Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1716: Wu Xuanji

Ten powerful masters, standing in the air!

These ten stalwart figures, even the breath that escaped inadvertently, suffocated everyone present.

All the newcomers are watching these ten figures. They come from various universes, and some of them have come into contact with the dominant powers, but this is the first time to see the existence of the dominant realm!

At the same time, the ten masters also cast their eyes down.

Most of the attention is on Mu Qing and Long Mingqing.

Among these newcomers, the only ones who passed the top ten assessments were Mu Qing and Long Mingqing!

Although the senior management of Life King Court has not directly contacted the two of them, they actually paid attention to them secretly.

The so-called three power ratios are completely different from the previous rookie comparisons, and there are even three ultimate supreme tenth heavens participating in each force.

Excluding these three Ultimate Tenth Heavens, among the remaining newcomers, there are many second-order Supreme Tenth Heavens, but if anyone can perform outstandingly in this three-strength ratio, the high probability is Mu Qing and Long Ming. It's green.

The other second-tier supreme tenth heavens are not too weak. They have reached the top twentieth level in the first assessment, but without exception, they have been stopped outside the tenth level.

"You guys, I think you already learned the news when you passed the first assessment. The newcomer contest has completely reformed and turned into a three-strong contest."

A figure stood up, his feet stepped on the void, his aura slowly converged, and the distorted space returned to normal, revealing his own appearance.

This is a middle-aged white-haired middle-aged man with a scar on the corner of his eyes. He is wearing a loose gray robe, and his temperament is full of majesty.

What made Mu Qing even more surprised was that the appearance of this white-haired middle-aged man was actually 70% to 80% similar to Wu Sheng!

"That is my father Wu Xuanji, one of the founders of the Gate of Time and Space."

Wu Sheng whispered.

Mu Qing and Long Mingqing both glanced deeply at Wu Sheng.


No wonder Wu Sheng can have the strength of the Ultimate Tenth Heaven, and he has not joined other super powers.

It turns out that Wu Sheng's father is one of the founders of Time and Space!

A strong master!

Mu Qing's face was a little weird.

In this way, Wu Sheng was influenced by his father Wu Xuanji, so he planned to create a power?

"Oh, right!"

"My dad asked me to contact you and try to draw you into the Gate of Time and Space. Of course, I don't recommend it. Do you know that time is the ruler?"

"The master of time is also one of the founders of the time-space gate, and finally fell because of the time curse. There is still some time curse power in the time-space gate. I advise you not to join it!"

Wu Sheng lowered his voice and quickly said to Mu Qing: "I think you should form a force with me, so much fun!"

"and also……"

He wanted to say something, but suddenly his mouth slammed shut, making no sound.

Wu was very angry, he seemed to know what was going on, his eyes glared at Wu Xuanji who was high in the sky.

Mu Qing was also speechless for a while, your father asked you to win me, but you tried to discourage me from joining?

The key words were obviously heard by Wu Xuanji.

However, Mu Qing himself was aiming to solve the time curse problem, naturally he would not stop going to the gate of time and space because of Wu Sheng's words.

Furthermore, he had already accepted the half-year spiritual palace cultivation qualifications given to him by the senior officials of the Time and Space Gate.

According to Mu Qing's understanding, the qualifications for the past six months are not cheap. If Mu Qing suddenly repents, he might be screwed down by the Great Master of the Gate of Time and Space!

"By the way, how many masters are there in the Gate of Time?"

Mu Qing looked at Wu Sheng beside him curiously.

The power on Wu Sheng's mouth also dissipated at this moment, and he smashed his mouth a few times.

"There are four people. Before the time curse thing happened, the Gate of Time was ranked very high among the superpowers. In the past, the time ruler wooed my father and two other great rulers and created it in the royal court of life. Time and Space is such a group."

"However, now the gate of time and space is gradually declining, and the master of time has fallen because of the curse. At the same time, many years ago, another founder, named the master of war madness, and the two masters of death **** died when they were fighting each other."

"Nowadays, there are only two founders left at the Gate of Time, one is my father, and the other hasn't shown up like this. I don't even know the name of each other."

Wu Sheng scratched his head.

Wu Xuanji is basically managing the gate of time and space.

"The ratio of three powers will be related to a treasure, which is comparable to the spiritual palace such a training ground, and in the ratio of three powers, which power will get the first place, then this treasure will belong to which one? power."

"The place you are going to is a special universe. The environment there is very harsh, named Tianze universe!"

"There will be a venue for the three-strength ratio, but it should be noted that the indigenous people in the Tianze universe are very powerful. If they are allowed to grow up, they may become the fourth multiverse-level force."

"The enemies you need to face are not only the ancient Gorefiend trees and the people in the dead hell, but also the indigenous creatures of the Tianze universe."

"In the three power ratios, there is only one rule, that is, people of the same force are not allowed to kill each other!"

"And the Tianze Universe has already been personally taken by our top three forces and divided into three secret realms. You can also regard it as three levels. The first person to pass the three levels will be the three. The first place in the powerful ratio!"

Wu Xuanji's voice resounded like a billowing thunder, resounding throughout the life star.

Everyone is listening quietly, they know that the next battle is not easy, because the opponents are elites from various universes.

The King of Life deliberately gave all newcomers a year of free practice in the Spirit Palace, and the other two forces will definitely do the same!

At this moment, Mu Qing finally understood that changing the newcomer contest to the so-called three-strength ratio was actually held by the tripartite forces in order to compete for a treasure!

Even the three major forces have multiple intentions on this!

I am afraid that all the three powers want to get that treasure, and the ratio of three powers is actually the way to reduce the friction between the three powers as much as possible.

If the three parties fight for the so-called treasure at the same time, it is estimated that by then the big master and the strong will have to do it, and it will be dark and dark, and there may even be high-level death. This will be a great loss to the three parties.

But now, through the three formidable ratios, let the newcomers compete to determine the right to belong to the treasure, so that the three parties also avoid the conflict between the high-level powerhouses, and will not cause too much loss.

At best, some newcomers are dead, and the top three parties don't care much.

What if a genius of evildoers died?

These three forces have existed in the multiverse for such a long time. The enchanting geniuses from various universes will be born one after another, and there will always be new enchanting geniuses born.

The loss of one or two geniuses is nothing, as long as the right to belong to that treasure is obtained, it is worthwhile for the senior management to lose the ten geniuses!

At the same time, Mu Qing also noticed a key point in Wu Xuanji's words.

The universe named Tianze has been transformed into three levels!

The natives in the Tianze universe are very powerful. If they are allowed to grow up, they may become the fourth multiverse-level force!

Although Mu Qing felt that no matter how powerful a cosmic power was, it was unlikely to reach such a height.

But in fact, the blood demon ancient tree grows extremely fast.

It's impossible to say that the three major forces held these three power ratios, and there is another purpose, that is, to wipe out the Tianze universe, so as to avoid the appearance of a strong enemy.

Generally speaking, the tripartite forces will basically not lose, and whoever gets the right to belong to the treasure will earn blood!

As for the newcomers of Mu Qing who participated in the three-strength ratio, they did take some risks, and even in the eyes of high-level officials, they might just be tools for the right to own the treasure.

However, they also earned a year of qualifications to practice in the Spirit Palace, which is not a loss.

The only victim is Tianze Universe.

Not only has the entire universe been transformed into three levels by the high-levels of the three major forces, but the ultimate treasure in the universe will eventually be taken away. Maybe even the entire universe will be wiped out afterwards.

"It's too miserable." Mu Qing sighed in his heart.

"Next, I will take you to the Tianze Universe. Please relax."

"By the way, I would like to remind you one more thing. Because Tianze Universe has been transformed into three levels by the high-level forces of the tripartite forces, the space structure inside is completely different from the outside world, and even the ruler may not be able to break the space there."

As Wu Xuanji said, he glanced at Mu Qing faintly at the same time.

His last sentence was specifically addressed to Mu Qing.

Hearing this, Mu Qing shrugged.

He also didn't regard the ability of World Snake as the only hole card.

What's more, most of the enemies faced this time are from the Supreme Ten Heavens, and they must all have the ability to enter non-existent realms. Naturally, it is impossible for Mu Qing to use the world's snake ability as a means of opposing enemies.


Wu Xuanji raised his hand and pointed, a huge portal appeared in the void, blooming with silver-white light, and it was full of ancient and mysterious runes, exuding a mysterious aura.

"This is our exclusive magical power at the gate of time and space, the gate of space!"

"Use the space gate, even if we are far away from the Tianze universe, we can reach it in a single thought!"

Wu Xuanji smiled, and when he summoned this portal, he didn't forget to explain.

"Cut, he must want you to join the Gate of Time and Space, and he said here deliberately." Wu Sheng curled his lips.

Mu Qing glanced, but was not very interested in this space gate.

At first glance, this space gate seems to be very powerful. After all, it can be teleported to another universe in a single thought. I don't know how far apart it is. Even the master will take a lot of time to reach it.

However, Mu Qing is quite clear that the reason why this space gate is powerful is because the person who uses this magical power is the great master, Wu Xuanji.

Replaced by a supreme tenth heaven person to perform, it is estimated that it is not as good as Mu Qing's world snake ability!

Soon, an overwhelming silver-white light bloomed from the space gate, covering everyone present, and a strong spatial rule power covered it, sending everyone present away! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 1716 Wu Xuanji) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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