Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1702: Mu Qing shot!

"I didn't want to fight with you, because I know very well that I am not your opponent."

"But ah! I don't know why, I think you are quite annoying!"

The ancient **** twisted his neck, his expression became serious, but his tone was slightly arrogant, as if he didn't put the Emperor in his eyes at all.

He said this quite clearly.

Now he is the first-order supreme tenth heaven, at most he can only deal with the sun ruler, if it is against the emperor, he is definitely not an opponent!

At this time, the Demon Ancestor shot.

The opponent's devilish energy surrounded his body, wild power surging out, and a giant appeared behind him, blasting towards the emperor.

The Demon Ancestor urged the Savage Scripture to the extreme, and even its power was much stronger than the ordinary Savage Scripture Xiaocheng.

At the same time, the ancient gods also shot at the same time, cooperating with the demon ancestor, the two had a tacit understanding, and attacked the emperor from left to right.

Thunder lingering in the palm of the ancient god, a big sword condensed out, bursting out a dazzling divine glow, entrained in the flames of the weather, and slashed towards the emperor.

Facing the attacks of two first-order supreme tenth heavens, even the emperor of heaven must take it seriously.

His face condensed slightly, and then he changed into a giant!

This is a pitch-black behemoth with a big mouth, as if to swallow everything in the world into his mouth!

"this is?!"

The Demon Ancestor, Mu Qing and others were all taken aback. They didn't expect the Heavenly Emperor to suddenly change into such a weird creature.

Only the face of the ancient **** changed suddenly, as if he recognized the giant beast transformed by the emperor of heaven.

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

The huge mouth of the giant beast is like an abyss, and all its power is turned into a whirlpool and sucked into its mouth.

Facing the attack of the two, this giant beast swallowed all its power in an instant!

"Quickly stop!"

The ancient **** yelled, and he tried his best to pull the big sword in his hand back abruptly.

On the other side, the wild giant condensed behind the demon ancestor, the entire arm was swallowed by the giant beast, and at the same time the giant beast greedily ate the rest of the wild giant.

This wild giant is entirely composed of energy. It is a concrete body manifested by the demon ancestor using the wild scriptures, but it falls into the mouth of this monster transformed by the emperor, as if it were delicious food.

The giant beast almost swallowed half of the wild giant's body, and facing this weird swallowing power, the demon ancestor finally drew enough power, and the wild giant slapped the giant beast into the air with a palm of his hand.

The behemoth that took a hard blow was smashed into the depths of the non-existent realm, but it shook its body, seemingly without any influence.

"This is the Heaven Swallowing Beast, originally belonged to one of my ancient sacred beast clan, they have the ability to swallow all things, I did not expect to become the clone of this Heavenly Emperor!"

The ancient **** said solemnly.

"Sky-swallowing beasts don't have any weaknesses, and their defensive power is extremely amazing. Unless they are wiped out with a force far beyond them, they are extremely difficult to kill!"

The ancient **** also added, telling everyone some news about the Sky-Swallowing Beast.

Everyone's complexion changed.

Mu Qing, who was imprisoned, looked at the huge Sky-Swallowing Beast with a strange expression.

No wonder!

No wonder the emperor stopped Mingxuan, but another emperor appeared on the side of the holy world.

It turned out that the emperor in front of him was just a clone.

This has to be said to be good news, because the clone cannot have the full strength of the ontology.

The emperor has the strength of the second-order supreme tenth heaven, and this clone is at most only the first-order supreme tenth heaven.

However, the incomparable and incomparable Sky-Swallowing Beast and the Emperor's Scripture created by the Emperor himself, this is enough to make the Sky-Swallowing Beast of the First-Order Supreme Tenth Heaven even more terrifying.

At the very least, the strength is above the first-order supreme tenth heaven.

"The appearance of the two of you surprised me. Maybe I should consider cultivating an intelligence force."

The avatar of the Heaven Swallowing Beast said, making a dull voice.

The emperor's tone is undoubtedly a little angry, and he has made plans several times, but accidents happen frequently.

It's the same even this time.

The original plan was actually very simple. His main body was to stop the fate, while the Sky-Swallowing Beast clone was to capture the Holy Spirit universe crystallization in the hands of evil gods together with the Sun Lord.

Even if there are some opponents during this period, the Emperor of Heaven believes that at most it is the zero-order supreme tenth heaven.

After capturing the Holy Spirit universe crystal, it is obviously easy to deal with the sun dominator with the strength of the Sky-Swallowing Beast clone.

The crystallization of the Holy Spirit universe must be his heavenly emperor!

The whole process was actually quite smooth. The Sky-Swallowing Beast clone and the Emperor's Scripture easily suppressed Mu Qing and others.

The Sky-Swallowing Beast clone originally wanted to wait for the Sun Lord to resolve the evil gods and capture the Holy Spirit universe crystals before going to kill the Sun Lord to obtain the Holy Spirit universe crystals from the opponent's hands.

Unexpectedly, two guys appeared at the critical moment!

A demon ancestor and an ancient god!

The appearance of the Demon Ancestor surprised the Emperor of Heaven. What was even more unexpected was that the Demon Ancestor had secretly obtained the inheritance of the Heaven Overlord, and even merged with the remnant soul of the Heaven Overlord.

This allowed the Demon Ancestor to immediately possess the savage classic Xiaocheng realm, becoming a powerhouse of the first-order supreme tenth heaven.

If the demon ancestor is given some more time to completely digest the remnant soul of the sky overlord, it is estimated that his savage scripture will reach the realm of Dacheng and become the second-order supreme tenth heaven.

At that time, even if it is not the opponent of the emperor, he can still contend with the emperor!

As for the moment, the strength of the Demon Ancestor and the Heaven-swallowing Beast clone is actually a little worse.

In addition, the ancient god, another first-order supreme tenth heaven, the two can work together to completely contend with the avatar of the swallowing beast.

"We two work together, it is estimated that it will be difficult to kill this sky-swallowing beast, not to mention that this sky-swallowing beast is a clone of the emperor, and it also controls the emperor's Xiaocheng realm."

Gu Shen's face was solemn, and he shouted.

"Hahaha! It doesn't matter if you can't kill it, as long as the emperor can't get the Holy Spirit universe crystal!"

The Demon Ancestor laughed. Of course he knew that his strength was limited and he was not yet an opponent of the Emperor.

But there is no doubt that this time the Emperor's plan has failed!

Was destroyed by them!

If it's just the Demon Ancestor alone, then it might be a bit unsettled.

But with the appearance of the strong ancient god, the two suppressed the Sky-Swallowing Beast clone together, and the other party was obviously unable to capture the Holy Spirit universe crystal from the hands of the ancient god.

The demon ancestor doesn't care who gets the Holy Spirit universe crystal, as long as it is not the emperor of heaven.

In other words, as long as it is something that makes the emperor disgusting, he is happy!

Had it not been for this time to hear that the Emperor of Heaven had appeared, the Demon Ancestor would not have come to appear here.

"Damn it! Where has the sun ruled!"

Sky-swallowing beast clone roared in his heart.

At this time, if the Sun Lord stepped forward to stop one of them for him, he would be sure to kill the other!

However, the Lord of the Sun disappeared at some point, and was no longer visible.

In the non-existent field, the Mozu and the Ancient God have joined forces, and the two have suppressed the Sky-Swallowing Beast clone to a certain extent.

But the Sky-Swallowing Beast clone did not suffer any injuries, and all the attacks were swallowed, it was simply invincible!

But he alone can hardly get two first-order supreme tenth heavens.

Unless someone can help him stop one temporarily, then he will use the secret method to directly kill one of them!

Not dead or seriously injured!


The huge body of the Sky-Swallowing Beast stirred the power of the liquid space around it, and it opened the huge mouth of the abyss, once again swallowing the attacks of the Demon Ancestor and the Ancient God.

Some of the remaining aftermath fell on the body of the Sky-Swallowing Beast, unable to cause the slightest injury at all.

In fact, neither the ancient gods nor the demon ancestors could do anything about the avatar of the Heaven-Swallowing Beast, and the current suppression was only on the surface.

Even if the Heaven Swallowing Beast clone of the Emperor of Heaven takes a period of time, there is still a chance to kill both of them.

"The time has come!"

Mu Qing, who had been trapped, was observing the situation, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

He saw the demon ancestor urging the Barbaric Scriptures, turning into a barbaric giant, capturing the Sky-Swallowing Beast, and falling with a punch, the power of the barbaric erupted in an instant, and the roar continued.

The ancient gods are also holding big swords, constantly slashing towards the Sky-Swallowing Beast, each sword can transform into a sky full of thunder.

The Sky-Swallowing Beast was eating up the strength of the two of them, and even feeding back on itself.

at this time!

A star snake suddenly appeared behind the sky-swallowing beast clone.

Before the Sky-Swallowing Beast had time to notice, Mu Qing's figure had walked out of the snake's mouth in the starry sky, holding a dagger that haunted the rules in his hand, and threw it towards the Sky-Swallowing Beast!

The dagger that seemed inconspicuous at first glance burst out with a terrifying and brilliant light!

The power of endless rules engulfed the Heaven-swallowing Beast in this instant!

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