Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1651: Cremation place

With Mu Qing's voice faintly spreading, he could see the endless fire of the sun gathering on the tip of the fire knife in his hand.

Cut it out in one fell swoop!

The terrifying temperature turned into a heat wave, sitting around like a storm!

The ice thorns melted at a speed visible to the naked eye, and Mu Qing could not be touched at all.

A million-meter-long horizontal crack was opened, and the force of the liquid space flowed out. This force has completely surpassed the limit that the endless void can withstand.

The barrier with the non-existent realm is easily broken!

At the same time, the power of the blazing sun burst out wildly, causing thousands of surges in succession, as dazzling as the sun.

The heat wave hits and all the ice thorns melt!

The heat wave hit Miechen's face, and he only felt like he was in a stove.

At this moment, Miechen has an illusion.

Obviously he has displayed the ability of the Liuli Frost and Cold Sky domain, how can he make this domain look like Mu Qing's!

The original chill, the moment Mu Qing shot, turned into endless heat.


When the dust was stunned, Mu Qing's knife was already close at hand, and the golden sun's fire was cut with terrifying temperature, and the place where it passed was the power of the horrible explosion of the sun.

In an instant, Miechen reacted. Although Mu Qing's shot caused the surrounding temperature to rise, the frosty and cold sky ability of the colored glaze he released was still there.

I saw ice walls condensed out of the void and stopped in front of Miechen.

At the same time, the huge pair of ice crystal wings behind Mie Chen also gathered to protect him.

Mu Qing's sword is very fast, has the blessing of perfection, and can't escape!

Mie Chen tried his best to resist.

However, the ice walls melted at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the golden blade light burning with the power of the sun slashed on the wings of ice crystals that extinguished the dust!


An astonishing golden sun's power exploded, and the endless void was distorted and a big hole was blown out.

However, Miechen did not fall. As a domain to the second stage of liberation ability, he has not been so easily killed.

However, Mie Chen was also quite embarrassed when he took Mu Qing's knife hard. The ice crystal wings were completely melted, and his clothes were full of sparks, and his left arm had completely turned into coke and could not move.

"Damn it!"

Mie Chen's face was gloomy, looking at Mu Qing.

He realized that even if Mu Qing only has the Supreme Eighth Heaven, the master-level scriptures of the Consummation Realm were not comparable to him.

If Mu Qing had the Supreme Nine Heavens, I am afraid that a single shot would kill him directly!

That's the case, Mie Chen's body was also invaded by the terrifying golden sun's power, and his left arm was abolished in a short time, and he couldn't use it.

Even if his left arm is injured, Miechen doesn't care at all. He tore off his left arm directly, even without energy recovery, relying on the powerful vitality of their blood demons, they will regenerate in a short time.

But now, the power of the sun in the Consummation Realm has invaded his left arm, and he is currently in battle, which is not easy for him to deal with.

Forcibly disregarding it, it might detonate the sun's power, but on the contrary, it will cause a second injury to oneself, and the gain will not be worth the loss.

If it is the power of the sun in the Dacheng realm, Miechen can easily erase it, but the power of the sun in the Consummation realm, Miechen doesn't think he has that ability.

"The Dragon of Glazed Glass!"

"The God of Cold Soul!"

After resisting Mu Qing's attack, Miechen did not give up the attack, his hands condensed a strange mark, and at the same time, the surrounding cold light bloomed, and a ghost of the gods could be seen behind Miechen.

The phantom of the **** was like an old man, with ice blue eyes, wearing a snow-white robe, covered with a layer of ice crystals, and holding a crystal clear scepter.

At the same time, a huge glazed dragon appeared on top of Mu Qing's head. The dragon's eyes were diamond-shaped ice crystals, and it had only a pair of frost claws, behind which were huge ice crystal wings, covering the sky.

"Your move to use the Consummation Realm to dominate the scriptures is already at the limit!"

"Next, it will be your death date!"

Mie Chen shouted angrily.

In order to take Mu Qing's move, he gave up an arm as a price!

At the same time, the spirit of cold soul behind Miechen also moved, raised the scepter in his hand, and squeezed it down towards Mu Qing!

Endless frost and blizzard wrapped around the scepter, and the surrounding endless void froze, and the temperature dropped again!

The dragon of colored glaze, the huge ice wings behind vibrated, swallowed towards Mu Qing.

Miechen seized this momentary opportunity!

He doesn't care whether Mu Qing is in charge of reincarnation, but he knows very well that Mu Qing is definitely forcibly displaying the Sun Sutra of Consummation.

In fact, in Miechen's original conjecture, Mu Qing could not release a single move, only a bluff. Later, he was very surprised and discovered that Mu Qing had actually used a terrible move.

But after burning the sun blade, Miechen noticed that Mu Qing's breath was fading away!

The strong action uses the master-level scriptures of the Consummation Realm, and it is already very incredible to use one move. Now Mu Qing is absolutely in a weak state, and his energy is depleted!

Therefore, grasping this opportunity to eliminate dust, decisively used two tricks to kill.

But at this moment, Mu Qing's face condensed, stimulating the ability of Qi Luck Pearl.

An invisible ripple spreads from the Qi Luck Pearl, but only involves Mu Qing.

This time it is not time pause, but time goes back!

Mu Qing's breath returned to its peak in the blink of an eye, and the power of the six stars in his body returned!

With enough energy, Mu Qing did not immediately fall out of the Consummation Realm after using the Sun Sutra of the Consummation Realm this time.

Of course, Mu Qing has only two opportunities left.

"Fire Soul Burial Ground!"

Mu Qing whispered in a low voice while holding a fire knife.

One after another super-large suns appeared around Mu Qing, a total of 3,000 super-giant suns!

The radiant temperature alone distorted and melted the endless void around!

"How is it possible?!" Miechen's pupils contracted.

He couldn't believe why Mu Qing, who had already exhausted all his energy, could once again use a trick of the Sun Sutra of Consummation? !

This can be completely understood as a supreme eighth heaven who has continuously performed two moves that can only be used to dominate the realm!

This is too frightening to the world!

Three thousand super-giant suns appeared around Mu Qing, and the vast fire of the sun emerged, turning into a large sea of ​​flames and burning away.

In that sea of ​​fire, there are countless fire souls!

The Crematory Soul Burial Ground is another move of the Sun Sutra of Consummation Realm. With three thousand super giant suns as the core, it summons endless fire souls.

Every sun is a burial ground, with the soul of fire buried.

When Mu Qing showed up, the Fire Soul was awakened and went to fight for Mu Qing!

Even some fire souls are extremely powerful. In a certain super-giant sun, a fire soul appears, with a snake tail, burning with the sun's flames, four corners of the head, extremely long fangs, and six arms.

This fire soul rose in the wind, reaching the same size as the dragon of colored glaze, and the six arms firmly grasped the dragon of colored glaze.

Its arms were full of sun and fire, which melted some of its ice wings, and then violently tore off the wings of the glass dragon.


This fire soul roared in excitement, it bit on the neck of the dragon of colored glaze, and exhaled the power of the terrifying sun in its mouth, and the sun's brilliance turned into flames, sweeping the dragon of colored glaze.

A moment later, accompanied by a wailing.

The dragon of colored glaze fell on the spot!

The remaining fire souls were some powerful and some were weak, but there was no doubt that they all succeeded in order to resist the attack of the cold soul **** for Mu Qing.

The scepter in the hands of the old man of the gods was suppressed towards Mu Qing, but was stopped abruptly on the way.

Because endless fire souls are going to die and stop.

The fire souls of various appearances were not afraid at all, even climbing on the huge scepter, biting and tearing, pouring out the power of the sun in the body.

One of the statues, a huge fire soul, directly resisted the scepter with his body to prevent it from hurting Mu Qing.

"This move is more expensive than imagined!"

Mu Qing gritted his teeth, the power of the six starry sky in his body has just recovered, and after a while, it was all exhausted!

After losing the energy maintenance, the three thousand super-giant suns gradually dimmed, and no more fire souls were summoned.

Originally, Miechen was almost suppressed, and I couldn't believe that Mu Qing could not only resist his attack, but even so easily!

But now, when he noticed the strangeness, his eyes were fierce, and all the power in his body was completely surging out.

Mie Chen's figure flashed and appeared on the eyebrows of the old man of the gods, and at the same time, his hands clasped together, urging his momentum with all his strength, and the domain closed.

The glazed frost and cold sky domain, instantly gathered into an ice crystal sphere, only the size of a palm, suspended in the palm of Miechen's palm.

This is the ultimate ultimate move of his second stage liberation ability!

The power of the entire domain is integrated, and the power of all domains is injected into the body of the dragon of glazed glass or the old man of the cold soul **** to exert the greatest power.

It's just that the dragon of colored glaze has been killed by a fierce fire soul, so Mie Chen injected the power of the domain, including all of his own power, into the old man of the gods!

In an instant, the body of the old man of the gods was full of cold light. Affected by it, a blizzard was rolled up around him, and the scepter was also firmly locked on Mu Qing, and continued to crush it down, to kill Mu Qing with one stick!

"This time he is definitely in a weak state, consuming all his strength, there is nothing wrong with it!"

Mie Chen secretly said in his heart.

Mu Qing did consume energy, and the consumption of the cremation soul burial ground was continuous, which was even greater than he imagined.

But Mu Qing didn't dare to let himself be in a state of empty energy for a long time, and immediately triggered the second chance to restore the state of the Qi Luck Pearl, lest his Sun Meridian fell out of the Consummation Realm.

The second time reversal occurred on Mu Qing's body instantly, and the energy returned to the power of the six starry sky!

At the same time, three thousand super giant suns burst out again with dazzling dazzling light!

A huge fire soul awakened from its deep sleep, resisting the scepter that suppressed Mu Qing.

Even if it was blessed by the power of the entire domain, including Miechen's own power, he still couldn't help Mu Qing's cremation burial ground.

The power of these three thousand super-giant suns is blessed together, and the fire soul is continuously summoned, which consumes most of the power of the scepter.


Even, in a super-giant sun, a fire soul that does not belong to the old man of the gods appeared. It was a red skeleton bathed in the power of the endless golden sun!

The scarlet skeleton fire soul grabbed the old man of the gods, and in the hollow eye sockets and mouth of the skull, he swallowed out the terrifying golden sun fire, bombarding the old man's eyebrows! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1651 Fire Soul Burial Ground), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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