Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1655: Sacred tree heart

"The royal blood demons had seven full combat powers at the beginning, but I eliminated Miechen, and there are six left."

"Although this number is still much higher than that of Dominating Descendants and the group, I helped them solve Miechen, and it really relieved their pressure a lot."

"But the six royal blood demons have joined forces, and those who dominate the descendants should not be opponents."

Mu Qing stroked his chin, thinking.

However, he did not think that the ruling descendants and others would be killed.

At the very least, the white wolf will not die, and with the strength of the Supreme Tenth Heaven, it is completely capable of fleeing.

It can be said that Mu Qing broke the plan of the royal family blood demons and others. Originally, with the addition of Miechen, the four royal blood demons can join forces to kill the white wolf.

The most important thing is that the crystal ball in Miechen's hand can prevent the white wolf from escaping through the non-existent realm.

As a result, Mie Chen was self-righteous, facing Mu Qing alone, was killed by Mu Qing, and the crystal ball was also broken.

Without the restraint of the crystal ball, the White Wolf could naturally find the opportunity to rush into the non-existent realm, so as not to be killed.

Mu Qing continued to use spatial perception, he wanted to figure out what the specific battle situation was.

This is necessary because Mu Qing is also interested in the heart of the last sacred tree, and he needs to know what opponents he will face.

The world snake ability gave Mu Qing the natural instinct to get close to space.

The power of space is not as easy as it seems on the surface.

Under Mu Qing's perception, some traces were quickly found in the endless void!

Some broken bodies!

Belongs to the Double Horned Gorefiend!

Mu Qing counted, and obviously, the double-horned blood demon on the blood demon clan had fallen a bit.

After all, in this level and large-scale battle, even a double-horned blood demon will fall by accident.

Regrettably, these corpses were badly damaged. Obviously, there was no way to refine them and let the Starry Sky Book absorb them.

Mu Qing continued to fish for corpses in the depths of the endless void.

Those who died in the battle, if no one cares about them, will gradually sink to the bottom of the endless void, and be gradually disintegrated in a series of void storms.

But Mu Qing was able to perceive the bottom of the situation, and soon he found a lot of corpses, belonging to the faction dominating the descendants.

"Sure enough, they are not that easy to die."

Mu Qing's face sank.

Unexpectedly, none of the stronger ones died, at least the remains of the corpse were not found.

All the fallen are those Supreme Eighth Heaven and below and the Double Horned Gorefiend.

There were no corpses left by the three of Zhouqing, Mangu, and Fengling, including the remaining six of the royal blood demons.

"Sure enough, as dominating the descendants, Zhou Qing and others have hidden enough means to die so easily."

Mu Qing sighed.

What he hopes more is that the two sides will lose and lose, and each one will be seriously injured, so that he has a lot of chances to get the heart of the **** tree.

Unfortunately, none of the strong is dead!

Perhaps it was Mu Qing's previous performance that was too much, which made the royal blood demons and others feel a sense of crisis, so they wanted to retain their strength and not fight against the ruling descendants and others.

"At present, my biggest advantage is to be able to enter the non-existent realm, and wait for the royal blood demons and the descendants of the ruler to fight before taking action. The only thing that needs attention is Qingtong."

Mu Qing frowned.

He had noticed Qingtong's breath before, but the other party did not attack him, which was strange. He didn't know what Qingtong thought.

And it is worth noting that the White Wolf is the Supreme Tenth Heaven, and it also has the ability to enter the realm of nonexistence!

If Mu Qing did not promote the dominance level scriptures to the perfect state, he would not be the opponent of the Supreme Tenth Heaven.

The White Wolf is also a certain degree of threat to him!

"It seems that there is no realm and it is not absolutely safe. It can only be said that it is relatively safe."

Mu Qing sighed, trying to seize the heart of the sacred tree is a bit difficult!

After staying for a while, Mu Qing returned to the realm of nonexistence.

The next step is the point, because it will soon reach the highest point of the sacred tree, where the heart of the sacred tree is located!

Mu Qing didn't intend to be outside, but simply entered the non-existent realm and moved there.

This is Mu Qing's greatest advantage.

The ability of the world snake can ignore the rules of the sacred tree space, allowing Mu Qing to be in the non-existent realm, free to come and go and move.

In contrast, even if it is as strong as Qingtong, you can only freely enter the non-existent realm. Once you enter the non-existent realm, you can only move on a small scale, and cannot move and shuttle over long distances.

This also means that except for Mu Qing, everyone else must act outside to go to the heart of the sacred tree!

After half a day.

"It's close!"

Mu Qing's face was stunned. In his perception, his position had reached the edge of the heart of the sacred tree.

In this non-existent field, naturally, nothing can be seen.

But Mu Qing could clearly perceive that there was a hidden barrier power in front of him!

Mu Qing stretched out his hand and touched it on the barrier, which had no intention of attack.

Within this enchantment is the area where the heart of the **** tree is located!

Mu Qing was a little surprised, but he did not expect that the enchantment of the heart of the sacred tree would affect the non-existent realm.

Sure enough, it was something made by the ancient blood demon tree!

Mu Qing sighed secretly, and then slammed into the barrier.

This enchantment had no effect on Mu Qing. I thought it was to prevent others from entering the heart of the sacred tree from different spatial levels.

Even Qingtong can't pass through, and must enter from the outside world.

But after Mu Qing's World Snake ability advanced, he could almost ignore this kind of enchantment.

Entering the enchantment, what Mu Qing saw still did not exist in the realm, but when he sensed the external situation, he found that the heart of the sacred tree was actually in a secret realm of heaven and earth!

Soon, Mu Qing sensed the royal blood demons and his group.

In this secret realm, the space is quite huge, comparable to the size of a galaxy.

There are old trees everywhere in it, but there are no creatures.

The royal blood demon and others came here with a slightly excited expression, looking at the heart of the sacred tree in the distance!

It was a huge heart the size of a star, and every once in a while, it would make a heartbeat, like a roaring thunder and lightning, causing the entire secret realm to vibrate.

The eyes of Mie Quan and others were fiery, looking at the heart of the huge sacred tree.

At this time, their hearts will inevitably become excited, because the heart of the sacred tree will be the ultimate treasure of this trial, and those who obtain it will be able to obtain the power of the heart of the sacred tree, allowing the royal blood demons in their bodies to further transform!

It can even be said that it is a step up to the sky and become a blood demon of the **** race!

You know, the royal blood demons are already comparable to the supreme nine heavens of the master-level scriptures.

And the blood demons of the **** race can directly make the blood demons leap to the level of the supreme tenth heaven.

Moreover, it can be comparable to the realm of master-level scriptures!

The blood demons are quite terrifying.

They were created by the Gorefiend Ancient Tree, and they were born with powerful powers.

Other races have grown up slowly, and their cultivation has also improved one by one.

However, the blood demons rely on their own blood, and each realm is equivalent to the master-level scripture realm of the same level!

The double-horned Gorefiend is comparable to the master-level scriptures of the Supreme Eight Heaven.

The royal blood demon is equivalent to the supreme Nineth Heaven's master-level scripture master.

And once they absorb the heart of the refining sacred tree, these royal blood demons will directly transform into the sacred blood demons!

By then, it will have unparalleled power, far beyond the ordinary Supreme Ten Heaven, and comparable to the Supreme Ten Heaven who dominates the realm of scriptures!

You can even easily kill the ordinary supreme tenth heaven!

Of course, the premise is to stand out among many competitors and obtain the heart of the **** tree.

Mie Quan, Mie Heng and others have hostility in their eyes.

Only one person can obtain the heart of the sacred tree, and if the heart of the sacred tree is broken, they will not be able to get any benefits.

Therefore, these royal blood demons are all competitors!

But they didn't act rashly, because they all knew that there were foreigners who were also eyeing the heart of the sacred tree.

Naturally, they cannot give foreigners a chance. They must first eliminate the foreigners, and then fight with the same clan!

"The so-called descendants of the ruler have some means, but they have not been able to keep them."

With some regrets about the extinction of power, he sighed.

Next to Mie Shang frowned, "The most important thing is that there is something wrong with the fellow Mie Chen, otherwise we should be able to kill all of the descendants of the ruler."

Obviously, everyone was very upset with Miechen, because the other party's private actions caused their encirclement and suppression plan to fail! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1655 God Tree Heart), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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