Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1743: The disappeared Tianzang

Soon after Jian Xinhen left, the flaming light group in the distance exploded, and the blue venomous sea snake phantom flickered. This vision was huge and accompanied by a huge noise, it was hard not to pay attention.

The light wave after the explosion of the light group also swept the entire central area of ​​the Second Realm.

No matter who it was, he realized that something was wrong and turned his attention to the vision.

Everyone's gaze also looked over there, showing a look of surprise.

Among them, Mu Qing and An Shaomu saw the venomous sea snake phantom that flashed by, and their hearts suddenly became clear, and it seemed that Fog City had opened!

Concubine Hai said earlier that Fog City is closed, but will open it later.

"When opening the fog city, at the same time appearing as a pureblood to make movement, attracting all the ultimate supreme?"

Mu Qing secretly said in his heart.

It seems that Concubine Hai has planned everything. Even if there is some risk in Wucheng City, it is still an opportunity. However, in contrast, the ultimate sages who desperately want to enter the third realm and seize the Goblet of Fire must be Will choose to catch the pureblood first.

And all this is to pave the way for Mu Qing, as long as Haifei leads the ultimate supreme away, then in the remaining second-order supreme, no one is Mu Qing's opponent!

"Since Fog City has been opened, then I should also find an opportunity to leave and go to Fog City."

Mu Qing glanced at a few people around him and said in his heart.

Except for An Shaomu, although Lu Tianyu and Shi Yan were surprised, they didn't seem to have any intention of leaving the mermaid country here and heading to Wucheng.

As for Tenzo, the big man stood beside him silently, looking very honest.

Mu Qing also understands this. After all, the news of the fog city was informed to him and An Shaomu in advance by Concubine Hai. He understands that this vision is the opening of the fog city, and there are various opportunities in it, and it is the land of Haimodong's fall. , Maybe there is still a large part of the remnant soul.

The others didn't know it at all, they just found a vision and didn't know what it meant at all.

"This movement, maybe the ultimate supreme is really fighting, but I can't tell who it is..." Lu Tianyu said in surprise.

Shi Yan's face was serious, she shook her head, "It's not like the ultimate supreme is fighting, it's more like the birth of some kind of treasure?"

She is also not sure.

"Obviously something happened there, but just before Brother Jian left, he told us to guard this place. It's better not to take care of it." Lu Tianyu shrugged, although he was curious, he didn't have the idea of ​​contacting it.

"Brother Mu, what do you think?" Lu Tianyu looked at Mu Qing.

They have all heard of Mu Qing's rumors, and reached the ninth level in the first assessment. They are a genius even better than Long Mingqing, and they are naturally willing to contact.

You know, even those of them who were born in the royal court of life, failed to reach the top ten in the first assessment.

In contrast, the seemingly honest and honest big man Tianzang was left out of the cold by everyone.

"I don't know, but I am more inclined to the birth of the treasure." Mu Qing vaguely said, and then it was convenient for a few people to leave.

Seeing that Mu Qing was not interested, Lu Tianyu was too lazy to discuss it here.

After a while, the crowd dispersed.

Mu Qing and Tianzang both returned to their temporary residences, while An Shaomu stayed, and Lu Tianyu and Shi Yan gathered together more than 300 other newcomers.

After all, without the asylum of the ultimate supreme, they think it is better for all the newcomers to gather together to avoid any accidents.

A few hours later, Mu Qing informed An Shaomu that he planned to go to Wucheng alone.

"Need help?" An Shaomu asked.

"No, I can solve it, not to mention that after finding the sleeping pureblood, it's easier to evacuate alone." Mu Qing declined the other party.

He concealed his breath, and after bidding farewell to An Shaomu, he quietly left the mermaid country and headed to the direction where the vision appeared.

Here in the mermaid country, An Shaomu and the others are enough. I think there should be no surprises.

In the current situation, the pureblood appeared, and led away all the ultimate supreme.

Immediately afterwards, a foggy city opened again. The other two forces didn't know what the vision meant, but they would definitely send someone to investigate.

The focus is on the purebloods and the fog city on the other. It is basically impossible for anyone to target the mermaid kingdom here without doing anything.

A few days passed.

Lu Tianyu also discovered that Mu Qing had disappeared.

"What? Mu Qing went to explore the place where the vision appeared alone?" Lu Tianyu was surprised when he learned of Mu Qing's whereabouts from An Shaomu's mouth.

Shi Yan was also quite surprised. She remembered that Mu Qing didn't show much interest when the vision appeared at that time, and she didn't expect to sneak past at this time.

For Mu Qing’s behavior, both Lu Tianyu and Shi Yan were speechless, and they couldn’t understand why they had to take the risk in such a dangerous situation as the Three Powers Ratio. It was clear that the ancient tree of blood demon and the **** of death were working together against life. In the case of the royal court.

"Forget it, leave him alone."

Shi Yan shook his head, then frowned again, looking at An Shaomu.

"So what about the big guy Tianzang? What's the matter with him? Go with Mu Qing?"


An Shaomu was stunned, with a weird expression on his face, and asked, "Is Tianzang gone?"

Tian Zang said few words, often muffled his voice, and his sense of presence was also low. If the opponent had the strength of the second-order supreme, he would not care about him at all.

An Shaomu quickly responded: "I don't know anything about Tianzang, I only know where Mu Qing is going."

"Forget it, leave them alone." Lu Tianyu also frowned, with a trace of displeasure in his expression.

He said: "This day Zang and Mu Qing are both people from the outside world. It is estimated that they have gotten together and are looking for visions together. We don't care about them either."

Lu Tianyu originally had a good impression of these two people, but now Jian Xin Hen clearly asked them to guard the place, the two people secretly left, and the impression suddenly deteriorated a lot.

An Shaomu was silent. He knew quite well that Mu Qing had gone to Wucheng, but what happened to Tianzang?

Deep under the sea.

Mu Qing is rushing forward. At this time, the distant vision has gradually faded away, but Mu Qing already knows the general direction, not to mention the specific location of the fog city in the soul contract symbol.

He went to Wucheng, in addition to completing Haifei's work, he was also searching for enough second-level treasures.

"My current strength is considered quite strong in the second-order supreme, but this is far from enough. In the three-power ratio, the goal that needs to be faced is the ultimate supreme after all, unless I have been hiding in the second world."

Mu Qing's face was solemn, thinking in his heart.

The strength of the ultimate supreme surpassed him, even if Mu Qing used the power of the starry sky book to temporarily raise a dominance-level scripture to the state of consummation, at most he would escape in front of the ultimate supreme.

If you want to enter the third realm and compete with the ultimate supreme, you must step into the ranks of the ultimate supreme!

At the same time, Mu Qing is not invincible in the second-order supreme, at least facing Ehun, Mu Qing is not an opponent.

Only Ehun alone, Mu Qing is naturally not afraid, but this Ehun has a certain hole card, and the summoned Heavenly Demon Baby, the strength is suspected to be the ultimate supreme.

"Also, it is definitely not accidental that Ehun and Tiandi look so similar, there is a certain secret in this!" Mu Qing's eyes flashed with killing intent.

He is anxious to reach the ultimate supreme, mainly because of Erhun.

With the strength of the second-order supreme, at best, he defeated Ehun, but the opponent summoned the baby of the heavenly devil, and he was gone, and he even had to use time to suspend this taboo ability to escape.

If Mu Qing has the ultimate strength and can compete with the Tianma Baby, maybe he can find a chance to kill Ehun, and thoroughly study what the other party has to do with the Emperor of Heaven.

"I hope there are enough second-level treasures and dominate the remnant souls in Fog City!"

Mu Qing took a deep breath, and then moved faster.

In the middle of the journey, Mu Qing took out purple eyeballs. When triggered, his breath completely converged, and his appearance turned into a blood demon clan.

Now alone, Mu Qing can disguise as much as he wants.

Even the blood demon clan and the people of the death **** seemed to plan to join forces, so that Mu Qing disguised as the blood demon clan, the people of the death **** might not be too wary of him.

After most of the day, Mu Qing keenly noticed that a faint white mist appeared on the dark bottom of the sea.

Mu Qing felt some discomfort and immediately activated the evil nerves to disperse the white mist that had invaded the body.

"This is Soul Extinguishing Mist?"

Mu Qing looked at the faint mist around him.

Fog can threaten the soul, and even unable to resist with conventional means, the first-order supreme comes here, mostly to be destroyed by the fog.

According to Haifei, this mist is ineffective to the mermaid tribe, and it is a means arranged by the sea king Haimodong.

However, as long as it is the second-order supreme, there will be no big problems here, with the strength of the second-order supreme, how much can he withstand this soul-extinguishing mist.

Of course, there is no means for the soul, even if the second-order supreme can withstand the mist of the soul, most of the combat power will be lost in battle.

"In this way, someone like me who has cultivated soul-type scriptures can resist most of the influence of the soul-killing mist, and the degree of strength decline is not large." Mu Qing touched his chin.

In this way, if he enters the foggy city, he may still be able to take advantage of it.

"It's not necessarily. The guys in the death **** will basically attack with a few hands of souls. If they also come to the fog city, they will not be affected too much. The ones who really want to be affected should be the people in the royal court of our lives. Blood Demon Race."

Mu Qing thought.

He continued to move forward, and through the Eternal Life Sutra, keenly observed groups of powerful vitality emerging.

"It's people from the other two forces!" Mu Qing suddenly had a judgment, he thought about it, and then walked away.

These are powerful and powerful, and they are basically the second-order supreme, and they are still in groups. Although Mu Qing is not afraid, he still does not want to face directly and choose to avoid it.

Others didn’t find him at all. First, the purple eyeballs helped Mu Qing shield his breath, and the second was that at the bottom of the sea, the original perception was greatly restricted, and Mu Qing’s eternal life sutra was able to directly see the vitality and detect it in advance. .

However, the Eternal Life Sutra is not effective against the powerhouses of death hell. After all, they have no vitality at all, so Mu Qing judged that the group of people he noticed were the powerhouses of the Blood Demon Race. Starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Domination txt download address: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of next time To read, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (the disappeared Tianzang in Chapter 1743), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support ! (

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