Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1741: Blocked space passage

"That is!"

Mu Qing looked towards the deepest part of the mermaid kingdom.

There is a palace there, but it has obviously gone through a fierce battle, and most of it has collapsed, revealing what it looks like inside.

Through the broken place, you can see a throne in the palace. A mermaid with a strong body and a crown glared and collapsed on the throne.

A closer look reveals that there is a wound on the center of his eyebrows!

The mermaid king still exudes a strong aura, but he has obviously been dead for a long time.

Mu Qing looked at it, and the corpse of the mermaid king, except for a small wound on the center of his eyebrows, was intact. It was obviously the heart sword sutra cultivated by the sword heart mark, the soul that was crushed.

"Brother An?"

The two were quickly discovered, and a few first-order supreme ran up, seeing An Shaomu, their expressions were pleasantly surprised.

They naturally didn't know Mu Qing, and they were all surrounded by An Shaomu at the moment.

"Senior Brother An, everyone thought you had an accident. Fortunately, you came safely." A man breathed a long sigh of relief.

These people, like An Shaomu, were born in the Royal Palace of Life, some were from high and medium forces, and some were from the Tianqing Palace, just like An Shaomu.

An Shaomu is also the second-order supreme, among the newcomers who participated in the three-for-one competition, the strength is considered top.

Regardless of the number of newcomers in the tens of thousands, there are not many who can actually reach the second-order supreme.

Now that he has come to the central area of ​​the Second Realm, the second-order supreme will inevitably have an accident. Either he encounters an aboriginal being defeated and killed, or encounters the other two forces.

Mu Qing and An Shaomu are relatively lucky, or they are slower, they have been in the last echelon, and they can't meet anyone at all.

"It seems that many newcomers have fallen."

After An Shaomu had a few conversations with a few acquaintances, he came to Mu Qing's side.

Mu Qing nodded, he looked around, but he didn't see a few members of the Royal Court of Life.

"There are hundreds of newcomers gathered at Brother Jian Xinhen. Many of the people I used to know have also died."

An Shaomu solemnly said, following Mu Qing all the way down, he still didn't feel much, and at this moment, he understood the danger of these three power ratios.

You know, there are tens of thousands of newcomers from the Life King's Court who participated in the Three Power Ratios. These newcomers are the top geniuses in various universes, and they have also entered the Spirit King's Palace for one year.

As a result, so many geniuses have fallen into the Palace of Life King. Here, no matter how genius is, it is useless, and it will be cannon fodder without the strength of the second-order supreme.

The first-order supreme being able to walk up to now and get the shelter of Jian Xinhen is already considered quite lucky.

"Senior Brother Wu Sheng and Senior Sister Yue Yin also occupy a fish nation, and there are not many people gathered there. The people from the three places add up to more than a thousand people." An Shaomu's face is more ugly.

With tens of thousands of people, there are only more than a thousand people left, which shows how terrifying the ratio of three powers is.

Most people want to rush ahead, and the probability of encountering other forces and indigenous creatures is naturally high, and if they are not careful, they will fall.

And like Mu Qing, the action is slower and belongs to the last echelon, and it cannot be said that there is no risk at all.

In the final analysis, it is still a matter of strength, the first-order supreme needs enough luck to get here, let alone other people.

On the contrary, Mu Qing and An Shaomu, both of them are the second-tier supreme, plus the last echelon, all the way down, except for Erhun, there is no other crisis.

At this moment, what Mu Qing didn't understand was that these three powerful ratios were so dangerous, and so many people fell all at once. Why did the King of Life want these newcomers to participate?

Unless you have the strength of the second-order supreme, you really may not be able to come out alive, right?

Another point is that when the Third Realm is reached, it is estimated that it will be the stage of the ultimate supreme. In that case, why do you want other people to participate?

Wouldn't it be enough to let these ultimate supreme participate directly?

Mu Qing was a little puzzled, he naturally couldn't figure out the thoughts of the senior life king, perhaps in the eyes of the other party, the tens of thousands of newcomers are completely cannon fodder, it is not worth mentioning.

"The second-tier supreme is also more severely damaged, at least on the side of Senior Brother Jian Xinhen, there are only three."

An Shaomu said solemnly.

Mu Qing raised his brow, a little surprised.

He remembered that among the newcomers who participated in the three-strength ratio this time, there were dozens of second-tier supreme, and most of them should be newcomers born in the royal court of life.

After all, compared to the various universes in the outside world, the King of Life is a diverse force, and people born in it naturally have unique resources, especially the perceptual galaxy. Every planet in it can enhance the ability to perceive and quickly master the scriptures. .

Under these conditions, plus one year of cultivation in the Spirit Palace, basically they can reach the second-order supreme.

In contrast, the newcomers like Mu Qing who passed the assessment from the outside to join the Royal Court of Life will suffer a lot. Many newcomers don't even have the dominion-level scriptures, and they have only just obtained them after joining the Royal Court of Life.

And the assessment calculation for joining the Life King Court is quite simple, as long as you pass the lowest level, you can join, and even the opponents that are assessed are always at the same level.

The newcomers from various universes are quite good to be able to reach the first-order supreme. There are very few who can reach the second-order supreme. It is estimated that there are not many people except Mu Qing and Long Mingqing.

In Mu Qing's view, as long as he has the strength of the second-order supreme, unless it is too unlucky to encounter a strong like Erhun, he can basically pass the second world smoothly and go to the end.

How could the loss be so big?

There are only three dozens of people on Jian Xinhen's side, which is too few.

An Shaomu wanted to take Mu Qing to see Jianxinhen, and the two went to the deepest part of the mermaid kingdom.

The mermaid country is very large, but few people can see all the way down, basically all mermaid corpses everywhere.

The members of the Royal Palace of Life I met were also relatively unfamiliar. Most of them gathered here to seek shelter from Jian Xinshen. Not only did they not know Mu Qing, but they also did not know An Shaomu.

The two came to the location of the space channel, and the huge beam of light was quite eye-catching on the bottom of the sea.

At this moment, Mu Qing noticed that this beam of light was different from that of the first realm. It was surrounded by regular chains, and these silver-white chains were connected to a stone tablet beside the beam of light.

The stele is as tall as a person, and has special lines on it.

Next to the stone tablet, there was a man who exuded a monster. There was no sword beside him, but there was a sharp sword intent, which was daunting.


After sensing that someone was approaching, the monster man slowly opened his eyes and stood up.

Jian Xinhen's eyes are purple, giving people a feeling of permeating the soul.

"Brother Jian!"

An Shaomu hurriedly stepped forward, and his heart was relieved. There was no danger in the way down the secret road. First, he met a strong enemy like Erhun and almost fell, but later luckily ran into Mu Qing and came back to Jianxin. Next to the mark, you don't need to worry too much at this time. With the protection of the ultimate supreme, there should be no accidents afterwards.

After Jian Xinhen greeted An Shaomu, the purple eyes fell on Mu Qing.

Mu Qing's body trembled, not because the opponent's momentum oppressed, but when the opponent looked over, there was a feeling that his soul was seen through.

Hearing what An Shaomu said, Jianxin Mark is the reincarnation of the ruler, and it may break through to the ruler at any time, and it should be the most powerful among the three ultimate supreme in the royal court of life.

"Presumably your Excellency is Mu Qing, Long Mingqing just met some time ago, and among these newcomers, the strength of the second-order supreme is an unfamiliar face, I think only the first assessment in the rumor can achieve it. The ninth-level evildoer." Jian Xinhen took the lead to speak, looking at Mu Qing.

"It's a fluke." Mu Qing chuckled modestly.

He also looked at the sword heart mark in front of him, even if the opponent's aura converged no matter how well, he still felt a terrible power dormant on him.

Even the feeling of standing in front of the other person is like facing a master!

No wonder it is the master reincarnation, the aura is much more terrifying than the Wu Sheng who has been in contact with before!

"By the way, Brother Jian, what's the current situation? Why did you occupy the mermaid kingdom but didn't enter the third realm?"

An Shaomu asked curiously.

In fact, after he and Mu Qing had contact with Haifei, they already knew that they needed some blood from a pureblood to go to the third realm.

But he didn't know the specific details, and asked like this to confirm whether Haifei's words were correct.

Jian Xinhen nodded, his expression was unwavering, and he couldn't see any emotions.

He turned his head and looked at the stone tablet, and said lightly: "This should be a problem set up by the high-level forces of the three parties. The ten spatial passages to the third realm have been locked, because they are locked by the force of rules, so It needs to be solved with the force of rules."

"And our ultimate supreme, although the core of the rules has been condensed, but has not yet reached the level of using the power of the rules, after all, the pure core of the rules does not contain any power of the rules, purely to control the consummation realm scripture."

"This also means that the ultimate supreme can't open the stele and unlock the chain of the rules of the space channel. At the same time, we have inquired that in this Tianze universe, there are some special people who are born to control the power of rules, and The difference is that the blood in their bodies contains the power of rules, and they are called pure blood."

An Shaomu and Mu Qing listened quietly. At present, as Haifei said, it seems that Haifei did not lie to them.

"But doesn't the blood of the Blood Demon Race also contain the power of rules?" Mu Qing frowned and asked.

He knew that the Blood Demon Race was also trying hard to find the whereabouts of the pure blood.

"It's not the same." Jian Xinhen shook his head and explained: "The blood of the blood demon race does contain the power of rules, but they cannot use it unless they dominate the realm. On the contrary, pure blood can use it at will, even blood. The power of rules will automatically overflow."

"Therefore, if you want to open the blockade of the space channel, you must be pure blood!" The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: https :// starry sky dominates the full text reading address: https://www Domination txt download link: down/147180.htmlThe starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click on \"Favorites\" below to record this time (Chapter 1741 Blocked Space Channel) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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