Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1739: Half pure blood

Mu Qing stared at the woman in front of him, he did not expect that one day he would be counted silently.

The Yuxiang that appeared earlier obviously attracted his attention, but he didn't notice that his soul was passive at a certain moment.

The sea snake opened its fangs, as if it would speak to Mu Qing's soul at any time.

There is no doubt that once the sea snake bites the soul, it will almost die!

"An Xin help me do things, I can assure you that as long as you bring back the pure blood, I will take back the venomous sea snake deep in your soul and give you a part of pure blood. Regarding this, I can talk to you. Make an unbreakable contract, and it will guarantee my words."

"At the same time, I advise you not to try to find the ultimate supreme in the forces behind you. Once this behavior occurs, the venomous sea snake will bite your soul mercilessly and inject the venom into the depths of your soul. !"

"Remember! You are not allowed to disclose this to anyone. Only the three of us know about this matter!"

Concubine Hai seemed worried that Mu Qing would not help her complete this wholeheartedly, so she made an unbreakable contract with Mu Qing.

Mu Qing's soul is completely controlled by the other party, so naturally he will not resist or raise any questions.

As for the so-called unbreakable contract, An Shaomu also knew that it was a contract signed based on the soul blood of both parties.

"Once the unbreakable contract is signed, the violator will be backlashed by the contract, the soul will be greatly traumatized, and eventually die!"

"This is a contract method created by the Supreme Lord Death Demon who has not fallen countless years ago. It integrates a small part of the power of the soul into the blood and makes a contract."

"Even if the death demon has fallen for so many years, this contract still has a huge effect. It has never weakened. In the entire multiverse, very few people can violate the contract and die. Even if they really don't die, they will be seriously injured for a long time."

An Shaomu transmitted the sound to Mu Qing. He knew that Mu Qing came from the chaotic universe, and he didn't understand many things spread in the multiverse, so he explained it specifically.

In other words, this unbreakable contract is basically no problem.

Of course, even if there is a problem, Mu Qing is subject to the opponent and has to proceed.

Under the guidance of Concubine Hai, the two released some of their own blood, and then injected a small part of their soul, so that the blood morphed into soul blood, and then the two soul blood intertwined to form a contract.

After a while, the two beams returned, rushing into the depths of the souls of both parties.

Mu Qing's consciousness went deep into his soul, and he could find that there was an additional contract symbol in his soul. He could clearly perceive the content of the contract and the backlash he would receive if he violated the content of the contract.

After confirming that Concubine Hai hadn't deliberately flung some small tricks, Mu Qing gave him a surprised look.

It seems that the pure-bloods in Wucheng are very important to Haifei. In order to let Mu Qing concentrate on doing this, she deliberately made a contract so that Mu Qing didn't have to worry about her regretting it afterwards.

"I have written the specific location of Fog City in the contract. You can perceive it directly through the contract symbol in your soul. The position of a pureblood can be explored with this thing. When you are close to a pureblood, it A soft white light will bloom."

While talking, Concubine Hai handed Mu Qing a palm-sized transparent gem with a drop of blood in it.

When Mu Qing took over, he could perceive that the drop of blood in it was the so-called pure blood, which contained the power of rules!

As for gems, it is purely an ordinary thing. It seems that only a drop of pure blood can be sensed by other pure blood?

After putting away the pure blood gems, Mu Qing looked at Concubine Hai, expressionlessly: "Are we allowed to leave now?"

Concubine Hai took a deep look at Mu Qing and nodded: "Okay, remember, Fog City is inaccessible now. I will open it by some means in the near future, but at that time, your three forces will definitely pay attention. When you arrive in Wucheng, you will have to face the other second-tier supreme."

Mu Qing frowned slightly, "The second-tier supreme is easy to say, but if the ultimate supreme appears, I will not be an opponent."

"Don't worry, there won't be the ultimate supreme." Hai Concubine took a deep breath and said affirmatively.

After a while, Haifei watched Mu Qing and An Shaomu leave. The beautiful woman was hesitating for a long time, like a mother looking forward to the return of her child.

Of course, her children could not be Mu Qing and An Shaomu, but the pure blood sleeping in the foggy city!

Concubine Hai turned and left. Just a few steps out, the graceful figure disappeared into the sea, completely gone.

The huge seaweed group, in the center is a huge country shrouded by a circular enchantment.

There are countless mermaid creatures inside, shuttled back and forth among the various buildings covered with bright corals and brilliance gems.

What’s amazing is that most of the mermaid creatures here are below the supreme, and there are many supreme mermaid.

But this is obviously different from the outside world!

You know, almost all of the dragon races in the first realm are above the Supreme Ten Heavens.

Arrived in the second world, the mermaid clan encountered outside was even more powerful, at least the first-order supreme tenth heaven.

As a result, when I arrived in this mermaid country, I discovered that there lived a large number of creatures who had not reached the supreme tenth heaven.

However, in the country, rows of mermaid warriors who are patrolling, holding tines and spears in their hands, are basically the first-order supreme.

"Recently, the outside world has become more and more dangerous. It is said that apart from us, the remaining nine countries have all fallen." A mermaid soldier on patrol said.

Each of the Mermaid warriors next to them had red eyes and felt extremely angry, and the anger almost came out of their eyes.

"Damn outsider! Forcibly transforming our universe, but also slaughtered the compatriots we were looking at, even Master Aquaman..." A merman warrior roared.

They are extremely angry, but they can face powerful invaders, yet feel that they are extremely weak.

Once upon a time, it was their Tianze universe invading other universes and plundering all resources, but they did not expect that this kind of thing would fall on them one day.

There are countless creatures in this sea, and every place contains vitality.

As a result, after the intervention of the three multi-element forces, the rest of the creatures were almost wiped out, leaving only their mermaid tribe.

Even the mermaid tribe was slaughtered, and there were only ten of the hundreds of powerful nations left.

As the core of the sea, Fog City, a holy land, was closed on its own due to the fall of Sea King Hemodon.

"Outsiders have already occupied the other nine countries, and they may act on our country at any time. Keep an eye on them recently, and the ban continues to be maintained!" A mermaid warrior headed by him shouted in a low voice. He is a Tier 2 Supreme Strength.

The so-called ban is a regulation in the mermaid kingdom, and the mermaid clan is not allowed to go out without the strength of the first-order supreme.

It is precisely because of the prohibition that other ordinary creatures cannot be seen outside the second realm, and only the first-order supreme or higher are basically encountered.

At this time, in the depths of the mermaid tribe, through the layers of huge glowing coral, you can see a palace surrounded by sea snake statues.

Outside the palace is guarded by a second-tier supreme mermaid warrior.

Inside, there are magnificent decorations, and the supporting pillars and walls are inlaid with bright crystals and gems.

The innermost was a throne, and at this time an old man wearing a crown was sitting there decadently.

He looked through the palace and looked at a place in the mermaid kingdom.

There is a beam of light that reaches the sky, it is a space channel, invisibly, there is a rule of power that implicates the old man wearing a crown, and restricts his actions.

Looking at the beam of light, the old man's eyes were full of hatred.

Their Tianze Universe is not an opponent of the three multi-level forces at all, and he is like a slave, imprisoned in his own country, unable to go out.

At the same time, he couldn't get close to the space channel. The force of rules diffused out of the beam of light was like a dog chain, pulling him up!

The old man was a little helpless and looked at a beautiful figure beside him.

"Have you found the right person?" the old man asked, and he couldn't help saying: "You know, that's an alien invader! You shouldn't pin your hopes on those guys, you can do it yourself..."

"I can't!" Haifei interrupted the old man's words directly. She frowned and shouted in a low voice: "Even if I hide with the power of pure blood, I haven't been discovered by the high level of those guys and become in this second world. The only ultimate supreme who can move freely, but I can be sure that once I start the fog city, those guys will inevitably come in rush!"

"There are several ultimate supreme among those guys. Once I meet in Wucheng, I will definitely die, let alone leave with Xianger."

"What's more, Wucheng will be discovered by them sooner or later, and the place where Xiang'er sleeps is not very hidden. I must find a way to bring Xiang'er out in advance."

The two were talking intensely.

If Mu Qing were here, he would be surprised to find that Haifei is not the mermaid king, but the old man is the real mermaid king!

Concubine Hai was a fish that slipped through the net, hidden with the help of pure blood, and was not cleared by the three high-level leaders.

But even so, Haifei still concealed her existence. She knew very well that even if the top three parties did not intervene in, she would not be the ultimate opponent of the three parties.

Therefore, Haifei is very tolerant and will not be exposed for too long outside. Her most important goal is to bring back the sleeping daughter in the foggy city.

"Alright alright……"

After all, the old mermaid king said that he couldn't help Haifei, and he also knew that the other party's daughter was eager, so he chose to let the group of outsiders help complete this matter.

Of course, this is also a compelling choice.

In the mermaid kingdom, the powerful second-order supreme is naturally there, but the identity of the mermaid tribe alone, once exposed to the people of the three parties, I am afraid that they will be encircled and killed.

The opening of the fog city will cause a huge vision. People from the three forces will definitely go there together. If you want to bring out the daughter of the sea concubine sleeping in the fog city, obviously you cannot choose a mermaid to perform this task.

Concubine Hai was silent on the side, her slender jade hand clasped tightly.

She should have been cleared away, but she is not a pureblood herself, it is her daughter who is a pureblood.

When the tripartite forces invaded, Haifei and her daughter were also in the fog city.

But soon, Haimodong, the lord of the fog city, was killed. Haifei's daughter realized the seriousness of the situation and used a lot of pure blood to **** her mother Haifei away from the fog.

A large amount of pure blood was transferred to Concubine Hai, which resulted in Concubine Hai also having a part of the power, able to use the power of the rules, and even rely on the special pure blood power to hide it.

Strictly speaking, Haifei is already half pure blood.

On the contrary, her daughter drew most of her pure blood and transferred it to her mother, so she fell into a deep sleep. It was quite chaotic at the time. There were strong men everywhere in Wucheng, and Haifei couldn't leave with her daughter.

However, as a half-pure blood, she knew through the pure-blood connection that her daughter hadn't completely died, but just fell asleep.

"How strong is the person you're looking for?" the old mermaid king asked.

Soon, he shook his head again, "Forget it, I advise you not to have hope. Even if you find a second-order supreme, the group of outsiders is divided into three forces, and he will always face the two of other forces. The Supreme and the Ultimate Supreme."

"No, I have faith in him!"

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