Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1726: An Shaomu

The white light covered Mu Qing's sight. After a few breaths, Mu Qing's vision was restored, and he was alert to the surroundings for the first time.

The first realm is used to weed out some weak people, even the indigenous creatures guarding the space channel are just the second-order supreme tenth heavens who are bound to freedom and restricted power.

Starting from the second world, the difficulty will definitely rise, maybe there will be aboriginal creatures that threaten the second-order supreme tenth heaven here!

"The sea?"

Mu Qing was a little surprised. He didn't expect the Second Realm to be an endless ocean.

He stepped on the surface of the sea, and at a glance, there were rough waves everywhere, not even an island.

"The spatial passage to the Third Realm is located..."

Mu Qing took out the identity crystal and first determined the specific direction.

What surprised him was that the space channel of the Second Realm was actually on the bottom of the sea!

Moreover, this second realm is larger than the first realm. He must first enter the central area before he can find a space channel to the third realm on the seabed. There are ten in total!

"The danger level of the second realm is definitely much higher than that of the first realm. It must be dangerous in the seabed.

Mu Qing looked at the seabed warily.

He did not choose to dive directly into the bottom of the sea, but continued to fly on the surface.

Just in case, Mu Qing also deliberately raised several kilometers, if it is too close to the sea, it may encounter a crisis.

But soon, dark clouds came from all directions, covering the entire sky.

Dark clouds obscure the sun, Mu Qing has never seen such a huge range of dark clouds, almost covering the entire Second Realm!

"this is……"

Mu Qing's face changed suddenly, and he suddenly raised his head to look at the dark cloud above his head.

I saw a series of spatial rules converging on the clouds, and then the drenching rain dripped down.


The raindrops, like stars, crushed on Mu Qing with vast and terrifying power.

"The power of rules!"

Mu Qing was shocked, this was a force above the dominating realm, and he was definitely not able to contend.


A drop of raindrop hit Mu Qing's body, and the raindrops splashed out. It turned out to be a force of rules that severely suppressed Mu Qing.

Mu Qing's shoulders were directly smashed, and the Chaos Shield had just been manifested before it shattered into strands of Chaos Qi.

Fortunately, the drizzle seems to have been caused by the high-levels of the three parties, mainly for the purpose of letting the people of the second world go to the bottom of the sea, so the lethality is not strong. The power of the rules will at most make Mu Qing suffer some injuries, but not fatal.

Mu Qing knew that he couldn't contend with the power of the rules, so he landed and plunged into the bottom of the sea.

"This drizzle obviously exists to drive everyone to the bottom of the sea. No one can resist the power of rules!"

Once in the sea, Mu Qing could no longer feel the oppression of the power of rules.

The purpose is obviously not to let people stay on the sea.

Mu Qing used the power of the starry sky to cover the entire province, isolating the sea, and then he began to look around and observe the conditions in the sea.

Mu Qing didn't pay attention to the injuries he had just received, because after practicing the Eternal Life Sutra, Mu Qing's own vitality was extremely large, and his vitality was stronger than that of the blood demon. In the blink of an eye, the injury was almost healed.

Mu Qing retracted his gaze, and there was nothing around him except the sea, like a dead sea, not even a sea fish.

After that, he looked at the drizzle on the sea with lingering fear.

That was the force of rules. Only after such a short time of contact, Mu Qing felt a sense of powerlessness. It was too much to surpass the Supreme Ten Heaven!

If he is hostile, I am afraid that the moment Mu Qing touches the power of that rule, his whole person will be shattered, his soul will be completely melted, and his life will be instantly killed.

Fortunately, it was just to drive Mu Qing into the bottom of the sea, only slightly injured.

Since there was no discovery around, Mu Qing stopped staying either, and hurried towards the center of the Second Realm in the direction given by the identity crystal.

The environment here is worse than the first realm, and the surrounding seawater contains some special powers, which makes Mu Qing's perception ability plummet.

However, Mu Qing didn't rely on his own perception very much, because after he practiced the Eternal Life Sutra, he could perceive the vitality of others.

Any creature will have its own vitality, and after eternal life is completed, Mu Qing can see everyone's vitality aura, no matter how good the concealment method is, it is useless, the breath is hidden, but its vitality is in Mu Qing's eyes. It will shine like a torch.

Of course, the group of people in death **** is different, and Mu Qing's Eternal Life Sutra can't perceive it. After all, these guys cultivate the power of death, and even their own vitality has been transformed into death.


Suddenly, Mu Qing looked to the right.

Although in his perception, the surroundings were pitch black, but in his eyes, there were two vitality rushing in his direction, one of which was quite weak, like a candle in the wind.

Mu Qing looked over there and saw a man covered in wounds, chased by a mermaid monster.

The mermaid monster has a hideous face, fish gills on both sides of his cheeks, a thin film between his fingers, and a fork in his hand. The lower body is not a fish tail, but a strong and strong foot.

The mermaid was full of muscles, and in the dark sea, with blood gleaming in his eyes, he chased the injured weak man in front of him.

"Outsider! Your flesh and blood must be very delicious!"

The mermaid smiled grinningly, with a long scarlet tongue sticking out of his mouth full of fangs.

This mermaid reached the level of the first-order supreme tenth heaven, and was able to control the surrounding seawater, its strength was considered relatively powerful among the first-order supreme tenth heaven.

Soon after, the mermaid caught up with the weak man, grabbed his arm, and pierced the fork in the other hand.

But at the critical moment, a long silver-white river rushed in. It was a silver-white spear, bursting out with unparalleled power, and directly shook the mermaid's fork open.


The mermaid's face changed slightly, and she shouted angrily.

He only felt that dense cracks had appeared in the fork in his hand, and a huge force just passed along the fork to him, almost shattering his arm.

The mermaid looked forward, and saw a man in a black robe holding a silver spear in front of him.

The opponent's eyes were so bright, as if it contained a starry sky!

"Let him go or die!"

Mu Qing said lightly.

The pupils of the mermaid shrank violently, and he felt a fatal threat from Mu Qing's body. He intuitively told him that if he stayed for a while, he might die!

Immediately, without saying anything, he left the weak man and fled behind him.

The surrounding seawater was controlled by the mermaid, forming a special current, which led him to rush out very far, and disappeared from sight in the blink of an eye.

However, in Mu Qing's eyes, the vitality of this mermaid was very obvious.

A vast vitality appeared on Mu Qing's body and burned, and he raised his hand to point to the mermaid.

"Longevity Finger!"

A piece of finger that reached the sky suddenly pressed behind the mermaid.


The originally calm undercurrent of the sea surging, the terrifying force exploded, and there was a scream in it.

The mermaid was frightened back by Mu Qing, and it was too late to defend. He didn't expect that Mu Qing's strength was so amazing and died on the spot!

"The native creatures of the Second Realm, aren't they all the first-order supreme tenth heaven, right?"

After putting away the silver gun, Mu Qing couldn't help but guess.

The first aboriginal creature encountered in this second realm was the mermaid, who was strong in height and could be three meters tall.

The opponent is considered to be relatively powerful in the first-order supreme tenth heaven.

If the second world were all Tier 1 Supreme Ten Heavens, it would be a bit difficult, at least it would eliminate a large number of newcomers.

Even the current Mu Qing is quite powerful, possessing the strength of the second-order supreme tenth heaven, plus several master-level scripture fellow practitioners, the general second-order supreme tenth heaven is not his opponent, but if he encounters A large group of Tier 1 Supreme Ten Heavens will not be opponents either.

His cosmic body contains the power of the vast and boundless starry sky, and the physical body is also extremely strong, not afraid of war of attrition, but no matter how strong the physical body can not withstand the attack of a group of strong men, even Mu Qing must temporarily avoid the edge.

After solving the mermaid, Mu Qing cast his gaze to the weak man beside him.

The man was wounded all over, his face was pale, and every wound on his body revealed a streak of lifelessness.

The reason why Mu Qing made the move was mainly because this person was also a member of the Royal Court of Life.

In the three-strength ratio, it is very simple to identify where the opponent comes from. The blood demon race is almost the same, and the special aura on the body is obvious at a glance. Although the powerhouses of death **** are various, they all cultivate lifeless aura. Just know.

In contrast, the members of the King of Life are much more complicated. Not everyone cultivates the power of life, but with the existence of identity crystals, they can be distinguished immediately.

"With your strength, you shouldn't be chased by the mermaid." Mu Qing squinted and looked at this person.

In Mu Qing's perception, the real strength of this weak man has actually reached the level of the second-order supreme tenth heaven!

At the same time, when he was outside the Lingwang Palace, Mu Qing had also noticed all the newcomers of the second-tier supreme tenth heaven, and he still had a little impression of this person.

"Actually, I am a strong man who has encountered death hell. I was severely injured and ended up like this." The man gave a wry smile.

He coughed violently, then looked at Mu Qing, and solemnly said: "In Xia An Shaomu, thank you Brother Mu for saving his life."

Mu Qing was a little surprised, "Do you know me?"

An Shaomu nodded and chuckled: "Among these newcomers, the enchanting genius who reached the ninth level in the first assessment, Brother Mu, you and Long Mingqing, in fact, have long been passed on in the court of our life. opened."

"It may not be clear to those newcomers from outside, but I come from a super force in the Palace of Life King, Tianqing Palace, and I am naturally very clear."

When Mu Qing heard the words, he was still a little puzzled, and asked, "Isn't it only after the newcomer contest that you can choose to join the various forces in the Palace of Life?"

An Shaomu quickly explained, "There are still some differences among the newcomers. One part is the newcomers like you and Long Mingqing who are recommended by the referrer and passed the assessment to join the King of Life. The other part is also a newcomer, but one He was born in the Palace of Life, so he is familiar with the situation here. For example, Wu Sheng, whose father was the founder of the Gate of Time and Space, even if he did not join the Gate of Time and Space, he still enjoys certain resources."

Similarly, An Shaomu himself was born in the Palace of the King of Life, and his parents were from the Tianqing Temple.

An Shaomu's eyes flickered, looking at Mu Qing with some temptations.

He asked: "If I read it right, Brother Mu is displaying the Eternal Life Sutra?" The starry sky dominates the latest Chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: https :// Domination txt download address: https://www. starry sky dominates mobile reading: /147180/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"Favorites\" below to record this time (1726 Zhang An Shaomu) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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