Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1653: Chaos Jing Dacheng!

"The man who plays with time! I can't believe it!"

There is no place in the realm.

Qingtong secretly paid attention to Mu Qing who was hiding in the Scarlet Domination Hall, with a horrified expression on his face.

He has been observing in secret, witnessing the entire battle.

Mu Qing erupted from the Consummation Realm Domination-level scriptures, and it was nothing but a genius in Qingtong's eyes.

Before reaching the realm of dominance, there are many geniuses who have cultivated dominance-level scriptures to the realm of consummation.

"At least in the royal court of our lives, there are several such arrogances." Qingtong whispered.

If it is normal, he will definitely find Mu Qing and pull him into the royal court of life. Generally speaking, he will have certain advantages in attracting such a genius.

But now, Qingtong doesn't have this idea, because he has witnessed the whole process of the battle!

Everyone thinks that Mu Qing is disguising, but he actually possesses huge energy, but Qingtong knows it very well.

Judging from his supreme tenth heaven, and years of experience in the Palace of Life, although Mu Qing contains a lot of energy, at most he can only maintain a master-level scripture move with a perfect state.

But Mu Qing used it several times in a row!

This is obviously very abnormal in Qingtong's eyes!

After Qingtong paid close attention to Mu Qing all the time, and even discovered a shocking thing!

He personally felt that the energy in Mu Qing's body seemed to flow back in time, from scratch, returning!

"Time pauses, time goes backwards, where did this Mu Qing come from?"

While thinking about it, Qing Tong flees away, trying to distance himself from Mu Qing.

He is very sure now, and he must not get involved with Mu Qing!

too frightening!

In his opinion, Mu Qing is not the master of reincarnation. If he really is the master of reincarnation, or if he is dominated, he should be aware of the dangers of the power of time.

Qingtong also didn't think that Mu Qing had a huge force behind him. After all, they knew that the power of time was untouchable.

All existences that touch the power of time are dead!

Qingtong guessed that Mu Qing should be a native creature in the Chaos Universe, and by chance, he obtained the taboo power of time.

The master-level scriptures of the Consummation Realm can also be explained by this.

Qingtong has already made up for it, and Mu Qing has used the power of time many times to understand the dominating scriptures, one day outside, the past hundreds of millions of years!

Therefore, in Qingtong's view, it is not surprising that Mu Qing has comprehended the master-level scriptures of the Consummation Realm, after all, it has borrowed the power of time!

If you have enough talent, and then rely on time to accumulate, you will reach the perfect state sooner or later.

And Mu Qing holds the power of time, and the most important thing is time!

"It won't be long before this Mu Qing will die. You can't contact him during this time!"

Qingtong already regarded Mu Qing as a plague god.

The various powerful time abilities displayed by Mu Qing are a deeper and deeper expression in Qingtong's eyes, and sooner or later he will die.

Qing Tong has never been exposed to the power of time, he has only heard various rumors, who knows if contact will usher in the forbidden curse of time.

"No contact, let's go!"

Qingtong was very decisive, decided not to disturb Mu Qing, and turned around and walked away.

This non-existence field is quite large, and he can do it deliberately avoiding Mu Qing.

at the same time.

Scarlet dominates the hall.

Mu Qing and Lei Chai surrounded the corpse of Miechen.

Mie Chen's body was already scorched, and the power of the sun in the Consummation Realm invaded the body, burning everything.

Mu Qing was a little distressed, the Sun Sutra of the Consummation Realm was too overbearing, if all the royal blood in Miechen's body was burned, it would be blood loss.

"I know the strength of these royal blood demons. It surpasses the ordinary supreme Nineth Heaven, and is only slightly behind the supreme Tenth Heaven. I didn't expect to be killed by you!"

Lei Ping was quite surprised, astonished at Mu Qing's ability to kill the royal blood demons.

He has personally seen the power of the royal blood demon.

Mu Qing shook his head, "In order to kill this guy, I paid a huge price."

The royal blood demon, the strength is between the supreme tenth heaven and the supreme nineth heaven.

And Mu Qing's strength is equal to that of the Double-horned Gorefiend, only a little more powerful than the ordinary Supreme Nine Heavens!

Far from being an opponent of royal blood demons.

Of course, Mu Qing's strength has risen extremely fast recently. This strength is placed in the outer chaotic universe, but it is quite terrifying.

Even if the Chaos Universe is promoted to the maturity stage, it becomes easy to break through the supreme, and the realm improvement becomes easy.

But the supreme of the Supreme Nineth Heaven is still quite rare.

There are not many of every major force.

Perhaps as time goes by, there will be more and more Supreme Nine Heavens, and then there will be a lot of Supreme Ten Heavens, and even dominates will appear.

But now it is far from that time!

Mu Qing's current strength, after returning to the Starry Sky Realm, the Starry Sky Realm does not need to be hidden. Other circles dare to bully the Starry Sky Realm, and Mu Qing dared to fight backhand.

"Next, it's time to see how much benefit Miechen's corpse can bring."

Mu Qing rubbed his hands, the power of the starry sky in his body surged out, and he began to refine the corpse.

Lei Chai looked at the side, his eyes were almost staring out.

"What kind of evil method is this? Directly refine the enemy's corpse!"

Mu Qing explained, "It's because the blood demons have a special physique. After refining, there will be a lot of benefits. Of course, only I can do this at the moment."

Lei Chai looked at him curiously, and at the same time, Mu Qing was familiar with the road, thoroughly refining Miechen's corpse.

This time it was not a few drops of royal blood, but a mass of blood the size of a fist!

Mie Chen is no longer an ordinary royal blood demon, as the royal blood demon who has realized the second stage of ability liberation, the concentration of royal blood contained in the body is obviously much higher.

At the same time, as a royal blood demon, there is a lot of royal blood that can be refined.

Mu Qing asked Xingkongshu to absorb the blood of the royal family, and then a wave of energy was fed back and spread.

"Three golden light groups!"

Mu Qing's expression was pleasantly surprised, as he refined the double-horned blood demon, and he could only obtain a golden light group after reaching the sky.

But this royal blood demon condensed three golden light groups to Mu Qing at once!

It can be seen that there are already 11 golden light spots on the cover of the Starry Sky Book.

Mu Qing was excited, and the second master-level scripture of Dacheng realm can also be advanced!

At that time, Mu Qing would cooperate with the abilities of the Starry Sky Book to bring the Destiny Sutra to the realm of Dacheng. The master-level scriptures of the Dacheng realm of the three sects were completely comparable to the blood demons of the royal family.

That means that his combat power will surpass the ordinary Supreme Nine Heavens, second only to the Supreme Ten Heavens!

Because there was a Thunder Penalty around him, Mu Qing didn't directly take out the Starry Sky Book, which could be manipulated as if stored in his body.

I saw ten golden light spots rushing out of the cover of the starry sky book, falling on the fifth page, which is the position of the Chaos Sutra.

The main reason for choosing Chaos Jing is that Mu Qing is more resistant to evil nerves.

This evil nerve is too weird, and other people who cultivate evil nerves are in madness, even the creator of Scarlet dominates this evil nerve, and he himself has been assimilated into an evil god.

Mu Qing even considered that even if he gathers together the golden light group in the future, he will not go to the advanced evil nerves, and let him stay in the Xiaocheng realm.

As for the Chaos Sutra, although Mu Qing used relatively little, its power was not weak.

At the original Xiaocheng realm, Mu Qing mastered the light of chaos, capable of offensive and defensive.

Now, Mu Qing relies on the power of Xingkong Shu to force the Chaos Jing to advance!

Countless insights emerged in Mu Qing's mind, and then the chaotic light in his body bloomed, which was divided into three parts.

Part of it was integrated into the body and turned into an ancient chaotic symbol, imprinted on every corner of Mu Qing's body, transforming it into a chaotic body.

At this moment, Mu Qing can also be regarded as a chaotic creature.

However, this chaotic body is obviously not as good as the cosmic Eucharist in terms of level, and it will soon be integrated by the cosmic Eucharist.

The other two parts of the chaotic light condensed into two artifacts, suspended beside Mu Qing.

One is the spear of chaos and the other is the shield of chaos.

Spear and shield, attack and defense!

This is the change after the Chaos Scripture reached the Dacheng realm. Mu Qing could summon the Chaos Spear and Chaos Shield at any time.

For the Chaos Spear, Mu Qing didn't pay much attention, because he had enough attack methods, at least there were two attack methods in the Taicheng realm of the Sun Jing.

But the Shield of Chaos, this thing is not only amazing in defense, but also has the effect of absorption!

Simply put, if the enemy attacks Mu Qing from behind, his attack power will be absorbed by Chaos Shield, helping Mu Qing withstand the attack.

A sneak attack will be meaningless to Mu Qing, because no matter which direction the attack is, it will be absorbed by the Chaos Shield!

In addition to the spear and shield, in Mu Qing's perception, the body of chaos actually also has a function.

That is getting bigger!

Chaos creatures seem to like to make their bodies extremely large, and the Chaos God who created the Chaos Sutra seems to have this problem.

The corners of Mu Qing's mouth twitched slightly, the ability of this chaotic body was to make his body bigger infinitely, and at the same time the spear and shield would also surge in size.

This will not increase the attack strength and defense power, but it looks...a bit oppressive.

Mu Qing was more disgusted, thinking that this was an extremely tasteless skill.

With a move of mind, the spear and shield were drawn into the body.

Lei Chai was beside him, looking at Mu Qing suspiciously, he always felt that Mu Qing's strength had improved a lot!


In a low voice, Lei Chai understood deeply that now he is far from Mu Qing's opponent.

Over the years, he has never seen anyone who can improve his strength so quickly like Mu Qing.

Soon, Mu Qing and Lei Chai bid farewell and left the Scarlet Domination Hall.

Now Mu Qing's Chaos Sutra has also reached the realm of Dacheng, and with a certain degree of confidence, coupled with the world's snake ability, Mu Qing believes that he is qualified to fight for the heart of the sacred tree!

There was a trace of heat in Mu Qing's eyes.

The royal blood can make the starry sky book condense golden light clusters, and it is enough for the royal blood demon to ascend to the sky in one step, and transform into the heart of the **** tree of the **** blood demon...

Will it provide a large number of golden light clusters for the Starry Sky Book? The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorite\" below to record this (Chapter 1653 Chaos Classics!) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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