Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1740: News from Jianxinhen

The old mermaid king looked at Haifei in surprise.

He didn't understand why Haifei would have so much confidence in a second-order supreme.

Concubine Hai's eyes flickered, and said: "The man named Mu Qing is very strong and can deal with other second-tier supreme."

She is quite sure of Mu Qing's strength, after all, as a half-pureblood, she can also use part of the power of the rules.

What's more, the power of rules in this pure blood belongs to her daughter, which is quite special and has an amazing effect in hiding her breath and figure.

Even when she was using her magical powers, she could hide, which is why Hai Fei silently touched the souls of Mu Qing and An Shaomu.

All because of the power of rules in that pure blood, very good at hiding!

However, when Concubine Hai hid herself, she was discovered by Mu Qing.

She was even more shocked to discover that Mu Qing had also practiced several dominator-level scriptures, as well as a powerful scripture that could not be judged by its rank!

Through the power of pure blood, Concubine Hai deeply understood that Mu Qing's power was definitely too much to surpass the second-order supreme!

Concubine Hai thinks it is most appropriate to have such a person go to Wucheng to rescue his daughter.

"As for those final-level supreme, they won't go to Wucheng." Hai Fei's face gradually became serious, and she said solemnly.

"Oh?" The old mermaid king was quite surprised, and asked: "Are you so sure? Fog City is after all the place where Haimerdong ruled the fall. I think even the ultimate supreme will be moved by it?"

Haifei shook her head, she was very sure.

She gritted her teeth and said: "When opening the fog city, I will take the initiative to show up, make some other movements, and guide away the nine ultimate supreme."


The old mermaid king abruptly stood up from the throne and looked at Haifei incredulously.

"Are you crazy? You are alone, you are not the nine ultimate opponents at all, you will definitely die!"

"Furthermore, they may not be attracted to you. There are many good things in Fog City."

The old man, the mermaid king, was shocked, but he didn't expect Haifei to do this step.

Haifei shook her head and said calmly: "They are all looking for pure blood, trying to enter the third realm, and although I am not a true pure blood, I am still half a person. They will definitely be attracted by the power of pure blood. of."

"If you are in the fog city, there are limitations in that place. Once blocked, I will definitely die, but in the vast sea, I can deal with it, and my life may not be in danger!"

As a half-pure blood, Concubine Hai possesses the power of rules from her daughter, and is extremely good at hiding.

Except for Mu Qing, no one has ever noticed her, whether it is the high-level of the tripartite forces or the ultimate supreme who now occupies the other nine countries, they have never seen her through!

"It's up to you! It's a pity that I can't help you at all."

The old mermaid king sighed.

He couldn't leave the mermaid country, and he couldn't do anything if he wanted to.


On the other side, Mu Qing and An Shaomu had already far away from that mermaid country, but neither of them looked very good.

The sea snake at the soul still hovered, opening its fangs to bite their souls at any time, like a sharp sword hanging over their heads.

Mu Qing touched his chin. He recalled the strangeness he noticed when he signed the unbreakable contract with Haifei just now.

"Pure blood... That Haifei is also pure blood?" Mu Qing secretly said in his heart.

He could feel that Concubine Hai's blood also contains the power of rules. There is no doubt that Concubine Hai should be a pure blood, and no matter how bad it is, it has a certain relationship with pure blood.

"What to do, Brother Mu." An Shaomu was a little panicked, he suggested: "Why don't we go find Senior Brother Jian Xinhen and the others? Then secretly use the identity crystal to tell them the matter?"

An Shaomu also knew that he ran directly in front of Senior Brother Jian Xinhen and opened his mouth to tell what happened to him. He would definitely be noticed by Concubine Hai's method of staying in his soul.

However, through the contact of the identity crystal, some news can be passed on more or less unconsciously, and there is no need to tell everything. As long as some clues that are not right are revealed, it is enough to cause the final stage such as the sword heart mark. Supreme attention.

"I advise you not to take risks." Mu Qing shook his head.

What An Shaomu said may be a way, but in Mu Qing's view, it is not insurance.

Since Concubine Hai is so confident, there must be a way to monitor their actions. Once the information is revealed, maybe the soul will be destroyed by the sea snake's poison.

"Her target is the pure-bloods in Wucheng. When the time comes, I will bring the pure-bloods out according to her intentions, not to mention that they have already signed an unbreakable contract. There should be no problem."

Mu Qing frowned and said.

It's already reached this level, so I can only do what Haifei said.

"At that time, I will act alone, you can be with Jian Xinhen and others." Mu Qing said.

Concubine Hai’s idea is to let him go alone. From the other side’s point of view, An Shaomu’s strength is not enough. The reason why he has also moved An Shaomu’s soul is to prevent An Shaomu from exposing the matter Get out.

An Shaomu gritted his teeth and said: "If I find something is wrong, even if I save my life, I will tell Senior Brother Jian Xinhen about this matter, and he will avenge us!"

Mu Qing nodded.

Immediately afterwards, the two rushed towards the mermaid kingdom where Jian Xinhen was located.

When signing the contract before, Mu Qing discovered that the contents of the contract symbol contained a lot of information.

It is not only the specific location of Foggy City, but also the locations of the other nine mermaid kingdoms!

However, the content of the contract symbol, that is, the information that Haifei has her own, tells Mu Qing that the other nine mermaid kingdoms have been occupied by people from the tripartite forces, although Haifei does not know who owns the fish kingdom. , She just marked up the information she knew.

There are three pieces of information Haifei knows!

In two of the mermaid kingdoms, the barriers were destroyed, and there was a terrifying life around them.

The rest is the remnant of sharp and unparalleled sword energy. According to Haifei's description, she felt a tingling pain in her skin before she got close. It was definitely a top-level kendo genius who broke through the mermaid kingdom barrier.

Combining these three pieces of information, Mu Qing immediately knew that the first two locations were the powerhouses of death hell, and the remaining dead energy nearby was clearly perceivable even by Haifei, and the characteristics were too obvious.

In the last place, Hai Concubine gave very little information, after all, she just stayed at the outermost periphery and did not dare to alarm the strong inside.

But after Mu Qing said the matter, An Shaomu immediately informed Mu Qing that that place was definitely the location of Jian Xin's mark!

An Shaomu told him that among the Ultimate Sovereigns who participated in the Three Power Ratios, the only one who practiced Jianxin Mark was kendo.

Combined with An Shaomu's words, it is basically certain that the mermaid kingdom revealed by Haifei was captured by Jian Xinhen.

Mu Qing and An Shaomu naturally planned to go there next.

Now that there are venomous sea snakes in the depths of his soul, Mu Qing is no longer in the mood to search for the most precious treasures. This kind of life is really not very good in the control of others.

A few days later...

Mu Qing and An Shaomu arrived at the position given by Haifei. Looking around, there was indeed a beam of light not far away, and similar to the time when they had met Haifei, there was also a large seaweed group here.

However, the seaweed group here was obviously destroyed by some terrifying force.

Just as Haifei described, they had just arrived near this broken seaweed group, and they could feel the terrible aura permeating the surroundings, as if a sharp sword pierced them invisibly.

Mu Qing and An Shaomu walked forward and soon saw a 10,000-meter sword mark!

This sword mark is like the abyss of the sea, revealing a terrible breath.

Mu Qing's expression was also moved, and just from this sword mark, he could feel that the strength of the person who shot was much stronger than him.

"It's definitely the handwriting of the ultimate supreme! But the power, but it is much lower than the complete eruption of the consummation level scripture." Mu Qing's eyes flickered, secretly contrasting the difference between the two.

Just as An Shaomu said to him earlier, if it is a real Consummation Realm scripture, even if it is only a master-level scripture that is fully utilized, it will be much stronger than the ordinary power of the ultimate supreme.

The advantage of the ultimate supreme is to continue to display the scriptures of the perfect state, even if the power is weak, it is much stronger than the second-tier supreme!

"This also means that every Ultimate Supreme's trump card can actually explode all the powers of the scriptures of the Consummation Realm, but once it is used once, the power in the body will be drained, so it becomes the bottom of the box. means."

Mu Qing secretly said in his heart.

Of course, he is different. The eight realms of starry sky opened up in his body is enough to display the power of several tricks to complete the realm.

At the same time, Mu Qing also realized that the scriptures at the dominating level are weaker than the scriptures at the great dominating level.

Domination scriptures need to be constantly tempered. A master constantly improves his own scriptures. When it breaks through to the great master, continue to improve, then the original master-level scriptures will naturally degenerate into the master-level scriptures. .

"Jian Xinhen cultivated, should it be his own scriptures?" Mu Qing asked An Shaomu.

Generally speaking, people who have not reached the realm of dominance will generally practice other people's scriptures, such as the scriptures of the great master level, and they will exert more power.

And An Shaomu also said earlier that Jianxinhen is the master of reincarnation, has its own core rules, and master-level scriptures.

An Shaomu nodded, "Yes, Brother Jian Xinhen cultivates his own Heart Sword Sutra. Although it is a master, it should not be underestimated. It is a rare soul-type sutra!"

Mu Qing's face was stunned, and the Heart Sword Sutra cultivated by Jian Xinhen was actually a soul-type sutra, which is indeed quite rare.

Soul attacks are basically the methods on the side of death hell, which are rare in the royal court of life.

The two of them continued to walk forward and saw the barrier that had been broken open, with sword energy remaining.

An Shaomu's face was delighted, he was sure that this was the breath left by the Heart Sword Sutra, so he immediately walked towards the mermaid kingdom.

Mu Qing followed behind and looked at this mermaid country.

It is very big, full of corals, seaweeds, colorful orbs and mermaid buildings of different styles.

But most of the buildings have been destroyed, a mess, and from time to time, some mermaid corpses can be seen. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (the news of Jianxinhen in Chapter 1740), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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