Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1744: Outside the foggy city

"It's a trouble. The Eternal Life Sutra can't perceive people in death hell."

Mu Qing pondered.

In the first realm, the only restrictions are the ability to move and shuttle.

As for this second realm, there was one more restriction, which was caused by being on the bottom of the sea. The surrounding seawater didn't have any threatening power, but it greatly restricted their perception ability.

Not only the visual acuity or perception, or some special detection methods, have been completely restricted.

Of course, for Mu Qing, the impact is very small. His World Snake ability and Eternal Life Sutra can ignore these restrictions.

The only regret is that the Eternal Life Sutra can only perceive vitality, so Mu Qing, a strong man in the death hell, can’t perceive it. In this seabed with extremely low perceptual power, I’m afraid that it will only be possible to perceive each other’s face when he meets face to face. exist.

"However, the Blood Demon Race and Death Hell have reached a consensus, to work together against the people in the Royal Court of Life, I am now wearing the skin of the Blood Demon Race, even if I accidentally encounter a strong man in Death Hell, it should be fine."

Mu Qing thought.

Besides, even if you really encounter a strong man in death hell, it is a big deal to kill.

He continued to rush forward, and could perceive that the masses of life in the distance were getting more and more vigorous. Obviously, after the Blood Demon Race noticed the vision here, he rushed over immediately, trying to find out what happened.

Mu Qing went around directly, and soon discovered that the surrounding fog was getting thicker and more harmful to the soul.

At this level, Mu Qing had to release the evil spirit of the evil spirit. The double-faced evil spirit appeared behind Mu Qing, and the frontal evil **** of destruction opened his fangs and swallowed the mist close to Mu Qing.

"The Scarlet Ruler can create rare soul-type scriptures, but also has some means." Mu Qing sighed.

With the protection of the evil nerves, the harm of the surrounding fog to his soul has been reduced to the minimum, resisting most of it.

He continued to rush towards the mist, and soon a huge city appeared in front of him. This huge city was looming in the white mist, like a giant dormant in the dark, and a sense of suffocation came to his face.


Suddenly, Mu Qing stopped. Surrounded by the fog, three figures appeared not far in front of him.

The Eternal Life Sutra did not notice any vitality, and was clearly a strong man in death hell.

The distance between the two parties is already considered close. When Mu Qing found each other, the other party had also found Mu Qing.

"Blood Demon Race?"

At the head was a very pale man with dark eyes and black air lingering all over his body.

The two next to them are ferocious demons, with sharp claws and fangs, blood-red scales and stout tails.

Mu Qing remained silent and looked at these three guys. The pale man headed by him was the second-order supreme, and the two demons next to him were the first-order supreme.

"Don't bother."

The pale man glanced at Mu Qing, unable to see the specific aura of the other party, his eyes condensed slightly, but he didn't care much.

He had already received news from the little lich that the blood demons and their death **** planned to temporarily cease the war, first targeting the people in the royal court of life.

The little lich is the most enchanting ultimate supreme in their death hell, and can be comparable to the little **** king of the blood demon clan. Their nicknames indicate that they have great potential, and they must be powerful masters in the future. .

And this so-called targeting at the Royal Palace of Life is for those of them, the second-tier supreme and below, obviously they plan to get rid of the rest of the Royal Palace of Life first, and then slowly deal with the ultimate supreme such as Wu Sheng.

Because he had been told a long time ago, when he encountered the blood demon clan, the pale man's complexion did not change much. After paying attention, he withdrew his gaze, took the two demon men, and continued to the location of the giant city in front of him.

After all, the consensus reached by the two parties was to stop the war first, not to proceed directly with the alliance, so he did not come forward to communicate with Mu Qing, just as he hadn't seen it.

Watching the three of them turn around and move on, Mu Qing disguised as a blood demon gave a weird smile.


In an instant, Mu Qing exploded directly, and a long life finger followed the dragon's Yin and smashed against the pale man.

The terrifying vitality energy burned, followed by a loud noise, the surrounding sea water exploded, and the boundless might suppressed it.

"No! Get out!"

The pale man did not expect that this blood demon race would actually attack him, even that force was much stronger than him, and faintly restrained the death in his body!

But it was too late, and the pale man was directly pushed into the depths of the seabed by a huge finger, and his body appeared to be cracked in a large area.

The two demons next to him were able to react, but it was Mu Qing's body that faced them.

Mu Qing reached out with his big hand, the Sun Sutra and the evil nerves unfolded, and the fire of the sun and the fierce fire descended at the same time, burning these two demons into nothingness!

But it is the first-order supreme, and can't resist Mu Qing's move at all.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Qing came to the pale man. After Mu Qing deliberately stopped, this person had not yet fallen.

It is also the second-order supreme, but the opponent and Mu Qing are too far apart.

This pale man only cultivated a dominance-level scripture to the realm of Dacheng, reaching the second-order supreme.

He is not even as good as An Shaomu. An Shaomu is the second-order supreme in the scriptures of the Great Domination anyway. It can be said that this guy is the most common second-order supreme.

In contrast, Mu Qing possesses the immense power of the eight realms starry sky, multiple master-level scriptures, plus a supreme master-level scripture, and the restraint of the eternal life scripture, to deal with this dead pale man. It's not too easy.

"Patient mind."

Picture after picture of memory appeared in Mu Qing's mind, and a large amount of memory information poured in.

As before, Mu Qing directly discarded most of the memories in front of him, and only checked the recent memory fragments of this guy.

"Remember...for the King of Life first..."

"The pureblood has stay here..."

"Vision? It is very possible that a treasure will be born..."

"Go, go and see..."

Mu Qing frowned, digesting the memory in his mind.

He glanced at the dying pale man in front of him, and with a move of his mind, a spear of chaos penetrated and completely killed him.

"Little Lich and they really are looking for pure blood." Mu Qing touched his chin, this time he also got some information.

In the picture of this guy's memory, there is a picture of a little lich, a skeleton as white as jade, with golden ghost fire burning in its hollow eye sockets, wearing a black robe with golden patterns.

And what is certain is that the little lich, the ultimate supreme, did not come to Wucheng, just like Jian Xinhen, he received the news of the appearance of the pureblood, and immediately went to chase the pureblood.

"These guys think that the appearance of the vision is a treasure, so they brought some people over, ten second-order supreme and more than fifty first-order supreme."

Mu Qing whispered, this is all the news that the pale man can know.

However, this number is only in the mermaid kingdom where the little lich is seated. You must know that Death Hell occupies three mermaid kingdoms, and whether people from the other two places will come, this pale man doesn't know.

"No news from Urhun."

Mu Qing had some regrets, it seemed that Urhun was not in the mermaid kingdom occupied by the little lich.

Now Mu Qing's strength is probably between the second-tier supreme and the final-tier supreme.

Ordinary second-tier supreme encounters Mu Qing, basically to the extent of being crushed, after all, Mu Qing cultivates the Supreme Scripture Eternal Life Sutra, which exceeds other scriptures too much, not to mention that Mu Qing can fully exert the power of the Eternal Life Sutra. Come out, this has never happened in countless years.

But the ultimate supreme, Mu Qing is not completely an opponent, there is a huge difference between the second and final stages.

Among all the second-order supreme, the only one who can barely contend with Mu Qing is Ehun. The other party can display part of the power of the death sutra. Although it is not as good as Mu Qing, it can also contend, not to mention that the other party has a baby of the gods. Beside, I really want to summon, Mu Qing is not an opponent either.

Mu Qing only paid attention to the news of Ehun.

Now, the ultimate supreme has been led away by Concubine Hai, and only Erhun can cause trouble to Mu Qing. He needs to know the other party's information, and Erhun will most likely come to Wucheng.

After solving the three death **** people, Mu Qing continued to move forward.

The power of the eight realms starry sky in his body is too vast, and this battle is not a waste to him at all.

After getting closer, Mu Qing finally came to the outside of Wucheng.

The entire fog city is very huge, three or four times bigger than the mermaid country.

Right now, Mu Qing could only see the outer walls of Wucheng City, the only entrance was the city gate!

The city gate can be ten thousand meters tall, like a huge mouth in the abyss, everything inside is invisible and blocked by thick fog.

When Mu Qing came here, he found a lot of people gathered around, but no one took action.

Looking around, Mu Qing found that there were two groups of people on the left and right. On the left was the powerhouse of Death Hell, and on the right was the Blood Demon Race.

He didn't see the people in the royal court of life.

Obviously, the second-order supreme of the King of Life was greatly damaged, and they had received news that they knew that the blood demons and the death **** would target them, even if they saw a vision, they would not come out to blend.

Mu Qing was quite conscious, and quietly came to the back of the blood demon clan's team.

Almost everyone's attention is on the fog city, they are still groping, because they don't know what kind of danger the fog city exists, so they dare not enter.

After all, just the surrounding fog is a crisis to the soul. Without Mu Qing's soul-type scriptures, it is difficult to resist the fog, and can only resist it, and the second-order supreme will be affected to a certain extent.

It can be seen that everyone of the blood demon clan frowned, being invaded by the soul-killing mist.

There was even a first-order supreme who uttered a scream on the spot, and collapsed silently to the ground.

If you want to enter the fog city, you must at least have the strength of the second-order supreme!

The faces of the blood demons were extremely solemn, and they realized the danger of the fog.

Under this circumstance, no one paid much attention to Mu Qing, a strange blood demon clan.

On the other hand, the powerhouses of Death Hell are pretty good, they are basically good at soul methods, and their resistance is stronger than that of the Blood Demon Race.

If there is a strong person in the death **** who cultivates soul-type scriptures, it is estimated that they will be completely immune to the soul-killing mist.

After all, Mu Qing could only resist most of the harm by relying on evil nerves. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this reading record (outside Chapter 1744 Fog City), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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