Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1718: Dragon Cave

Outside the Tianze Universe, the rulers of the three forces do not deal with each other.

Among them, the royal court of life and the **** of death are even more displeasing, and there is a certain amount of hatred.

The three **** kings from the ancient tree of blood demon looked at the lively expressions.

The lich, the lord of death hell, had a grudge with Jian Chen, the king of life. Jian Chen once chopped off a bone of the lich!

To be remembered by the Lich, this is naturally not an ordinary bone, but a small part of its power source.

"I heard that your apprentice also participated in this three-to-power ratio. I hope you won't be too sad by that time." The Lich let out a gloomy laugh.

Jian Chen did not respond, but his expression became serious.

Because he knows very well that the three-strength ratio this time, whether it is death **** or blood demon ancient tree, there is an extremely enchanting ultimate supreme tenth heaven.

On the contrary, although the three of the Life King's Court are very powerful, they are obviously the most enchanting at the same level as the Ultimate Supreme Tenth Heaven.

It's not that the King of Life doesn't have such a demon, but that the demon Tianjiao of the King of Life is at the critical moment of breaking through the dominance, otherwise the three places will inevitably have the demon Tianjiao!

Wu Sheng and the three are really not necessarily opponents!

Jian Chen knew this in his heart, and at the same time he understood that the Lich would definitely let the evil spirit Tianjiao from Death Hell target his disciple Jian Xinshen.


Tianze universe.

Mu Qing walked out of the silver-white space rules and was alert to the surroundings for the first time.

There was no one around, and there were endless mountains at a glance.

And he was in the mountains, surrounded by dense forests, and no creatures could be seen.

The three-for-one ratio directly breaks up everyone's positions, and there is basically no situation where two contestants meet at the beginning.

Now, Mu Qing is in the first realm. This realm is extremely large. After all, the entire Tianze universe was transformed, which is equivalent to one-third of the Tianze universe.

What Mu Qing needs to be careful now is the aboriginal creatures of Tianze Universe.

Earlier Wu Xuanji said that the indigenous creatures of Tianze Universe are very powerful, and they are definitely not inferior to them.

What's more, the Tianze universe has been transformed into this by the three major forces, and it has completely become a tool for the comparison of the three powers. The natives here must have had a huge hatred against them.

"Also, the space here is more stable than I thought!"

Mu Qing was familiar with the surrounding environment, then frowned.

The space state of the Tianze Universe was obviously wrong. It was obviously strengthened by the great masters of the three forces. Even if the master entered the Tianze Universe, it is estimated that the space inside would not be broken.

Not only that, but Mu Qing also found that his strength was also restricted to a certain extent, which of course was not too serious.

However, under such a stable space, it is also difficult for them to cause very large-scale damage to the surrounding things.

"It seems that the environment of the first realm is this piece of mountain range." Mu Qing looked into the distance and found that besides mountains, there were mountains.

"Forget it, go deep first and enter the second world as soon as possible."

Mu Qing looked around, and found no crisis. The surroundings were very quiet.

He hurried towards the center of the first realm.

Mu Qing didn't know his specific location, but after he came to the first world, his identity crystal marked a direction, which was the location of the center of the first world.

In fact, these three powerful ratios only need to start from the first realm, travel to the central area to teleport to the second realm, then find the central area of ​​the second realm, go to the center of the third realm, and compete for the Goblet of Fire.

In fact, there is no need to fight. If you have enough skills, you can bypass everyone. After all, the condition to get the first place is the first to touch the flame.

Even the first few people who arrived in the central area of ​​the Third Realm, even if they did not touch the Goblet of Fire, were able to enter the top ten according to their order.

But Mu Qing didn't think these three power ratios would be so simple. It is basically impossible to avoid the battle completely.

Not to mention the aboriginal creatures of the Tianze universe, just the transmission channel to the second realm is limited.

The first realm goes to the second realm, and there are a hundred spatial passages scattered in the central area. This is not bad. If you are lucky, you may not encounter people.

The space channels that can be transmitted from the second world to the third world are directly reduced to ten!

At this time, most of you will meet other people. If you are lucky, you will meet your own people. If you are not lucky, you will encounter a bunch of enemies.

Even, Mu Qing was thinking about whether the few Ultimate Tenth Heavens would be directly blocked by the space channel, as long as they were not from their own forces, they would kill one by one!


Just after Mu Qing drove a short distance, across the mountains, a dragon chant suddenly spread, and then a black shadow drew across and stopped in front of Mu Qing.

This is a huge lizard with a pair of wings on its back, a pair of red long eyes staring at Mu Qing, and white smoke sprays from its nostrils, an extremely violent look.

"Is this an aboriginal creature of Tianze Universe?"

Mu Qing looked at the monster in front of him with some surprise.

There is no doubt that this is a giant dragon, and it looks different from the Shenlong clan.


Before Mu Qing could observe carefully, the dragon flew by at an astonishing speed. Heat gathered in the mouth of the blood basin, and a huge fireball spewed out and bombarded Mu Qing.

"Is there no reason?"

Mu Qing raised his brows, and the strength of this giant dragon had reached the Supreme Tenth Heaven, but it was only the Zeroth Supreme Tenth Heaven.

Originally, Mu Qing thought that this giant dragon was supreme at all times, and should have his own thoughts and wisdom, but now it seems that there is no wisdom other than being irritable.


The fireball hit Mu Qing directly, and a terrifying heat wave swept away in an instant. All the trees in the mountain began to burn, but Mu Qing who was hit was unscathed.

In the violent flames, Mu Qing stretched out his hand, opened his five fingers and shook it abruptly. All the flames were crushed and dissipated!

Now Mu Qing is completely different from before!

After he broke through to the supreme tenth heaven, his strength has made a qualitative leap, and the master-level scriptures that display his great realm are also like fire and innocent.

And a fireball in this mere mere touch could not affect Mu Qing, the second-tier supreme Tenth Heaven, not to mention that Mu Qing had also practiced the Sun Sutra, so he was not afraid of this flame at all.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Qing's aura exploded, and the whole person was like the **** of the stars, with shining stars, forcibly turning the surrounding scene into a starry sky.

The terrible aura smashed away, but the dragon raised its head and roared and continued to rush towards Mu Qing, not afraid at all.

"Only the instinct to fight?"

Mu Qing was slightly surprised. He thought that his aura completely surpassed the dragon and could directly threaten it away. Who knew that this dragon was just like Lengtouqing, not afraid at all, and rushed towards Mu Qing all his head.

The claws of the giant dragon were also extremely sharp, with dragon flames burning on them, and the golden flames enveloped Mu Qing.

Unfortunately, the gap between the two sides is too great!

After two and a half years of cultivation in the Spirit Palace, Mu Qing's strength is not comparable to that of ordinary supreme Tenth Heaven.

I saw Mu Qing raised his hand to the giant dragon, and the life force on his body instantly burned, and at the same time, a huge and infinite phantom of the ancestor dragon appeared faintly.

This time, the dragon finally had a trace of fear.

For this brutal dragon, who is almost irrational and only knows about killing, there is only the breath of life ancestor dragon, which can slightly affect it.

"Longevity Finger!"

Mu Qing displayed the supernatural powers of the realm of immortality, the fingerprints of the sky were crushed down, and at the same time, he burned a piece of his life force, and the power was terribly blessed.


With this finger down, the dragon's claws shattered directly, and the fingerprints smashed through the opponent's body, crushing it to death!

In Mu Qing's eyes, this dragon had completely lost its vitality.

Not only that, Mu Qing had just reached the vitality he had just burned, and was replenished with pure vitality.

"This Eternal Life Sutra is also quite evil." Mu Qing let out a sigh.

The activation of the longevity finger needs to burn and consume vitality, but the life force of the creatures killed by the longevity finger will be directly deprived of their vitality, feeding back to themselves and replenishing vitality!

Strictly speaking, this longevity refers to a lot of use, and Mu Qing himself will also be affected. After all, the eternal life can only be regarded as longevity.

Of course, with the ability of the Eternal Life Sutra, lack of vitality can take away the vitality of others.

"It's no wonder that the senior leaders of the Life Palace will open the Spirit Palace for one year to practice qualifications. If it weren't for the Spirit Palace to improve the cultivation base and strength, for the newcomers, the Tianze Universe is simply **** difficulty!"

Mu Qing whispered.

This is only the first realm. Random encountering a giant dragon is the zero-order supreme tenth heaven. One can imagine how powerful the enemy will be afterwards.

If Supreme Jiuzhongtian enters here, there is basically no way to get out alive.

Even the ordinary Supreme Tenth Heaven can hardly survive!

After solving the dragon, Mu Qing moved on.

He can’t use the world’s snake power or cross space, and cross a very long distance with a single thought. Because the space here is reinforced, even the Ultimate Tenth Heaven cannot cross space in the Tianze Universe, and can only rely on his own feet. Hurry up.

This first realm is also quite large, and it takes a lot of time to get to the central area of ​​the first realm.

Four days in the blink of an eye passed, during which Mu Qing also encountered three giant dragons, but they were all the strengths of the rank zero supreme tenth heaven, not a strong enemy, they could not reach Mu Qing's finger.

However, relying on his own feet, he has rushed a lot, but still has not reached the central area. It seems that the first realm is much larger than he imagined.


On the fifth day, when Mu Qing continued to move forward, he smelled a strong smell of blood.

He keenly caught the fierce battle fluctuations coming from the front.

Mu Qing immediately converged his breath and slowly approached.

In front of it is a cliff, and there are several huge caves on it, and a dozen faintly glowing dragon eggs can be vaguely seen inside!

Dragon Cave!

Mu Qing's eyes quickly shifted to the sky.

I saw a blood demon holding a long knife, fighting with a five-headed dragon! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1718 Longku), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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