Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1729: The background of the mermaid

"How can it be?!"

Mu Qing was shocked in his heart. He stared at the Ehun who was fighting with the three merman warriors in the middle of the venue, and he couldn't believe it for a while.

Because, Ehun's appearance is very similar to the Emperor of Heaven. Although there are certain differences, it looks younger and gloomier, but there is no doubt that Mu Qing saw the shadow of the Emperor of Heaven from the opponent.

"How is this going?"

Countless doubts appeared in Mu Qing's mind. He frowned and looked at Na Ehun.

The degree of similarity between Ehun and Tiandi is more than 80%, there is absolutely no such a coincidence!

"Is it a descendant of the Emperor of Heaven?" Mu Qing speculated wildly.

But soon, Mu Qing remembered the avatar of the Heavenly Emperor previously found in the Storm Domination Hall.

Could this Ehun also belong to one of the clones of the Emperor of Heaven?

Or is it that the emperor is a clone of Ehun?

Mu Qing was a little speechless, he was almost confused.

He desperately wanted to know what was going on with Ehun and the Emperor, and now he didn't even know who the Emperor and Ehun were the main body.

More importantly, Ehun is different from the Emperor of Heaven, and is also the second-tier supreme tenth heaven, but Ehun must have a background in death hell, and his identity is unusual.

Even Erhun is probably being cultivated by the higher ranks of Death Hell in secret.

After all, Ehun is the existence that will kill the sutra to successfully cultivate, and he is absolutely sheltered by the high-level.

According to An Shaomu, the Death Hell is different from the Royal Court of Life. The Death Sutra and the Eternal Life Sutra are theoretically useless dominator-level scriptures. Although they are the most advanced, most people are unable to exert their power.

The King of Life directly opened the Eternal Life Sutra, as long as they are members of the King of Life, everyone is eligible to practice.

However, the situation on the side of death **** is different, even if no one can successfully practice the death sutra, one still needs to have sufficient identity and background in death **** to obtain the qualifications for cultivation.

This also means that there is at least a dominating patron behind Ehun!

Mu Qing took a deep breath. He had a lot of doubts at the moment and wanted to know what the truth was.

At the same time, Ehun, who was fighting with the three celebrity fish clan fighters, suddenly glanced in the distance in surprise.


Erhun seemed to be aware of something, but he didn't notice anything, he always felt that he had a pair of eyes watching him.

"Asshole! How dare you be distracted!"

The three scarred Mermaid warriors roared, and when facing Erhun, even if the three of them were invincible together.


A mermaid warrior burst into a dazzling light, and a blue rune could be seen emerging from the center of his eyebrows, and a powerful breath swept all around.

He slammed up in front of Ehun, and when he went up, he slammed a punch. The overwhelming divine clouds gathered together, and the surrounding ocean currents violently surged against Ehun's head.

Ehun was not in a hurry, just as the opponent's fist blasted, his eyes were full of blood, and the death force in his body was vented out, and he rushed to the mermaid warrior in front of him.

He raised his hand, but saw that his palm was more like the claws of a fierce beast, infused with countless life, tearing away towards the mermaid warrior.


Accompanied by a scream, the fist of the mermaid warrior was torn into pieces, and Erhun's demon-like claws were like a broken bamboo, forcibly tore the opponent's entire arm apart, and a lot of lifelessness poured down and eroded. Drop all the blue light.

Immediately afterwards, a flood of dragons condensed by the power of death appeared, circling the mermaid warrior, dragging him to Ehun.

Urhun's claws protruded again, and the power of death surrounding them turned into countless demon heads, roaring.

"I won't let you succeed!"

The celebrity fish warrior screamed with his eyes cracked.

He saw a lot of this scene. Most of his people were hollowed out by the guy in front of him with magic claws, sucking up all vitality!

And after each absorption, the vitality is transformed into the power of death, making the death aura in Ehun's body more intense.

The dazzling blue light burst out, and the blue rune on his eyebrows became more and more dazzling, and it kept flickering at an extremely high frequency.

Ehun's face changed slightly. He dropped his claw and was deadly, but there was a ding sound, sparks splashed all over, and he could not penetrate the opponent's chest!

"Outsiders! You all have to die!"

A look of hideousness appeared on the face of the mermaid warrior.

The blue runes on his eyebrows were beating faster and faster, and at the same time, the other two mermaid warriors in the rear looked at each other and burned their remaining vitality very tacitly.

The life force bursts out like a torch, bursting out a sacred fire, blooming in the depths of the seabed, and the breath is gradually improved, like rebirth and resurrection, and the whole body is surrounded by splendid ancient runes.

The powerhouses in the death **** in the distance couldn't help retreating one after another. The surging power that burned vitality and overflowed made them feel very uncomfortable and did not dare to touch that power.

On the contrary, Mu Qing is hiding in the dark. In his vision, the two mermaid tribes behind are desperately burning vitality, but although their aura has improved, their strength has actually become weak.

Others can't see it, but Mu Qing cultivated the Eternal Life Sutra and clearly saw that the power generated by the burning of the vitality of these two fish races came to the side of the blue runes that poured into the center of the eyebrows.

The blue runes on the eyebrows of the two glowed, stimulating the surrounding sea water, rolling, and a trace of terrifying energy filled out, as if a master was about to come!

Puff through.

After a few breaths, the vitality of the two of them was completely burned out, and they were injected into the blue runes on the center of their eyebrows.

At this moment, these two blue runes are like two rounds of blue sun, bursting out endless rays of light, and then rushing into the body of the mermaid in front of Erhun, the blue on the center of his eyebrows. Rune merger!

At this time, everyone discovered that the blue runes on the eyebrows of these three celebrities were actually different. After the three blue runes were merged, it seemed that they constituted a real ancient rune.

The death aura on Ehuen's body became more and more intense, his eyes were scarlet, and the power of death turned into mist, rippling and floating around, the black light symbolizing death continued to bloom on his body, visions Overgrown.

In an instant, Urhun's claws blasted hundreds of times at the mermaid warrior, and the blade-sharp death force tore the ocean current and hit the mermaid warrior's eyebrows.

Suddenly, the body of this celebrity fish clan shook, and the bright blue light turned into ripples, swelling, shattering the death force around him, and a blue light gushing out from the center of his eyebrows, covering his whole body.

Urhun's attack did not achieve any effect, and his terrifying power of death was actually resisted by a layer of blue light.

"The power of rules!"

The whole body paused, and he looked at the mermaid clan in front of him, slowly speaking out the nature of the blue light power. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this (Chapter 1729 Mermaid Clan), and you can see it when you open the bookshelf next time! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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