Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1676: victory!

"I have to say that the ability to enter the field of nonexistence can be achieved in the Supreme Eighth Heaven. It is already very difficult. Even I spent a lot of thought to achieve it.

But what makes me even more surprised is that your physique seems to have nothing to do with the power of space! "

The Space Master squinted his eyes and looked at Mu Qing.

His eyes seemed to penetrate all the secrets of Mu Qing!

Even Mu Qing's cosmic body, he saw in his eyes, and was surprised in his heart. This kind of physique was very terrifying, and he felt the surging energy far beyond the supreme.

The Master of Space is quite curious. He is a little confused. Since Mu Qing's physique has nothing to do with the power of the space, how did the other party enter the field of nonexistence?

Of course, the master of space didn't ask Mu Qing thoroughly. This involved the other party's secrets.

"If you meet other masters, you may be able to win with this advantage, but it seems that your luck is not very good and you met me."

The Space Master chuckled.

But at the moment when the voice fell, he started!

A space blade struck from the back of Mu Qing's head quickly, without warning, and at an astonishing speed!

Mu Qing had no time to react, so he could only do his best to avoid it.

But beside him, a shield of chaos emerged, forcibly absorbed most of the power of that space blade.

However, even with the protection of the Chaos Shield, Mu Qing was still injured, his left arm was cut off, and a fierce space force invaded the body, as if to strangle Mu Qing's soul!

In this assessment space, even if the soul is really strangled, it is only a broken consciousness, and the external body will suffer at most a little bit of pain, and there will be no problems.

Therefore, when the space dominates, it is a ruthless hand!

Mu Qing frowned, his body burst into dazzling starlight at this moment, and his whole body transformed into a starry sky.

The space dominator has sharp eyes, and his palm is slowly raised. During the process, the power of all the space around him resonates with his movements, condensing a series of space blades to Mu Qing.

His eyes locked on the starry sky.

Although Mu Qing had lost his body and turned into a cosmic starry sky, he believed that his attack would still work!

"I have to say that after suppressing the Supreme Eighth Heaven, fighting in a non-existent field is still a bit reluctant!"

Space dominates the heart secretly.

His initial attack was not too powerful, because he was adapting to the power of his own conscious body!

After all, under the rules of assessing space, the power that the master of space can mobilize is only the Supreme Eight Heaven.

Even the masters of space did not move, because there is no domain limitation too much.

If he wants to mobilize the power of the space inside, he must stand still and use all his mind to perceive the power of the surrounding space.

On the contrary, if he wants to move, he must stop the attack!

At the level of the Supreme Eighth Heaven, even if it is the master of space, it can only do so much at best.

At this time, the space master was more curious about Mu Qing's background.

In contrast, Mu Qing is located in the non-existent realm and moves quickly.

It can even be said to be free!

The Space Master looked at Mu Qing, and the opponent turned into a cosmic starry sky, moving quickly in this non-existent realm, which was obviously much easier than him.

Even the master of space believes that Mu Qing is subject to very few restrictions in this non-existent domain, and can move freely like the second-order supreme tenth heaven!

"Space prison!"

After being familiar with it for a while, the master of space began to gradually control the power of his own conscious body, slowly spitting out a few words.

The way of speaking is the same, the power of space quickly enveloped Mu Qing, forming a cage, trapping Mu Qing!

Mu Qing condensed back into a human form, his brows frowned slightly, and he looked around.

Can't avoid it!

Because this is a non-existent realm, there is liquid space power everywhere, which makes it impossible for the power of space masters to dodge at all.

And the space dominator in front of him, although it is the Supreme Eighth Heaven, still has the characteristics of dominating.

The domineering aura alone made Mu Qing strong enough to influence his performance all the time.

At the same time, for the master, they have cultivated the master-level scriptures to the realm of great achievement, and even perfection!

They have completely mastered the rules of power, and the power of this rule makes them no longer need to cultivate any magical powers.

The power of rules will move with thoughts!

"Although it only relies on the imprisonment method exerted by the Supreme Eighth Heaven's consciousness body, after all, there is the blessing of the liquid space from the non-existent realm. I am afraid that only the Supreme Tenth Heaven can break this space cage."

The Space Master smiled and said: "I'm sorry, it looks like the assessment is about to end, of course I look forward to your second assessment."

He spread his five fingers, and then squeezed Mu Qing suddenly!

The space cage around Mu Qing quickly compressed, and the power of the surrounding space also came under terrifying pressure.

The power of space in all directions will crush Mu Qing's body!


The force of countless spaces squeezed into one piece, and a violent energy explosion was produced, and dazzling silver-white lights bloomed around.

At the most central point, the space over there has even been compressed into a piece of crystal!

However, after all this was done, the smile on the face of the master of space solidified.

He clearly felt that his attack did not hit Mu Qing!

"Impossible! Only the powerhouse of the Supreme Tenth Heaven can break the prison of space!"

The Space Master exclaimed.

But he has already begun to regain his strength and move.

However, with the Supreme Eighth Heaven's consciousness body, he is still too restricted in this non-existent realm.

This caused his actions to become too slow.

A snake in the starry sky found from behind him, Mu Qing stepped out of the mouth of the snake, and the fire knife in his hand had already accumulated the terrifying sun fire.


Accompanied by Mu Qing's cold sound, the fire of the sun formed a flame storm, directly engulfing the master of space.

At the same time, the power of the starry sky in Mu Qing's body was poured out like no money, and it was burned with a knife, the huge sun and crescent roared, cutting through the body of the master of space!

When the Space Master was familiar with his own consciousness, Mu Qing naturally found the other party's inconvenience.

Obviously, the space dominance suppressed to the Supreme Eighth Heaven is only able to enter the field of non-existence!

Far from being as free as Mu Qing, relying on the world's snake ability, the absence of domain restrictions has almost no effect on him, and he can move arbitrarily.

Even if the master of space enters the non-existent realm, Mu Qing still occupies a great advantage!

After the Space Master discovered Mu Qing's actions, he immediately realized that his actions were too slow, even if it was too late to escape at this moment.

So he decisively stopped his actions, and once again felt the power of the surrounding space, condensing a space barrier around him!

However, he urged energy in a hurry, and the consciousness body only had the power of the Supreme Eighth Heaven.

This space barrier could not be resisted, and under the dual attacks of the flame storm and the sun and crescent slash, dense cracks appeared.


The space barrier shattered, the fire of the sun swept away, burning the body of the space master, and the sun crescent slash cut across his body, severing a leg of the space master!

The Master of Space looked solemn, he realized that Mu Qing's strength was even more amazing than he had imagined.

He tried his best to stimulate the power of space. All the fire of the sun was absorbed madly, compressed together, and finally formed a golden flame crystal!

The space master unexpectedly temporarily compressed the power of the surrounding space to the extreme, and Mu Qing's attack was also compressed, becoming a part of this space crystallization!

This is a very advanced means of the power of rules!

Seeing this, Mu Qing did not stop, and the fire knife in his hand once again slashed towards the master of space.

"Space turbulence!"

The space master faced Mu Qing's fire knife with one hand, compressing the space, intending to compress its attack into the space crystal again.

The other hand is displaying an attack, and the power of the terrifying space erupts in an instant!

I saw that Mu Qing's location collapsed directly, revealing a void.

The space around him is chaotic, and he is affected by the dominance of the space, and countless terrifying space forces are strangling!

As before, Mu Qing's Fen Zhan was once again compressed into a spatial crystal.

But Mu Qing's attack method is not the only one!

I saw a flash of chaotic light, and the spear of chaos had penetrated to the head of the space dominator from a strange angle.

The Chaos Spear is swallowing a terrifying chaotic light, and its power is no weaker than the Sun Jing of the Dacheng realm!

The Dacheng realm of Chaos Sutra gave birth to spears and shields, which are the strongest attack and defense!

Chaos Shield can help Mu Qing resist attacks from all directions.

And the Spear of Chaos, in accordance with Mu Qing's wishes, attacked the enemy from all directions!

The pupils of Space Ruler shrank slightly, and obviously even he hadn't expected this move.

He has no time to look back, the Spear of Chaos has touched the back of his head.

However, as a master of space, his combat experience is obviously extremely rich!

In this instant, a crack appeared in the space behind the space dominating the head.

The chaotic light swallowed by the spear of chaos has torn apart the back of the space dominates the head, but the spear of chaos has penetrated into the gap and disappeared!

Because it is the reason of the consciousness body, the space dominance does not flow out of blood.

But there is no doubt that he is indeed injured!

There was a crack in the back of his head, and the chaotic light almost affected his soul.

Had it not been for the moment when the Space Lord had teleported the Chaos Spear away, I am afraid that this conscious body would have been shattered!

The Master of Space looked into the distance.

The space turbulence he released obviously had no effect on Mu Qing.

Because Mu Qing once again used the snake of the starry sky to escape!

And Mu Qing frowned at the moment, and reached out to the space next to him, the Spear of Chaos tore through the space and fell into his hands again.

"In this short period of time, it was able to open a gap between the non-existent realm and the endless void, which is worthy of being the master of space."

Mu Qing couldn't help sighing.

He held a fire knife in one hand, and a spear of chaos in the other. Two master-level scripture forces of Dacheng realm were intertwined on his body.

Just now, even if he thought the battle was about to end, the Spear of Chaos was known as the strongest attack, it wasn't just casual talk!

At that moment, it is absolutely possible to crush the consciousness that dominates the space!

But unfortunately, at the critical moment, the Space Lord teleported the Chaos Spear to the endless void outside.

"In contrast, you are more worthy of the title of Space Domination, right?"

Space Master said with a wry smile.

"It's also the Supreme Eighth Heaven, but I can't move so freely in the realm of nonexistence!"

He looked at Mu Qing with a complicated face.

Whether it is a space prison or a space turbulence, it is not the Supreme Eighth Heaven that can avoid the past, especially this place still has no realm!

But Mu Qing escaped unscathed!

Seeing that Mu Qing seemed to have the idea of ​​continuing to fight, the master of space shook his head.

"Okay, the battle is almost over, I give up!"

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