Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1675: Space dominance

Seeing Mu Qing successfully passed the twentieth level assessment, the assessor in the other space was not very surprised.

Because the strength that Mu Qing showed from the very beginning was enough to challenge the top twentieth level.

After Mu Qing showed the ability to enter non-existent realms at will, they believed that Mu Qing had a chance to challenge the top ten!

If Mu Qing's strength is in the Supreme Tenth Heaven, then this ability is not an advantage.

After all, all the strengths of the assessment space are equal to those of the assessors!

But Mu Qing's cultivation base was in the Supreme Eighth Heaven, which caused all opponents Mu Qing to face were also the cultivation base of the Supreme Eighth Heaven.

The cultivation base of the Supreme Eighth Heaven, no matter how strong it is, it is impossible to enter the field of non-existence!

Therefore, Mu Qing has a great advantage in this regard!

After most of the day, Mu Qing continued to maintain a posture of a complete victory. From the fifteenth level of assessment, his opponent was already an undiminished royal blood demon.

Even mastered the ability of the second stage of liberation.

But no matter what, under the rules of the assessment space, all opponents can only display the strength of the Supreme Eighth Heaven, and there is still a considerable gap between the real royal blood demons.

For Mu Qing, there is also not much threat!

With the help of the world snake's ability to hide in the non-existent realm, plus the complete concealment of the form of destiny, every attack of Mu Qing is tantamount to a perfect sneak attack.

Even if the royal blood demon in front of him can react, the attack will have to absorb most of the power of Mu Qing's Chaos Shield.

The aftermath of the remaining power impacted on Mu Qing, and he could completely ignore it. The Cosmic Eucharist was quite powerful!

What made Mu Qing really troubled was some monsters from the **** of death.

The opponents of the Blood Demon Race, because of the suppression of their strength and the reason of their consciousness, their true strength is far less than when they are actually encountered outside.

But those monsters of death **** possess all kinds of strange soul attack abilities!

If you are not careful, Mu Qing will be hit, and there is no way to avoid it.

Fortunately, the Shield of Chaos was able to absorb any attack and helped Mu Qing withstand the impact of many souls.

Another day passed.

Mu Qing was undergoing an assessment and was still quite slightly injured, but because of the increasing number of opponents, he was a bit exhausted.

Especially for the eleventh level of assessment, there are five royal blood demons plus five powerhouses of death hell!

The five powerhouses of death **** are no longer monsters, but powerhouses who haunt the green and faint glory, with pale faces and no expressions.

In addition to the soul attack he is good at, he also displays a special power called the power of death!

Even Mu Qing still felt a little tricky, and it took a lot of effort to pass it smoothly.

After passing the eleventh level, Mu Qing took a deep breath, his face was solemn, and he began to quickly restore the energy in the body.

At the same time, in the other layer of space, the examiners who were always watching became serious and looked at Mu Qing.

The next step is the tenth level assessment!

If Mu Qing passes, it means that he will receive a huge reward from the King of Life and become a seed candidate to be cultivated.

This so-called seed is the master seed!

Because the first assessment reached the top ten existence, all of them broke through to the realm of dominance, and there were many top masters with great dominance!

Being able to reach the top ten in the first assessment naturally means that it has a strong talent potential, and the king of life is naturally willing to cultivate.

Even if it can reach the top ten in the second assessment, it will get the attention of the King of Life and be cultivated!

The tenth level assessment soon began.

And Mu Qing's energy was restored to the power of the Five Stars!

Starting from the twentieth level assessment, Mu Qing's consumption has obviously increased.

Mu Qing, who has the power of the six stars in total, also consumes the energy of the power of the stars!

However, for Mu Qing, as long as he was given a little time, he would be able to return soon.

The tenth level assessment begins!

A figure slowly walked in front of Mu Qing with an unparalleled aura.

This is not from the blood demons and from the **** of death.

This is a man with a height of two meters and a thin body!

With a smile on his face and wearing white clothes, he looked a little weak, but the tide of momentum from the opponent made Mu Qing's expression extremely serious!

Obviously the other party's cultivation base is the Supreme Eighth Heaven, but it gives Mu Qing a completely different feeling, even more terrifying than when Mu Qing faces the Supreme Tenth Heaven!

Mu Qing's face changed suddenly, and the identity of the man in front of him appeared in his mind.



"From the tenth-level assessment to the first-level final assessment, the ten dominating consciousness bodies of our life king's court are all responsible!"

"Even if the strength of the masters is suppressed to the Supreme Eighth Heaven, the breath that belongs to the masters is no longer something ordinary people can resist!"

Old Long Long said solemnly.

The other examiners did not sit, but stood up and looked at the examination space intently.

They also don't know who is responsible for the tenth level assessment.

Because the dominant consciousness of the first ten level assessment will change!

Once the master of time was still alive, he served as the first-level assessment object for many years.

In that time period, no enchanting genius has ever been able to pass the first level, after all, the master of time is an existence called invincible!

Old Man Long also looked around, and then his pupils shrank slightly.

"It seems that Mu Qing is in a bit of trouble."

He obviously recognized who Mu Qing's opponent was.

The other examiners also looked at them, and they all exclaimed.

"How could it be this?"

"This Mu Qing's luck is too unlucky, right? I just met him!"

"This is really not necessarily true. If you encounter other masters, Mu Qing will have a great chance to overcome with the ability to enter non-existent realms at will, but if you encounter this master, I am afraid that you will be out of action! "

The examiners frowned. If they hadn't known that this examination space could not be interfered with, they even suspected that someone from the King of Life had deliberately made things difficult for Mu Qing.

The master Mu Qing encountered at the moment has caused Mu Qing's advantage to be useless!

Assessment space.

Mu Qing looked at the man in front of him, and the man also looked at Mu Qing with a smile.

"To be honest, I was quite surprised. It has been a long time since no one can reach the tenth level in the first assessment."

"When I received the news from the senior management, I was taken aback."

"By the way, after introducing myself, my name is Master of Space, Mo Shan!"

The man in white said with a smile.

Sure enough, it is the master!

Mu Qing's heart sank. He didn't expect the tenth level of assessment, the opponent would be the master!

Although the opponent is also suppressed to the Supreme Eighth Heaven, its strength is not comparable to the double-horned blood demons and royal blood demons.

Just because the domineering aura crushed over, Mu Qing had to expend his strength to resist!

"Your Excellency is from the Royal Court of Life?"

Mu Qing asked curiously.

The Space Master nodded, and did not rush to take action at Mu Qing, but explained with a smile: "Yes, the top ten assessments are all performed by the masters in the King of Life, and they are basically randomly selected!"

"This also means that there is not much difference in the difficulty of the first ten levels of assessment. It is all the dominating consciousness in the life king's court that is coming, and at most the strength is suppressed."

"In the first ten levels, the biggest difficulty is the continuous battle. After all, you need to face ten dominating consciousnesses. Even if you can defeat one, how much power is left to fight against the second one?"

Hearing this, Mu Qing nodded.

That being said, the first ten levels are really difficult!

Even Mu Qing himself didn't have much confidence in dealing with a master, even after suppressing his strength.

Not to mention the continuous confrontation of ten dominating consciousness bodies.

"Well, the battle should begin, no matter whether you pass the assessment of my level or not, after the end, the senior management will give you very generous rewards!"

The Master of Space gradually reduced his smile, revealing a serious expression.


"Unexpectedly, it is the master of space!"

Old Man Long glanced at the man in white and sighed.

He thought that Mu Qing could still do it through the tenth level, but now it seems that Mu Qing is going to stop here!

Because the opponent is the master of space!

In the King of Life, the physiques of many strong people are related to space and highly compatible with the power of space.

But in the entire Life Palace, there is only such a space ruler.

Mu Qing can enter the non-existent realm in the Supreme Eighth Heaven, but the Space Lord standing opposite it can do the same!

This is why the old man Long and others are not optimistic about Mu Qing.

Originally Mu Qing hid in the field of non-existence and was suppressed to the supreme Eighth Heaven's rulers.

However, the **** of space is different, even if the opponent only has the Supreme Eighth Heaven, they can enter it!

The physique governed by space is more powerful than all the powerhouses with the power of space in the King of Life, and he is a natural child of space!

the other side.

The battle between Mu Qing and the master of space has begun.

In the face of the dominant power, Mu Qing naturally wouldn't be big, and directly summoned the snake in the starry sky to swallow himself and escape into the realm of nonexistence.

The Master of Space glanced at the location in front of him that had completely disappeared, and a look of shock appeared in his eyes.

He, who is dominated by the dignified space, naturally knows exactly where Mu Qing has disappeared.

Go to the field of non-existence!

He was thinking of putting some water for Mu Qing, but now he doesn't seem to need it anymore.

The Space Master smiled slightly, the figure was also distorted, and then the space was torn apart and disappeared!

In the non-existent realm, Mu Qing looked at the space master in front of him, frowned slightly, and took a deep breath.

"You don't seem surprised."

The master of space looked at Mu Qing with interest.

Mu Qing smiled and responded: "In fact, since I heard your name, I guessed it."

Mu Qing is not surprised that space dominators can also enter the non-existent realm.

But Mu Qing didn't panic, he still had a certain hole card means, after all, the space master in front of him was forcibly suppressed to the Supreme Eighth Heaven! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1675 Space Master), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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