Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1654: Both disappeared

There was a trace of heat in Mu Qing's eyes.

At the very beginning, he was the same as Nirvana's thoughts, focusing mainly on collecting information. Although he thought about the heart of the **** tree was a little bit, but it was not big.

Because he knew very well before that his strength was far from the royal blood demons, and he was not an opponent at all.

At that time, Mu Qing's strength was not even as good as Nirvana Supreme.

But now, after the Chaos has been completed, Mu Qing's strength has increased again!

With the sky-defying ability of the Star Book, coupled with the blood of the king of the blood demon, his strength has increased rapidly, and now he has the confidence to compete with the blood demon of the royal family.

Mu Qing's strength is already above the nirvana supreme!

The most important thing is that Mu Qing wants more golden light clusters.

The function of the Star Book allows Mu Qing to be promoted quickly at the cost of sufficient royal blood.

Mu Qing believes that there must be other things, like royal blood, absorbed by the star book and condensed into golden light clusters!

It depends on the quality!

And after his Chaos Sutra was promoted to Dacheng, the golden light cluster needed to advance to the Consummation Realm, the Starry Sky Book did not give any information.

Mu Qing guessed that perhaps the current Xingkong Book's abilities were not enough. After all, Mu Qing watched the Xingkong Book gradually grow and give birth to more abilities.

So far, the cosmic body needs a hundred golden light clusters, and the world snake's ability requires a full 10,000 golden light clusters. The third page of the Sun Sutra and the fifth page of the Chaos Sutra have all advanced to Dacheng.

The Sun Sutra and Chaos Sutra are now in the Consummation Realm, and the current Starry Sky Book’s ability is insufficient or Mu Qing himself is not qualified to control the Consummation Realm, so it does not show how many golden light clusters are needed.

The evil nerve on page 6 is still in the Xiaocheng realm, and there are ten golden light groups needed to advance, but Mu Qing does not intend to advance the evil nerve.

This evil nerve is too weird!

Although this evil nerve inexplicably fits his own path of destruction, Mu Qing is still very jealous of it.

The cultivation of evil nerves, accompanied by endless chattering, will lose your reason and be completely crazy if you are not careful.

With the help of Xingkong Shu, Mu Qing was able to ignore the influence of evil nerves, but he couldn't guarantee whether the evil nerves of Dacheng realm would affect him.

Abandoning evil nerves is something Mu Qing has decided long ago.

This kind of weird thing, it is better to touch less!

And ignoring evil nerves, then the only thing left to advance is the Universe Eucharist and the Destiny Sutra.

Although the world snake ability can also be advanced, it was directly eliminated by Mu Qing.

Just looking at the golden light **** needed for advanced levels is enough to scare people to death, a total of 10,000!

Mu Qing suspected that even if the entire sacred tree was absorbed and refined by the Starry Sky Book, he would not be able to obtain 10,000 golden light clusters.

Therefore, Mu Qing directly ignored the world's snake power. At this stage, the only ones who can significantly improve their strength are the advancement of the Destiny Sutra and the Universe Eucharist.

Needless to say, the role of the Destiny Sutra naturally needs to be said. After reaching the Dacheng realm, Mu Qing can use the time pause without relying on the ability of the Star Book, and the limitations are greatly reduced.

However, the Destiny Sutra seems to involve the power of time, so it takes a full fifty golden light groups to advance.

Fifty is quite a huge number, it is very difficult to get together!

As for the Cosmic Eucharist, the improvement to Mu Qing is also huge.

Earlier, Mu Qing didn't care about the cultivation of realm, but the more he goes to the back, the more important it can be reflected.

Mu Qing's current cultivation base is the Supreme Eighth Heaven, relying on several master-level scriptures and the power of an incomparable starry sky to be able to contend with the royal blood demons.

If you want to surpass the royal blood demons and reach the tenth heaven of ordinary supreme, you can only break through to the nineth heaven of supreme.

That is to say, the cosmic Eucharist once again advanced, reaching the power of the seven realms starry sky!

The starry sky of the Seven Realms corresponds to the Supreme Nine Heavens!

At that time, it will be matched with Mu Qing's number of master-level scriptures, and it will be able to contend with the ordinary supreme tenth heaven.

Of course, Mu Qing is now relying on the ability of the Star Book to forcibly promote any dominance level scripture of the Chaos Sutra or the Sun Sutra to the perfect state, and can also maintain the supreme tenth heaven strength for more than ten seconds.

If there were enough golden light clusters, Mu Qing would naturally be more inclined to advanced cosmic body.

Once the Universe Eucharist advances, he will break through to the Supreme Nine Heavens, whose strength is comparable to the ordinary Supreme Ten Heavens!

This strength is enough to become one of the giants in the Chaos Universe!

The Destiny Sutra can be advanced without rushing, the cosmic Eucharist is the highlight!

However, a hundred golden light **** are too difficult to get together.

Mu Qing even doubted whether the heart of the sacred tree could bring him enough energy to make the book of stars condense a hundred golden light clusters.

It's a bit hanging!

"What's more, it is not certain whether I can get the heart of the sacred tree."

Mu Qing sighed.

His current strength really surpassed the two-horned Gorefiend, the Chaos Sutra and the Sun Sutra two master-level scriptures!

You know, the two master-level scriptures of the Dacheng realm can be displayed at the same time.

The premise is that the energy in Mu Qing's body is enough!

The issue of energy has not always been a problem for Mu Qing.

The Avenue of Stars blended into the body, allowing Mu Qing to inherit the characteristics of Avenue of Stars, and the speed at which he could restore energy was abnormal!

In addition to the power of the six world stars of the universe, the energy is immense.

Mu Qing can use the magical powers with low consumption levels indefinitely.

As for the Sun Sutra and Chaos Sutra, Mu Qing could also maintain it at the same time, and even the addition of a Destiny Sutra was not a problem.

The Sutra of the Sun, the Sutra of Chaos, and the Sutra of Destiny after the Starry Book forcibly ascended the realm, and the three master-level sutras were displayed at the same time, only then could Mu Qing be able to use the power of the Supreme Eighth Heaven to counter the royal blood demons.

But the Star Book cannot keep Mu Qing's Destiny Sutra at the realm of Dacheng all the time.

Only when he used the abilities of the Star Book, could Mu Qing's strength reach the same level as the royal blood demon.

However, the abilities of Star Book can only be used twice a day.

At other times, Mu Qing was still slightly behind the royal blood demon.

Whether you can get the heart of the sacred tree is really hard to say!

"I don't know what's going on outside."

Mu Qing left the Scarlet Domination Hall, using the world's snake power to perceive space, and capture the situation on the side of the endless void.

In fact, it took three days for Mu Qing to enter the Scarlet Domination Hall, including refining the corpse of Dust Extinguisher, upgrading the Chaos Sutra, and regaining his own state a little bit.

He observed the endless void battlefield, and found that there was no one, the figure of the blood demons was gone, and the ruling descendants and others did not see it either.

"The battle is over?"

Mu Qing looked at the situation of the endless void with some curiosity.

According to his perception, the space power here is quite unstable, with some distortions, and even some cracks.

"It seems that there has been a big battle!"

Mu Qing walked out of the non-existent realm, and he sensed that there was no one in the endless void.

Returning to the endless void, Mu Qing first found his position to fight Miechen.

It can be said that the power of space is very resilient and resilient. No matter how fragile the space is, it will heal immediately after a period of time.

Mu Qing used the Sun Sutra of the Consummation Realm to fight against Miechen, and the terrifying temperature directly burned through the endless void.

But now there are only a few cracks left, and they will heal completely soon.

Subsequently, Mu Qing's figure flashed and came to another position.

There are also some cracks here. Mu Qing perceives it carefully and can feel the breath of the power of the sun.

Obviously, this is the place where White Wolf fought with other royal blood demons!

The White Wolf is the supreme tenth heaven. Although it has not cultivated the dominance level scriptures to the Xiaocheng state, its strength is still good, above the royal blood demon.

Its strength burst out, and it can also penetrate the endless void and lead to the realm of nonexistence.

Obviously, this place with many rifts is where the White Wolf fought before.

"Dead? Or escaped?"

Mu Qing touched his chin, he was not sure about the extent of casualties on both sides.

It stands to reason that the group of people who dominate the descendants are not the opponents of the royal blood demons and others. After all, the number of top combat powers of the people who dominate the descendants is higher than that of the people who dominate the descendants.

But in fact, Mu Qing helped Zhouqing and the others at the last moment.

Because Mu Qing helped them solve Miechen! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (the two disappeared in Chapter 1654), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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