Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1650: Liuli Frost and Cold Sky

"how can that be?!"

For a while, everyone in the endless void couldn't help but stop their movements, looking at the battle between Mu Qing and Miechen.

At this moment, Mu Qing's momentum is completely different from before!

If it is said that Mu Qing just now is equivalent to the double-horned blood demon at best, then the current Mu Qing even surpasses the royal blood demon, and is even as great as the supreme blood demon!

No one has ever reached the Sun Sutra of the Consummation Realm except for the ruler of the sun!

Even, any dominance-level scriptures seem to have no precedent for being cultivated to the realm of Consummation.

In the Tianqing universe, only those who dominate the strong can cultivate the dominance-level scriptures to the realm of consummation.

For others, reaching the sky is the realm of Dacheng.

Of course, the two former subordinates of Scarlet Domination, the Sword of Flesh and the Evil Eye Giant, actually insisted on saying that they could also be regarded as perfect.

But the evil nerves are quite special. The Sword of Flesh and the Evil Eye Giant have only relied on their own ability to cultivate to the realm of great success.

The reason why he was promoted to the state of Consummation was completely annihilated and assimilated into an evil god.

Finally, with the help of the Scarlet Lord, the realm of the sword of flesh and the evil eye giant was forcibly raised to the realm of perfection!

This level of Consummation is still somewhat different from the real level of Consummation, but it is also much stronger than the realm of Dacheng.

Just like the group of powerhouses in the demon world, they didn't cultivate the evil nerves much, but after dedicating their beliefs, they directly gained the evil nerves of the Xiaocheng realm and even the Dacheng realm.

The special nature of the evil nerves has caused the Scarlet Master and his two subordinates to reach the realm of Consummation!

In addition, for other dominator-level scriptures, only the dominator can reach the state of perfection.

Because the difference between Dacheng and Consummation is too big!

Mu Qing showed a perfect state of the Sun Sutra, which shocked everyone, even the royal blood demons.

Mu Qing, who was bathed in the robe of the blazing sun, had an aura that surpassed everyone, and was able to compare with the white wolf, or even stronger!

The advancement of Consummation is quite terrifying.

With Mu Qing's supreme eight-fold heaven as the benchmark, a master-level scripture of the Dacheng realm can be regarded as comparable to the double-horned blood demon.

If coupled with a master-level scripture of the Dacheng realm, then Mu Qing can surpass the double-horned blood demons and easily kill them.

But the royal blood demons, with Mu Qing's current supreme eighth heaven strength, can only contend with the three master-level scriptures that have reached the realm of Dacheng!

Of course, if one of the dominator-level scriptures is the Destiny Sutra, relying on the time pause ability, Mu Qing even has a certain chance to kill the royal blood demons!

However, all of this is hypothetical.

The current situation is that Mu Qing at most reached the realm of the two dominating scriptures.

In theory, it just surpasses the two-horned blood demons.

Therefore, Mu Qing chose to use the abilities of the Star Book to improve the Sun Sutra!

The Sun Sutra of the Consummation Realm was quite terrifying, and it suddenly made Mu Qing leap over to the tenth heaven of supreme.

This is the terrible thing about the dominance level scriptures of the Consummation Realm!

After all, it stands to reason that only the master can reach the state of perfection!

But at the same time, the power of the starry sky in Mu Qing's body was consuming crazily, because his strength was too different from the realm of Consummation, and he was not a master. Forcing the strength of the realm of Consummation would be extremely terrifying.

With the power of Mu Qing's current six realms starry sky, it lasts at most twelve seconds!

This is not that the ability of Xingkongshu cannot be maintained for a long time, but that Mu Qing's own abilities are limited and cannot be maintained for a long time.

This is just to maintain it!

If Mu Qing made a move, he would instantly draw out all the power of the starry sky in his body, resulting in no twelve seconds, falling out of the realm of Consummation ahead of time.

"The mark of the secret enchantment has been blocked, but the ability of the world snake has only been hindered!"

Mu Qing secretly calculated the time, while thinking about the way to escape.

No way, the Sun Sutra of Consummation Realm has too little time to maintain!

Even if Mu Qing had the ability to kill the Miechen in front of him, he would not be the opponent of other royal blood demons.

Fortunately, Miechen's crystal ball is still inferior to the world's snake ability.

The crystal ball only suppressed Mu Qing's world snake ability a little, and he couldn't get out of the non-existent realm as he pleased.

Just give Mu Qing a little time, it doesn't take three minutes, it only takes half a minute!

You can enter the non-existent realm again!

None of the royal blood demons present had the ability to enter it. The only ones who could enter were the White Wolf and the missing Qingtong.

To a certain extent, the non-existent realm is quite safe for Mu Qing.

What Mu Qing regretted was that in the Scarlet Domination Hall, there was no way to perceive the non-existent realm, otherwise Mu Qing would directly hide in the Scarlet Domination Hall and let Miechen make any moves.

"Three chances to recover in an instant, enough to drag on for half a minute!"

Mu Qing took a deep breath.

The power of the six starry sky on his body can only last for twelve seconds, and if he makes a move, it will take time out in an instant.

But Mu Qing has a way to continue to maintain it, and that is to rely on the three chances of instant recovery in the Qi Luck Pearl!

This is the power of time in the Qi Luck Pearl, and it is a means of fate.

Relying on Qi Luck Pearl, with fate as a transit point, to communicate the long river of time, drop the power of time, let one's own state go back in time and return to the heyday.

There are a total of three opportunities, and Mu Qing will be able to continue to maintain the perfect state of the Sun Sutra by seizing the opportunity!

Mu Qing held a fire knife, bathed under the sun coat, and looked at Miechen quietly, with a confident look.

Mie Chen was indeed frightened. He did not expect that Mu Qing suddenly burst out with such terrifying power.

Although their blood demons did not practice the dominance-level scriptures, they still have a certain concept of the division of the dominion-level scriptures.

"The realm of Consummation is the point that can only be achieved by a master!"

Mie Chen's eyes half-squinted, and he looked at Mu Qing.

And Mu Qing did not attack, his face was plain.

Because he can only last for twelve seconds, if he shoots, he must use the power of the Qi Luck Orb to restore his state.

If it can be delayed for a while, it is a while.

Mie Chen was also curious about Mu Qing making such a big battle, but he didn't make a move.

In the distance, White Wolf breathed a sigh of relief, and the several royal blood demons who besieged him all looked at Mu Qing, giving it a chance to breathe.

At the same time, it also looked at Mu Qing with complicated eyes.

It remembered that when he first saw Mu Qing, the other party was quite weak. Although there was something extraordinary, White Wolf thought he was just a small role in the eyes of his supreme Tenth Heaven.

Who would have thought that at this moment, Mu Qing directly exploded the Sun Sutra of Consummation.

But it hasn't even stepped into the Sun Sutra of Xiaocheng Realm!

Even the White Wolf more easily consummated what it means to reach the realm of the Sun Sutra.

"What the **** is going on with Mu Qing? When I first saw it, he undoubtedly did not practice the Sun Sutra, which means that in this short period of time, he has cultivated the Sun Sutra to the perfect state. ?"

Bai Lang thought in his heart, then shook his head severely.


How could there be such an enchanting character, after all, the dominating scripture is not the cabbage on the side of the road.

That is the Sun Sutra of Consummation!

"Could it be that Mu Qing has already been taken over by the sun?" A bold idea emerged in the white wolf's mind.

At the same time, Zhou Qing, who was not far away, also looked at Mu Qing.


For a moment in Zhouqing, Mu Qing felt like her father. Although the form was different, she had only felt the perfect state of the Sun Sutra from her father.

Suddenly, Xiuqing, like White Wolf, thought that Mu Qing had been dominated by the sun and had come back to life.

Not only them, Feng Ling and Man Gu looked at each other, and both had this idea.

Because even in the Tianqing universe, the master-level scriptures of the Consummation Realm are unattainable. Except for the special evil nerves, other master-level scriptures can only be reached by the master.

They don't think that the Chaos Universe, a universe that has just been promoted to the maturity stage, will have the ability to cultivate the Sun Sutra to the perfect state.

"You dominate the reincarnation?"

Mie Chen squinted at Mu Qing and asked.

Dominating reincarnation is the only explanation that Miechen can think of.

Mu Qing shrugged and said, "Maybe."

Miechen slowly approached, and the temperature of Mu Qing's sun coat made him feel very uncomfortable.

But there was a hint of joy and excitement in his eyes, and he licked his chapped lips.

Miechen smiled and said: "I didn't expect that one day I could kill a master with my own hands, even if it was a reincarnated body!

And I speculate that you forcibly raised the realm of dominance-level scriptures from Dacheng to Consummation, right? I can't hide this from me!

After all, your body is only the Supreme Eighth Heaven. Even if it is the master reincarnation, there is not much time to maintain the Consummation Realm. As long as you drag it for a while, you will be exposed! "

Except that Mie Chen was startled by Mu Qing at first, he immediately reacted and also made a guess. Although it is not accurate, Mu Qing is not the master of reincarnation, but it is true that it cannot be maintained for too long.

"Since you are not attacking, I will come first!"

Mie Chen's eyes condensed, and he raised the scepter in his hand and let out a low cry.

"The second stage of liberation!"

"Liuli frosty sky!"


With the shattering of the scepter in his hand, a pair of huge frozen wings appeared behind Miechen.

Immediately afterwards, snow fell in the endless void, and ice crystals were mixed in it. While the scene was magnificent, there was a horror and murderous intent hidden!

Liuli Frost and Cold Sky, this is the name of the second stage of Mie Chen's liberation, and it is also a domain type ability!

At the moment it was cast, the scepter shattered, and the entire endless void was greatly affected, surrounded by endless cold air.


Mie Chen gave a low cry, and the frozen wings behind him instantly shattered, turning into countless ice thorns that penetrated towards Mu Qing.

This is no ordinary ice thorn, it shimmers like colored glaze, it is amazing in speed and terrifying, it can draw some traces in the endless void.

Mu Qing's scalp was numb, he knew that he couldn't hide himself, and ice thorns came through from all directions!

No matter how fast his speed is, it is useless, because this place has become a realm of extinguishing dust, and this move covers a huge range.

And with the power of that ice thorn, it is enough to kill yourself!

The power of the starry sky rushed into the sun's coat frantically, and the terrible temperature melted the ice thorns that were the first to approach him.

Subsequently, Mu Qing made a decisive move and drew out all the power of the stars remaining in his body.

Slash out!

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