Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1701: The ancient **** appears!

A burst of gray-red dazzling impact light vented, and everyone present was affected.

You know, even if the evil **** only has the zero-order supreme tenth heaven, but his strength displays a secret method to explode, the resulting momentum is still terrifying!

The sun dominates and bears the brunt, the exquisite body belonging to Zhouqing was injured and flew out like a cannonball.

Even if it is the sun dominates, the injury is not light!

On the other side, the emperor was very indifferent. He strolled in the courtyard and waved his hand to wipe out all the energy that was engulfing him.

The Supreme Nirvana and others all reacted in time, and the secret method of self-detonation induced by evil gods is mainly aimed at the sun dominance. At most, the others will be affected, but they will not suffer too serious injuries.

As for Mu Qing, he was trapped in the prison of the emperor, and he didn't feel the least.

"Fool! Don't let the evil gods run away with things!"

The emperor frowned and couldn't help but let out a low cry.

This sentence was clearly addressed to the sun ruler.

The sun dominated for a moment, and a dull color appeared on the beautiful pretty face.

This is the first time someone scolds him directly!

But soon, the Lord of the Sun reacted and immediately cast his gaze into the distance, no longer entangled in the matter of the Heavenly Emperor scolding him, wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, and ran after him.

At the center of the energy explosion of the "Evil God", a gray light flew towards the distance at an alarming speed.

That is the soul of the evil god!

It turns out that the so-called self-detonation is just a vain shot. In fact, the evil **** detonated his physical body and all his energy, enveloping the Holy Spirit universe crystal with his soul at a critical moment, and took the opportunity to escape.

At this moment, the soul of the evil **** has escaped to the edge of the holy realm with the Holy Spirit universe crystal, and is about to leave and go out of the realm!

For the first time, everyone did not react, and now even the Emperor of Heaven may not be able to catch up.

It is even more unlikely that the Holy Spirit universe crystals that the evil gods have spent their inexhaustible effort to obtain will be destroyed by others or by themselves.

He can't destroy himself.

In fact, even if the evil **** explodes himself with his own life, it will not have much impact on the Holy Spirit universe crystallization. After all, this is comparable to the dominating holy thing, condensed from the origin of a universe.

"Damn it!"

The Sun Lord yelled, and he couldn't catch up with the evil god's soul. He could only watch the evil god's soul escape with the Holy Spirit universe crystal.

The emperor frowned slightly, although he was surprised at the decisive escape of the evil god, but he didn't take it too seriously.

Because outside the bounds, there is a second "Emperor of Heaven"!

The evil **** detonates everything about the self, leaving only the soul, which is actually a practice that is extremely harmful to oneself.

But it's a pity that the place it escaped was only outside the boundaries, and it still couldn't escape the palm of the emperor!


Suddenly, there was a scream, which was the voice of an evil god!

The soul of the evil **** was about to pass through the boundary wall and head out of the boundary, only to be pinched by a big hand at this critical moment.

It was a giant figure that was so big that it was boundless, with the roar of various ancient creatures.

The giant shrank in size, but it was also about five meters away, and the evil god's soul was imprisoned in his palm, shivering.

And his other hand is the cosmic crystal of the Holy Spirit that exudes a brilliant luster!

"It turned out to be him!"

Mu Qing looked at the unexpected person quite surprised.

This person is disaster!

The Sun Lord apparently recognized it, but he was obviously more shocked, and said: "How is it possible! Why are you still alive?"

Not only that, the emperor also recognizes disasters, and even the emperor has personally dealt with disasters.

However, in the eyes of the emperor, the calamity should have been dead. Why did it appear at this time?

And now the strength of this disaster has also reached the level of the first-order supreme tenth heaven.

"who are you?"

The Emperor half squinted his eyes and looked at "disaster".

He was keenly aware that although the "disaster" in front of him was the same as the one he had seen before, the breath was completely different.

"My name, ancient god!"

That figure said lightly.

The other person's gaze also looked at the Emperor of Heaven, with a cold glow in his eyes.

Hearing this, Mu Qing said secretly as expected.

Only he knew the true origin of this calamity. He was the oldest race in the Tianqing universe, a brand new individual condensed from the many remnants of the ancient gods and beasts!

Strictly speaking, the ancient gods have all the memories and ability inheritance of the ancient gods and beasts, and the upper limit of potential is extremely high.

At the same time, although he is a brand-new individual, he is also burdened with the mission of revenge for the ancient mythical beasts.

The ancient gods and beasts of the Tianqing Universe are equivalent to the chaotic creatures of the Chaos Universe.

They are all powerful races that were born when the universe first opened, and possess unique abilities.

However, whether it was the ancient gods and beasts of the Tianqing universe or the chaotic creatures of the chaotic universe, in the end, only the ancient gods and the chaotic king were left.

The situation of the two is so similar!

The only difference is that the ancient sacred beast clan was slaughtered by an unknown master long ago, and that unknown master seemed to come from outside the Tianqing universe.

The ancient **** bears the revenge of an entire ethnic group, and although the opponent is a master of unknown origin, the ancient **** knows the aura of the opponent, and even relying on the natural ability of the ancient **** beast, can directly deduce the opponent's position.

At the same time, the ancient **** is an individual born after the fusion of all the remnant souls of the entire ancient **** beast family. He has various talents, such as Mu Qing's world snake ability and so on.

The potential of the ancient **** is extremely high, and it is very hopeful to break through to the realm of dominance, to find the chief culprit for revenge.

At this time, the ancient **** glanced at Mu Qing who was trapped and nodded slightly, but did not rescue him.

He knew very well that Mu Qing had been endowed with the world's snake ability. As a result of the fusion of the remnant souls of all ancient gods and beasts, he knew very well that Mu Qing could easily escape from the prison of the Emperor of Heaven by relying on the world's snake ability.

Since Mu Qing won't come out, he must have his own plan.

The ancient **** glanced at the soul in his palm, the evil **** soul opened its teeth and danced its claws, constantly roaring, trying to break through the power of the ancient god.

It's a pity that in the heyday of the evil gods, it is impossible to be an opponent of the ancient gods who have reached the first-order supreme tenth heaven, let alone a soul now.

"I can't fall here!"

The soul of the evil **** is still roaring over there, his eyes are splitting, he never thought that he gave up everything and chose to escape, and was caught by a strange strong man!

This time, the evil **** had no retreat, and the ancient **** opened his mouth, his eyes and mouth oozing green light, like an abyss, engulfing the evil god's soul.

After the soul is absorbed, the evil **** soul has completely become the nourishment for the growth of the ancient gods.

At the same time, the ancient gods put away the Holy Spirit universe crystals and looked at the emperor of heaven.

The emperor stepped forward and came to the ancient god. The terrifying emperor's might fell like a thunder and enveloped the ancient god.

"Hand over things!"

The Emperor said lightly, his face full of majesty. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1701 The Ancient God Appears!) Reading Record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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