Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1649: Crisis, eternally frozen!

"Sure enough, you have been hiding nearby."

Mie Chen looked at Mu Qing with a smile while holding a blue yingying crystal ball in his hand.

The crystal was suspended, and then the blue yingying light turned crimson red. If you look closely, you can see that the red light is actually a small symbol spreading out and imprinting in the surrounding space.

Almost at the same time, Mu Qing was shocked and found that the imprint of the secret enchantment had been blocked!

"How can it be?!"

Mu Qing was extremely surprised. The imprint of this secret enchantment, but possessing the power to break the rules of the sacred tree space, was actually blocked under the influence of the power of the crystal ball.

His face sank, and as expected, this group of blood demons really found a way to target the imprint of the secret enchantment.

Even Mu Qing's ability to perceive space began to become obscure.

Even his world snake ability has been affected!

Seeing Mu Qing's expression, a playful smile appeared on Mie Chen's face opposite.

"Sure enough, as I guessed, you guys have special escape methods. It's a pity that I was wary after letting your comrades escape last time."

"By the way, the ice sculpture was just forged by me. The old guy in there has already escaped."

The corner of Miechen's mouth was slightly cocked. He had thrown out the ice sculpture of the Supreme Nirvana before, which was actually an ice sculpture forged by himself, not the Supreme himself!

Obviously, the bait he threw out attracted the target!

In fact, after the first encounter between the Supreme Master of Nirvana and him, the Supreme Master and the others fled directly, after all, it happened in an instant, even if it was Mie Chen's move, he couldn't stay behind.

But after that, Mie Chen was thinking about how to prevent this, and specially got this crystal ball, which has the ability to shield all the supernatural powers of the space!

This crystal ball came from a royal blood demon, of course, the opponent had been killed by Miechen.

"Your means of escape are gone. Next, you should seriously fight with me. If you don't use all your strength, you will die miserably."

Mie Chen smiled, the piercing scepter in his hand burst out with dazzling rays of light.

A cold air filled his body, freezing the void around him.

Those waves of void storms turned into ice scum.

Mie Chen approached Mu Qing, and he was very interested in Mu Qing after he had known from the population of Mie Heng and others that there was such a person as Mu Qing with special escape ability.

It was also a surprise to be able to successfully lure Mu Qing to appear this time.

The changes that took place here were also seen by other royal blood demons and the descendants of the rulers.

Bai Lang and Zhou Qing both recognized Mu Qing and their eyes flickered. They didn't expect that Mu Qing would appear at this moment.

But soon, they withdrew their gazes, because in the eyes of Bailang and Zhouqing, Mu Qing's strength was not enough to see, he would definitely die!

"What's the matter? Why did Miechen suddenly go over there?"

The wild-looking female royal blood demon, carrying a big knife, looked at her side.

I saw Miechen who was by her side, lingering in the cold air, turning into an ice sculpture.


The wild female gorefiend was full of disdain, stretched out her long legs and kicked the ice sculpture exploded.

All the talents reacted, it turned out that Miechen and others fought the White Wolf together at first, it was just a trick to fool around with a avatar.

The real extinction is hidden in the dark, tempting Mu Qing to take the bait.

Another royal blood demon glanced at Mu Qing and frowned slightly. He didn't understand why Mie Quan cared about such a person. The white wolf in front of him was obviously more challenging.

Then, he waved the huge fan in his hand, extinguishing the sky full of sun fire from the white wolf.


"Damn, what this guy is trying to lure me out!"

Mu Qing gritted his teeth, he did not expect that he would be fooled.

The ice sculpture is really just an ice sculpture, not the Supreme Nirvana himself.

It was Miechen who relied on memory to disguise the appearance of the supreme nirvana to deceive Mu Qing!

Seeing the attacking Miechen in front of him, Mu Qing naturally couldn't sit and wait for his death. The power of the starry sky in his body surged, and the sun came out.

Streaks of sun fire gathered in Mu Qing's hands, forming a fire knife.

"Fen Zhan!"

The huge half-moon flame slashed towards Miechen.

This movement is also quite large. Although everyone in the distance is fighting, they have noticed here at the same time.

"The Sun Jing Dacheng realm? How is this possible?!"

The first thing that was shocked was undoubtedly White Wolf and Hiuqing.

The White Wolf is also practicing the Sun Sutra recently, and the Sun Sutra is naturally given to it by the day.

As the daughter of the sun, the complete solar scriptures are sealed in her mind. As long as he has sufficient time and talent, he can reach the perfect state of the solar scriptures.

Compared with Fengling and Mangu, Zhouqing can also give the dominion-level scriptures to others for cultivation, just like Mu Qing.

The main reason why the White Wolf put down his hatred and followed the day and the Qing was mainly for the Sun Sutra.

Because the White Wolf realized that it was quite difficult for him to create a dominating scripture, not to mention that it did not dominate the holy relic.

Moreover, the sun ruler hated by the white wolf has fallen into the cosmic catastrophe, and Zhou Qing has a solar classic that fits it very well.

The White Wolf voluntarily joined the team of Tianqing to gain the opportunity to practice the Sun Sutra.

However, the Sun Sutra is not so easy to cultivate successfully!

In fact, the white wolf is almost on the spot!

However, at this moment, the White Wolf saw the aura displayed on Mu Qing's body, even if it was besieged by the royal blood demon, it still couldn't help its eyes widening.

It will not admit it!

That is definitely the Sun Sutra of Dacheng Realm!

It was even a little short of the Xiaocheng realm, and as a result, Mu Qing was already at the Dacheng realm!

"Impossible! How did he do it?"

Bai Lang couldn't believe it in his heart.

At the same time, I feel incredible, and there is also the clearness of the day.

Unbelievable appeared in Shiuqing's beautiful eyes. She looked weird and couldn't imagine an outsider who had reached the same realm as her, possessing the Taicheng realm of the Sun Sutra!

She couldn't help recalling that it took many years to reach her own Sun Sutra under the personal teaching of the dignified sun master!

"What's going on? There is another Dacheng realm of the Sun Sutra? Is it reinforcements?"

Feng Ling glanced at Mu Qing, subconsciously thinking that this was the power that Zhou Qing had hidden.

After all, the power of the Sun Sutra will not be false, and the Sun Sutra that can reach the realm of Dacheng can basically be a descendant of the Sun Domination, or maybe a disciple of the Sun Domination.

"Strange, it looks like there is only the Supreme Eighth Heaven."

Man Gu frowned. He also thought that Mu Qing and Zhou Qing were related, but he found that Mu Qing's strength was in the Supreme Eighth Heaven.

Suddenly, I was greatly disappointed.

If it is the supreme Nineth Heaven's dominance level scripture Dacheng realm, then you can help them a little bit.

But the Supreme Eighth Heaven... At best, it was comparable to the Double Horned Gorefiend.


Just when everyone was surprised or shocked, Mu Qing's half-moon flame slash had already landed on Mie Chen.

The terrifying sun fire raged, but it quickly dissipated at an alarming speed.

When the last ray of sun fire dissipated, and Miechen stood in the endless void intact, he had already raised the scepter in his hand, and the ancient symbols on which the cold air had turned into it, easily gave Mu Qing's blow. Resist it.

"It looks like it is only comparable to the double-horned blood demon. If you have such a little strength, it will disappoint me."

Mie Chen said with some regret.

He took the scepter in his hand and walked slowly.

Mu Qing, as he approached the enemy, once again slashed and destroyed!

Fire waves of millions of feet swept up, shrouded in dust.

But only for an instant, Miechen in the fire wave raised his scepter and tapped it lightly at the fire wave.

With a soft sound, the fire waves that could have millions of feet turned into ice sculptures at this moment!

"It's so beautiful, like a work of art."

Mie Chen looked at the fire wave that turned into an ice sculpture with some fascination, but after he touched it, the ice sculpture shattered and turned into countless ice crystal slags that filled the endless void.

Easily, Miechen froze Mu Qing's attack!

He came slowly among the ice crystals in the sky, like a gentleman.

At the same time, he opened his mouth and said: "If you wait for you to break through to the Supreme Nineth Heaven, you may be able to compete with me, and you can have a truly hearty battle at that time, but obviously there is no chance."

"I thought that someone who could escape in the hands of Mie Quan, Mie Shang, and Mie Heng would be quite powerful, but now I found out that I was wrong. Your strength disappointed me. At best, it is equivalent to a double-horned blood demon. That's it."

"Finally, let me tell you my ability, Bing Xin's cold air, a cold air from my soul."

"Next, I have no mercy."

"My first stage of liberation ability is called Eternal Frozen!"

As soon as the voice fell, Mie Chen stopped, his face indifferent, and raised the scepter in his hand.

On the scepter, there is a horrible cold air accumulated, and countless ancient symbols are composed of cold air, surrounding Miechen's body.

The scepter in Mie Chen's hand was aimed at Mu Qing, and a special symbol appeared in his pupils.

Mu Qing's face changed suddenly, and he felt his body start to become stiff. He obviously didn't see the cold approaching, but he seemed to be frozen!


At this time, Mu Qing finally understood.

Miechen has already given a hint before!

Bing Xin's cold air, a cold air from the soul!

The so-called eternal ice seal is to start with the soul and proceed with ice seal from the inside out!

"Damn it!"

Mu Qing's body was stiff, he gritted his teeth, the power of the starry sky in his body was violently surging, urging the sun channel, trying to let the fire of the sun dissolve the cold.

This move is difficult to defend, and Mu Qing doesn't know when he was hit. At this moment, his soul has escaped the cold, and while being gradually frozen, the cold has affected his body, even the power of the six stars in his body. All started to be frozen.


Mie Chen glanced at Mu Qing in surprise.

The ordinary double-horned blood demon, hit by his eternal ice, turned into an ice sculpture almost in an instant.

But Mu Qing is different. Although his body is stiff, he still insists on resisting!

This is mainly because the energy in Mu Qing's body is too vast, full of the power of the starry sky of the six realms, even if the eternal ice of Miechen is so powerful, it is impossible to freeze such a vast starry sky in an instant.

However, Mu Qing's situation was still very critical, because the cold air attacked his soul first, and when his soul was frozen, the whole person died.

"Damn it! Can't take care of that much!"

Mu Qing did not expect that the gap between himself and the royal blood demon was still so big.

He gritted his teeth, and in his eyes, the terrifying light of the sun burst out.

The ability of Star Book is spurred!

Boost! Sun Sutra!

In an instant, the blazing flame turned into a long coat and draped it over Mu Qing's body.

Bathed in the flames, the cold air that came from the depths of the soul, like tarsus maggots, was all driven away!

"this is!"

Miechen's pupils shrank slightly, and he wanted to watch Mu Qing slowly turning into an ice sculpture, but he didn't expect a terrifying temperature to erupt from Mu Qing's body.

Mu Qing was bathed in the sun's coat, and the fire knife in his hand exuded a terrible temperature, distorting the endless void.

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