Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1648: Rescue the Supreme of Annihilation

"It's careless!"

Mu Qing was in a cold sweat behind him. Since the world snake's ability has improved, he has been a little overwhelmed.

It was only then that he realized that he is not the only one who can enter the field of non-existence activities!

In this sacred tree space, Qingtong can too!

Mu Qing couldn't even notice when Qing Tong appeared just now.

He secretly said that you must be more cautious next time, otherwise the ability to time out is not used at that time, and you may be killed.

It's just that what makes Mu Qing puzzled is why Qingtong's figure just disappeared just now, and he fled immediately when he saw himself?

Mu Qing was sure that the other party saw him.

And he was very sure that that figure was Qingtong.

But he didn't understand why the other party left directly. It stands to reason that Mu Qing rescued Thunder Punishment, and it should have provoke Qingtong.

Mu Qing was puzzled and couldn't understand.

However, then he was more vigilant, paying more attention to his surroundings.

His eyes returned to the battlefield of the blood demons and the descendants of the ruler.

In the endless void, the atmosphere is extremely depressing.

Jiqing and others are also ready to fight!

Mu Qing found that a layer of Ruoyouruowu enchantment was rolled up, covering everyone in.

Obviously, the group of people who ruled the descendants also discovered this, knowing that it is not realistic to escape, so they chose to fight.

"It's quite a powerful barrier, but relying on the ability of the world snake, it can still be passed through easily."

Mu Qing looked at the enchantment and quickly came to a conclusion.

This enchantment, the Supreme Nine Heavens requires a lot of thought to crack.

The main reason why the ruling descendants and the group gave up escaping was that if they wanted to break the barrier, they had to separate their minds, and that would inevitably be attacked by the enemy.

Therefore, we can only meet the enemy head-on!

"Everyone, sorry for being late, it took a lot of time to solve those compatriots, and all of them died."

A smiling young man walked slowly, with blood on his face, revealing a fierce atmosphere!

This enchantment seems to have been arranged by him.

He came to the side of Mie Shang and the others, glanced at the Dominion Descendants and a group of people in the distance, and said with a light smile: "At this moment, besides us, there are only these foreigners in front of us. Kill them all. The attribution of the heart of the sacred tree will be obtained by one of us!"

Another royal blood demon!

And from his mouth, there was also a shocking news that the compatriots in his mouth, that is, the other Gorefiend squads, were actually killed!

There are only these blood demons in front of them, and they are obviously ready for a long time, planning to eliminate all the other competitors!

The last moment is the battle of these people in their presence.

Originally, this situation had to wait until the heart of the sacred tree before the big decisive battle would begin, and it was now proceeding ahead of schedule!

A famous royal blood demon, while teaming up, also revealed murderous intentions with each other.

After a while, dominate the descendants and others, they cannot be disbanded, waiting for some people to regain their strength, but will carry out another round of fighting, the winner can go to the independent space of the heart of the sacred tree to refine the heart, Transformed into a blood demon of the **** race.

"Very good! Solve these guys first!"

Mie Shang glanced at the later young man, then grinned, and looked at the ruling descendants and others.

The original six to four.

Now it's seven to four!

"Wait, I have another guy here."

This is, the young man wiped the blood off his face with his hand, and an ice sculpture appeared in front of everyone while waving his hand.

"It turned out to be this guy!"

The people of Mie Heng were quite astonished and recognized the person inside the ice sculpture.

"There was news about this group of guys earlier, but they are too cunning, even if the enchantment is arranged in advance, there is no way to keep them."

Mie Shang glanced at the ice sculpture and shook his head.

"Unexpectedly, this guy will fall into your hands. By the way, Miechen, how about this guy's other accomplices? You killed them all?" Mie Heng was also surprised.

He is still a bit impressed by the Nirvana Supreme, after all, the Nirvana Supreme controls the artifact with one hand in the air, plus that a lot of powerful artifacts with one shot, it is still the only one among all opponents.

However, Mie Heng still believes that Ji Mie Zhi Zun's escape ability is a little more powerful, not only escaped from his own hands, but later learned from Mie Quan and Mie Shang that the group of Ji Mie Zhi Zun also escaped from their hands.

Unexpectedly, Ji Mie Zhi Zun was caught by Mie Chen instead.

The seventh royal blood demon who arrived last, who was also known as Miechen, shook his head.

Mie Chen said: "When I caught this guy, there were indeed two accomplices, but they escaped."

"I realized that he is probably the group of guys that you are talking about who are good at running away, and they will use a special method to directly break the rules of the sacred tree space and leave. I only caught the old guy with the three of them. , Ran two."

The expressions of other people were surprised, and they were the first to hear that someone could break the rules of the sacred tree space.

"Well, frozen by your eternal ice, he probably won't survive. Leave this group of mice that can only run away."

Mie Quan's face was disdainful.

When Mie Chen heard the words, he also smiled, and then threw away the ice sculpture of Nirvana Supreme.

The ice sculpture floats in the endless void, sinking slowly.

After that, no one took care of the ice sculpture anymore, and they all looked at the group of people who ruled the descendants.

The faces of Zhouqing and others were solemn, and they realized that there would be a great risk of falling today.

Originally facing the battle strength of the six royal blood demons, although most of them would be defeated, they were still able to fight for it and save their lives.

But now there is another royal blood demon's combat power, and the combat power at the top of the two sides is extremely unbalanced.

It is extremely difficult to fight!

"Everyone, let's do it together."

Mie Shang looked at everyone around him with some caution.

Originally, based on their personalities, they were not very good at encircling and suppressing them with more deception.

But now, they all know that even though they have joined forces with each other, they are also rivals, and they cannot let one person deliberately fail to make a move to save energy.

Everyone knew this well, so seven figures flashed together and appeared in front of Zhou Qing and others.

The remaining two-horned blood demons, like wolves and tigers, rushed towards the other supreme masters of the descendants.

These double-horned blood demons are not afraid of death, and they are very eager to fight.

After all, these two-horned blood demons are all members of Mie Quan, Mie Heng, etc., and these people can unite because each of their captains has realized the ability of the second stage of liberation!


Accompanied by a howl of a wolf, the battle is on the verge of breaking out.

A round of panic lifted into the sky, and the White Wolf of the Supreme Tenth Heaven took the lead to stop Mie Shanghe's royal blood demon holding a giant stick behind him, with one enemy two.

The White Wolf is the Supreme Tenth Heaven, but it has not cultivated the dominance-level scriptures to the Xiaocheng realm, so it is limited in strength, stronger than the royal blood demons, but not yet crushed.

If the white wolf is the supreme tenth heaven that dominates the Xiaocheng realm of the scriptures, then this crisis can be completely resolved!

"Huh! The animal suffers death!"

Mie Shang sneered, and the long sword in his hand pierced through with a black mist.

The player next to him, the royal blood demon raised the cudgel, and slammed it at the head of the white wolf, with a fierce appearance.

However, even if the White Wolf took the initiative to stop the combat power of the two royal blood demons, there are still five royal blood demons on the side of the blood demons!

On the side that dominates the descendants, only Zhou Qing, Man Gu, and Feng Ling can fight the royal blood demons.

"If you can't escape, let's fight!"

Man Gu tore off his coat and let out a roar, his body swelled several times. With the display of the wild scriptures, a wild beast appeared behind him with three eyes and four arms, showing a terrifying aura.

Soon, Mangu merged with the wild behemoth behind him, and transformed into that wild behemoth with three eyes and four arms, resembling a giant ape, and its violent aura vented around like a wave.

The Wilderness Jing Xiaocheng realm only relies on the wild aura of cultivation to condense into a wild behemoth phantom, while the Dacheng realm can be completely transformed into a wild behemoth, and its strength soars.

In this regard, it is very similar to the evil nerves of Mu Qing's cultivation.

On the other side, both Zhouqing and Fengling also displayed the master-level scriptures of the Dacheng realm, and the fire of the sun and the storm of Lingli enveloped the entire endless void.

The endless void was trembling, and there was a trace of cracks.

The power of the white wolf alone almost broke the endless void.

"First solve the white wolf."

Several royal blood demons glanced at each other, and the three of them were Mie Shang, Mie Heng, and Mie Quan to deal with Zhou Qing, and the remaining four people went to besiege the White Wolf!

This is because the strength of the white wolf has reached the supreme tenth heaven!

Although it is not too powerful for the Supreme Tenth Heaven, this group of royal blood demons does not care too much, but they must be targeted.

This is mainly because the royal blood demons are still far from entering the non-existent realm, while the white wolf already has the qualifications.

They worried that the white wolf would break the endless void and escaped with Zhouqing and others.

Therefore, they decided to kill the White Wolf first!

As long as the white wolf has no chance to leave, even if the white wolf breaks the endless void and heads to the field of nonexistence, it will not be able to take away the people such as Zhou Qing.

Even the royal blood demons will be brought in!

The situation is very unfavorable to dominate the descendants and the group!

Mu Qing was still hiding in the non-existent realm, his brows frowned.

He heard everything that happened outside, including the words of Miechen and others.

When I saw the ice sculpture of Nirvana, my heart sank even more!

Unexpectedly, the nirvana supreme was caught!

"The imprint of the secret enchantment doesn't work anymore? No, according to that Miechen's statement, there are still two people who followed the Supreme Nirvana, and both broke the sacred tree space and escaped."

Mu Qing frowned. He guessed that the Supreme Annihilation was mostly for cover, and he didn't use the imprint of the secret enchantment for the first time, which caused him to be recruited.

"They are fighting, shouldn't they notice me?"

Mu Qing cast his gaze on the endless void, the floating ice sculpture of Nirvana.

At this time, there shouldn't be any problems with quietly regaining the ice sculpture of the Supreme Nirvana, right?

Mu Qing thought in his heart.

Although the safest thing is to suspend the use of time, and then directly take away the ice sculpture of the supreme nirvana.

But Mu Qing was quite hesitant, because the time suspension of this ability was mainly reserved by Mu Qing in order to prevent Qingtong and could not be used casually. He didn't know that Qingtong was now anxious to stay away from him.

On the other hand, there are too many strong players present!

After the last time, Mu Qing realized that his time pause was not fixed for two seconds!

Previously, every time I used the time was suspended, within a certain range, the strong were not too many, at most two Supreme Nine Heaven Levels.

But right now, there are a lot of Supreme Nine Heavens!

There are seven blood demons, three of their descendants dominate, plus one supreme tenth heaven.

There is no doubt that if Mu Qing spends time to pause, the power of the six world stars in Tieding's body will be emptied, maybe he can only pause for one second or less!

After a while, watching the battle between the blood demons and the ruling descendants became more and more intense, Mu Qing took a deep breath.

He entered the fourth stage of the destiny form, and his breath disappeared instantly.

Immediately afterwards, he left the non-existent realm, appeared directly next to the ice sculpture of Nirvana Supreme, reached out and put the ice sculpture into the Scarlet Domination Hall.

Everything is so smooth!

However, at this moment, Mu Qing's pupils shrank, and a figure suddenly appeared behind him.

It was a young man with a smile on his face, holding a crystal clear scepter in his hand.

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