.

As for the evil gods, they have the Holy Spirit universe crystals in their hands, which are comparable to the Lord's holy things. Perhaps the evil gods will not be so weak by using the Holy Spirit universe crystals.

But in the current situation, there is no doubt that this Qingtong is not an ordinary supreme tenth heaven.

The opponent alone suppressed an entire Gorefiend squad, and even seemed very relaxed and comfortable.

This is by no means as simple as the ordinary supreme tenth heaven, at least it has reached the tenth heaven of the master-level scripture Xiaocheng realm!

Mu Qing originally thought that Qingtong was a hidden method in the ancient immortal world, but when he heard the punishment from thunder, it seemed that it was not.

However, Lei Chai must have known Qing Tong, and even from Lei Chai's mouth, Mu Qing also heard a earth-shattering news.

Taishang Laojun was killed!

This shocked Mu Qing's heart.

He has not had much contact with Lao Jun, but he knows that Lao Jun is the leader of the ancient immortal world, the only leader!

Even some time ago, Lao Jun successfully broke through to the Supreme Ten Heaven!

Even the ancient immortal world, which has been in a low-key state, still passed the news.

However, Lei Chai said at this moment that the old gentleman who only broke through to the Supreme Tenth Heaven not long ago was killed?

What exactly is going on?

During the battle, the Gorefiend team was frantically attacking Qingtong.

Qing Tong opened his hands, palms facing the Gorefiend Squad, and the terrifying blue light swept away like a tide, blasting all the members of the Gorefiend Squad into flight.

His aura was too terrifying, the entire endless void was trembling, and a trace of cracks appeared.

Mu Qing's eyes condensed, he doesn't need to perceive at this moment, he can enter the field of nonexistence at any time!

It's not that his World Snake ability has improved, but Qingtong's shot, which has exceeded the limit that the endless void can carry. Those traces of cracks are just a sign that the void is about to break and reach the non-existent field!

At this moment, Mu Qing once again realized that perhaps the royal blood demon was a little bit short of the ordinary Supreme Tenth Heaven.

After all, the non-existent realm is the battlefield of the supreme tenth heaven powerhouse, but the royal blood demons have no way to break the endless void and go to the non-existent realm, indicating that there is still a gap between the real supreme tenth heaven.

Of course, the gap will not be too big, and the royal blood demon, in the Supreme Ten Heaven, also means that it is almost invincible!


A cloud of blood exploded.

But it was a double-horned blood demon, a giant cow that had been transformed by cyan light smashed into pieces.

Nothing was left. Under the absolute strength, the entire body of the Double Horned Gorefi turned into a blood mist.

"Damn it! What the **** is this guy!"

Over there, the royal blood demon was also roaring, and he kept attacking, but Qing Tong easily resisted it.

This made him realize that the strength gap between the two sides is huge, and the other party is definitely not an ordinary supreme tenth heaven.

"At least it's in the Xiaocheng realm!"

A thought came to the mind of the royal blood demon.

Only the supreme tenth heaven, who dominates the scripture Xiaocheng, can fight them with overwhelming power.

But the royal blood demon didn't have any fear, nor did he escape.

He knew from the bottom of his heart that even if he used his magic steps, he couldn't escape in the opponent's hands. In that case, he might as well fight the battle!

So, the royal blood demon roared, attacked, and rushed towards Qingtong.

He displayed a golden light, which was somewhat similar to Mie Heng's ability. The countless golden light turned into a sword formation and penetrated through it.

However, Qing Tong gave a sneer, and the white and tender little hands pinched the Fa Jue, a hazy green mist emerged, and a green cow that was as large as one million feet was roaring up to the sky.

The huge blue cow raised its head, glanced contemptuously at the royal blood demon, and went down with one hoof, all the golden light shattered, and the sword formation collapsed.

Immediately afterwards, Green Bull's head flicked, and the horns on the top of his head instantly burst into endless blue light, sweeping towards the royal blood demon.

Just one blow!

The endless void has broken a hole, revealing liquid-like spatial power from it.

There is no realm there!

The royal blood demon was hit hard, and he couldn't resist it at all. The blue bull's eyes stared at him, and there was a big mountain suppressed invisibly, making him unable to move.

He flew upside down, coughing up blood in midair, and there was a huge blood hole in his chest.

The royal blood demon took a breath, and once again felt the difference in strength between the two sides.

Even with the powerful vitality of the blood demons helping him recover, for a while, he was still quite weak.

"Damn it, if you give me some more time to let me master the ability of the second stage of liberation, maybe I won't be so embarrassed!"

The royal blood demons gritted their teeth.

He has not yet mastered the liberation ability of the second stage.

In fact, for the royal blood demons, it is quite difficult to master the ability of the second stage in advance, and it requires constant fighting and practice.

You must also have talent and make a certain sense of it!

"Qing Tong!"

Lei Chai roared again, he wanted to question something.

But the next moment, a flash of blue light flashed, and runes were branded on his mouth, sealing his mouth to death.

"shut up!"

Qingtong glared fiercely at Lei Punishment, then he sneered again.

"You don’t have to be like this if you are in a hurry to die. I will not end up angering me, but you can rest assured that you will not be able to live until the sacred tree trial of this ancient blood demon tree is over. I will use your life in the most suitable place. !"

After speaking, Qing Tong set his eyes on the royal blood demon not far away.

The two fought together again, but it was clear that the royal blood demon was not an opponent at all, and could only be carried by the powerful vitality of the blood demon clan.

During the period, the remaining three double-horned blood demons also intervened to help the royal blood demons, but to no avail, they were killed by the huge blue bull.

Mu Qing frowned at this moment.

Judging from Qingtong's words, he wanted to take the life of thunder and punishment, and even the other party knew the relationship between the ancient blood demon tree and the sacred tree!

"Is there a way to save the thunder penalty?"

Mu Qing fell into deep thought, and Lei Chai helped him a lot on his growth path. At this moment, seeing Lei Chai's difficulties, he definitely couldn't stand by.


Mu Qing's face was solemn, and he glanced at that Qingtong.

The other party seemed to feel that everything was under his control, and decided to have fun with the royal blood demon.

Mu Qing took a deep breath. He was not sure whether Qingtong could detect him, but at present, the four stages of the destiny form can hide the Supreme Ten Heaven!

In the endless void, the royal blood demon and Qing Tong fought against each other time and time again, and Qing Tong sat on the head of the huge young man, almost ravaging the royal blood demon.

The aftermath of the battle caused cracks in this endless void, and the special liquid space power in the non-existent domain flowed out of the cracks.

When the royal blood demon burned his life and went crazy and desperately fighting Qingtong, Mu Qing's eyes lit up.

The opportunity is here!

A star snake swallowed Mu Qing and appeared behind a double-horned blood demon in a flash.

Mu Qing has long observed that this double-horned blood demon has a certain royal blood aura. Although it is not too strong, it must have refined some blood hearts.

His current golden light group is just the last one!

Immediately you can gather five golden light groups to enhance the ability of the world snake!

This is an opportunity and must not be missed!

In particular, this double-horned blood demon, who was previously affected by Qingtong's power, was already in a state of serious injury.

Just being rubbed by the horns of that huge green bull, most of his body was shattered!

This gave Mu Qing an excellent opportunity, and he didn't need to use time to pause.

Mu Qing, who haunted the silvery white aura, passed through the snake in the starry sky and appeared behind the two-horned gorefiends.

In the first time he left, he had already used the Starry Sky Book to raise the Destiny Sutra to the realm of Dacheng.

The original four-stage destiny form has also become a five-stage ancient **** realm.

This also makes it more difficult for him to be aware of the breath.

In addition, the attention of the two-horned Gorefiend was on Qingtong, and Mu Qing's sneak attack was almost perfect!

The fire knife in his hand appeared, and it was wiped out, and the fire wave swept wildly, covering this double-horned blood demon.

A phantom of the Heretic God appeared behind Mu Qing. Although it was in the Xiaocheng realm and had not been forcibly improved by the Starry Sky Book, it was still possible to deal with such a severely wounded double-horned blood demon.

The beam of destruction penetrated, not hurting the body of the double-horned gorefiend, but shattered the opponent's soul.

Mu Qingyan was quick with his hands, and dragged it into the Scarlet Domination Hall.

Then Mu Qing was swallowed by the snake of the starry sky, came to the other side in a flash, caught the imprisoned thunder penalty, and then the two were swallowed again and entered the realm of nonexistence. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1641 Shots to Save People), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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