Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1664: go away

"With this thing, it will shield you from the cosmic consciousness, and at the same time, if it is activated, it can also transform you into a blood demon clan."

Mie Shang handed Mu Qing a purple eyeball the size of a palm.

This is the reward that Mie Shang intends to give after cooperating with Mu Qing, and it is given to Mu Qing in advance at this moment.

Because of the next action, Mu Qing needs this!

"You need to remove the entire sacred tree from the outside world. By then, you will definitely attract the attention of all the Supreme Ten Heavens, and use the power of purple eyeballs to transform yourself into a blood demon clan, so that others will not recognize you."

Mie Shang said.

"Become a blood demon?"

Mu Qing took the purple eyeballs, his face was a little weird.

He was a little bit resisted in his heart. Although the royal blood demon's appearance was still visible, if he became a double-horned blood demon, it was really unacceptable to look like a tauren.

"Don't worry, it's just a temporary change. After about an hour, the blood of our blood demon clan will disappear."

"And I will prepare a completely hidden space, and then I will give you special coordinates, and you will move the entire sacred tree over there!"

Mie hurt Shen said.

In fact, there are still some things he didn't say. In fact, the so-called cooperation, the danger is basically borne by Mu Qing.

First of all, Mu Qing must have this ability to take away the entire sacred tree, and second, Mu Qing's ability must be strong enough to enter the completely hidden space he prepared.

Furthermore, I hope that Mu Qing will not be beaten to death by those supreme tenth heavens.

"I hope that after the purple eyeballs transform him into the blood demon clan, the tenacious vitality of the blood demon clan can prevent him from being killed."

Mie Shang said secretly in his heart.

I can only say that I hope people are okay...

For Mie Shang, he only needs to prepare that completely hidden space and wait for Mu Qing's arrival.

"Do you need me to help you leave?"

Mie Shang looked at Mu Qing.

"No need to."

Mu Qing shook his head and said: "When you are ready, let me know."

He closed his purple eyeballs, and the nebula lingered on his body for the next moment, and a star snake rushed out of the void and swallowed him.

In the blink of an eye, Mu Qing disappeared!

Mieshang's eyes condensed, and the secret path really is!

Even the prisons in his paintings cannot influence Mu Qing.

"It seems that there is a real chance of success!" Mia Shang took a deep breath and whispered.


There is no realm.

Qingtong was a little frightened and looked at the other side.

Even if Qingtong has been observing the location of the heart of the **** tree, but there is no situation on the domain side, Qingtong can still feel it.

"This one called Mie Shang still didn't stop Mu Qing?"

Qingtong frowned slightly, and immediately cast his gaze.

Since knowing that Mu Qing has mastered the power of time, he has felt very afraid of Mu Qing.

Not afraid of the opponent's strength, but afraid of the curse of time.

A supreme Eighth Heaven like Mu Qing, no matter how genius, Qing Tong can slap five or six with one slap.

But the curse of time is different.

Once contaminated, it is possible to be cursed by the power of time at any time, and die!

Although Qing Tong is also a person from the Chaos Universe, he was executed by the Supreme Master himself. After that, he merged and did not die by chance. Instead, his soul came to the Multiverse and accidentally joined the King of Life.

As a multiverse force, the King of Life has many powerful masters, and even the supreme master above all the masters!

Qingtong once heard of a strong man called the master of time, who claimed to have overcome the curse of time and mastered the power of time thoroughly!

As a result, the time ruler lived for tens of millions of years, and eventually he died in the end, even in the presence of several rulers in the royal court of life.

Just like this, Qing Tong is very jealous of the power of time.

He thinks he has a bright future, but he doesn't want to die in the future.

"Huh? Go away?"

Qingtong raised his brows, unexpectedly Mu Qing gave up robbing the heart of the sacred tree, and used some means to leave!

"As expected, someone who has mastered the power of time, even if there is only the Supreme Eighth Heaven, it can actually break the limits of the sacred tree space."

Qingtong sighed, thinking that Mu Qing's various special methods benefited from the power of time.

At the same time, Qingtong breathed a sigh of relief.

If Mu Qing wanted to seize the heart of the sacred tree, destroy his power and promote him to the blood demons of the **** race, he really didn't know what to do.

If you make a move, it is likely to involve the power of time, and you will have a certain risk at that time.

But if you don't make a move, then you won't be able to complete this mission.

As long as he completes this task and gets rewards, he will be able to break through to the master-level scripture mastery realm!

Qingtong doesn't want to give up this opportunity!

Fortunately, Mu Qing left by himself, and Qing Tong breathed a sigh of relief and didn't need to worry about it.

In the world in the painting, Mie Shang also felt Mu Qing leave, and then glanced at the empty void.

He knew that Qingtong was hiding in the non-existent realm, waiting for the moment when Destroyed Power transformed into the blood of the **** race.

"Go and prepare!"

Mieshang shook his head, dispelling the idea of ​​contacting Qingtong.

Although they were both members of the Royal Court of Life, the two parties did not know each other before.

Mie Injury still has to continue his undercover mission, or it is better not to reveal his identity.

Taking a deep breath, he took out a lamp, which contained various colors, changing back and forth.

Mie Shang is undercover in the Blood Demon Race, holding the benefits of the two multiverse forces, naturally there are many good things on his body.

This lamp looks ordinary, but in fact the light inside is refined from the instinctive consciousness of a universe!

This light group contains a certain amount of power and can take people to different dimensions!

The different-dimensional space is a space plane that is deeper than the non-existent realm.

Even the powerhouses of the Supreme Tenth Heaven could not enter there.

Only the strong above the dominating realm can come to the different dimension space!

Of course there is a special case, that is the instinctive consciousness of the universe!

The consciousness of the universe is naturally able to travel to different dimensions, and can even hide the origin of the universe in it.

The instinctive consciousness of the Chaos Universe did just that, and the powers of the Supreme Tenth Heaven could not see the power of the origin of the universe.

And this time, Mie Shang paid a great price in order to be able to transform himself into the God Race Gorefiend.

The purple-red eyeballs he gave Mu Qing were considered a treasure in the blood demon clan, and could accelerate the progress of the royal blood demon's transformation to the **** clan blood demon.

The most important point is that the purple eyeballs can shield the prying eyes of the universe!

And this lamp, burning is a mass of exhausted cosmic consciousness, relying on its power, can help Mie Shang enter the different dimension space!

Mie Shang wanted to obtain the entire sacred tree to transform into the blood demons of the **** race, and such a large sacred tree, even if it was moved to the non-existent realm, those strong in the Chaos universe would find it.

The only safe storage location is that different dimension space!

Moving the sacred tree into a different dimension space, even the powerhouse of the Supreme Tenth Heaven could not enter it.

It is quite safe!

When Mishang took out this lamp, the surrounding space was distorted, and then disappeared in place with Mishang.

Even Qingtong couldn't find Mie Shang's departure.


outside world.

In the secret enchantment space.

A figure broke through the void and appeared here.

"You finally came back!"

Several figures were startled, they looked over and found that it was Mu Qing, and he was relieved.

The Supreme Nirvana stepped forward, with a hint of rejoicing, and said: "I thought you had an accident. Fortunately, you still relied on the mark to return."

Afterwards, he asked curiously: "How is it? Is there a hand in the heart of the **** tree?"

He knew that Mu Qing had an advantage in the sacred tree space, so he thought that Mu Qing had a certain chance to get the heart of the sacred tree.

Mu Qing shook his head, "I didn't get it. A royal blood demon is absorbing the heart of the refining sacred tree and is about to transform into a protoss blood demon!"

Everyone's complexion changed.

Just a royal blood demon, they are no opponents at all, let alone a **** blood demon.

"Is there any news from the investigation about the blood demons?"

At this time, a misty figure stepped forward, it was the fate of the leader of the black world!

Mingxuan came here in person!

In fact, the fate came long ago, but later it was discovered that the sacred tree space could not be entered at all, repelling all the powers of the supreme tenth heaven.

After using various methods to enter, Mingxuan had no choice but to come to the secret enchantment of the Supreme Nirvana, and wait until Mu Qing's return.

"Leader, you were at the end of a long river of time. Haven't you seen the situation of the blood demons?"

Mu Qing did not answer immediately, but instead asked.

Mingxuan shook his head and said, "I haven't seen it before. In fact, I only saw the scene of the ancient blood demon tree appearing in the first place. I don't know what it looked like afterwards."

"After all, the entire multiverse is very huge, and the universes in it are as many as stars. Even if I have been there for many years, it is impossible to capture all the universes."

"Another point is that I have only used the power of time from start to finish. After all, the power of time is very dangerous, so what I can see is actually limited."

Mingxuan explained.

Mu Qing pondered for a while, and then asked again: "Then, have you heard of the leader of the royal court of life?"

Mingxuan's original Gu Jing Wubo eyes had ripples, his brows were slightly frowned, and he looked at Mu Qing.

"What's going on? How can the blood demon ancient tree matter involve the King of Life?"

"Where did you know this? Does this ancient blood demon tree have something to do with the King of Life?"

Mu Qing was stunned, unexpectedly Mingxuan didn't know the situation of the ancient blood demon tree, but knew the king of life.

He quickly informed Mingxuan of the cooperation between Mie Shang and him.

A hint of surprise appeared on Mingxuan's face.

"That person really recruited you into the Palace of Life?"

He was a little surprised, and then touched his chin, and said, "This is a good thing. As far as I know, the King of Life is not a black and evil force. It is a multiverse-level force and a huge organization. If you can join it, there are huge benefits!"The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: https://www.wuxiaspot .com/book/147180.htmlThe starry sky dominates the full text reading address: /147180/Star Domination txt download address: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1664 Leave), and open the bookshelf next time You can see it! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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