Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1728: Ehun like the emperor!

"Just ahead, there is a relic on the seabed, but it is actually the place where the aboriginal creatures live. When we explored there, we found three mermaid powerhouses of the second-order supreme and tenth heaven, and hundreds of the first-order supreme ten. The mermaid of the great heaven."

An Shaomu pointed to a place far away and said.

Mu Qing looked at it and found that there was indeed a relic on the seabed in the distance, shrouded by a barrier, but it was clear that this barrier had been damaged by some external force, dimmed, and there was a huge hole.


Mu Qing narrowed his eyes, and from the broken place of the barrier, he could feel a wisp of death permeating out.

Even Mu Qing could clearly perceive that the death aura was obviously much higher than the one he had previously encountered.

Originally, the power of death in the Wumu group was completely restrained by Mu Qing's Eternal Life Sutra, and was very fragile.

But the light in front of him was the dead energy remaining on the broken enchantment, and Mu Qing could feel that its quality was extremely high, which was completely comparable to the life force he had cultivated through the Eternal Life Sutra.

"It seems that someone has already advanced." Mu Qing said solemnly.

He glanced at An Shaomu next to him, and said, "It's better to wait outside, I'll go in and see the situation."

The other party's injury has not recovered yet, and Mu Qing doesn't think that the other party will help him by following him, maybe it will be delayed.

An Shaomu is also aware of the situation. He hesitated a little, and said, "If you lose to Ehun, you can withdraw quickly. I can use my secret method to take you away, even if Ehun can't stay."

He was able to escape from Erhun's hands, naturally, there was a certain means, that is, some price was required.

Mu Qing glanced at him somewhat unexpectedly, nodded, and smiled lightly: "In that case, I would like to thank Brother An first."

It is good that An Shaomu is willing to stay outside, so that Mu Qing can use purple eyeballs to disguise himself as a blood demon.

Regarding the fact that he could become a blood demon clan, Mu Qing felt that it would be better for him to know about it alone.

At the same time, Mu Qing himself also has a hole card, even if he encounters the ultimate supreme tenth heaven, he can escape safely.

With the abilities of the Star Book, Mu Qing’s Dacheng Realm Dominant Level Scriptures on Mu Qing’s body were elevated to the Consummation Realm. His hole card can also be considered to be able to maintain the strength of the Ultimate Tenth Heaven for a period of time. One or two.

After bidding farewell to An Shaomu for a while, Mu Qing condensed his aura and moved towards the seabed ruins.

After approaching, Mu Qing saw the broken barrier.

Mu Qing stretched out his hand and touched the barrier, and found that the barrier was quite hard. To break it, special means or the strength of the second-order supreme tenth heaven was necessary.

And Mu Qing's focus was on the death aura remaining in the barrier.

I saw Mu Qing reaching out and grabbing a ray of death, and then a strong life force filled his palm.

Soon, the death breath seemed to be stimulated and began to struggle, but after a few breaths, it was swallowed by the surging vitality and completely dissipated.

Seeing this scene, Mu Qing couldn't be happy, and his face sank slightly.

"Sure enough, it is a power comparable to the Eternal Life Sutra!"

Originally, I just listened to An Shaomu's words, but I was not sure enough.

Now Mu Qing can be completely certain, Na Ehun mostly succeeded in cultivating the Supreme Scriptures on the side of Death Hell.

You know, the power of death cultivated by other strong men in death **** is completely restrained by Mu Qing's Eternal Life Sutra. However, this ray of death energy can actually struggle a little bit in the face of his surging life force, which can be seen. High quality.

This proves that Mu Qing's previous conjecture is correct.

The two forces of life and death are in conflict, not unilateral restraint, but mutual restraint.

In the face of ordinary death **** powerhouses, Mu Qing relied on the high-quality life force of the Eternal Life Sutra to have a restraint effect, but in the face of the death force of Urhun who also practiced the Supreme Sutra, the quality of the two is almost the same. , There is no restraint effect.

Conversely, Ehun who has cultivated the Death Sutra can actually restrain the creatures who have cultivated the power of life.

However, in comparison, Mu Qing still has a bit more advantage.

Because in the Palace of Life King, there is a mixed variety of cultivation scriptures. Perhaps when the ancestor dragon of life was in charge, everyone practiced scriptures related to the force of life, but now it's different.

The King of Life can be said to be inclusive of all rivers, and all powers can be cultivated. Therefore, there are not many people who can restrain Ehun's Death Sutra, and it is a huge threat to the Life Tree Demons.

"An Shaomu said that they just went into the enchantment and searched for a little bit, and they found many second-level treasures, and then they were discovered by the mermaid tribe and fled."

Mu Qing muttered to himself, walked into the barrier, and observed the surroundings.

The entire enchantment covers a large area, and inside is the merman tribe's clan land, with peculiarly styled underwater palaces towering in front of them.

It's just that there was obviously a big battle here, many halls have been broken, and the ground is full of death.

Mu Qing strode in. There were many corpses on the ground, most of them belonged to the merman tribe, and there were only two strong men in the death hell.

"These corpses..."

Mu Qing observed for a while and frowned quickly.

Different from the normal way of death, Mu Qing's Eternal Life Sutra can clearly observe different places, that is, the vitality of these corpses was not normally killed and disappeared.

These corpses were forcibly taken away from life!

"It's weird."

Mu Qing thought.

This method is exactly the same as his Eternal Life Sutra!

Coupled with what An Shaomu said before, it seems that Erhun can improve his strength through killing, and Mu Qing suddenly thinks of the death sutra of Erhun's cultivation.

"Could it be that the Death Sutra, like the Eternal Life Sutra, can seize the enemy's vitality?"

Mu Qing was quite surprised. In terms of means, the two were too similar in this respect.

Of course, as a powerhouse in death hell, Ehuo certainly wouldn't cultivate the power of life, most of which turned vitality into the power of death.

"When you encounter it, observe again." Mu Qing secretly said in his heart.

He took out the purple eyeballs and urged them, the aura of the whole person gradually changed, becoming a blood demon **** clan!

Nodded with satisfaction, and then Mu Qing continued to deepen toward the mermaid tribe.

For Mu Qing, such items as purple eyeballs are simply heaven-defying artifacts. Not only do they have an extremely powerful shielding breath function, they can also be disguised as a blood demon clan.

After continuing to deepen, Mu Qing felt the energy fluctuations and immediately stopped.

This is the center of the mermaid clan. Mu Qing saw several powerful men of death **** enter and leave the palaces, and found many treasures.

Mu Qing's attention was attracted by the battle at the center.

There was a group of strong men from the death **** around watching the battle, which seemed to be the reason for the victory, and they did not step forward to intervene in the battle.

In the core area of ​​the battle, there are four figures.

The three strong mermaid warriors, and a strong man exuding a strong death force, should be what An Shaomu said.

It's just that when Mu Qing saw Erhun's appearance, his pupils shrank sharply and his heart was shocked! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Collection\" below to record this reading (Ehun in Chapter 1728 of the Emperor of Heaven!), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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