Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1717: Three stronger than the start!

The supernatural powers displayed by the strong masters have completely exceeded the restrictions of the rules!

The power escaping from the space door is all the extremely powerful space rules, which enveloped tens of thousands of newcomers in an instant.

In just an instant, tens of thousands of people disappeared in place, all being teleported away.

"Jian Chen, Yue Lian, you follow Wu Xuanji, this time the three-strength ratio will be handed over to you."

A great master said.

"If you can win the first place, contact me immediately and wait, we will rush to **** the treasure as soon as possible!"

The next big master said in a deep voice.

This time the three-strength ratio is all for the ownership of a treasure!

The three multiverse-level forces basically discovered this treasure at the same time, which is comparable to a core practice site such as the Spirit Palace, and even the Great Master is very excited.

There were three great masters who followed the crowd, namely Wu Xuanji, Jian Chen, and Yue Lian.

These three people also represent the Gate of Time and Space, Sword City, and Moon Spirit Palace.

Their three superpowers sent three ultimate supreme tenth heavens as the leaders of the three power ratios, and the big masters of their three superpowers will naturally go together.

Although Wu Sheng didn't join any forces, he was Wu Xuanji's son, and he could barely be considered a half-time person.

I saw a man and a woman walked out of the crowds above the Spirit Palace, it was Jian Chen and Yue Lian.

Jian Chen's face was indifferent, his body revealed wisps of fierce sword intent, and countless divine sword phantoms flickered all over his body.

He is the pioneer of Sword City, the master of the master who comprehended the rules of the sword to the extreme!

The power created by Jian Chen is the same as his own name, Jiancheng.

And the woman next to her, like a bright moon in the sky, has long light blue hair, her eyes gleaming and she wears a veil on her face, which covers her face and adds a sense of mystery.

Yue Lian, is also the founder of Yue Ling Palace, dominates the strong!

The three glanced at each other, then stepped into the space door together and left the Palace of Life.

"This time the three formidable ratios are not easy to win. I heard that both the ancient blood demon tree and the death **** have a monster-level ultimate supreme tenth heaven to participate. I am afraid Wu Sheng and the others will not necessarily be opponents.

Above the Spirit Palace, the remaining seven great masters did not leave immediately, one of them shook his head and said.

In his opinion, the ratio of three powers is actually a stage for the three ultimate supreme ten heavens dispatched by all parties!

Whether or not they can win the first place in the end, it must be the ultimate ten heavenly contending of Wu Sheng and the ancient tree of blood demon and death hell.

As for this group of newcomers, in their eyes, they are nothing more than a foil for the ratio of three powers.

"It's hard to say that Tianze Universe has been completely transformed into the Three Realms by our three parties. There are not only powerful indigenous creatures, but also opportunities to dominate the remnant souls and sacred objects!

This group of newcomers, as long as they can get the chance, also have the opportunity to reach the Tenth Heaven of Ultimate Supreme, increasing their chances of winning the first place. "

Another master said lightly.

At the same time, the great master nodded in agreement, saying: "Yes, among these newcomers, Mu Qing and Long Mingqing are all the top ten talents in the first assessment. I believe they can seize the opportunity and shine. ."

Several masters held different opinions, and after talking for a while, they left.


Somewhere in the multiverse.

A huge silver-white portal suddenly appeared, and the supreme powerhouses who landed one after another strode out.

It was the people who were teleported by the space gate.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Xuanji's three people came in the air, and the space door was immediately closed.

"Everyone, when you enter the Tianze universe, you will be scattered by a single force, and there are three realms in the Tianze universe. You will enter the first realm immediately, and each realm will have various crises."

"Attention, in the core area of ​​the first realm, there will be a hundred special spatial passages to the second realm.

In the core area of ​​the second realm, there are only ten passages to the third realm.

Your goal is to do your best and try every possible way to reach the third realm and go to the core area of ​​the third realm to compete for the Goblet of Fire! "

Wu Xuan shouted loudly, his voice spread all over the surrounding area, accurately falling in everyone's ears.

"What is the Goblet of Fire?" Mu Qing looked at Wu Sheng curiously.

Wu Sheng shrugged, "I don't know. I asked my father before, but he didn't elaborate.

However, as long as the first one touches the Goblet of Fire, it is even the first place in this three-for-one ratio. "

There is not much information on his side.

Mu Qing looked at Tianze Universe.

This universe is dim and dark on the surface, and at the same time it is bound by chains full of rules, forming a terrible enchantment.

Mu Qing guessed that this was probably the result of the high-levels of the three-party multiverse forces.


Suddenly, a loud noise came from far away.

The space there was completely shattered, and an extremely thick branch could be seen piercing everything. With a slight tremor, the densely packed strong rushed out, and the number reached tens of thousands.

Mu Qing's eyes condensed.

Through the shattered space, one can vaguely see a blood-colored ancient tree on the other end that is as large as the ancestor dragon of life!

That seems to be... the main body of the Ancient Blood Demon!

And the powerhouses who rushed out were all blood demons!

Mu Qing glanced at it and found that the strength of this group of blood demon races was much more terrifying than the blood demon races encountered in the Chaos Universe.

There are overwhelming blood demon kings, but all of them have the strength of the supreme tenth heaven!

At the same time, there are still many blood demon gods, all of them are the second-tier supreme tenth heaven, there can be more than fifty, which is twice as much as their life king.

Not only that, Mu Qing saw three handsome-looking Gorefiend God races, the bloodline richness surpasses other Gorefiend Races, and they are the ultimate power of the Tenth Heaven!

"The people from the Ancient Blood Demon are here!"

Wu Xuanji's face was solemn, and at the same time, he sent a message to everyone in the Palace of Life, giving a reminder.

"The blood demon race from the ancient blood demon tree, they are born with a special bloodline, and they are unparalleled in combat strength. Even if they do not practice the master level scriptures, they can still break through to the master realm. When you encounter the blood demon race, you must be very careful. Their tenacious vitality, even if it is seriously injured, they can still explode with great power."

The newcomers on the side of Life King's Court were solemn, listening carefully to Wu Xuanji's words.

They come from various universes, but they have not yet fought against the Gorefiend and the people of Death Hell.

Joining the assessment of the King of Life, although the opponent also has the consciousness of the ancient blood devil and the death hell, it is only a battle of the consciousness after all, and there must be a big difference in real fighting.

At the front end of the blood demon clan, three scary figures exuding a frightening aura stood in the void, on a par with Wu Xuanji and the others!

"That's the blood demon king! As far as I know, the strength of the blood demon clan depends on the level of its bloodline. Among the blood demon clan, in addition to the most basic protoss, there are also gods and kings, respectively. Corresponds to the master and the great master!"

Wu Xuanji explained to Mu Qing and Long Mingqing in a low voice.

At the same time, on the other side of the Tianze universe, the space rippled, and a huge ghost ship broke through the air. For a while, endless ghosts cried and wailed, and a strong breath of death filled the surroundings.

On the ghost ship, there are many powerful men from death hell, and it is also led by three powerful masters!

Mu Qing frowned, and he could smell a rotten smell all the way away.

This death breath makes people feel a little uncomfortable, even when he runs the eternal life sutra, he can't feel any vitality from the guys in the death hell.

He would rather face the blood demon race than he would like to contact the people of death hell.

"How come the people who die in **** are all crooked melons and jujubes?" Long Mingqing couldn't help but vomit.

On the ghost ship, many powerful men in death **** have no personal shape at all, and some are simply a cloud of gray-black mist.

Among them, most of them are skeletons and decomposing corpses. They are all the most respectable, and they still look like this.

"The guys in death **** are basically like this, of course, there are exceptions. Some of the strong ones are more beautiful in appearance."

"And they are also quite special. They live by the power of death. All those who join the death **** will also absorb the breath of death and transform their original vitality into death."

Wu Sheng explained to the two again.

"let's start."

On the side of the ghost ship, a white skeleton wearing a luxurious robe made a hoarse voice, this is a great master!

The great masters from the three parties all looked at each other and nodded, and then a total of nine powerful masters of the great master level shot at the same time, and the light beams condensed by the power of the rules penetrated into the Tianze universe.

I saw Tianze Universe, which was originally bound by the chain of rules, was unlocked at this moment!

Wu Xuan waved his hand greatly, and three space doors appeared.

He shouted in a low voice: "The three formidable ratios begin, everyone, quickly go to the first realm of the Tianze universe!"


As soon as the voice fell, Wu Sheng gave a cry, and he rushed to one of the space doors first. His figure was enveloped by the power of the silver white space, and he teleported into the Tianze universe.

Mu Qing and Long Mingqing also immediately followed and rushed into the space gate.

The newcomers of the three forces also rushed into the space gate. After a while, outside the Tianze universe, only these nine great masters from the three forces were left.

"Jian Chen, don't come here unharmed, don't know that one of my bones, are you still on your body?"

Suddenly, the former master of the white skeleton on the ghost ship, with ghost fire shining in the eyes of the black hole, looking towards the king of life.

This guy seems to have an enmity with Jian Chen.

Jian Chen sneered, and the sword sounded behind him, like a divine sword unsheathed, sweeping away with fierce aura.

"Lich, this time the three-strength ratio was organized by the consensus of the top three of our three parties. I hope you don't play any tricks.

As for your bone, I'm not interested in staying with me, I've already thrown it away to feed the dog! "

"Huh! I hope that when you watch your newcomer and the three ultimate tenth heaven arrogant be killed, you can still have such a stiff mouth!" The Lich snorted coldly. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 1717 Three Power Ratio Start!) reading record, and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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