Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1663: Cooperation and warning

"Are you saying that Qingtong's goal is God Race Gorefi?"

A surprised expression appeared on Mu Qing's face.

He thought that Qingtong's goal was the heart of the sacred tree, no wonder that Qingtong hadn't appeared until now. It turned out that the opponent's goal was a protoss blood demon!

"What about you? What is your goal?"

Mu Qing looked at the mutilated wound beside him.


Mie Shang said indifferently, as if it wasn't a big deal.

When Mu Qing heard the words, he immediately reacted and looked at him in amazement.

This guy meant to be an undercover agent in the blood demon clan? !

"I don't have any malice. I can even tell you that I come from the Royal Court of Life."

"The ancient blood demon tree is a multiverse force at the same level as the royal court of life. My goal is naturally to become the blood demon of the **** race and enter the upper level of the ancient blood demon tree."

"I think we can cooperate. I will provide you with some information, and you will help me get some things."

"Also, I want to draw you into our royal court of life. With your strength, I will surely be able to reach the standard of entering the royal court of life, and as an introducer, I will get certain benefits."

Mie Shang once again stated that he had no malice, and at the same time threw an olive branch to Mu Qing.

Mu Qing frowned slightly.

"The King of Life? Why don't you tell me what kind of power this is, and if I cooperate, what do I need to do, and what are the benefits?"

Mu Qing is very curious about this king of life.

Mie Shang smiled and explained: "In the multiverse, there are three multiverse-level forces in total, namely, the ancient tree of blood demon, the king of life, and the **** of death!"

"The ancient blood demon tree is said to be a power, but it is also a supreme ruler. It created the blood demon clan and gave it unparalleled strength."

"And I, although I am from the blood demon clan, I actually take refuge in the royal court of life in secret. As long as my position in the blood demon clan is higher, the more benefits will be given by the royal court of life."

Mu Qing couldn't help but glanced at the wound.

This kind of undercover job is not so good, once it is accidentally discovered, the end can be described as extremely miserable.

But at the same time, being an undercover agent can get more benefits. On the one hand, Mitigation can get resources from the ancient blood demon tree, and it can secretly reveal the information of the ancient blood demon tree to the king of life, in exchange for resources again.

Both sides take advantage, plus the fact that both sides are multiverse-level forces, one can imagine how huge resources can be obtained from Mutilation.

But Mu Qing's eyes became vigilant again.

Since Mishang is an undercover undercover in the blood demon clan, why should he tell him the news?

Don’t you be afraid of the information leaking out?

It seems that Mu Qing's thoughts can be seen through, and Mie Shang said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, even if you reveal the news to the people of the blood demon, basically no one will believe it."

"Because the blood demon clan was created by the blood demon ancient tree itself, and has absolute loyalty and belief in the blood demon ancient tree, even the blood demon ancient tree does not think that the race created by it will have betrayers!"

Afterwards, Mie Shang turned around and said: "Mu Qing, I have seen your strength before. The strength of the Supreme Eighth Heaven can display the dominance-level scriptures of the perfect realm, even if it is placed in the royal court of our lives. It's also a genius."

With that, Mie Shang handed a piece of aquamarine pentagonal crystal to Mu Qing.

"If you intend to join us in the Royal Court of Life, then crush it. Then, the people from the Royal Court of Life will take you to the assessment. The higher your talent, the more benefits you will get. Similarly, as the referrer, I, You can also get more benefits!"

Mie Shang smiled meaningfully and added one last sentence.

"The Chaos Universe in the maturity stage does not have many good things for you to improve your strength. You need a more open world and a training place. The King of Life is obviously a good place!"

"There are many masters there. They are all powerful ones who rule an entire universe, as well as the supreme masters above the many masters of the Ling family!

Believe me, King of Life will definitely meet all your needs! "

To be honest, Mu Qing was really moved!

If this mutilation is true, then joining the Palace of Life does have certain benefits for Mu Qing.

After all, the Chaos Universe in the mature stage now has nothing good that can bring improvement to Mu Qing.

As for the Starry Sky Book, it seems that if the Starry Sky Book condenses a golden light cluster, only the blood of the Gorefiend is qualified.

"I will think about it."

Mu Qing groaned, then nodded, and accepted the emerald green pentagonal crystal.

He felt it for a while and was sure that this was just a message to convey, and there was no potential danger.

Upon seeing this, Mie Shang showed a trace of satisfaction on his face.

He doesn't know why Qing Tong didn't recommend Mu Qing. Mingming Mu Qing's strength and talent are quite good. After passing the assessment of the King of Life, he can definitely get a lot of rewards!

It stands to reason that, as an introducer, Mie Shang should take Mu Qing directly to the assessment, and take Mu Qing to familiarize himself with the King of Life.

However, Mie Shang's status is special, and his status in the King of Life is even higher than that of Qing Tong. After all, he is the only chess piece in the King of Life that has penetrated into the blood demon ancient tree.

Therefore, the person who takes Mu Qing to the assessment will be the responsibility of other people in the Life Palace.

Mie Shang set his sights on the outside world again, and then said: "Next, let's talk about cooperation."

"The heart of the sacred tree is definitely not to be touched. In fact, Qingtong, like me, comes from the royal court of life."

"But he didn't know my existence, and I knew Qingtong’s mission on this trip. He was only one step away from the master-level scripture mastery realm, so he took the risk of taking this mission. Once completed, he will be rich. The rewards helped him break through the realm.

The content of the task is the corpse of a blood demon of the **** race, if it is captured alive, the reward will be doubled. "

Mieshang knows the contents of Qingtong's mission very well.

Mu Qing did not interrupt. He guessed that both Mie Shang and Qing Tong came from the Royal Court of Life, and the two accidentally crashed.

In order to avoid the accident of the only undercover chess piece, Life King's senior management will definitely notify the death to avoid Qingtong.

"Obviously, Qing Tong's next goal should be to destroy power after absorbing the heart of the sacred tree.

At that time, we can ignore them, and my goal is to become a God Race Gorefiend! "

Mieshang's eyes flashed with brilliance.

This time the sacred tree tried, in fact, he was fully prepared, but because of the appearance of Qingtong, Mie was forced to give up the heart of the sacred tree.

But he didn't want to just give up being a God Race Gorefiend.

Mu Qing frowned slightly, and said: "You sacred tree trial can only give birth to one protoss blood demon at a time, right?"

"It stands to reason that it is true. I will always be surprised."

Mieshang grinned, and then the breath on his body was like a storm, and a brain surged out!

Mu Qing's pupils shrank slightly, and he found that Miehuan's body had an unusual and terrifying aura permeating out, which was far more noble and terrifying than the royal blood demon!

This breath had appeared on Mie Quan's body before.

But obviously, the aura of killing injury is much stronger!

Mie Shang condensed his breath, and chuckled: "The three multiverse forces are hostile to each other, and in the Palace of Life, there are naturally many good things, including the corpses of the blood demons of the **** race!"

"After the previous accumulation, half of the blood in my body has transformed into a **** race golem.

Even if the heart of the sacred tree is not obtained this time, it does not matter. The remaining entire sacred tree is also a huge opportunity. I can absorb the torso of the sacred tree and I can break through to the blood demons of the **** race! "

"The only problem is that Qingtong will definitely kill him or catch him alive after he becomes the blood demon of the **** race. When the time comes, the entire tree will have no heart, only the shell is left, and there will be no blocking the Supreme Tenth Heaven. Ability.

I need your ability to move the entire sacred tree away! "

Mie Shang turned his head and stared at Mu Qing.

This is a very dangerous action, because there are also many Supreme Tenth Heavens in the Chaos Universe, which cannot be dealt with by Killing the Injury.

If it weren't for Mu Qing's previously demonstrated ability, Mie Shang would probably give up this time of the sacred tree trial and wait for the next time.

But if Mu Qing can rush to take the entire sacred tree with the roots before the other Supreme Tenth Heavens in the Chaos Universe take action, he doesn't mind sharing the remaining benefits with Mu Qing.

"This is the cooperation I want to talk to you!"

"As a reward, I will give you a divine object, which can help you shield the cosmic consciousness detection of the chaotic universe."

"Of course, if you don't have the ability to take away the entire sacred tree, then I will send you out directly."

Mie Shang looked at Mu Qing, he naturally hoped to become a blood demon of the **** race sooner.

It all depends on whether Mu Qing has that ability!

Mu Qing looked at the wound quite unexpectedly.

Shield the detection of cosmic consciousness in the chaotic universe?

There is such a thing?

Mu Qing behaved quite surprised, and at the same time he was moved again. If this divine object can really do it, it will be a lot of benefits for him.

Seeing this, Mie Shang explained with a smile: "In fact, the King of Life has paid attention to the chaotic universe, and discovered that your chaotic universe's cosmic instinct consciousness is unusually mature and possesses extraordinary wisdom. This is similar to other mature universes. different!"

"Perhaps, it is precisely because of this that the ancient blood devil tree also noticed this, thinking that your chaotic universe is special, and sent the seed of the **** tree to the chaotic universe, intending to occupy it here."

"Hundreds of universes have been swallowed and absorbed by the ancient blood demon tree for countless years!"

Mie Shang deliberately proposed that divine object as a reward, because he speculated that Mu Qing would need it.

Sure enough, Mu Qing was indeed moved.

Mu Qing hesitated, then nodded, and said, "Okay! Then we'll cooperate!"

A satisfying smile suddenly appeared on Mie Shang's face.

Then, with a solemn expression, he warned Mu Qing: "You have to be careful, the cosmic instinct consciousness of your chaotic universe is too mature. The reason why it is not active and does not take action against you is because it may be aware of the royal court of life and blood. Mogushu's attention to it!"

"If it weren't for this, it might have long forcibly killed you sacred ones and returned its power to the universe!" The starry sky dominates the latest Chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: https :// Dominates the txt download address: https://www. starry sky dominates mobile reading: /147180/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"Favorites\" below to record this time (1663 Chapter Cooperation and Warning) Read the record and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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