Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1742: News from the Pureblood

"I separated from Yueyin, Wu Sheng and the others, looking for pure blood in the three mermaid kingdoms. If anyone finds one, they will immediately enter the Third Realm at the same time as the others. The other two forces should be the same as us, both Such a plan."

Jian Xinhen said, and then he shook his head regretfully.

"Unfortunately, I searched the entire mermaid country, but did not find the whereabouts of the pure blood, so I shot them all."

"At the moment, I can only hope that Wu Sheng and Yue Yin will have something to gain."

Jian Xinhen frowned slightly, obviously feeling quite distressed.

If there is no pureblood found in the mermaid kingdom, it is mostly hidden somewhere in the second realm, but in the Tianze universe where space movement is completely restricted, I want to find purebloods in the huge second realm. The whereabouts is undoubtedly a needle in a haystack.

Mu Qing and An Shaomu looked at each other. They knew the whereabouts of the pureblood, but due to Haifei's methods, they couldn't say it.

"Since the top three parties have set this problem for us, it means that purebloods must exist, and sooner or later they will find out. You will rest with me for a while, and remember not to go out."

Jian Xinhen said.

An Shaomu was a little confused, and asked, "Why can't you go out? Didn't you say that you want to find the whereabouts of pure blood?"

Jian Xinhen's face sank, purple eyes with strong murderous intent, and said: "Death Hell and the Blood Demon Race seem to be aimed at us. They have united many times to attack us, even if you are the second-tier supreme, there is a risk. ."

At this moment, the two of them finally understood why the newcomer in the royal court of life suffered such a huge loss.

The first-tier supreme and below have suffered most of the casualties, and the second-tier supreme has few left.

You know, the second-order supreme is completely capable, walking to the central area of ​​the second world, and gathering with everyone, the result is not many in the end.

On Jian Xinhen's side, there were originally three second-tier supreme, plus Mu Qing and An Shaomu, this is only five!

The main reason for this situation is that the King of Life has been targeted.

The second-order supreme encounters attacks from the death **** and the blood demons in the middle of the journey, and even a joint attack by both sides, even with the second-order supreme strength, it may not be able to resist it.

Not to mention, besides the ultimate supreme, there are also powerful men like Erhun. Although they are the second-tier supreme, they have cultivated the death sutra, even if they can’t exert their full power, they are not as good as Mu Qing. The ordinary second-order supreme is too much.

Before An Shaomu gathered a group of people, they had encountered Erhun, but there were still several second-order supreme among them, and they were all killed by Erhun.

At the same time, Ehun is still the trump card of the Sky Demon Baby, and even Mu Qing feels tricky and jealous, and doesn't want to face it head-on, let alone the second-order supreme of other life kings. Once met, he will almost certainly die.

"In short, you don't need to worry too much. With our three ultimate supreme beings, you can keep you. When the third realm opens, you can stay in the second realm."

Jian Xinhen said.


A few days later, Mu Qing and An Shaomu rested for a while in this mermaid country.

Over the past few days, Mu Qing has always been in retreat. After all, there are not many people he knows. The other newcomers are like him. They don’t interact much. After realizing the cruelty of these three power ratios, he has no thoughts to go with him. Others communicated.

Although An Shaomu has acquaintances, there is still a threat of poisonous sea snakes deep in his soul, and he has no intention of walking with others.

It is the other three second-tier supreme. Mu Qing met for a while. To his surprise, one of the three was not born in the royal court of life, but was the same as him and Long Mingqing. , Belong to the outside world, join it through assessment.

This person's name is Tianzang, and he comes from a universe smaller than the chaotic universe. Their universe belongs to the growth stage, but Tianzang, a genius, has successfully passed the assessment and joined the King of Life.

Although they didn't reach the top ten with Mu Qing and Long Mingqing, they also reached the fifteenth level. The first assessment was able to reach this point, and it was considered to be the middle and upper reaches of the life king's court.

The remaining two are Lu Tianyu and Shi Yan.

Among the three, only Shiyan is a female, and what makes Mu Qing more concerned about is that Shiyan's parents are strong in the gate of time and space, his father is a master, and his mother is the second-order supreme.

Although Shi Yan is considered to be this group of newcomers, and needs to pass the three-strength ratio to join the inner powers of the King of Life, he is basically a person at the gate of time and space.

Just like An Shaomu, born in the Tianqing Temple, his father is also the ruler of the Tianqing Temple. After he chooses the power, he will naturally choose the Tianqing Temple, and even his father directly treats the Tianqing Temple members to the Tianqing Temple. The Green Sword Scripture was taught to him.


Suddenly, Mu Qing's face changed slightly.

He has been meditating all the time, mainly waiting for the foggy city that Haifei said to open. According to the other party, the foggy city must have a huge change when it is opened, attracting everyone's attention.

At this moment, the venomous snake and sea snake in the depths of his soul moved a few times and did not harm Mu Qing's soul.

Suddenly, he understood that it might be Haifei reminding Mu Qing through the highly venomous sea snake.

"Brother Mu, Senior Brother Jian Xinhen, let us gather for a while." At this time, a tall figure walked up, it was Tianzang, and the opponent was practicing some kind of body-refining dominating scripture, and his body was full of muscles.

Mu Qing nodded and followed Tianzang.

Soon after, the five second-order supreme all gathered next to the blockade of the space passage.

Mu Qing and Tianzang were the last to arrive, and An Shaomu and others were already waiting for them here.

"Brother Jian, did something happen?" Lu Tianyu's voice was softer, he was slender, standing next to An Shaomu, and asked curiously.

"Couldn't it be the guys from Death Hell who attacked it?"

Shi Yan frowned and guessed.

Mu Qing looked at the other party, Shi Yan was full of vigor and beauty, with short white hair and a leather tights, which outlined the perfect figure.

What makes Mu Qing care about is that there is a faint spatial fluctuation in Shi Yan's body.

"Is it the master-level scripture of the power of cultivation space?" Mu Qing guessed in his heart.

I just don't know, in the Tianze Universe where this space is reinforced by the Great Domination, whether Shiyan's Space Domination Scriptures can exert all their original powers.

After noticing Mu Qing's gaze, Shi Yan seemed a little unhappy, and his beautiful eyes gave Mu Qing a vicious look.

Tian Zang is the tallest body, standing at the back, muffled, his expression is puzzled, obviously he is not clear about Jian Xin Mark's intention to gather them together.

Jian Xinhen looked around at everyone, and the purple monster eyes contained endless sword light.

He said lightly: "Just now, after receiving the news from Wu Sheng, a pure-blooded person appeared, which alarmed the little **** king of the blood demon clan."

"According to intelligence, that pureblood has a strength that is stronger than that of the Mermaid King. He is the ultimate supreme, but he is not the opponent of the Little God King. He is being hunted down."

"Although the strength of this pureblood is stronger than expected, we cannot let go of this opportunity. Wu Sheng and Yueyin are also planning to take action. The three of us will leave for a period of time to look for the whereabouts of the pureblood. Let the blood demons and the group of death **** succeed."

"The five of you have the strength of the second-order supreme. It should be no problem to guard this place for me for a while."

After listening to Jian Xinhen's words, everyone's faces showed surprise.

Mu Qing's heart moved. After hearing the news that he was the ultimate pureblood, he suddenly understood that that person was Haifei!

Unexpectedly, Haifei took the initiative to attract the attention of other ultimate supreme as a pureblood.

"Is she trying to lead away all the ultimate supreme, so that I can successfully rescue the sleeping pureblood from Wucheng?" Mu Qing suddenly understood Haifei's intentions.

However, this is a good thing for Mu Qing, if they are all second-tier supreme, with his strength, he can completely overwhelm other second-tier supreme.

"Wait! Could it be false news that deliberately tricked you into the trap?"

Shi Yan Dai frowned, but she knew that there was something between the Blood Demon Race and the Death Hell. They didn't fight each other, and deliberately targeted the King of Life.

If the three of Jian Xinhen went out to find the so-called pure-blood, but in the end they were besieged by a total of six Ultimate Supremes from the Blood Demon Race and the Death Hell, wouldn't it be more fortunate?

"No! The news is accurate, and the alliance relationship between Death Hell and the Blood Demon Race is very fragile. Now that the purebloods appear, they won't join forces to deal with us." Jian Xinhen said firmly.

After all, they are also three Final Supremes, if they are targeted by six Final Supremes, then they can desperately injure one or even two Final Supremes on one side.

You know, there is only one champion of these three power ratios, and if the death **** and the blood demon clan are combined, they will also have a higher one.

If they unite to deal with Jianxinhen, once they are pressed into a hurry, one party will be furiously counterattacked, and in the end it will be cheaper for the other party.

The greatest possibility is that the three parties will kill the pure blood together, and each will get a part of the pure blood.

"It's not too late, I'll leave it to you here."

Jian Xinhen gave a low cry, followed by a flash of his figure, the purple light exploded like thunder, the whole figure was like a divine sword, pierced out, and the sea was split into a path.

In the blink of an eye, the figure of Jian Xinhen disappeared in front of everyone.

The remaining five people looked at each other.

"Since Senior Sword Brother said so, then we will guard this place for a while, not to mention that the ultimate supreme of other forces must also go after the pureblood, there should be no surprises."

Lu Tianyu chuckled.

"What about those guys here? They are all second-tier supreme, they are almost the same in strength, and they can't do anything to us." Shi Yan Jiao snorted, nonchalantly.

An Shaomu gave a wry smile next to him. He wanted to tell the other party that in fact, among the second-order supreme on the side of death hell, there are also abnormals. Erhun's strength is quite terrifying, and the ordinary second-order supreme is really not an opponent.

At the very least, An Shaomu had once fought Ehun with several other second-order supreme, and the ending was terrible, so he escaped smoothly.

However, An Shaomu glanced at Mu Qing and did not say anything.

After all, there is Mu Qing who has cultivated the Eternal Life Sutra, and An Shaomu also knows that Mu Qing's strength is terrible all the way down, so there is really no need to worry about it.


At this moment, a shocking sound spread all over the seabed.

Immediately afterwards, the ground vibrated violently, and the sea water boiled and surged continuously.

"What's the matter?" Shi Yan exclaimed.

"Is the ultimate supreme fighting?" Lu Tianyu was puzzled and looked into the distance.

I saw the extreme distance, the dazzling light burst out, on the originally dark seabed, like a sun, illuminating the surroundings.

Mu Qing and An Shaomu's pupils shrank slightly, and they saw a faint blue sea snake phantom in the blazing white light, which flashed by. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this (Chapter 1742 Pureblood Message), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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