Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1725: Black Dragon's Blood

"Damn it! If it wasn't for this **** beam of light!"

The black dragon was in pain, and black flames exploded on its huge body. While it roared, it retreated.

After fighting against each other, it realized that it was not Mu Qing's opponent at all!

The same is the second-tier supreme tenth heaven, Mu Qing's strength must be too strong, not to mention that the black dragon is also subject to some restrictions on the space channel, and its strength is reduced.


Mu Qing waved his hand and threw a faint blue flame, which was the fierce fire of evil nerves.

After the faint blue flame touched the pitch black flame, he immediately became greedy and began to eat away at the black dragon's breath, transforming it into his own power.

In the blink of an eye, the faint blue flames became louder and more and more violent, sweeping across all parts of Dragon Valley like an explosion.

Everything in the entire Dragon Valley was swallowed by the dark blue fierce fire. The corpses of the giant dragon clan and the six powerhouses of the death **** were all turned into the dark blue fierce fire nourishment.

In the Dragon Valley, at this moment, there are three-color flames, golden sun fire, faint blue fiery fire, and black dragon's breath.

It was obvious that the dark dragon's breath flame was gradually declining, and the blue fierce fire became more and more fierce, and the golden sun's fire followed closely behind, surrounding the dark dragon's breath.

Mu Qing was holding a silver hour gun, and each shot pierced through it, accompanied by the shadow of a long river of time, leaving blood holes in the black dragon's body.

"How can it be so powerful!"

The black dragon was bathed in black flames, retreating steadily.

It can't imagine that the guy in front of him is at the same level as the second-order supreme tenth heaven, why the difference in strength is so big!

On the other hand, Mu Qing's performance is quite relaxed. He has the power of the eight realms in his body, and there is no pressure to urge multiple dominator-level scriptures. At the same time, he also has a tenth-class artifact in his hand. It is naturally crushed against the black dragon. attitude.


Mu Qing screamed, the power of several dominator-level scriptures condensed together, accompanied by the silver hour gun piercing through, the silver hour gun exploded the black dragon's claws with a destructive momentum, and passed through its body at the same time. Transparent!

This time, the black dragon was directly hit hard.

Mu Qing stepped out and raised his hand with a finger.


The phantom of the ancestor dragon was entwined on the huge fingers, and the black dragon at this time was as small as an ant, being crushed into the ground abruptly.

The vast power burst out and completely penetrated the black dragon's body. With a bang, the black dragon's body fell to the ground.

In the Dragon Valley, the black flames gradually extinguished, and the golden flames also converged.

Only the quiet blue fierce fire is still devouring everything and continues to burn.

Holding a silver hour gun, Mu Qing strode forward, and he looked at the black dragon corpse, his eyes suddenly changed.

When approaching the corpse of the black dragon, some changes occurred in the starry sky book.

Mu Qing raised his hand, and the faint blue flames of the entire Dragon Valley swarmed, forming a huge flame vortex, and slowly shrinking, condensed into a flame in Mu Qing's palm.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Qing threw this group of fierce fire at the black dragon corpse.

Li Huo could swallow everything and turn it into nourishment to strengthen himself, but under Mu Qing's control, Li Huo only swallowed the flesh of the black dragon, leaving a few drops of blood in the air.

Mu Qing felt that these drops of blood contained special energy, which was obtained by refining the corpse of the black dragon.

It was these few drops of pure blood that caused the Xingkong Book to change.

Mu Qing sent these drops of blood into the starry sky book, and was immediately swallowed by the starry sky fire.

The illusory starry fire was solidified again, and there were even sun runes flowing on it.

Mu Qing looked at this scene with a headache.

The fire of the starry sky is still illusory. If you want to completely condense and raise the Sun Sutra to the perfect state, I don't know how long it will take and how many resources are needed.

Nowadays, Mu Qing's several dominator-level scriptures, except for the Heavenly Mandate Sutra, have reached the realm of Dacheng.

He wants to improve his strength, there is only one way, and that is to elevate a great master-level scripture to the realm of consummation and reach the point of the ultimate supreme tenth heaven.

In the starry sky book, the page of the cosmic body can no longer be improved. Mu Qing guessed that to open up the ninth starry sky, you also need to create your own dominant-level scripture first.

Among the scriptures on the dominance of several sects, Mu Qing still chose the more familiar Sun Sutra, giving priority to ascending.

As a scripture created by the Supreme Lord, the Eternal Life Sutra is of very high grade, but it is obvious that it requires more energy. For now, it must first raise the Sun Sutra faster.

"However, a few drops of special blood in the black dragon's body, like the blood demon clan, can provide energy to the starry sky book."

Mu Qing was surprised at this moment.

The blood of the blood demon king can be absorbed by the star book because the blood demon race is very special, and the blood is inherently contained in the power of rules, which belongs to the power of the ruler.

Unexpectedly, there is also some blood in this black dragon, which contains the power of rules, which can be absorbed by the star book.

At this time, Mu Qing recalled what Wu Xuanji said, the creatures of this Tianze universe were extremely powerful, and now it seems that most of them are the same as the blood demon race, and the blood contains the power of rules.

This kind of creatures are basically inherently infinitely powerful, and they don't even need to practice dominance-level scriptures.

"However, ordinary dragons don't have these special blood, even the second-tier supreme tenth-tier black dragon, only a few drops."

Mu Qing shook his head in disappointment.

Having said that, there will be the second and third worlds afterwards, and perhaps the native creatures there, their blood can be absorbed by the Starry Sky Book.

Mu Qing put away the Starry Sky Book and continued to explore Dragon Valley.

Dragon Valley has been destroyed by the fierce fire for the most part, and there are not many things left, and some of the treasures of heaven and earth have also been destroyed.

After half a day, Mu Qing was a little surprised and found a dragon egg in a huge cave.

As before, this dragon egg contained a dominating remnant soul, and his consciousness fell into a state of deep sleep.

"Is this deliberately made by the high-levels of the tripartite forces?"

Mu Qing was a little curious. Are these three-party leaders deliberately prepared for the remnant souls, or do they use the instinct to find the dragon eggs that contain vitality to seize the house?

"who cares!"

Mu Qing quickly threw away the distracting thoughts, and threw the remnant soul of the master to the star book, so as to absorb all the power.

The fire of the starry sky of the sun has become more solidified again.

"This is not even one-tenth of the degree of solidification. It seems that it will take a long time to raise the Sun Sutra to the perfect state." Mu Qing frowned slightly.

You should know that after Mu Qing entered the first realm, he had continuously allowed the Starry Sky Book to absorb two dominating remnants, but he couldn't even reach one tenth.

It is conceivable how difficult it is to reach the state of Consummation.

After harvesting a domineering remnant soul, there was nothing worth Mu Qingli in Dragon Valley, and he went directly to the space channel and stepped into it.

In an instant, the space rules surged, wrapping Mu Qing's body and transferring it to the second world! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Collection\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1725 Black Dragon's Blood), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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