Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1674: The shock of the examiners

"Huh! My attack is not so easy to dodge!"

Although the royal blood demon was very surprised that Mu Qing was able to avoid it, a strange smile appeared on his face.

I saw the huge evil **** behind him, disappearing inexplicably, appeared behind Mu Qing in an instant, and purple wings shrouded like a sky!

Those powerful purple rays of light penetrated through, directly blasting Mu Qing to death!

However, a chaotic light emerged from Mu Qing's body, which was an ancient shield.

All the purple light is absorbed by the Chaos Shield!

Mu Qing was not hurt at all.

"It's just the ability to liberate in the first stage, and the strength of this royal blood demon is much weaker than the real royal blood demon."

Mu Qing had an insight into the strength of this royal blood demon almost instantly.

With his combat power comparable to the royal blood demons, facing this weakened royal blood demons, he can completely crush!

I saw that Mu Qing displayed both the Chaos Sutra and the Sun Sutra at the same time, the fire wave swept away, and the Chaos Spear penetrated each other from all directions.

After a while, the spear of chaos penetrated the body of the royal blood demon at an astonishing speed!

The chaotic light exploded, and the opponent's entire body was shattered into nothingness.

The battle is over!

The expression on Mu Qing's face didn't make many waves. The weakened royal blood demon, he only needs to use two master-level scriptures of the Dacheng realm to be able to kill.

After the assessment, Mu Qing still passed the customs with a crushing attitude.

At the same time, he also discovered that in the thirty-six levels of the life king's assessment, the gap between each level would not be too wide.

The difficulty just increases little by little!

The biggest difficulty should be the recovery speed and energy issues.

Because after passing one level, the next level will follow one after another, and there is not much time to restore the state.

With other people, the assessments of the first few levels are still acceptable, but the more you get to the back, the weaker the state will definitely be dragged down.

Mu Qing took a lot of advantage in this regard.

As far as the current battle is concerned, with the metamorphic recovery ability of his cosmic body fused with the Avenue of Stars, he can even keep the energy in his body in its heyday!

As the assessment progressed, after Mu Qing killed a large number of weakened double-horned blood demons and several royal blood demons, he finally encountered a different race creature.

It was a mass of human-shaped black mist, covered with black light gauze, under the billowing black mist, stretched out a pair of withered arms.

Mu Qing frowned slightly. This was a race he had never met before, but since it was placed in this 25th level assessment, it was definitely not much worse than the Blood Demon Race.

"A soul eater from the **** of death, who devours the soul, especially the method of attack on the soul, is very special!"

"I don't know if Mu Qing has the ability to resist in terms of soul?"

The examiners were all paying attention to Mu Qing's performance, and one of them whispered the identity of the monster.

The Hell of Death is one of the three multiverse-level forces that are as famous as the ancient blood demon tree and the king of life!

In this test, the opponent is not only the Gorefiend, but also the monsters of death hell!

Mu Qing's brows suddenly wrinkled, he felt bad, the snake in the starry sky swallowed him directly, and instantly came to the non-existent realm.

In this assessment space, there is still the division of outer space, void, endless void, and non-existent realm.

Mu Qing hid in the field of non-existence, this is the means that the Supreme Ten Heaven can do!

"Soul attack?"

Mu Qing looked at the Soul Eater outside with some surprise.

He had actually been recruited just now, and the opponent's soul attack was even hard to detect, even Mu Qing could not dodge it.

However, Mu Qing didn't have a serious problem, because after he cultivated the Chaos Sutra to Dacheng, the Chaos Shield formed by the chaotic light in his body was an all-round defense!

There was a soul attack just now, directly impacting Mu Qing's soul, but it was forcibly sucked away by the Chaos Shield.

As a result, Mu Qing did not receive any damage, and with the strength of that Soul Eater's attack, he could not break the Chaos Shield.

"Soul attacks are too difficult to detect, and it is difficult to avoid them!"

Mu Qing was a little jealous, but just facing this Soul Eater, he was not afraid.

After all, the main reason for this Soul Eater is that the soul attack is too weird. If the soul attack is removed, then the real strength is almost the same as that of the Double Horned Gorefiend.

At this moment, the Soul Eater was stunned. It tore through the space, entered the void, and then rushed into the endless void. As a result, it went around and still failed to find Mu Qing.

Just as the Soul Eater was swaying in the endless void, a wave of fire enveloped it, and the terrifying sun's fire poured down from a fire knife!

All gone!

Mu Qing's sudden appearance, the sudden attack of the Universe Taiyang Jing, directly severely inflicted this Soul Eater.

Immediately afterwards, in the endless void, a spear of chaos pierced through, smashing the Soul Eater!

Clear the level again!


In another space, the examiners who followed Mu Qing were shocked.

Several of them even stood up, feeling very surprised!

The space where they are located is a special space created by the upper-levels of the King of Life. Naturally, they can clearly see the situation where there is no realm.

However, they did not expect that Mu Qing was only the Supreme Eighth Heaven, and when he reached the sky, he pulled the battlefield to the side of the endless void. How could he enter the field of nonexistence?

"Only the Supreme Eightfold Heaven can enter the non-existent realm without any restraint in it, which is even more exaggerated than the ordinary Supreme Eightfold Heaven!"

An examiner stood up, and he spoke in disbelief.

Old Man Long's eyes also showed a look of surprise.

He hesitated for a moment, and guessed: "Could it be that Mu Qing is born with a certain physique that is highly compatible with the power of space?"

When everyone heard this, they could only think so.

The force of space is also a very terrifying force, and at the same time it is difficult to control.

However, the power of space can be tried to cultivate, but the degree of danger is lower than the power of time, I don't know how much.

If it is the kind of physique that is naturally compatible with space and enters the field of non-existence ahead of time, this reason is also justified.

However, in their opinion, Mu Qing's performance is still amazing!

Because in the Palace of Life King, there are also many physiques related to the power of space.

Among them, there are indeed a few geniuses, and you can enter the realm of nonexistence if you don't reach the Supreme Tenth Heaven!

But it's not as easy and comfortable as Mu Qing!

Ordinary supreme tenth heaven, entering the non-existent realm will be subject to certain movement restrictions, but Mu Qing is like a duck in the water, the difference is very obvious!

"In this way, this Mu Qing is definitely able to rush into the top 20!"

One of the examiners sighed that he had already begun to think about it, brought out some good things, and wooed Mu Qing.

From now on, 80% will be the powerhouse who can become the master!

"It's very likely... he will be able to rush into the top ten in the first assessment!"

Old man Long pondered for a while, his words were astonishing!

"This... unlikely, right?"

"It's not easy to break into the top ten levels. The difficulty of the eleventh level is too great!"

"However, if he can really hit the top ten, I will do my best to win him over!"

Several examiners disagreed with Old Long's words.

It is rare to see those who can reach the top ten in the first assessment, even in the Palace of Life King!

And such an existence, without exception, has achieved the realm of dominance!

There are even many masters among them!

"Don't forget, what level is Mu Qing's cultivation realm!" Old man Long reminded.

Many other examiners were stunned, and then a trace of horror appeared in their eyes.


Mu Qing has only the Supreme Eight Heaven.

That also means that when he is conducting the assessment, all the opponents he encounters are only the Supreme Eight Heaven!

This limit is too big!

The most important thing is that Mu Qing can freely enter the non-existent realm and is invincible!

"The first ten levels of the assessment are all terrifying existences. Even if there is only the Supreme Eighth Heaven, it is still a mountain that is difficult to cross!

But the tenth level is different. Although it is difficult, Mu Qing relies on his advantage of being able to enter the non-existent field to deal with it, and maybe he can really pass! "

Long old man analyzed.

After he saw Mu Qing's ability to enter the field of nonexistence, his inner prediction for Mu Qing improved a lot.

He felt that Mu Qing could pass the eleventh level, and even pass the tenth level!

But from the ninth level, the old man Long didn't think that Mu Qing could succeed.

At the same time, during the time when the examiners were discussing, Mu Qing was in a state of failure and passed the examination continuously.

And Mu Qing also discovered one thing, that is his opponent, whether it is the monster of the death **** or the royal family of the blood demon clan.

There is only the Supreme Eight Heaven!

"That's the case, because my cultivation is in the Supreme Eighth Heaven, so are my opponents also the Supreme Eighth Heaven?"

Mu Qing finally realized that he also understood why the royal blood demon he had encountered before was so weak.

For example, the royal blood demon in front of him has not been weakened.

This level is the 20th level, Mu Qing needs to fight three royal blood demons at the same time!

It stands to reason that Mu Qing should not be an opponent, and it will be very difficult to deal with.

But these three royal blood demons were forcibly suppressed, and only the Supreme Eighth Heaven!

Even the ability that can be displayed is only the first stage of liberation ability.

In Mu Qing's view, these three royal blood demons were better than the double-horned blood demons.

Replaced by a real royal blood demon, can easily slap these three consciousness bodies.

Because the real royal blood demons are all of the Supreme Nine Heavens level.

Mu Qing wanted to solve the battle quickly, his figure was swallowed by the snake of the starry sky and entered the realm of nonexistence.

The three royal blood demons immediately caught blindness and displayed their respective first-stage liberation abilities, but they were of no use to Mu Qing.

Even the real royal blood demons have no way to enter the realm of non-existence!

How could these three royal blood demons who were suppressed to the Supreme Eighth Heaven be able to find Mu Qing?

Mu Qing appeared from time to time, cutting out the fire knife in his hand and attacking a royal blood demon while the Chaos Spear was waiting for an opportunity to strike.

These three royal blood demons could only attack when Mu Qing appeared, but Mu Qing was protected by the Chaos Shield, and he didn't even have any injuries.


With the last royal blood demon being pierced by the Chaos Spear, its body exploded into pieces, and Mu Qing passed the twentieth level examination smoothly! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this (Chapter 1674 Examiner's shock), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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